Self-Esteem in Female Adolescents and Relationships of Its Predictors with Culture
Year 2022,
Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 358 - 370, 30.09.2022
Didem Kaynak
Yaren Irgıt
Soner Çakmak
Self-esteem is individuals’ subjective appraisals about their self-worth. It is widely accepted that self-esteem is an important factor in adolescent
development and has been suggested to have important links with adolescent well-being. The gender factor in self-esteem has been included in
many studies. Gender roles and stereotypes, body image, parental style, and cultural norms become prominent as the self-esteem predictors we
focus on in the female gender. The purpose of this review article is to discuss the findings on culture-related differences with effective predictors
of adolescent women’s self-esteem development. As a result, it has been determined that perceptions of gender roles, parental styles, and body
image have changed in the cultural context, and have different effects on the development of self-esteem in female adolescents.
- Agam R, Tamir S, Golan M (2015) Gender Differences in Respect to Self-Esteem and Body Image as Well as Response to Adolescents’ School-Based Prevention Programs. Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry, 2(5).
- Aoyagi K, Santos CE, Updegraff KA (2018) Longitudinal Associations between Gender and Ethnic-Racial Identity Felt Pressure from Family and Peers and Self-Esteem among African American and Latino/a Youth. J Youth Adolesc, 47(1):207-221.
- Birkeland MS, Melkevik O, Holsen I, Wold B (2012) Trajectories of global self-esteem development during adolescence. J Adolesc, 35(1):43-54.
- Bachman JG, O'Malley PM, Freedman-Doan P, Trzesniewski KH, Donnellan MB (2011) Adolescent Self-Esteem: Differences by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Age. Self Identity, 10(4):445-473.
- Baumrind D (1971) Current Patterns of Parental Authority. Dev Psychol, 4(1,Pt.2):1-103.
- Bean RA, Bush KR, McKenry PC, Wilson SM (2003) The Impact of Parental Support, Behavioral Control, and Psychological Control on the Academic Achievement and Self-esteem of African American and European American Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 18(5):523-541.
- Becker M, Vignoles VL, Owe E, Easterbrook MJ, Brown R, Smith PB, Bond MH, et al. (2014) Cultural bases for self-evaluation: seeing oneself positively in different cultural contexts. Pers Soc Psychol Bull, 40(5):657-75.
- Becker M, Vignoles VL, Owe E, Brown R, Smith PB, Easterbrook M, et al. (2012) Culture and the distinctiveness motive: constructing identity in individualistic and collectivistic contexts. J Pers Soc Psychol, 102(4):833-55.
- Beckmann L, Bergmann MC, Fischer F, Mößle T (2021) Risk and Protective Factors of Child-to-Parent Violence: A Comparison Between Physical and Verbal Aggression. J Interpers Violence, 36(3-4):NP1309-1334NP.
- Biro FM, Striegel-Moore RH, Franko DL, Padgett J, Bean JA (2006) Self-esteem in adolescent females. J Adolesc Health, 39(4):501-7.
- Bleidorn W, Arslan RC, Denissen JJ, Rentfrow PJ, Gebauer JE, Potter J, et al. (2016) Age and gender differences in self-esteem-A cross-cultural window. J Pers Soc Psychol, 111(3):396-410.
- Brumberg JJ (1997) The Body Project, 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House.
- Bully P, Jaureguizar J, Bernaras E, Redondo I (2019) Relationship between Parental Socialization, Emotional Symptoms, and Academic Performance during Adolescence: The Influence of Parents' and Teenagers' Gender. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 25;16(12):2231.
- Cai H, Brown JD, Deng C, Oakes MA (2007) Self-esteem and Culture: Differences in Cognitive Self-evaluations or Affective Self-regard? Asian J Soc Psychol, 10(3):162-170.
- Carlson Jones D (2004) Body Image Among Adolescent Girls and Boys: A Longitudinal Study. Dev Psychol, 40(5):823-35.
- Carver PR, Yunger JL, Perry DG (2003) Gender and Adjustment in Middle Childhood. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 49(3-4):95-109.
- Chao RK (1994) Beyond parental control and authoritarian parenting style: understanding Chinese parenting through the cultural notion of training. Child Dev, 65(4):1111-9.
- Chao RK (2001) Extending research on the consequences of parenting style for Chinese Americans and European Americans. Child Dev, 72(6):1832-43.
- Chapman PL, Mullis RL (2000) Racial differences in adolescent coping and self-esteem. J Genet Psychol, 161(2):152-60.
- Chavous TM, Rivas-Drake D, Smalls C, Griffin T, Cogburn C (2008) Gender matters, too: the influences of school racial discrimination and racial identity on academic engagement outcomes among African American adolescents. Dev Psychol, 44(3):637-54.
- Clay DL, Vignoles V, Dittmar H (2005) Body Image and Self-Esteem Among Adolescent Girls: Testing the Influence of Sociocultural Factors. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 15(4):451-477.
- Constantine MG, Alleyne VL, Wallace BC, Franklin-Jackson DC (2006) Africentric Cultural Values: Their Relation to Positive Mental Health in African American Adolescent Girls. Journal of Black Psychology, 32(2):141-154.
- Corning AF (2002) Self-esteem as a Moderator Between Perceived Discrimination and Psychological Distress Among Women. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 49(1):117-126.
- DeHart T, Pelham BW, Tennen H (2006) What Lies Beneath: Parenting Style and Implicit Self-esteem. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 42(1):1-17.
- Du H, Jonas E, Klackl J, Agroskin D, Hui E, Ma L (2013) Cultural Influences on Terror Management: Independent and Interdependent Self-esteem as Anxiety Buffers. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49:1002-1011.
- Egan SK, Perry DG (2001) Gender identity: a multidimensional analysis with implications for psychosocial adjustment. Dev Psychol, 37(4):451-63.
- Errasti JM, Amigo Vázquez I, Villadangos M, Morís J (2018) Differences between individualist and collectivist cultures in emotional Facebook usage: relationship with empathy, self-esteem, and narcissism. Psicothema, 30(4):376-381.
- Erol RY, Orth U (2011) Self-esteem development from age 14 to 30 years: a longitudinal study. J Pers Soc Psychol, 101(3):607-19.
- Eskin M (2003) Self-reported assertiveness in Swedish and Turkish adolescents: a cross-cultural comparison. Scand J Psychol, 44(1):7-12.
- Farruggia SP, Chen C, Greenberger E, Dmitrieva J, Macek P (2004) Adolescent Self-Esteem in Cross- Cultural Perspective: Testing Measurement Equivalence and a Mediation Model. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35(6):719–733.
- Gardner RM, Friedman BN, Stark K, Jackson NA (1999) Body-size estimations in children six through fourteen: a longitudinal study. Percept Mot Skills, 88(2):541-55.
- Gebauer JE, Wagner J, Sedikides C, Neberich W (2013) Agency-communion and self-esteem relations are moderated by culture, religiosity, age, and sex: evidence for the "self-centrality breeds self-enhancement" principle. J Pers, 81(3):261-75.
- Gebauer JE, Sedikides C, Wagner J, Bleidorn W, Rentfrow PJ, Potter J, et al. (2015) Cultural norm fulfillment, interpersonal belonging, or getting ahead? A large-scale cross-cultural test of three perspectives on the function of self-esteem. J Pers Soc Psychol, 109(3):526-548.
- Gentile B, Grabe S, Dolan-Pascoe B, Twenge JM, Wells BE, Maitino A (2009) Gender Differences in Domain-Specific Self-Esteem: A Meta-Analysis. Review of General Psychology, 13(1), 34–45.
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- Hosokawa R, Katsura T (2018) Role of Parenting Style in Children's Behavioral Problems through the Transition from Preschool to Elementary School According to Gender in Japan. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 21;16(1):21.
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Ergenlik Dönemindeki Kız Çocuklarında Benlik Saygısı ve Yordayıcılarının Kültürle İlişkisi
Year 2022,
Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 358 - 370, 30.09.2022
Didem Kaynak
Yaren Irgıt
Soner Çakmak
Benlik saygısı, kişinin kendine ilişkin değerine yönelik öznel değerlendirmeleridir. Benlik saygısının ergen gelişiminde önemli bir faktör olduğu yaygın olarak kabul edilmektedir ve ergenlikte iyi oluşla önemli bağlantıları olduğu öne sürülmüştür. Benlik saygısında cinsiyet faktörü birçok çalışmada yer bulmuştur. Kadın cinsiyetinde odaklandığımız benlik saygısı yordayıcıları olarak cinsiyet rolleri ve stereotipleri, beden imgesi, ebeveyn stili ve kültürel normlar öne çıkmaktadır. Bu derleme makalesindeki amaç, ergenlik çağındaki kadınların benlik saygısı gelişiminde etkili yordayıcılarla birlikte kültürle ilişkili farklılıklarına yönelik bulguları tartışmaktır. Son 20 yılda ergenlik çağındaki benlik saygısına ilişkin kültürlerarası, boylamsal ve enlemesine araştırma yöntemleriyle yapılmış çalışmalar gözden geçirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak cinsiyet rolleri, ebeveyn stilleri ve beden imgesine yönelik algıların kültürel bağlamda değişiklik göstererek kadın ergenlerde benlik saygısı gelişiminde farklı etkiler oluşturduğu belirlenmiştir.
- Agam R, Tamir S, Golan M (2015) Gender Differences in Respect to Self-Esteem and Body Image as Well as Response to Adolescents’ School-Based Prevention Programs. Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry, 2(5).
- Aoyagi K, Santos CE, Updegraff KA (2018) Longitudinal Associations between Gender and Ethnic-Racial Identity Felt Pressure from Family and Peers and Self-Esteem among African American and Latino/a Youth. J Youth Adolesc, 47(1):207-221.
- Birkeland MS, Melkevik O, Holsen I, Wold B (2012) Trajectories of global self-esteem development during adolescence. J Adolesc, 35(1):43-54.
- Bachman JG, O'Malley PM, Freedman-Doan P, Trzesniewski KH, Donnellan MB (2011) Adolescent Self-Esteem: Differences by Race/Ethnicity, Gender, and Age. Self Identity, 10(4):445-473.
- Baumrind D (1971) Current Patterns of Parental Authority. Dev Psychol, 4(1,Pt.2):1-103.
- Bean RA, Bush KR, McKenry PC, Wilson SM (2003) The Impact of Parental Support, Behavioral Control, and Psychological Control on the Academic Achievement and Self-esteem of African American and European American Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Research, 18(5):523-541.
- Becker M, Vignoles VL, Owe E, Easterbrook MJ, Brown R, Smith PB, Bond MH, et al. (2014) Cultural bases for self-evaluation: seeing oneself positively in different cultural contexts. Pers Soc Psychol Bull, 40(5):657-75.
- Becker M, Vignoles VL, Owe E, Brown R, Smith PB, Easterbrook M, et al. (2012) Culture and the distinctiveness motive: constructing identity in individualistic and collectivistic contexts. J Pers Soc Psychol, 102(4):833-55.
- Beckmann L, Bergmann MC, Fischer F, Mößle T (2021) Risk and Protective Factors of Child-to-Parent Violence: A Comparison Between Physical and Verbal Aggression. J Interpers Violence, 36(3-4):NP1309-1334NP.
- Biro FM, Striegel-Moore RH, Franko DL, Padgett J, Bean JA (2006) Self-esteem in adolescent females. J Adolesc Health, 39(4):501-7.
- Bleidorn W, Arslan RC, Denissen JJ, Rentfrow PJ, Gebauer JE, Potter J, et al. (2016) Age and gender differences in self-esteem-A cross-cultural window. J Pers Soc Psychol, 111(3):396-410.
- Brumberg JJ (1997) The Body Project, 1st ed. New York, NY: Random House.
- Bully P, Jaureguizar J, Bernaras E, Redondo I (2019) Relationship between Parental Socialization, Emotional Symptoms, and Academic Performance during Adolescence: The Influence of Parents' and Teenagers' Gender. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 25;16(12):2231.
- Cai H, Brown JD, Deng C, Oakes MA (2007) Self-esteem and Culture: Differences in Cognitive Self-evaluations or Affective Self-regard? Asian J Soc Psychol, 10(3):162-170.
- Carlson Jones D (2004) Body Image Among Adolescent Girls and Boys: A Longitudinal Study. Dev Psychol, 40(5):823-35.
- Carver PR, Yunger JL, Perry DG (2003) Gender and Adjustment in Middle Childhood. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 49(3-4):95-109.
- Chao RK (1994) Beyond parental control and authoritarian parenting style: understanding Chinese parenting through the cultural notion of training. Child Dev, 65(4):1111-9.
- Chao RK (2001) Extending research on the consequences of parenting style for Chinese Americans and European Americans. Child Dev, 72(6):1832-43.
- Chapman PL, Mullis RL (2000) Racial differences in adolescent coping and self-esteem. J Genet Psychol, 161(2):152-60.
- Chavous TM, Rivas-Drake D, Smalls C, Griffin T, Cogburn C (2008) Gender matters, too: the influences of school racial discrimination and racial identity on academic engagement outcomes among African American adolescents. Dev Psychol, 44(3):637-54.
- Clay DL, Vignoles V, Dittmar H (2005) Body Image and Self-Esteem Among Adolescent Girls: Testing the Influence of Sociocultural Factors. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 15(4):451-477.
- Constantine MG, Alleyne VL, Wallace BC, Franklin-Jackson DC (2006) Africentric Cultural Values: Their Relation to Positive Mental Health in African American Adolescent Girls. Journal of Black Psychology, 32(2):141-154.
- Corning AF (2002) Self-esteem as a Moderator Between Perceived Discrimination and Psychological Distress Among Women. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 49(1):117-126.
- DeHart T, Pelham BW, Tennen H (2006) What Lies Beneath: Parenting Style and Implicit Self-esteem. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 42(1):1-17.
- Du H, Jonas E, Klackl J, Agroskin D, Hui E, Ma L (2013) Cultural Influences on Terror Management: Independent and Interdependent Self-esteem as Anxiety Buffers. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49:1002-1011.
- Egan SK, Perry DG (2001) Gender identity: a multidimensional analysis with implications for psychosocial adjustment. Dev Psychol, 37(4):451-63.
- Errasti JM, Amigo Vázquez I, Villadangos M, Morís J (2018) Differences between individualist and collectivist cultures in emotional Facebook usage: relationship with empathy, self-esteem, and narcissism. Psicothema, 30(4):376-381.
- Erol RY, Orth U (2011) Self-esteem development from age 14 to 30 years: a longitudinal study. J Pers Soc Psychol, 101(3):607-19.
- Eskin M (2003) Self-reported assertiveness in Swedish and Turkish adolescents: a cross-cultural comparison. Scand J Psychol, 44(1):7-12.
- Farruggia SP, Chen C, Greenberger E, Dmitrieva J, Macek P (2004) Adolescent Self-Esteem in Cross- Cultural Perspective: Testing Measurement Equivalence and a Mediation Model. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 35(6):719–733.
- Gardner RM, Friedman BN, Stark K, Jackson NA (1999) Body-size estimations in children six through fourteen: a longitudinal study. Percept Mot Skills, 88(2):541-55.
- Gebauer JE, Wagner J, Sedikides C, Neberich W (2013) Agency-communion and self-esteem relations are moderated by culture, religiosity, age, and sex: evidence for the "self-centrality breeds self-enhancement" principle. J Pers, 81(3):261-75.
- Gebauer JE, Sedikides C, Wagner J, Bleidorn W, Rentfrow PJ, Potter J, et al. (2015) Cultural norm fulfillment, interpersonal belonging, or getting ahead? A large-scale cross-cultural test of three perspectives on the function of self-esteem. J Pers Soc Psychol, 109(3):526-548.
- Gentile B, Grabe S, Dolan-Pascoe B, Twenge JM, Wells BE, Maitino A (2009) Gender Differences in Domain-Specific Self-Esteem: A Meta-Analysis. Review of General Psychology, 13(1), 34–45.
- Greene ML, Way N (2005) Self-Esteem Trajectories among Ethnic Minority Adolescents: A Growth Curve Analysis of the Patterns and Predictors of Change. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 15(2):151–178.
- Guinn B, Semper T, Jorgensen L (1997) Mexican American Female Adolescent Self-Esteem: The Effect of Body Image, Exercise Behavior, and Body Fatness. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 19(4):517–526.
- Harter S (1998) The development of self-representations. Handbook of child psychology: Social, emotional, and personality development, 8th ed. (Eds. In N. Eisenberg):553–617. New York, NY: Wiley.
- Hoffman ML, Powlishta KK, White KJ (2004) An Examination of Gender Differences in Adolescent Adjustment: The Effect of Competence on Gender Role Differences in Symptoms of Psychopathology. Sex Roles, 50(11/12):795–810.
- Hosokawa R, Katsura T (2018) Role of Parenting Style in Children's Behavioral Problems through the Transition from Preschool to Elementary School According to Gender in Japan. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 21;16(1):21.
- Hughes D, Rodriguez J, Smith EP, Johnson DJ, Stevenson HC, Spicer P (2006) Parents' ethnic-racial socialization practices: a review of research and directions for future study. Dev Psychol, 42(5):747-70.
- Jung J, Lee SH (2006) Cross-Cultural Comparisons of Appearance Self-Schema, Body Image, Self-Esteem, and Dieting Behavior Between Korean and U.S. Women. Fam Consum Sci Res J, 34(4):350–365.
- Khanlou N (2004) Influences on adolescent self-esteem in multicultural Canadian secondary schools. Public Health Nurs, 21(5):404-11.
- Kim O, Kim K (2003) Comparisons of body mass index, perception of body weight, body shape satisfaction, and self-esteem among Korean adolescents. Percept Mot Skills, 97(3 Pt 2):1339-46.
- Kim O, Kim K (2001) Body weight, self-esteem, and depression in Korean female. Adolescence, 36(142):315-22.
- Kim H, Markus HR (1999) Deviance or Uniqueness, Harmony or Conformity? A Cultural Analysis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(4):785–800.
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