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Current Trends in the Treatment of Misophonia

Year 2024, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 251 - 257, 30.06.2024


Misophonia is a disorder characterized by emotional and physiological responses that occur in response to certain auditory stimuli. Visual, tactile, and olfactory stimuli, primarily oral and nasal sounds such as eating, nose, and respiratory sounds, reveal misophonic responses. People with misophonia may have difficulty in social interactions, and work or school performance may be adversely affected. Misophonia symptoms can also cause anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. Physiological reactions in the body, such as pain, sweating, tachycardia, hot flashes, and breathing difficulties, negatively affect people's physical health. For this reason, people's physical and mental health and quality of life are significantly affected. The absence of agreed diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of misophonia and the lack of sufficient data to classify it as a psychiatric disorder has led to the lack of validated treatment guidelines. However, there are treatment recommendations discussed in the literature for misophonia, which has a prevalence of 20% in a limited number of studies and negatively affects the functionality of the individual. In the management of misophonia, tinnitus re-education therapy (TRT) was used as audiological treatment, antidepressants, and anxiolytics were used as pharmacological treatment and cognitive behavioral therapies were used as therapy. Other suggested treatment recommendations are neural remodeling technique, sequential remodeling hypnotherapy, trauma prevention technique, and trauma and tension reduction exercises. This review aims to present the treatment approaches available in the literature together and to understand the need for experimental evidence for treatment methods.


  • Aazh H, Landgrebe M, Danesh AA, Moore BC (2019) Cognitive behavioral therapy for alleviating the distress caused by tinnitus, hyperacusis and misophonia: current perspectives. Psychol Res Behav Manag, 12:991–1002.
  • Alekri J, Al Saif F (2019) Suicidal misophonia: A case report. Psychiatry Clin Psychopharmacol, 29:232–237.
  • Bögels SM (2006) Task concentration training versus applied relaxation, in combination with cognitive therapy, for social phobia patients with fear of blushing, trembling, and sweating. Behav Res Ther, 44:1199-1210.
  • Claiborn J, Dozier T, Hart S, Lee J (2020) Self-identified misophonia phenomenology, impact, and clinical correlates. Psychological Thought, 13:349-375.
  • Dozier TH (2015) Counterconditioning treatment for misophonia. Clin Case Stud, 14:374–387.
  • Edelstein M, Brang D, Rouw R, Ramachandran VS (2013) Misophonia: Physiological investigations and case descriptions. Front Hum Neurosci, 7:296.
  • Erfanian M, Kartsonaki C, Keshavarz A (2019) Misophonia and comorbid psychiatric symptoms: A preliminary study of clinical findings. Nord J Psychiatry, 73:219–228.
  • Ferrer-Torres A, Giménez-Llort L (2022) Misophonia: A systematic review of current and future trends in this emerging clinical field. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19:6790.
  • Ghorbani S, Ashouri A, Gharraee B, Farahani H (2022) Effectiveness of online group-mindfulness and acceptance‐based therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on misophonia. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci, 16:e120159.
  • Grodnitzky GR, Tafrate RC (2000) Imaginal exposure for anger reduction in adult outpatients: a pilot study. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry, 31:259-279.
  • Jager I, de Koning P, Bost T, Denys D, Vulink N (2020) Misophonia: Phenomenology, comorbidity and demographics in a large sample. PloS One, 15:e0231390.
  • Jager IJ, Vulink NCC, Bergfeld IO, van Loon AJJM, Denys DAJP (2020) Cognitive behavioral therapy for misophonia: a randomized clinical trial. Depress Anxiety, 38:708–718.
  • Jager I, Vulink N, de Roos C, Denys D (2021) EMDR therapy for misophonia: A pilot study of case series. Eur J Psychotraumatol, 12:1968613.
  • Jastreboff M, Jastreboff P (2014) Treatments for decreased sound tolerance (hyperacusis and misophonia). Semin Hear, 35:105–120.
  • Jastreboff PJ, Jastreboff MM (2006) Tinnitus retraining therapy: A different view on tinnitus. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec, 68:23-30.
  • Jastreboff PJ, Hazell JW (1993) A neurophysiological approach to tinnitus: clinical implications. Br J Audiol, 27:7-17.
  • Kamody RC, Del Conte GS (2017) Using dialectical behavior therapy to treat misophonia in adolescence. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord, 19:17l02105.
  • Kılıç C, Öz G, Avanoğlu KB, Aksoy S (2021) The prevalence and characteristics of misophonia in Ankara, Turkey: Population-based study. BJPsych Open, 7:e144.
  • McGuire JF, Wu MS, Storch EA (2015) Cognitive-behavioral therapy for 2 youths with misophonia. J Clin Psychiatry, 76:573–574.
  • Osuagwu FC, Osuagwu VC, Machoka AM (2020) Methylphenidate ameliorates worsening distractibility symptoms of misophonia in an adolescent male. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord, 22:19l02553.
  • Palumbo DB, Alsalman O, De Ridder D, Song JJ, Vanneste S (2018) Misophonia and potential underlying mechanisms: A perspective. Front Psychol, 9:953.
  • Pan EJ, Weleff J, Anand A, Barnett BS (2022) Treatment of misophonia with risperidone in a patient with autism spectrum disorder. Case Rep Psychiatry, 2022:3169834.
  • Parrott AC (2007) The psychotherapeutic potential of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine): An evidence-based review. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 191:181–193.
  • Petersen JM, Twohig MP (2023) Acceptance and commitment therapy for a child with misophonia: A case study. Clin Case Stud, 22:211–223.
  • Reid AM, Guzick AG, Gernand A, Olsen B (2016) Intensive cognitive-behavioral therapy for comorbid misophonic and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: A systematic case study. J Obsessive Compuls Relat Disord, 10:1-9.
  • Roushani K, Mehrabizadeh Honarmand M (2021) The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on anger in female students with misophonia: A single-case study. Iran J Med Sci, 46:61–67.
  • Sarigedik E, Yurteri N (2021) Misophonia successfully treated of with fluoxetine: a case report. Clin Neuropharmacol, 44:191–192.
  • Seebeck A, Dozier TH (2023) Behandlungsmethoden bei Misophonie. (Accessed 20.06.2023)
  • Schneider RL, Arch JJ (2015) Letter to the editor: Potential treatment targets for misophonia. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 37:370–371.
  • Schneider RL, Arch JJ (2017) Case study: A novel application of mindfulness- and acceptance-based components to treat misophonia. J Contextual Behav Sci, 6:221-225.
  • Schröder A, Vulink N, Denys D (2013) Misophonia: Diagnostic criteria for a new psychiatric disorder. PloS One, 8:e54706.
  • Schröder AE, Vulink NC, van Loon AJ, Denys DA (2017) Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in misophonia: An open trial. J Affect Disord, 217:289–294.
  • Schwemmle C, Arens C (2022) „Wut im ohr“: misophonie : übersicht und aktueller wissensstand ["ear rage": misophonia : review and current state of knowledge]. HNO, 70:3–13.
  • Siepsiak M, Śliwerski A, Łukasz Dragan W (2020) Development and psychometric properties of MisoQuest-A new self-report questionnaire for misophonia. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17:1797.
  • Tunç S, Başbuğ HS (2017) An extreme physical reaction in misophonia: Stop smacking your mouth! Psychiatry Clin Psychopharmacol, 27:416–418.
  • Webb J (2022) β-blockers for the treatment of misophonia and misokinesia. Clin Neuropharmacol, 45:13–14.
  • Webb J, Keane S (2022) MDMA for the treatment of misophonia, a proposal. Front Psychiatry, 13:983285.
  • Wu MS, Lewin AB, Murphy TK, Storch EA (2014) Misophonia: Incidence, phenomenology, and clinical correlates in an undergraduate student sample. J Clin Psychol, 70:994-1007.
  • Zhou X, Wu MS, Storch EA (2017) Misophonia symptoms among Chinese university students: Incidence, associated impairment, and clinical correlates. J Obsessive Compuls Relat Disord, 14:7-12.
  • Zitelli L (2021) Evaluation and management of misophonia using a hybrid telecare approach: A case report. Semin Hear, 42:123–135.

Mizofoni Tedavisinde Güncel Yaklaşımlar

Year 2024, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 251 - 257, 30.06.2024


Mizofoni, belirli işitsel uyaranlara yanıt olarak ortaya çıkan, duygusal ve fizyolojik tepkilerle karakterize bir bozukluktur. Yeme sesleri, burun ve solunum sesleri gibi oral ve nazal sesler başta olmak üzere görsel, dokunsal ve koku uyaranları, mizofonik tepkileri ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Mizofoni, bireylerin sosyal ilişkilerinde sorun yaşamasına, iş ve akademik yaşantıda başarısızlığa yol açabilmektedir. Mizofoni semptomları, kaygı, depresyon ve diğer ruh sağlığı sorunlarının da ortaya çıkmasına neden olabilir. Vücutta ağrı, terleme, taşikardi, sıcak basması, nefes alma güçlükler gibi fizyolojik tepkiler, kişilerin fiziksel sağlığını da olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu nedenle kişilerin hem fiziksel ve ruhsal sağlığı hem de yaşam kalitesi önemli ölçüde olumsuz etkilenmektedir. Mizofoninin tanılanmasında uzlaşılmış tanı kriterlerinin yokluğu ve psikiyatrik bir bozukluk olarak sınıflandırmak için hala yeterli verinin olmaması, geçerliliği kanıtlanmış tedavi rehberleri bulunmamasına yol açmıştır. Ancak, kısıtlı sayıda çalışmalarda yaygınlığı %20’ye ulaşan, kişinin işlevselliğini olumsuz etkileyen mizofoni için alan yazında tartışılan tedavi önerileri bulunmaktadır. Mizofoni, tinnitus yeniden eğitim terapisi (TRT), antidepresan ve anksiyolitik ilaç grupları ve bilişsel davranışçı terapiler ile tedavi edilmektedir. Önerilen diğer tedavi yaklaşımları nöral yeniden modelleme tekniği, sıralı yeniden modelleme hipnoterapi, travma önleme tekniği, travma ve gerilim azaltma egzersizleri olarak sıralanmaktadır. Bu derleme ile literatürde var olan tedavi yaklaşımlarının bir arada sunulması, tedavi yöntemleri için deneysel kanıtlara duyulan ihtiyacın anlaşılması amaçlanmaktadır.


  • Aazh H, Landgrebe M, Danesh AA, Moore BC (2019) Cognitive behavioral therapy for alleviating the distress caused by tinnitus, hyperacusis and misophonia: current perspectives. Psychol Res Behav Manag, 12:991–1002.
  • Alekri J, Al Saif F (2019) Suicidal misophonia: A case report. Psychiatry Clin Psychopharmacol, 29:232–237.
  • Bögels SM (2006) Task concentration training versus applied relaxation, in combination with cognitive therapy, for social phobia patients with fear of blushing, trembling, and sweating. Behav Res Ther, 44:1199-1210.
  • Claiborn J, Dozier T, Hart S, Lee J (2020) Self-identified misophonia phenomenology, impact, and clinical correlates. Psychological Thought, 13:349-375.
  • Dozier TH (2015) Counterconditioning treatment for misophonia. Clin Case Stud, 14:374–387.
  • Edelstein M, Brang D, Rouw R, Ramachandran VS (2013) Misophonia: Physiological investigations and case descriptions. Front Hum Neurosci, 7:296.
  • Erfanian M, Kartsonaki C, Keshavarz A (2019) Misophonia and comorbid psychiatric symptoms: A preliminary study of clinical findings. Nord J Psychiatry, 73:219–228.
  • Ferrer-Torres A, Giménez-Llort L (2022) Misophonia: A systematic review of current and future trends in this emerging clinical field. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19:6790.
  • Ghorbani S, Ashouri A, Gharraee B, Farahani H (2022) Effectiveness of online group-mindfulness and acceptance‐based therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy on misophonia. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci, 16:e120159.
  • Grodnitzky GR, Tafrate RC (2000) Imaginal exposure for anger reduction in adult outpatients: a pilot study. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry, 31:259-279.
  • Jager I, de Koning P, Bost T, Denys D, Vulink N (2020) Misophonia: Phenomenology, comorbidity and demographics in a large sample. PloS One, 15:e0231390.
  • Jager IJ, Vulink NCC, Bergfeld IO, van Loon AJJM, Denys DAJP (2020) Cognitive behavioral therapy for misophonia: a randomized clinical trial. Depress Anxiety, 38:708–718.
  • Jager I, Vulink N, de Roos C, Denys D (2021) EMDR therapy for misophonia: A pilot study of case series. Eur J Psychotraumatol, 12:1968613.
  • Jastreboff M, Jastreboff P (2014) Treatments for decreased sound tolerance (hyperacusis and misophonia). Semin Hear, 35:105–120.
  • Jastreboff PJ, Jastreboff MM (2006) Tinnitus retraining therapy: A different view on tinnitus. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec, 68:23-30.
  • Jastreboff PJ, Hazell JW (1993) A neurophysiological approach to tinnitus: clinical implications. Br J Audiol, 27:7-17.
  • Kamody RC, Del Conte GS (2017) Using dialectical behavior therapy to treat misophonia in adolescence. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord, 19:17l02105.
  • Kılıç C, Öz G, Avanoğlu KB, Aksoy S (2021) The prevalence and characteristics of misophonia in Ankara, Turkey: Population-based study. BJPsych Open, 7:e144.
  • McGuire JF, Wu MS, Storch EA (2015) Cognitive-behavioral therapy for 2 youths with misophonia. J Clin Psychiatry, 76:573–574.
  • Osuagwu FC, Osuagwu VC, Machoka AM (2020) Methylphenidate ameliorates worsening distractibility symptoms of misophonia in an adolescent male. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord, 22:19l02553.
  • Palumbo DB, Alsalman O, De Ridder D, Song JJ, Vanneste S (2018) Misophonia and potential underlying mechanisms: A perspective. Front Psychol, 9:953.
  • Pan EJ, Weleff J, Anand A, Barnett BS (2022) Treatment of misophonia with risperidone in a patient with autism spectrum disorder. Case Rep Psychiatry, 2022:3169834.
  • Parrott AC (2007) The psychotherapeutic potential of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine): An evidence-based review. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 191:181–193.
  • Petersen JM, Twohig MP (2023) Acceptance and commitment therapy for a child with misophonia: A case study. Clin Case Stud, 22:211–223.
  • Reid AM, Guzick AG, Gernand A, Olsen B (2016) Intensive cognitive-behavioral therapy for comorbid misophonic and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: A systematic case study. J Obsessive Compuls Relat Disord, 10:1-9.
  • Roushani K, Mehrabizadeh Honarmand M (2021) The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on anger in female students with misophonia: A single-case study. Iran J Med Sci, 46:61–67.
  • Sarigedik E, Yurteri N (2021) Misophonia successfully treated of with fluoxetine: a case report. Clin Neuropharmacol, 44:191–192.
  • Seebeck A, Dozier TH (2023) Behandlungsmethoden bei Misophonie. (Accessed 20.06.2023)
  • Schneider RL, Arch JJ (2015) Letter to the editor: Potential treatment targets for misophonia. Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 37:370–371.
  • Schneider RL, Arch JJ (2017) Case study: A novel application of mindfulness- and acceptance-based components to treat misophonia. J Contextual Behav Sci, 6:221-225.
  • Schröder A, Vulink N, Denys D (2013) Misophonia: Diagnostic criteria for a new psychiatric disorder. PloS One, 8:e54706.
  • Schröder AE, Vulink NC, van Loon AJ, Denys DA (2017) Cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in misophonia: An open trial. J Affect Disord, 217:289–294.
  • Schwemmle C, Arens C (2022) „Wut im ohr“: misophonie : übersicht und aktueller wissensstand ["ear rage": misophonia : review and current state of knowledge]. HNO, 70:3–13.
  • Siepsiak M, Śliwerski A, Łukasz Dragan W (2020) Development and psychometric properties of MisoQuest-A new self-report questionnaire for misophonia. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17:1797.
  • Tunç S, Başbuğ HS (2017) An extreme physical reaction in misophonia: Stop smacking your mouth! Psychiatry Clin Psychopharmacol, 27:416–418.
  • Webb J (2022) β-blockers for the treatment of misophonia and misokinesia. Clin Neuropharmacol, 45:13–14.
  • Webb J, Keane S (2022) MDMA for the treatment of misophonia, a proposal. Front Psychiatry, 13:983285.
  • Wu MS, Lewin AB, Murphy TK, Storch EA (2014) Misophonia: Incidence, phenomenology, and clinical correlates in an undergraduate student sample. J Clin Psychol, 70:994-1007.
  • Zhou X, Wu MS, Storch EA (2017) Misophonia symptoms among Chinese university students: Incidence, associated impairment, and clinical correlates. J Obsessive Compuls Relat Disord, 14:7-12.
  • Zitelli L (2021) Evaluation and management of misophonia using a hybrid telecare approach: A case report. Semin Hear, 42:123–135.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Psychiatry
Journal Section Review

Sevgi Köroğlu 0000-0002-8060-9216

Gülgün Durat 0000-0002-9889-3622

Early Pub Date January 1, 2024
Publication Date June 30, 2024
Acceptance Date August 21, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 16 Issue: 2


AMA Köroğlu S, Durat G. Current Trends in the Treatment of Misophonia. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry. June 2024;16(2):251-257. doi:10.18863/pgy.1302983

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Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.