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The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480)

Year 2022, Volume: 8, 23 - 40, 31.12.2022


Soon after the Battle of Ipsos (301 BCE), the Milesians honoured king Seleukos I, his son Antiochos (I), and his wife, queen Apama, in gratitude for promising to rebuild the Apollo temple at Didyma and erecting a stoa. The decrees for Antiochos (I.Didyma 479) and Apama (I.Didyma 480) are largely extant, and the latter provides the chronological anchor for all three honours. It mentions Apollo as , under whom the fi-nancial officials (anataktai) were to procure the funds for the queen’s statue. In the standard edition of the text, Albert Rehm identified this stephanephorate with the year 299/8 BCE, but failed to see that it rather constitutes a terminus ante quem for the decree. The exceptional financial strain on the Milesians may already have resulted in postponing the order of the equestrian statue of Antiochos from perhaps fall 300 BCE to spring 299 BCE. This slightly adjusted timeline invites us to reconsider other aspects of dynastic history under the Diadochs. Contrary to the common opinion, the wedding of Seleukos and Stratonike, the daughter of Demetrios I, in 300 BCE does not constitute a terminus ante quem for honouring Apama, the first wife at a polygamous court, but rather a terminus a quo, since it sealed the reconciliation with Demetrios after the Battle of Ipsos. The Seleukid benefaction should be viewed within the context of a joint peace initiative that Demetrios and Seleukos started from Rhosos. It is also reflected in the mission of Nikagoras of Rhodes to Ephesos (I.Ephesos V 1453). In this context, the Milesian embassy was invited to the Seleukid court, offered the benefactions, and had their fellow citizens respond with three honorific decrees.


I am deeply indebted to Mustafa Adak and Riet van Bremen for their critical feedback that allowed me to improve this paper significantly. I am also grateful to Thomas Corsten, Deirdre Klokow, Julien Monerie, and Ben Scolnic for their helpful or encouraging feedback to earlier drafts or important arguments presented here.


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  • Almagor 2016 E. Almagor, Seleukid Love and Power: Stratonike I, in: Coşkun and McAuley 2016, 67–86.
  • Alonso Troncoso – Anson 2013 V. Alonso Troncoso – E.M. Anson (eds.), After Alexander: the Time of the Diadochi, Oxford 2013.
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  • Bielman Sánchez 2003 A. Bielman Sánchez, Régner au feminin. Réflexions sur les reines atta-lides et séleucides, in: F. Prost (ed.), L’Orient méditerranéen de la mort d’Alexandre aux campagnes de Pompée, Rennes 2003, 41–64.
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  • Capdetrey 2022 L. Capdetrey, L’Asie Mineure après Alexandre (vers 323–vers 270 av. J.-C.). L’invention du monde hellénistique, Rennes 2022.
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  • Coşkun 2016 A. Coşkun, Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars, in: B. Takmer – E. Akdoğu Arca – N. Gökalp Özdil (eds.), Vir doctus anatolicus. Studies in Memory of Sencer Şahin – Sencer Şahin Anısına Yazıtlar, Istanbul 2016, 211–233.
  • Coşkun 2021 A. Coşkun, The Regnal Years of Antigonos Gonatas, in: Karanos 4, 2021, 49–58.
  • Coşkun 2022a A. Coşkun, Berenike Phernophoros and Other Virgin Queens in Early-Ptolemaic Egypt, Klio 104.1, 2022, 1–43.
  • Coşkun 2022b A. Coşkun (ed.), Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early-Roman Pe-riods (Colloquia Antiqua 33), Leuven 2022.
  • Coşkun 2022c A. Coşkun, Ideological Layers in the Apameia Foundation Mosaics. Seleukid Lecture Series III.2, 16 March 2022. URL:
  • Coşkun, forthcoming 1 A. Coşkun, Polygamy and Queenship under Antiochos II The King’s Wife Laodike I and the Basilissa Title (or the Lack thereof), in: E. Al-magor – B. Antela-Bernárdez – M. Mendoza (eds.), Cherchez la femme. Women in Hellenistic History, Historiography and Reception.
  • Coşkun, forthcoming 2 A. Coşkun, The First Seleukid Benefactions in Miletos and the Crea-tion of a Dynastic Ideology, in: A. Coşkun – R. Wenghofer (eds.), Seleukid Ideology – Creation, Reception and Response (Seleukid Per-spectives 1), Stuttgart.
  • Coşkun, forthcoming 3 A. Coşkun, A New Book and Further Recent Scholarship on Seleukid Royal Women, forthcoming in Karanos 5, 2022.
  • Coşkun, in preparation A. Coşkun, Seleukos and the Peace after Ipsos, in preparation for C. Feyel, L. Graslin-Thomé, and L. Martinez-Sève (eds.), Crises, ef-fondrements et rétablissements de l’autorité séleucide (Actes de la conférence, Athènes, 19–21 Oct. 2022).
  • Coşkun – McAuley 2016 A. Coşkun – A. McAuley (eds.), Seleukid Royal Women. Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire, Stuttgart 2016.
  • D’Agostini 2009 M. D’Agostini, Da Fila a Ftia di Macedonia. Riflessioni sulla regalità femminile degli Antigonidi’, Aevum 94, 2020, 75–89.
  • de la Nuez Pérez 2009 M. E. de la Nuez Pérez, El oráculo de Dídima: un ejemplo de las relaciones diplomáticas en época helenística (The Oracle of Didyma: an Example of Diplomatic Relations in the Hellenistic Period), Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie II, Historia Antigua 22, 2009, 333–340.
  • Engels 2009 D. Engels, Benefactors, Kings, Rulers. Studies on the Seleukid Empire between East and West, Leuven 2017.
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  • Erickson 2014 K. Erickson, Zeus to Apollo and back again: Shifts in Seleucid Policy and Iconography, in: S. Krmnicek – N. Baylor (eds.), Art in the Round, Tübingen 2014, 97–108.
  • Erickson 2018 K. Erickson (ed.), The Seleukid Empire, 281–222 BC. War within the Family, Swansea 2018.
  • Erickson, forthcoming K. Erickson, The Creation of Royal Status and Charismatic Legitimacy under Seleukos I, in: A. Coşkun – R. Wenghofer (eds.), Seleukid Ideol-ogy – Creation, Reception and Response.
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Year 2022, Volume: 8, 23 - 40, 31.12.2022



  • Ager 2018 S. Ager, Building a Dynasty: The Families of Ptolemy I Soter, in: T. Howe (ed.), Ptolemy Soter. A Self-Made Man, Oxford, 38–59.
  • Almagor 2016 E. Almagor, Seleukid Love and Power: Stratonike I, in: Coşkun and McAuley 2016, 67–86.
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  • Cohen 2006 G.M. Cohen, The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa, Berkeley 2006.
  • Coloru 2009 O. Coloru, Da Alessandro a Menandro: Il regno greco di Battriana, Pisa 2009.
  • Coşkun 2016 A. Coşkun, Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars, in: B. Takmer – E. Akdoğu Arca – N. Gökalp Özdil (eds.), Vir doctus anatolicus. Studies in Memory of Sencer Şahin – Sencer Şahin Anısına Yazıtlar, Istanbul 2016, 211–233.
  • Coşkun 2021 A. Coşkun, The Regnal Years of Antigonos Gonatas, in: Karanos 4, 2021, 49–58.
  • Coşkun 2022a A. Coşkun, Berenike Phernophoros and Other Virgin Queens in Early-Ptolemaic Egypt, Klio 104.1, 2022, 1–43.
  • Coşkun 2022b A. Coşkun (ed.), Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early-Roman Pe-riods (Colloquia Antiqua 33), Leuven 2022.
  • Coşkun 2022c A. Coşkun, Ideological Layers in the Apameia Foundation Mosaics. Seleukid Lecture Series III.2, 16 March 2022. URL:
  • Coşkun, forthcoming 1 A. Coşkun, Polygamy and Queenship under Antiochos II The King’s Wife Laodike I and the Basilissa Title (or the Lack thereof), in: E. Al-magor – B. Antela-Bernárdez – M. Mendoza (eds.), Cherchez la femme. Women in Hellenistic History, Historiography and Reception.
  • Coşkun, forthcoming 2 A. Coşkun, The First Seleukid Benefactions in Miletos and the Crea-tion of a Dynastic Ideology, in: A. Coşkun – R. Wenghofer (eds.), Seleukid Ideology – Creation, Reception and Response (Seleukid Per-spectives 1), Stuttgart.
  • Coşkun, forthcoming 3 A. Coşkun, A New Book and Further Recent Scholarship on Seleukid Royal Women, forthcoming in Karanos 5, 2022.
  • Coşkun, in preparation A. Coşkun, Seleukos and the Peace after Ipsos, in preparation for C. Feyel, L. Graslin-Thomé, and L. Martinez-Sève (eds.), Crises, ef-fondrements et rétablissements de l’autorité séleucide (Actes de la conférence, Athènes, 19–21 Oct. 2022).
  • Coşkun – McAuley 2016 A. Coşkun – A. McAuley (eds.), Seleukid Royal Women. Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire, Stuttgart 2016.
  • D’Agostini 2009 M. D’Agostini, Da Fila a Ftia di Macedonia. Riflessioni sulla regalità femminile degli Antigonidi’, Aevum 94, 2020, 75–89.
  • de la Nuez Pérez 2009 M. E. de la Nuez Pérez, El oráculo de Dídima: un ejemplo de las relaciones diplomáticas en época helenística (The Oracle of Didyma: an Example of Diplomatic Relations in the Hellenistic Period), Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie II, Historia Antigua 22, 2009, 333–340.
  • Engels 2009 D. Engels, Benefactors, Kings, Rulers. Studies on the Seleukid Empire between East and West, Leuven 2017.
  • Engels – Erickson 2016 D. Engels – K. Erickson, Apama and Stratonike – Marriage and Legit-imacy, in: Coşkun and McAuley 2016, 39–65.
  • Erickson 2011 K. Erickson, ‘Apollo-Nabû: the Babylonian Policy of Antiochus I’, in: K. Erickson – G. Ramsay (eds.), Seleucid Dissolution: the Sinking of the Anchor, Wiesbaden 2011, 51–65.
  • Erickson 2014 K. Erickson, Zeus to Apollo and back again: Shifts in Seleucid Policy and Iconography, in: S. Krmnicek – N. Baylor (eds.), Art in the Round, Tübingen 2014, 97–108.
  • Erickson 2018 K. Erickson (ed.), The Seleukid Empire, 281–222 BC. War within the Family, Swansea 2018.
  • Erickson, forthcoming K. Erickson, The Creation of Royal Status and Charismatic Legitimacy under Seleukos I, in: A. Coşkun – R. Wenghofer (eds.), Seleukid Ideol-ogy – Creation, Reception and Response.
  • Errington 2008 R.M. Errington, A History of the Hellenistic World (323-30 BC), Ox-ford 2008.
  • Grainger 1997 J.D. Grainger, A Seleukid Prosopography and Gazetteer, Leiden 1997.
  • Grainger 2010 J.D. Grainger, The Syrian Wars, Leiden 2010.
  • Grainger 2014 J.D. Grainger, The Rise of the Seleukid Empire, Barnsley 2014.
  • Grieb 2008 V. Grieb, Hellenistische Demokratie Politische Organisation und Struktur in freien griechischen Poleis nach Alexander dem Großen, Stuttgart 2008.
  • Günther 1971 W. Günther, Das Orakel von Didyma in hellenistischer Zeit. Eine In-terpretation von Stein-Urkunden, Tübingen 1971.
  • Günther 2017 W. Günther, Inschriften von Milet. Teil 4: Eine Prosopographie (Milet 6.4.), Berlin 2017.
  • Hackl 2020 J. Hackl, Bemerkungen zur Chronologie der Seleukidenzeit: Die Kore-gentschaft von Seleukos I. Nikator und Antiochos (I. Soter), Klio 102.2, 2020, 560-578.
  • Harders 2016 A.-C. Harders, The Making of a Queen – Seleukos Nikator and His Wives, in: Coşkun and McAuley 2016, 25–38.
  • Haussoullier 1902 B. Haussoullier, Études sur l’histoire de Milet et du Didymeion, Paris 1902.
  • Hämmerling 2019 R. Hämmerling, Zwischen dynastischem Selbstbild und literarischem Stereotyp. Königinnen der Seleukiden und der Mittelmächte Kleinasi-ens, Rahden in Westfalen 2019. Holton 2018 J. R. Holton, The Ideology of Seleukid Joint Kingship: the Case of Seleukos, Son of Antiochos I, in: Erickson 2018, 101–128.
  • I.Didyma Didyma. Zweiter Teil: Die Inschriften. Von A. Rehm, ed. by R. Harder (=Th. Wiegand, Didyma. Zweiter Teil: Die Inschriften), Berlin 1958.
  • I.Ephesos V C. Börker – R. Merkelbach (eds.), Die Inschriften von Ephesos. Teil V: Nr. 1446–2000 (Repertorium), Bonn 1980 (IK 15).
  • Kosmin 2014 P. J. Kosmin, The Land of the Elephant Kings: Space, Territory, and Ideology in the Seleucid Empire, Cambridge, MA 2014.
  • Kunst 2021 C. Kunst, Basilissa – Die Königin im Hellenismus. Vol. 1: Darstellung. Vol. 2: Quellen, Rahden/Westfalen.
  • Landucci Gattinoni 2013 F. Landucci Gattinoni, Seleucus vs. Antigonus: A Study on the Sources, in: Alonso Troncoso and Anson 2013, 30–42.
  • Ma 2013 J. Ma, Statues and Cities. Honorific Portraits and Civic Identity in the Hellenistic World, Oxford 2013.
  • McAuley 2022 A. McAuley, The Seleucid Royal Family as a Reigning Triad, in: E. An-agnostou-Laoutides – S. Pfeiffer (eds.), Culture and Ideology under the Seleucids, Berlin 2022, 23–40.
  • Macurdy 1932 G.H. Macurdy, Hellenistic Queens. A Study of Woman-Power in Mac-edonia, Seleucid Syria, and Ptolemaic Egypt, Baltimore 1932.
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  • Meijering 2014/15 R. Meijering, Religious Support and Political Gain: The Seleucids, Mi-letus, and Didyma, 301–281 BC, Talanta 46/47, 2014/15, 237–249.
  • Mehl 1986 A. Mehl, Seleukos Nikator und sein Reich, Leuven 1986.
  • Milet I 3 Das Delphinion von Milet. Von G. Kawerau und A. Rehm (=Milet. Er-gebnisse der Ausgrabungen und Untersuchungen seit dem Jahre 1899; vol. 1, instalment 3), Berlin 1914.
  • Monerie 2014 J. Monerie, D’Alexandre à Zoilos. Dictionnaire prosopographique des porteurs de nom grec dans les sources cunéiformes, Stuttgart 2014.
  • Müller 1976 H. Müller, Milesische Volksbeschlüsse. Eine Untersuchungsgeschichte der Stadt Milet in hellenistischer Zeit, Göttingen 1976.
  • Müller 2013 S. Müller, The Female Element of the Political Self-Fashioning of the Diadochi: Ptolemy, Seleucus, Lysimachus, and their Iranian Wives, in: Alonso Troncoso and Anson 2013, 199–214.
  • Nawotka 2014 K. Nawotka, Boule and Demos in Miletus and Its Pontic Colonies, 2nd ed. Wiesbaden 2014.
  • Nawotka 2019 K. Nawotka, Apollo, the Tutelary God of the Seleucids, and De-modamas of Miletus, in; Z. Archibald – J. Haywood (eds.), The Power of Individual and Community in Ancient Athens and Beyond: Essays in Honour of John K. Davies, Swansea 2019, 261–284.
  • Ogden 1999 D. Ogden, Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death. The Hellenistic Dynasties, London 1999.
  • Ogden 2017 D. Ogden, The Legend of Seleucus: Kingship, Narrative and Mythmak-ing in the Ancient World, Cambridge 2017.
  • OGIS W. Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae. Supplementum Syl¬loges Inscriptionum Graecarum, vols. I–II, Leipzig 1903/5, repr. Hildes¬heim 1970.
  • Olbrycht 2013 M. Olbrycht, Iranians in the Diadochi Period, in: Alonso Troncoso and Anson 2013, 159–182.
  • Olbrycht 2021 M. Olbrycht, Seleukid Women, in: Carney and Müller 2021, 173–185.
  • Olszewski – Saad 2018 M.T. Olszewski – H. Saad, Pella et Apamée en Syrie et ses héros fonda-teurs à la lumière d’une source historique inconnue une mosaïque d’Apamée, in: M.P. Castiglioni – R. Carboni – M. Giuman – H. Bernier-Farella (eds.), Héros fondateurs et identités communautaires dans l’Antiquité, entre mythe, rite et politique, Perugia 2018, 365–416.
  • Olszewski 2022 M.T. Olszewski, Memory and Ideology of the First Successor of Alex-ander the Great as Inscribed on Roman Mosaics from Apameia of Syr-ia, in: Anagnostou-Laoutides and Pfeiffer 2022, 97–127.
  • Orth 1977 W. Orth, Königlicher Machtanspruch und städtische Freiheit. Unter-suchungen zu den politischen Beziehungen zwischen den ersten Se-leukidenherrschern (Seleukos I., Antiochos I., Antiochos II.) und den Städten des westlichen Kleinasien, Munich 1977.
  • Plischke 2014 S. Plischke, Die Seleukiden und Iran. Die seleukidische Herrschafts-politik in den östlichen Satrapien, Wiesbaden 2014.
  • Primo 2009 A. Primo, La storiografia sui Seleucidi da Megastene a Eusebio di Cesarea, Pisa 2009.
  • Ramsey 2016 G. Ramsey, The Diplomacy of Seleukid Women: Apama and Stra-tonike, in: Coşkun and McAuley 2016, 87–104.
  • Ramsey 2021 G. Ramsey, Apama and Stratonike, in: Carney and Müller 2021, 186–197.
  • Reda 2014 S. Reda, Interregnum: Queen Regency in the Seleucid Empire. MA thesis, Water¬loo, ON. 2014 URL: 10012/8762.
  • Robert 1984 L. Robert, Documents d’Asie Mineure: Pline, VI, 49, Démodamas de Milet et la reine Apamè, BCH 108, 1984, 467–472.
  • Seibert 1967 J. Seibert, Historische Beiträge zu den dynastischen Verbindungen in hellenistischer Zeit, Wiesbaden 1967.
  • Seibert 1971 J. Seibert, Ptolemaios I. und Milet, Chiron 1, 1971, 159–166.
  • Sherk 1992 R.K. Sherk, The Eponymous Officials of Greek Cities IV, ZPE 93, 1992, 223–272.
  • Strootman 2021 R. Strootman, To be Magnanimous and Grateful. The Entanglement of Cities and Empires in the Hellenistic Aegean’, in: M. Domingo-Gygax – G. Zuiderhoek (eds.), Benefactors and the Polis: Origins and Devel-opment of the Public Gift in the Greek Cities. From the Homeric World to Late Antiquity, Cambridge 2021, 137–178.
  • van Oppen de Ruiter 2015 B. van Oppen de Ruiter, The Susa Marriages: A Historiographical Note, AncSoc 44, 2015, 25–41.
  • Visscher 2020 M. Visscher, Beyond Alexandria. Literature and Empire in the Seleu-cid World, Oxford 2020.
  • Welles RC C.B. Welles, Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic World. A Study in Greek Epigraphy, London 1934, repr. Chicago 1974.
  • Widmer 2016 M. Widmer, Apamè. Une reine au cœur de la construction d’un royaume, in: A. Bielman Sánchez, I. Cogitore and A. Kolb (eds.), Femmes influentes dans le monde hellénistique et à Rome: IIIe siècle avant J.C. – Ier siècle après J.C., Grenoble 2016, 17–33.
  • Widmer 2019 M. Widmer, Looking for the Seleucid Couple, in: A. Bielman Sánchez (ed.), Power Couples in Antiquity: Transversal Perspectives, London 2019, 32–41.
Year 2022, Volume: 8, 23 - 40, 31.12.2022



  • Ager 2018 S. Ager, Building a Dynasty: The Families of Ptolemy I Soter, in: T. Howe (ed.), Ptolemy Soter. A Self-Made Man, Oxford, 38–59.
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  • Bielman Sánchez 2003 A. Bielman Sánchez, Régner au feminin. Réflexions sur les reines atta-lides et séleucides, in: F. Prost (ed.), L’Orient méditerranéen de la mort d’Alexandre aux campagnes de Pompée, Rennes 2003, 41–64.
  • Billows 1990 R.A. Billows, Antigonos the One-Eyed and the Creation of the Hel-lenistic State, Berkeley 1990, repr. 1997.
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  • Capdetrey 2022 L. Capdetrey, L’Asie Mineure après Alexandre (vers 323–vers 270 av. J.-C.). L’invention du monde hellénistique, Rennes 2022.
  • Carlsson 2010 S. Carlsson, Hellenistic Democracies. Freedom, Independence and Po-litical Procedure in Some East Greek City-States, Stuttgart 2010.
  • Carney 1991 E. Carney, „What’s in a Name?” The Emergence of a Title for Royal Women in the Hellenistic Period, in: S. B. Pomeroy (ed.), Women’s History and Ancient History, Chapel Hill 1991, 154–172.
  • Carney – Müller 2021 E. Carney – S. Müller, The Routledge Companion to Women and Mon-archy in the Ancient Mediterranean World, London 2021.
  • Cobet 2006 J. Cobet, Miletos [2] – I. History – E. Classical and Hellenistic Period, BNP Online.
  • Cohen 2006 G.M. Cohen, The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa, Berkeley 2006.
  • Coloru 2009 O. Coloru, Da Alessandro a Menandro: Il regno greco di Battriana, Pisa 2009.
  • Coşkun 2016 A. Coşkun, Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars, in: B. Takmer – E. Akdoğu Arca – N. Gökalp Özdil (eds.), Vir doctus anatolicus. Studies in Memory of Sencer Şahin – Sencer Şahin Anısına Yazıtlar, Istanbul 2016, 211–233.
  • Coşkun 2021 A. Coşkun, The Regnal Years of Antigonos Gonatas, in: Karanos 4, 2021, 49–58.
  • Coşkun 2022a A. Coşkun, Berenike Phernophoros and Other Virgin Queens in Early-Ptolemaic Egypt, Klio 104.1, 2022, 1–43.
  • Coşkun 2022b A. Coşkun (ed.), Galatian Victories and Other Studies into the Agency and Identity of the Galatians in the Hellenistic and Early-Roman Pe-riods (Colloquia Antiqua 33), Leuven 2022.
  • Coşkun 2022c A. Coşkun, Ideological Layers in the Apameia Foundation Mosaics. Seleukid Lecture Series III.2, 16 March 2022. URL:
  • Coşkun, forthcoming 1 A. Coşkun, Polygamy and Queenship under Antiochos II The King’s Wife Laodike I and the Basilissa Title (or the Lack thereof), in: E. Al-magor – B. Antela-Bernárdez – M. Mendoza (eds.), Cherchez la femme. Women in Hellenistic History, Historiography and Reception.
  • Coşkun, forthcoming 2 A. Coşkun, The First Seleukid Benefactions in Miletos and the Crea-tion of a Dynastic Ideology, in: A. Coşkun – R. Wenghofer (eds.), Seleukid Ideology – Creation, Reception and Response (Seleukid Per-spectives 1), Stuttgart.
  • Coşkun, forthcoming 3 A. Coşkun, A New Book and Further Recent Scholarship on Seleukid Royal Women, forthcoming in Karanos 5, 2022.
  • Coşkun, in preparation A. Coşkun, Seleukos and the Peace after Ipsos, in preparation for C. Feyel, L. Graslin-Thomé, and L. Martinez-Sève (eds.), Crises, ef-fondrements et rétablissements de l’autorité séleucide (Actes de la conférence, Athènes, 19–21 Oct. 2022).
  • Coşkun – McAuley 2016 A. Coşkun – A. McAuley (eds.), Seleukid Royal Women. Creation, Representation and Distortion of Hellenistic Queenship in the Seleukid Empire, Stuttgart 2016.
  • D’Agostini 2009 M. D’Agostini, Da Fila a Ftia di Macedonia. Riflessioni sulla regalità femminile degli Antigonidi’, Aevum 94, 2020, 75–89.
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  • Engels 2009 D. Engels, Benefactors, Kings, Rulers. Studies on the Seleukid Empire between East and West, Leuven 2017.
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  • Müller 2013 S. Müller, The Female Element of the Political Self-Fashioning of the Diadochi: Ptolemy, Seleucus, Lysimachus, and their Iranian Wives, in: Alonso Troncoso and Anson 2013, 199–214.
  • Nawotka 2014 K. Nawotka, Boule and Demos in Miletus and Its Pontic Colonies, 2nd ed. Wiesbaden 2014.
  • Nawotka 2019 K. Nawotka, Apollo, the Tutelary God of the Seleucids, and De-modamas of Miletus, in; Z. Archibald – J. Haywood (eds.), The Power of Individual and Community in Ancient Athens and Beyond: Essays in Honour of John K. Davies, Swansea 2019, 261–284.
  • Ogden 1999 D. Ogden, Polygamy, Prostitutes and Death. The Hellenistic Dynasties, London 1999.
  • Ogden 2017 D. Ogden, The Legend of Seleucus: Kingship, Narrative and Mythmak-ing in the Ancient World, Cambridge 2017.
  • OGIS W. Dittenberger, Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae. Supplementum Syl¬loges Inscriptionum Graecarum, vols. I–II, Leipzig 1903/5, repr. Hildes¬heim 1970.
  • Olbrycht 2013 M. Olbrycht, Iranians in the Diadochi Period, in: Alonso Troncoso and Anson 2013, 159–182.
  • Olbrycht 2021 M. Olbrycht, Seleukid Women, in: Carney and Müller 2021, 173–185.
  • Olszewski – Saad 2018 M.T. Olszewski – H. Saad, Pella et Apamée en Syrie et ses héros fonda-teurs à la lumière d’une source historique inconnue une mosaïque d’Apamée, in: M.P. Castiglioni – R. Carboni – M. Giuman – H. Bernier-Farella (eds.), Héros fondateurs et identités communautaires dans l’Antiquité, entre mythe, rite et politique, Perugia 2018, 365–416.
  • Olszewski 2022 M.T. Olszewski, Memory and Ideology of the First Successor of Alex-ander the Great as Inscribed on Roman Mosaics from Apameia of Syr-ia, in: Anagnostou-Laoutides and Pfeiffer 2022, 97–127.
  • Orth 1977 W. Orth, Königlicher Machtanspruch und städtische Freiheit. Unter-suchungen zu den politischen Beziehungen zwischen den ersten Se-leukidenherrschern (Seleukos I., Antiochos I., Antiochos II.) und den Städten des westlichen Kleinasien, Munich 1977.
  • Plischke 2014 S. Plischke, Die Seleukiden und Iran. Die seleukidische Herrschafts-politik in den östlichen Satrapien, Wiesbaden 2014.
  • Primo 2009 A. Primo, La storiografia sui Seleucidi da Megastene a Eusebio di Cesarea, Pisa 2009.
  • Ramsey 2016 G. Ramsey, The Diplomacy of Seleukid Women: Apama and Stra-tonike, in: Coşkun and McAuley 2016, 87–104.
  • Ramsey 2021 G. Ramsey, Apama and Stratonike, in: Carney and Müller 2021, 186–197.
  • Reda 2014 S. Reda, Interregnum: Queen Regency in the Seleucid Empire. MA thesis, Water¬loo, ON. 2014 URL: 10012/8762.
  • Robert 1984 L. Robert, Documents d’Asie Mineure: Pline, VI, 49, Démodamas de Milet et la reine Apamè, BCH 108, 1984, 467–472.
  • Seibert 1967 J. Seibert, Historische Beiträge zu den dynastischen Verbindungen in hellenistischer Zeit, Wiesbaden 1967.
  • Seibert 1971 J. Seibert, Ptolemaios I. und Milet, Chiron 1, 1971, 159–166.
  • Sherk 1992 R.K. Sherk, The Eponymous Officials of Greek Cities IV, ZPE 93, 1992, 223–272.
  • Strootman 2021 R. Strootman, To be Magnanimous and Grateful. The Entanglement of Cities and Empires in the Hellenistic Aegean’, in: M. Domingo-Gygax – G. Zuiderhoek (eds.), Benefactors and the Polis: Origins and Devel-opment of the Public Gift in the Greek Cities. From the Homeric World to Late Antiquity, Cambridge 2021, 137–178.
  • van Oppen de Ruiter 2015 B. van Oppen de Ruiter, The Susa Marriages: A Historiographical Note, AncSoc 44, 2015, 25–41.
  • Visscher 2020 M. Visscher, Beyond Alexandria. Literature and Empire in the Seleu-cid World, Oxford 2020.
  • Welles RC C.B. Welles, Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic World. A Study in Greek Epigraphy, London 1934, repr. Chicago 1974.
  • Widmer 2016 M. Widmer, Apamè. Une reine au cœur de la construction d’un royaume, in: A. Bielman Sánchez, I. Cogitore and A. Kolb (eds.), Femmes influentes dans le monde hellénistique et à Rome: IIIe siècle avant J.C. – Ier siècle après J.C., Grenoble 2016, 17–33.
  • Widmer 2019 M. Widmer, Looking for the Seleucid Couple, in: A. Bielman Sánchez (ed.), Power Couples in Antiquity: Transversal Perspectives, London 2019, 32–41.

Apollon ’un Stephanephorosluğu ve Kraliçe Apama’ya İlişkin Miletos Kararnamesi : I.Didyma 480’in Tarihi Çerçevesi

Year 2022, Volume: 8, 23 - 40, 31.12.2022


Ipsos Savaşı’ndan (MÖ 301) kısa bir süre sonra Miletoslular, Didyma’daki Apollon tapınağını onarma ve orada bir stoa inşa etme sözü verdikleri için kral I. Seleukos, oğlu Antiokhos ve eşi kraliçe Apama’yı bir şükran nişanesi olarak onurlandırmışlardır. Antiokhos ve Apama’nın onuruna alınan kararnameler (I.Didyma 479–480) büyük oranda korunmuştur. Kraliçeyi onurlandıran yazıt her üç onurlandırmayı tarihi çerçeveye oturtmak için kilit rolü konumundadır. Burada kraliçenin heykeli için gerekli para miktarının kentin mali yetkilileri (anataktai) tarafından Apollon’un stephanephorosluğu zamanında temin edilmesi gerektiği belirtilmektedir. Yazıtın kabul gören edisyonunda Albert Rehm bu stephanephorosluğu MÖ 299/8 yılına tarihlemiş, ancak bunun kararname için bir terminus ante quem oluşturduğunu görememiştir. Miletoslular’un yaşadıkları istisnai mali dar boğaz, Antiokhos’un atlı heykelinin yapımının muhtemelen MÖ 300 sonbaharından MÖ 299 baharına ertelenmesine yol açmış olmalıdır. Zaman çizelgesinde yapılan bu küçük düzeltme bizi Diadokhlar dönemindeki hanedanlık tarihinin diğer yönlerini yeniden gözden geçirmeye davet etmektedir. Seleukos’un I. Demetrios’un kızı Stratonike ile MÖ 300 yılında gerçekleşen evliliği, çok eşli bir sarayda ilk eş (haseki) olan Apama’nın Miletoslular tarafından onurlandırılması hususunda yaygın görüşün aksine bir terminus ante quem değil, daha çok bir terminus a quo oluşturmaktadır. Çünkü bu evlilik Ipsos Savaşı’nın ardından Demetrios ile Seleukos arasındaki mutabakatı mühürlemiştir. Seleukos’un Miletos’a vaatettiği hayırseverlik kralın Demetrios ile Rhosos’ta başlattığı ortak barış girişimi bağlamında görülmelidir. Bu durum Rodoslu Nikagoras’ın iki kral adına Ephesos’a yaptığı elçilikte de yankı bulmaktadır (I.Ephesos V 1453). Bu bağlamda Miletoslu elçiler Seleukos sarayına davet edilmiş, orada hayır vaatlerinde bulunmuş ve hemşehrilerinin girişte bahsi geçen onurlandırdırmalarla karşılık vermelerini sağlamıştır.


  • Ager 2018 S. Ager, Building a Dynasty: The Families of Ptolemy I Soter, in: T. Howe (ed.), Ptolemy Soter. A Self-Made Man, Oxford, 38–59.
  • Almagor 2016 E. Almagor, Seleukid Love and Power: Stratonike I, in: Coşkun and McAuley 2016, 67–86.
  • Alonso Troncoso – Anson 2013 V. Alonso Troncoso – E.M. Anson (eds.), After Alexander: the Time of the Diadochi, Oxford 2013.
  • Austin2 M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest. A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation. Second Edi-tion, Cambridge 2006.
  • Bielman Sánchez 2003 A. Bielman Sánchez, Régner au feminin. Réflexions sur les reines atta-lides et séleucides, in: F. Prost (ed.), L’Orient méditerranéen de la mort d’Alexandre aux campagnes de Pompée, Rennes 2003, 41–64.
  • Billows 1990 R.A. Billows, Antigonos the One-Eyed and the Creation of the Hel-lenistic State, Berkeley 1990, repr. 1997.
  • Bringmann – von Steuben 1995 K. Bringmann – H. von Steuben, Schenkungen hellenistischer Herr-scher an griechische Städte und Heiligtümer. Teil I: Zeugnisse und Kommentare, Berlin 1995.
  • Capdetrey 2022 L. Capdetrey, L’Asie Mineure après Alexandre (vers 323–vers 270 av. J.-C.). L’invention du monde hellénistique, Rennes 2022.
  • Carlsson 2010 S. Carlsson, Hellenistic Democracies. Freedom, Independence and Po-litical Procedure in Some East Greek City-States, Stuttgart 2010.
  • Carney 1991 E. Carney, „What’s in a Name?” The Emergence of a Title for Royal Women in the Hellenistic Period, in: S. B. Pomeroy (ed.), Women’s History and Ancient History, Chapel Hill 1991, 154–172.
  • Carney – Müller 2021 E. Carney – S. Müller, The Routledge Companion to Women and Mon-archy in the Ancient Mediterranean World, London 2021.
  • Cobet 2006 J. Cobet, Miletos [2] – I. History – E. Classical and Hellenistic Period, BNP Online.
  • Cohen 2006 G.M. Cohen, The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa, Berkeley 2006.
  • Coloru 2009 O. Coloru, Da Alessandro a Menandro: Il regno greco di Battriana, Pisa 2009.
  • Coşkun 2016 A. Coşkun, Ptolemaioi as Commanders in 3rd-Century Asia Minor and Some Glimpses on Ephesos and Mylasa during the Second and Third Syrian Wars, in: B. Takmer – E. Akdoğu Arca – N. Gökalp Özdil (eds.), Vir doctus anatolicus. Studies in Memory of Sencer Şahin – Sencer Şahin Anısına Yazıtlar, Istanbul 2016, 211–233.
  • Coşkun 2021 A. Coşkun, The Regnal Years of Antigonos Gonatas, in: Karanos 4, 2021, 49–58.
  • Coşkun 2022a A. Coşkun, Berenike Phernophoros and Other Virgin Queens in Early-Ptolemaic Egypt, Klio 104.1, 2022, 1–43.
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  • Coşkun, forthcoming 3 A. Coşkun, A New Book and Further Recent Scholarship on Seleukid Royal Women, forthcoming in Karanos 5, 2022.
  • Coşkun, in preparation A. Coşkun, Seleukos and the Peace after Ipsos, in preparation for C. Feyel, L. Graslin-Thomé, and L. Martinez-Sève (eds.), Crises, ef-fondrements et rétablissements de l’autorité séleucide (Actes de la conférence, Athènes, 19–21 Oct. 2022).
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There are 83 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics, Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Articles

Altay Coşkun This is me 0000-0002-4672-6195

Publication Date December 31, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 8


APA Coşkun, A. (2022). The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480). PHILIA, 8, 23-40.
AMA Coşkun A. The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480). PHILIA. December 2022;8:23-40.
Chicago Coşkun, Altay. “The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480)”. PHILIA 8, December (December 2022): 23-40.
EndNote Coşkun A (December 1, 2022) The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480). PHILIA 8 23–40.
IEEE A. Coşkun, “The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480)”, PHILIA, vol. 8, pp. 23–40, 2022.
ISNAD Coşkun, Altay. “The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480)”. PHILIA 8 (December 2022), 23-40.
JAMA Coşkun A. The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480). PHILIA. 2022;8:23–40.
MLA Coşkun, Altay. “The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480)”. PHILIA, vol. 8, 2022, pp. 23-40.
Vancouver Coşkun A. The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480). PHILIA. 2022;8:23-40.