Research Article
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Anatomy of Paliurus spina-christi Mill. (Blackthorn) (Rhamnaceae)

Year 2023, , 78 - 83, 09.10.2023


Objective: This investigation aimed to explore the anatomical structures of the stem, leaf, petiole, petal, and fruit of Paliurus spina-christi.

Methods: Plant specimens were collected from Uzundere/Erzurum (Turkey) in June 2016. Subsequently, standard herbarium techniques were employed to dry and preserve the samples stored at the Herbarium of Atatürk University, Biodiversity Application and Research Center. For anatomical analysis, the materials were preserved in 70% alcohol. Characteristic elements of these plant parts were identified through sectioning, and their structures were visually documented with photographs.

Results: The leaf is bifacial, with stomata located in the lower epidermis. Abundant cluster crystals of calcium oxalate, very dense, and unicellular trichome (only stem, leaf, petiole) were shown in stem, leaf, petiole, and petal. Lignified structures were observed in the samara fruits pericarp.

Conclusion: This research thoroughly delineates the anatomical characteristics of P. spina-christi. The findings derived from this investigation imply that the observed anatomical variations could have valuable implications for taxonomic classification.

Ethical Statement

The Ethics Committee Approval is not required for this study.


  • 1. Davis PH. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. UK: Edinburg University Press; 1982:523-524.
  • 2. Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç MT. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). İstanbul, Türkiye: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını; 2012.
  • 3. Arıtuluk ZC, Ezer N. Halk arasında diyabete karşı kullanılan bitkiler(Türkiye)-II. Hacettepe Univ Eczacılık Fak Derg. 2012;32(2): 179-208.
  • 4. Baytop T. Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi- Geçişte ve Bugün. İstanbul, Türkiye: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 1999:244.
  • 5. Brantner AH, Males Z. Quality assessment of Paliurus spina-christi extracts. J Ethnopharmacol. 1999;66(2):175-179.
  • 6. Güner ND. Paliurus spina-christi Mill. Üzerinde Farmakognozik Araştırmalar [M.S. thesis]. Ankara, Türkiye: Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi 2005.
  • 7. Kırca A, Arslan E. Antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content of selected plants from Turkey. Int J Food Sci Technol. 2008;43(11):2038-2046.
  • 8. Malkoç M, Kaya Y, Özkök A, Ertürk Ö, Kolaylı S. Characteristic propertiesof Jerusal m Thorn (Paliurus spina-christi Mill.) honey. Uludag Bee J. 2019;19(1):69-81.
  • 9. World Flora Online. Paliurus spina-christi Mill [online] 2023. Available at: http: //www .worl dflor aonli ne.or g/tax on/wf o-000 04717 80
  • 10. Dinarvand M, Zarinkamar F. Anatomy-taxonomy of the genus Ziziphus in Iran. Iran J Bot. 2006;12(1):36-41.
  • 11. Ghalehno MD, Sheshkal BN, Kool F, Humar M, Bahmani M. Characterization of anatomical, morphological, physical and chemical properties of konar (Ziziphus spina-christi) wood. Wood Res. 2021; 66(6):912-920.
  • 12. Shahbaz SE, Shareef NM. Use of morphological and anatomical characters to delimit varieties of Paliurus spina-christi Mill. (Rhamnaceae). Innovaciencia. 2018;6(2):1-14.

Anatomy of Paliurus spina-christi Mill. (Blackthorn) (Rhamnaceae)

Year 2023, , 78 - 83, 09.10.2023


Objective: This investigation aimed to explore the anatomical structures of the stem, leaf, petiole, petal, and fruit of Paliurus spina-christi.

Methods: Plant specimens were collected from Uzundere/Erzurum (Turkey) in June 2016. Subsequently, standard herbarium techniques were employed to dry and preserve the samples stored at the Herbarium of Atatürk University, Biodiversity Application and Research Center. For anatomical analysis, the materials were preserved in 70% alcohol. Characteristic elements of these plant parts were identified through sectioning, and their structures were visually documented with photographs.

Results: The leaf is bifacial, with stomata located in the lower epidermis. Abundant cluster crystals of calcium oxalate, very dense, and unicellular trichome (only stem, leaf, petiole) were shown in stem, leaf, petiole, and petal. Lignified structures were observed in the samara fruits pericarp.

Conclusion: This research thoroughly delineates the anatomical characteristics of P. spina-christi. The findings derived from this investigation imply that the observed anatomical variations could have valuable implications for taxonomic classification.

Ethical Statement

The Ethics Committee Approval is not required for this study.


  • 1. Davis PH. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. UK: Edinburg University Press; 1982:523-524.
  • 2. Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç MT. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). İstanbul, Türkiye: Nezahat Gökyiğit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Araştırmaları Derneği Yayını; 2012.
  • 3. Arıtuluk ZC, Ezer N. Halk arasında diyabete karşı kullanılan bitkiler(Türkiye)-II. Hacettepe Univ Eczacılık Fak Derg. 2012;32(2): 179-208.
  • 4. Baytop T. Türkiye’de Bitkiler ile Tedavi- Geçişte ve Bugün. İstanbul, Türkiye: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri; 1999:244.
  • 5. Brantner AH, Males Z. Quality assessment of Paliurus spina-christi extracts. J Ethnopharmacol. 1999;66(2):175-179.
  • 6. Güner ND. Paliurus spina-christi Mill. Üzerinde Farmakognozik Araştırmalar [M.S. thesis]. Ankara, Türkiye: Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Hacettepe Üniversitesi 2005.
  • 7. Kırca A, Arslan E. Antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content of selected plants from Turkey. Int J Food Sci Technol. 2008;43(11):2038-2046.
  • 8. Malkoç M, Kaya Y, Özkök A, Ertürk Ö, Kolaylı S. Characteristic propertiesof Jerusal m Thorn (Paliurus spina-christi Mill.) honey. Uludag Bee J. 2019;19(1):69-81.
  • 9. World Flora Online. Paliurus spina-christi Mill [online] 2023. Available at: http: //www .worl dflor aonli ne.or g/tax on/wf o-000 04717 80
  • 10. Dinarvand M, Zarinkamar F. Anatomy-taxonomy of the genus Ziziphus in Iran. Iran J Bot. 2006;12(1):36-41.
  • 11. Ghalehno MD, Sheshkal BN, Kool F, Humar M, Bahmani M. Characterization of anatomical, morphological, physical and chemical properties of konar (Ziziphus spina-christi) wood. Wood Res. 2021; 66(6):912-920.
  • 12. Shahbaz SE, Shareef NM. Use of morphological and anatomical characters to delimit varieties of Paliurus spina-christi Mill. (Rhamnaceae). Innovaciencia. 2018;6(2):1-14.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Hafize Yuca 0000-0002-0857-4776

Songül Karakaya 0000-0002-3268-721X

Zuhal Güvenalp 0000-0002-8803-8147

Publication Date October 9, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


EndNote Yuca H, Karakaya S, Güvenalp Z (October 1, 2023) Anatomy of Paliurus spina-christi Mill. (Blackthorn) (Rhamnaceae). Pharmata 3 4 78–83.

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