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Cultural Dimensions of Emotion Regulation

Year 2023, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 441 - 450, 30.09.2023


This review aims to evaluate the connections between emotion regulation and cultural elements via different theoretical frameworks. For this purpose, one of the most used emotion regulation models in the literature, Gross's model is briefly explained. Also, cultural elements are discussed by focusing on socialization practices, social rules, cultural scenarios, cultural values, and cultural differences highlighted in these concepts. Besides, the cultural differences in emotional expression and regulation through cultural values are presented by using two different theories and related research. The results of these research show that suppression can be adaptive and functional in different cultural contexts, and different levels of analysis can be combined to explain the processes of emotional behavior.


  • Bonanno GA, Keltner D, Holen A, Horowitz MJ (1995) When avoiding unpleasant emotions might not be such a bad thing: Verbal–autonomic response dissociation and midlife conjugal bereavement. J Pers Soc Psychol, 69:975–989.
  • Bonanno GA, Noll JG, Putnam FW, O’Neill M, Trickett, PK (2003) Predicting the willingness to disclose childhood sexual abuse from measures of repressive coping and dissociative tendencies. Child Maltreat, 8:302–318.
  • Butler EA, Lee TL, Gross JJ (2007) Emotion regulation and culture: Are the social consequences of emotion suppression culture-specific? Emotion, 7:30–48.
  • Campbell-Sills L, Barlow DH, Brown TA, Hofmann SG (2006) Acceptability and suppression of negative emotion in anxiety and mood disorders. Emotion, 6:587–595 . Campos JJ, Thein S, Owen D (2003) A Darwinian legacy to understanding human infancy: Emotional expressions as behavior regulators. In, Emotions inside out: 130 years after Darwin’s The expression of the emotions in man and animals (Eds P Ekman, J Campos, R Davidson, F de Waal):110–134. New York, University Press.
  • Campos J, Frankel CB, Camras, L (2004) On the nature of emotion regulation. Child Dev, 75:377-394.
  • Cassidy J (2000) The complexity of the caregiving system: a perspective from attachment theory. Psychol Inq, 11:86–91.
  • Cassidy J, Shaver PR (2008) Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications, 2nd ed. New York, Guilford.
  • Cioffi D, Holloway J (1993) Delayed costs of suppressed pain. J Pers Soc Psychol, 64:274–282.
  • Diener E, Diener M (1995) Cross cultural correlates of life satisfaction and self-esteem. J Pers Soc Psychol, 68:653-663.
  • Doan SN, Wang Q (2010) Maternal discussions of mental states and behaviors: Relations to emotion situation knowledge in European American and immigrant Chinese children. Child Dev, 81:1490–1503.
  • Eid M, Diener E (2001) Norms for experiencing emotions in different cultures: Inter and intranational differences. J Pers Soc Psychol, 81:869–885.
  • Eisenberg N (2000) Emotion, regulation, and moral development. Annu Rev Psychol, 51:665–697.
  • Eisenberg N, Fabes, RA, Guthrie, IK, Murphy BC, Maszk P (1996) The relations of regulation and emotionality to problem behavior in elementary school children. Dev Psychopathol, 8:141-162.
  • Feldman Barrett L (1996) Hedonic tone, perceived arousal, and item desirability: Three components of self-reported mood. Cogn Emot, 19:47–68.
  • Frijda NH (1986) The emotions. England: Cambridge University Press.
  • Halberstadt G, Lozada, FT (2011) Emotion development in infancy through the lens of culture. Emot Rev, 3:158-168.
  • Greenspan SI, Shanker, SG (2004) The first idea: How symbols, language, and intelligence evolved from our primate ancestors to modern humans. Cambridge: Da Capo Press.
  • Gross JJ (1998) Antecedent- and response-focused emotion regulation: Divergent consequences for experience, expression, and physiology. J Pers Soc Psychol, 74:224–237.
  • Gross JJ (2001) Emotion regulation in adulthood: Timing is everything. Cur Dir Psychol Sci, 10:214–219.
  • Gross JJ (2007) Handbook of emotion regulation. New York: Guilford Press
  • Gross JJ, John OP (2003) Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. J Pers Soc Psychol, 85:348–362.
  • Gross JJ, Levenson RW (1997) Hiding feelings: The acute effects of inhibiting negative and positive emotion. J Abnorm Psychol, 106:95–103.
  • Grusec JE (2011) Socialization processes in the family: Social and emotional development. Annu Rev Psychol, 62:243-269.
  • Haga SM, Kraft P,Corby EK (2009) Emotion regulation: antecedents and well-being outcomes of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression in cross-cultural samples. J Happiness Stud, 3:271-291.
  • Heider KG (1991) Landscapes of emotion: Mapping three cultures of emotion in Indonesia. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hofstede GH (1980) Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
  • Hofstede G (2001) Culture’s consequences (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Hofstede G, Hofstede GJ (2005) Cultures and organizations. Software of the mind (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Izard CE (1977) Human emotions. New York: Plenum.
  • Izard CE (2002) Translating emotion theory and research into preventive interventions. Psychol Bull, 128:796-824.
  • Joshi MS, MacLean M (1994) Indian and English children’s understanding of the distinction between real and apparent emotion. Child Dev, 65:1372 – 1384.
  • Keller M, Edelstein W, Schmid C, Fang Fu-xi, Fang Ge (1998) Reasoning about responsibilities and obligations in close relationships: A comparison across two cultures. Dev Psychol, 34:731–741.
  • Keltner D, Kring AM (1998) Emotion, social function, and psychopathology. Rev Gen Psychol, 2:320- 342.
  • Koole S (2009) The psychology of emotion regulation: An integrative view. Cogn Emot, 23:4-41.
  • Kuczynski L (2003) Parent-child relationships as a dyadic process. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Ochsner KN, Bunge SA, Gross JJ, Gabrieli JDE (2002) Rethinking feelings: An fMRI study of the cognitive regulation of emotion. J Cogn Neurosci, 14:1215–1229.
  • Markus HR, Kitayama S (1991) Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation. Psychol Rev, 98:224– 253.
  • Matsumoto D (2007a) Culture, context, and behavior. J Pers, 75:1285–1320.
  • Matsumoto D (2007b) Individual and cultural differences in status differentiation: The Status Differentiation Scale. J Cross Cult Psychol, 38:413–431.
  • Matsumoto D, Yoo SH, Hirayama S, Petrova G (2005) Development and initial validation of a measure of display rules: The Display Rule Assessment Inventory (DRAI). Emotion, 5:23-40.
  • Matsumoto D, Yoo SH, Nakagawa S, Anguas-Wong AM, Arriola M, Bauer LM, et al. (2008) Culture, emotion regulation, and adjustment. J Pers Soc Psychol, 94:925-937.
  • McCrae RR, Costa PT (1999) A five-factor theory of personality. In Handbook of personality: Theory and research (Eds LA Pervin, O John):139-153. New York: Guilford.
  • Mesquita B, Frijda NH (1992) Cultural variations in emotions: A review. Psychol Bull, 112:179–204.
  • Miller JG (1999) Cultural psychology: Implications for basic psychological theory. Psychol Sci, 10:85-91.
  • Miyamoto Y, Ryff CD (2011) Cultural differences in the dialectical and non-dialectical emotional styles and their implications for health. Cogn Emot, 25: 22–39.
  • Miyamoto Y, Ma X (2011) Dampening or savoring positive emotions: A dialectical cultural script guides emotion regulation. Emotion, 11:1346-1357.
  • Mullin BC, Hinshaw SP (2007) Emotion regulation and externalizing disorders in children and adolescents. In Handbook of emotion regulation (Eds JJ Gross):523–541. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Nelson JA, Leerkes EM, O'Brien M, Calkins SD, Marcovitch S (2012) African American and European American Mothers' Beliefs about Negative Emotions and Emotion Socialization Practices. Parent Sci Pract. 12:22-41.
  • Oishi S (2002) Experiencing and remembering of well-being: A cross-cultural analysis. Pers Soc Psychol Bull, 28:1398-1406
  • Ots T (1990) The angry liver, the anxious heart, and the melancholy spleen. Cult Med Psychiatry, 14:21–58.
  • Richards JM, Gross JJ (2000) Emotion regulation and memory: The cognitive costs of keeping one’s cool. J Pers Soc Psychol, 79:410–424.
  • Rothbaum F, Pott M, Azuma H, Miyake K, Weisz J (2000) The development of close relationships in Japan and the United States: paths of symbiotic harmony and generative tension. Child Dev, 71:121-42.
  • Rusting CL, Larsen RJ (1995) Moods as sources of stimulation: Relationships between personality and desired mood states. Pers Individ Differ, 18:321–329.
  • Scherer KR (1997) The role of culture in emotion-antecedent appraisal. J Pers Soc Psychol, 73:902–922.
  • Seery MD, Silver RC, Holman EA, Ence WA, Chu TQ (2008) Expressing thoughts and feelings following a collective trauma: immediate responses to 9/11 predict negative outcomes in a national sample. J. Consult. Clin. Psychol. 76:657–667.
  • Sapolsky RM (2007) Stress, stress-related disease, and emotion regulation. In Handbook of emotion regulation (Eds JJ Gross): 606–615. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Schwartz SH (2004) Mapping and interpreting cultural differences around the world. In Comparing cultures, dimensions of culture in a comparative perspective (Eds H Vinken, J Soeters, P Ester):43–73. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
  • Sheerha A, Kumbhare KA (2021) Cross-cultural study on emotion regulation. Int j Indian psychol, 9:813-822.
  • Suh E, Diener E, Oishi S, Triandis HC (1998) The shifting basis of life satisfaction judgments across cultures: Emotions versus norms. J Pers Soc Psychol, 74:482-493.
  • Super CM, Harkness S (1986) The developmental niche: A conceptualization at the interface of child and culture. Int J Behav Dev, 9:545-569.
  • Thompson RA (1994) Emotion regulation: A theme in search of definition. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev, 59:25–52, 250–283.
  • Triandis HC (1995) New directions in social psychology: Individualism and collectivism. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  • Tsai JL, Levenson RW, Carstensen LL (2000) Autonomic, expressive, and subjective responses to emotional films in older and younger Chinese American and European American adults. Psychol Aging, 15:684-693.
  • Tsai JL (2007) Ideal affect: Cultural causes and behavioral consequences. Perspect Psychol Sci, 2:242-259.
  • Tsai JL, Knutson BK, Fung HH (2006) Cultural variation in affect valuation. J Pers Soc Psychol, 90:288–307.
  • Tsai JL, Miao FF, Seppala E, Fung HH, Yeung DY (2007) Influence and adjustment goals: Sources of cultural differences in ideal affect. J Pers Soc Psychol, 92:1102–1117.
  • Uchida Y, Kitayama S (2009) Happiness and unhappiness in East and West: Themes and variations. Emotion, 9:441-456.
  • Wang Q, Fivush R (2005) Mother-child conversations of emotionally salient events: Exploring the functions of emotional reminiscing in European- American and Chinese Families. Soc Dev, 14:2005.
  • Wierzbicka A (1994) Emotion, language, and cultural scripts. In Emotion and culture: Empirical studies of mutual influence (Eds S Kitayama, H Markus):133–196. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Wegner DM, Zanakos S (1994) Chronic thought suppression. J Pers, 62:615-640.
  • Wranik T, Barrett LF, Salovey P (2007) Intelligent emotion regulation: Is knowledge power? In Handbook of emotion regulation (Eds JJ Gross):393–407. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Yamaguchi S (1994) Collectivism among the Japanese: A perspective from the self. In Individualism and collectivism: Theory, method, and applications (Eds U Kim, HC Triandis):175–188. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Duygu Düzenlemenin Kültürel Boyutları

Year 2023, Volume: 15 Issue: 3, 441 - 450, 30.09.2023


Bu derlemenin amacı, duygu düzenleme ve kültürel öğeler arasındaki bağlantıları farklı teorik çerçevelerle değerlendirmektir. Bu amaçla, alanyazında en çok kullanılan duygu düzenleme modellerinden olan Gross’un modeli kısaca açıklanmış, kültürle ilgili öğeler sosyalleşme uygulamaları, sosyal kurallar, kültürel senaryolar ve kültürel değerler olmak üzere farklı alt başlıklarda ele alınmış ve bu süreçlerdeki kültürel farklılıklar vurgulanmıştır. Ayrıca, kültürel değerler açısından duyguları ifade etme ve düzenleme konusundaki kültürel farklılıklar, iki farklı teoriye dayalı çalışmalar aracılığıyla sunulmaktadır. Bu çalışmaların sonuçları, bir duygu düzenleme yöntemi olarak bastırmanın farklı kültürel bağlamlarda uyumlu ve işlevsel olabileceğini ve duygusal davranış süreçlerini açıklamak için farklı analiz düzeylerinin birleştirilebileceğini göstermektedir.


  • Bonanno GA, Keltner D, Holen A, Horowitz MJ (1995) When avoiding unpleasant emotions might not be such a bad thing: Verbal–autonomic response dissociation and midlife conjugal bereavement. J Pers Soc Psychol, 69:975–989.
  • Bonanno GA, Noll JG, Putnam FW, O’Neill M, Trickett, PK (2003) Predicting the willingness to disclose childhood sexual abuse from measures of repressive coping and dissociative tendencies. Child Maltreat, 8:302–318.
  • Butler EA, Lee TL, Gross JJ (2007) Emotion regulation and culture: Are the social consequences of emotion suppression culture-specific? Emotion, 7:30–48.
  • Campbell-Sills L, Barlow DH, Brown TA, Hofmann SG (2006) Acceptability and suppression of negative emotion in anxiety and mood disorders. Emotion, 6:587–595 . Campos JJ, Thein S, Owen D (2003) A Darwinian legacy to understanding human infancy: Emotional expressions as behavior regulators. In, Emotions inside out: 130 years after Darwin’s The expression of the emotions in man and animals (Eds P Ekman, J Campos, R Davidson, F de Waal):110–134. New York, University Press.
  • Campos J, Frankel CB, Camras, L (2004) On the nature of emotion regulation. Child Dev, 75:377-394.
  • Cassidy J (2000) The complexity of the caregiving system: a perspective from attachment theory. Psychol Inq, 11:86–91.
  • Cassidy J, Shaver PR (2008) Handbook of attachment: Theory, research, and clinical applications, 2nd ed. New York, Guilford.
  • Cioffi D, Holloway J (1993) Delayed costs of suppressed pain. J Pers Soc Psychol, 64:274–282.
  • Diener E, Diener M (1995) Cross cultural correlates of life satisfaction and self-esteem. J Pers Soc Psychol, 68:653-663.
  • Doan SN, Wang Q (2010) Maternal discussions of mental states and behaviors: Relations to emotion situation knowledge in European American and immigrant Chinese children. Child Dev, 81:1490–1503.
  • Eid M, Diener E (2001) Norms for experiencing emotions in different cultures: Inter and intranational differences. J Pers Soc Psychol, 81:869–885.
  • Eisenberg N (2000) Emotion, regulation, and moral development. Annu Rev Psychol, 51:665–697.
  • Eisenberg N, Fabes, RA, Guthrie, IK, Murphy BC, Maszk P (1996) The relations of regulation and emotionality to problem behavior in elementary school children. Dev Psychopathol, 8:141-162.
  • Feldman Barrett L (1996) Hedonic tone, perceived arousal, and item desirability: Three components of self-reported mood. Cogn Emot, 19:47–68.
  • Frijda NH (1986) The emotions. England: Cambridge University Press.
  • Halberstadt G, Lozada, FT (2011) Emotion development in infancy through the lens of culture. Emot Rev, 3:158-168.
  • Greenspan SI, Shanker, SG (2004) The first idea: How symbols, language, and intelligence evolved from our primate ancestors to modern humans. Cambridge: Da Capo Press.
  • Gross JJ (1998) Antecedent- and response-focused emotion regulation: Divergent consequences for experience, expression, and physiology. J Pers Soc Psychol, 74:224–237.
  • Gross JJ (2001) Emotion regulation in adulthood: Timing is everything. Cur Dir Psychol Sci, 10:214–219.
  • Gross JJ (2007) Handbook of emotion regulation. New York: Guilford Press
  • Gross JJ, John OP (2003) Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: Implications for affect, relationships, and well-being. J Pers Soc Psychol, 85:348–362.
  • Gross JJ, Levenson RW (1997) Hiding feelings: The acute effects of inhibiting negative and positive emotion. J Abnorm Psychol, 106:95–103.
  • Grusec JE (2011) Socialization processes in the family: Social and emotional development. Annu Rev Psychol, 62:243-269.
  • Haga SM, Kraft P,Corby EK (2009) Emotion regulation: antecedents and well-being outcomes of cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression in cross-cultural samples. J Happiness Stud, 3:271-291.
  • Heider KG (1991) Landscapes of emotion: Mapping three cultures of emotion in Indonesia. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hofstede GH (1980) Culture’s consequences: International differences in work-related values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
  • Hofstede G (2001) Culture’s consequences (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Hofstede G, Hofstede GJ (2005) Cultures and organizations. Software of the mind (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Izard CE (1977) Human emotions. New York: Plenum.
  • Izard CE (2002) Translating emotion theory and research into preventive interventions. Psychol Bull, 128:796-824.
  • Joshi MS, MacLean M (1994) Indian and English children’s understanding of the distinction between real and apparent emotion. Child Dev, 65:1372 – 1384.
  • Keller M, Edelstein W, Schmid C, Fang Fu-xi, Fang Ge (1998) Reasoning about responsibilities and obligations in close relationships: A comparison across two cultures. Dev Psychol, 34:731–741.
  • Keltner D, Kring AM (1998) Emotion, social function, and psychopathology. Rev Gen Psychol, 2:320- 342.
  • Koole S (2009) The psychology of emotion regulation: An integrative view. Cogn Emot, 23:4-41.
  • Kuczynski L (2003) Parent-child relationships as a dyadic process. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Ochsner KN, Bunge SA, Gross JJ, Gabrieli JDE (2002) Rethinking feelings: An fMRI study of the cognitive regulation of emotion. J Cogn Neurosci, 14:1215–1229.
  • Markus HR, Kitayama S (1991) Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation. Psychol Rev, 98:224– 253.
  • Matsumoto D (2007a) Culture, context, and behavior. J Pers, 75:1285–1320.
  • Matsumoto D (2007b) Individual and cultural differences in status differentiation: The Status Differentiation Scale. J Cross Cult Psychol, 38:413–431.
  • Matsumoto D, Yoo SH, Hirayama S, Petrova G (2005) Development and initial validation of a measure of display rules: The Display Rule Assessment Inventory (DRAI). Emotion, 5:23-40.
  • Matsumoto D, Yoo SH, Nakagawa S, Anguas-Wong AM, Arriola M, Bauer LM, et al. (2008) Culture, emotion regulation, and adjustment. J Pers Soc Psychol, 94:925-937.
  • McCrae RR, Costa PT (1999) A five-factor theory of personality. In Handbook of personality: Theory and research (Eds LA Pervin, O John):139-153. New York: Guilford.
  • Mesquita B, Frijda NH (1992) Cultural variations in emotions: A review. Psychol Bull, 112:179–204.
  • Miller JG (1999) Cultural psychology: Implications for basic psychological theory. Psychol Sci, 10:85-91.
  • Miyamoto Y, Ryff CD (2011) Cultural differences in the dialectical and non-dialectical emotional styles and their implications for health. Cogn Emot, 25: 22–39.
  • Miyamoto Y, Ma X (2011) Dampening or savoring positive emotions: A dialectical cultural script guides emotion regulation. Emotion, 11:1346-1357.
  • Mullin BC, Hinshaw SP (2007) Emotion regulation and externalizing disorders in children and adolescents. In Handbook of emotion regulation (Eds JJ Gross):523–541. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Nelson JA, Leerkes EM, O'Brien M, Calkins SD, Marcovitch S (2012) African American and European American Mothers' Beliefs about Negative Emotions and Emotion Socialization Practices. Parent Sci Pract. 12:22-41.
  • Oishi S (2002) Experiencing and remembering of well-being: A cross-cultural analysis. Pers Soc Psychol Bull, 28:1398-1406
  • Ots T (1990) The angry liver, the anxious heart, and the melancholy spleen. Cult Med Psychiatry, 14:21–58.
  • Richards JM, Gross JJ (2000) Emotion regulation and memory: The cognitive costs of keeping one’s cool. J Pers Soc Psychol, 79:410–424.
  • Rothbaum F, Pott M, Azuma H, Miyake K, Weisz J (2000) The development of close relationships in Japan and the United States: paths of symbiotic harmony and generative tension. Child Dev, 71:121-42.
  • Rusting CL, Larsen RJ (1995) Moods as sources of stimulation: Relationships between personality and desired mood states. Pers Individ Differ, 18:321–329.
  • Scherer KR (1997) The role of culture in emotion-antecedent appraisal. J Pers Soc Psychol, 73:902–922.
  • Seery MD, Silver RC, Holman EA, Ence WA, Chu TQ (2008) Expressing thoughts and feelings following a collective trauma: immediate responses to 9/11 predict negative outcomes in a national sample. J. Consult. Clin. Psychol. 76:657–667.
  • Sapolsky RM (2007) Stress, stress-related disease, and emotion regulation. In Handbook of emotion regulation (Eds JJ Gross): 606–615. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Schwartz SH (2004) Mapping and interpreting cultural differences around the world. In Comparing cultures, dimensions of culture in a comparative perspective (Eds H Vinken, J Soeters, P Ester):43–73. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
  • Sheerha A, Kumbhare KA (2021) Cross-cultural study on emotion regulation. Int j Indian psychol, 9:813-822.
  • Suh E, Diener E, Oishi S, Triandis HC (1998) The shifting basis of life satisfaction judgments across cultures: Emotions versus norms. J Pers Soc Psychol, 74:482-493.
  • Super CM, Harkness S (1986) The developmental niche: A conceptualization at the interface of child and culture. Int J Behav Dev, 9:545-569.
  • Thompson RA (1994) Emotion regulation: A theme in search of definition. Monogr Soc Res Child Dev, 59:25–52, 250–283.
  • Triandis HC (1995) New directions in social psychology: Individualism and collectivism. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
  • Tsai JL, Levenson RW, Carstensen LL (2000) Autonomic, expressive, and subjective responses to emotional films in older and younger Chinese American and European American adults. Psychol Aging, 15:684-693.
  • Tsai JL (2007) Ideal affect: Cultural causes and behavioral consequences. Perspect Psychol Sci, 2:242-259.
  • Tsai JL, Knutson BK, Fung HH (2006) Cultural variation in affect valuation. J Pers Soc Psychol, 90:288–307.
  • Tsai JL, Miao FF, Seppala E, Fung HH, Yeung DY (2007) Influence and adjustment goals: Sources of cultural differences in ideal affect. J Pers Soc Psychol, 92:1102–1117.
  • Uchida Y, Kitayama S (2009) Happiness and unhappiness in East and West: Themes and variations. Emotion, 9:441-456.
  • Wang Q, Fivush R (2005) Mother-child conversations of emotionally salient events: Exploring the functions of emotional reminiscing in European- American and Chinese Families. Soc Dev, 14:2005.
  • Wierzbicka A (1994) Emotion, language, and cultural scripts. In Emotion and culture: Empirical studies of mutual influence (Eds S Kitayama, H Markus):133–196. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Wegner DM, Zanakos S (1994) Chronic thought suppression. J Pers, 62:615-640.
  • Wranik T, Barrett LF, Salovey P (2007) Intelligent emotion regulation: Is knowledge power? In Handbook of emotion regulation (Eds JJ Gross):393–407. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Yamaguchi S (1994) Collectivism among the Japanese: A perspective from the self. In Individualism and collectivism: Theory, method, and applications (Eds U Kim, HC Triandis):175–188. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Psychology
Journal Section Review

Başak Türküler Aka 0000-0002-5330-8485

Publication Date September 30, 2023
Acceptance Date October 27, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 15 Issue: 3


AMA Aka BT. Cultural Dimensions of Emotion Regulation. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry. September 2023;15(3):441-450. doi:10.18863/pgy.1103621

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.