Authors are encouraged to follow the following principles before submitting their article:
Cover page (Title Page): The title of the article in Turkish and English, the names, surnames and titles of all authors, the name and city of the institution they work for should be included on this page. Internationally valid "ORCID" information of all authors should be included. If the article has been presented as a report at any meeting before, its place and date should be specified. The name, full address, telephone, fax, mobile phone and e-mail information of the correspondence author must also be added to this page.
The text file should include the title in Turkish, keywords, the title in English, keywords in English, abstract, the text of the article, references, tables (only one table for one page) and figure legends (if any), respectively. Within the text file, the names of the authors, any information about the institutions, the figures and images should be excluded.
In original articles; Turkish and English abstracts should be written with the title of the article. The abstract should reflect the article, give important results and make a brief comment.
Abbreviations and references should not be used in the abstract. It should contain objective, material and method, results and conclusion sections and should not exceed 250 words.
In case reports should not exceed 150 words.
In reviews should be unstructured and no longer than 250 words.
Main text:
Main text in original articles; It should consist of Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion sections.
In the introduction; the purpose of the article should be stated, the rationale of the study or observation should be summarized, only strictly appropriate references should be given, and the subject should not be reviewed extensively.
In the Materials and Methods section; the study design, selection and description of cases, technical methods, materials and procedures, and statistical methods used should be described.
Results section; Results should be presented in the text, tables and figures in logical order. In the text, all data in tables and / or figures should not be repeated, only important results should be highlighted or summarized.
In the discussion section; the new and important aspects of the study and their results should be emphasized. Detailed data given in the results sections should not be repeated. The conclusions and limitations of the study should be included in the discussion section. The results should be linked to other relevant studies.
Case reports should include introduction, case (s) presentation, discussion, and conclusion sections.
The main text in reviews should include title, abstract, keywords, text and references.
When cited, the latest and most recent publications should be preferred. All sources must be shown in the main text by numbering them where appropriate. The authors are responsible for the correctness of the references. If possible, the DOI numbers of online articles that have been cited before must be provided. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to journal abbreviations at Index Medicus/Medline/PubMed.
The journal has adopted the NLM style adopted by the US National Library of Medicine as the reference writing style. For source citation examples, authors can refer to
When there are six or fewer authors, all author names should be listed. If there are seven or more authors, then the first six authors should be put "et al." after writing. For writing in the text, Arabic numbers should be used in brackets when referring to sources in the main text for example (1,2).
Reference styles for different publication types are shown in the following examples:
Journal article
1. Ercan S, Yazkan R, Kolcu G, Başer Kolcu M, Gülle K, Koşar A. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi’nin Son 10 Yılının Bibliyometrik Analizi. SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2019;26(2):123-129.
2. Akdeniz YS, Cakmak F, Ipekci A, Ikizceli I, Karatas KF, Berberoglu DB, et al. Videoscopic assisted retroperitoneal debridement in infected necrotizing pancreatitis. Phnx Med J. 2020;9(2):156-159. DOI: 10.1080/13651820701225688.
Book section
Ipekci A, Cakmak F, Akdeniz YS. Cell death: the significance of apoptosis. In: Ikizceli I, eds. International review of cytology. Istanbul: BTM; 2019. pp. 251–306.
Single authored book
Akdeniz YS. Health economics: fundamentals of funds. Istanbul: Kara Tren Yayınevi; 2019.
Editor(s) as author
Cakmak F, Ipekci A, editors. Mental health care for elderly people. Istanbul: Fatih Yayınevi; 2019.
Written at the meeting
Berberoglu D, Kocman AY, Cakmak K, Kanbakan A. Cannabinoids and pain. In: Ikızceli I, editor. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Emergency; 2020Aug 17-22; Istanbul, IASP Press;2020. p. 437-68.
Memoglu F. Acil Servise Başvuran 65 Yaş Üzeri Travma Hastalarının İncelenmesi. Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi: İstanbul Üniersitesi; 2019.
Text published in electronic format
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2006. Accessed 30 Nov 2014.
Tables, Figures, Pictures, and Graphics:
Conflict of interest: If any of the writers have a relationship based on self-interest, this should be explained.
Acknowledgment: Only acknowledge persons and institutions who have made substantial contributions to the study, but was not a writer of the paper.
Ethical approval: Studies must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki ( Authors should indicate the date and number of ethics committee approval they received for their work requiring ethics committee approval, and from which institution it was obtained in the materials and methods section.
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