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The Role of Women's Cooperatives in Women's Empowerment and Gender Equality

Year 2022, , 247 - 259, 02.07.2022


Women’s participation in social life is not only a matter of human rights but also a social profit to gain through the reflection of their talents, skills, and perspectives. Major factors that hinder women’s existence in social life can be listed as the lower rate of women in workforce, lower pay for equal work, lower representation of women in managerial positions, and housework and childcare being considered as women’s responsibility. Enabling women to participate more actively in social life requires developing and enforcing social and economic policies. Cooperations are suggested and used as a model all around the world to support women socioeconomically, to reduce gender inequality, and achieve local development through their economic contribution. This study aimed to search the effects of women's cooperatives on women's empowerment and their societal contributions by compiling the research on women’s cooperatives. The results imply beyond providing employment and income, women’s cooperations make a major contribution to economic and social development of women by strengthening their social capital and enhancing their self-confidence.


  • Barut, Y. (2017). Women’s cooperatives contributions to local region economy: Seferihisar agricultural cooperative development model-Turkey. Management Studies, 5(2), 120-127.
  • Bastida, M., Pinto, L. H., Olveira Blanco, A., & Cancelo, M. (2020). Female entrepreneurship: Can cooperatives contribute to overcoming the gender gap? A Spanish first step to equality. Sustainability, 12(6), 1-17.
  • Bharti, N. (2021). Role of cooperatives in economic empowerment of women: A review of Indian experiences. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 17(4), 617-631.
  • Birchall, J. & Ketilson, L. H. (2009). Resilience of the cooperative business model in times of crisis. Geneva: International Labour Organisation, Sustainable Enterprise Programme. URL:, (Erişim: 20.04.2022).
  • Bouhazzama, M., & Guenaoui, A. (2020). The Moroccan women’s cooperative in response to lasting impacts: social cohesion, solidarity and inclusion. International Journal of Management, 11(5), 195-202.
  • Carrasco, I.G. (2019). Women-led cooperatives in Spain: empowering or perpetuating gender roles?. REVESCO: Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 131, 48-64.
  • Cinar, K., Akyuz, S., Ugur-Cinar, M., & Onculer-Yayalar, E. (2021). Faces and Phases of Women’s Empowerment: The Case of Women’s Cooperatives in Turkey, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 28(3), 778–805.
  • Datta, P.B., & Gailey, R. (2012). Empowering women through social entrepreneurship: Case study of a women’s cooperative in India. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36(3):569-587.
  • Duguid, F, Durutaş, G., & Wodzicki, M. (2015). The current state of women's co-operatives in Turkey. World Bank, Washington, DC. URL: License: CC BY 3.0 IGO, (Erişim: 20.04.2022).
  • Gangwar, M., Kandekar, N., Mandai, M.K., & Kandekar, P. (2004). Empowerment status of rural women: insights from dairy cooperatives. Social Change, 34(1), 112-123.
  • Goldman, M. J., & Little, J. S. (2015). Innovative grassroots ngos and the complex processes of women’s empowerment: An empirical ınvestigation from Northern Tanzania. World Development, 66, 762–77.
  • Gupta, G. R., Oomman, N., Grown, C., Conn, K., Hawkes, S., Shawar, Y. R., Shiffman, J., Buse, K., Mehra, R., Bah, C. A., Heise, L., Greene, M. E., Weber, A. M., Heymann, J., Hay, K., Raj, A., Henry, S., Klugman, J., Darmstadt, G. L., & Gender Equality, Norms, and Health Steering Committee. (2019). Gender equality and gender norms: Framing the opportunities for health. The Lancet, 393(10190), 2550–2562.
  • Kabeer, N. (1999). Resources, agency, and achievements: Reflections on the measurement on women empowerment. Development and Change, 30(3), 435–64.
  • Kabeer, N. (2005). Gender equality and women’s empowerment: A critical analysis of the third millenium development goal 1, Gender and Development, 13(1), 13-24.
  • Koutsou, S., Iakovidou, O., & Gotsinas, N. (2003). Women’s cooperatives in Greece: An on-going story of battles, successes and problems. Journal of Rural Cooperation, 31(1), 47-57.
  • Lassithiotaki, A., & Roubakou, A. (2014). Rural Women Cooperatives at Greece: A retrospective study. Open Journal of Business and Management, 2, 127-137.
  • Mayoux, L. (1992). From idealism to realism: Women, feminism and empowerment in Nicaraguan tailoring cooperatives. Development and Change, 23(2), 91–114.
  • Mayoux, L. (1995). Alternative development or utopian fantasy: Women and cooperative development in India. Journal of International Development, 7(2), 211–228.
  • Medel-Anonuevo, C. & Bochynek, B. (2003). The international seminar on women’s ecuvation and empowerment. İçinde D. B. Rao & D. P. Rao (Eds.). Women, Education and Empowerment, India: Discovery Publishing House, 1-12. URL:, (Erişim: 30.04.2022).
  • Nair, N. V., & Moolakkattu, J. S. (2015) Why do women's cooperative societies languish? A study of selected societies in Kottayam, Kerala. Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 21(2), 105-125,
  • Özdemir, G. (2013). Women’s Cooperatives in Turkey. İçinde A. Iacob (Ed.). Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 81, 300-305.
  • Singh, V., Rewani, S.K., Rathore, S.S., & Garg, S.L. (2018). Political empowerment of women through dairy cooperatives in Rajasthan. Veterinary Practitioner, 19(2), 306-308.
  • Stevenson, L. (1986). Against all odds: The entrepreneurship of women. Journal of Small Business Management, 24(4), 30-36.
  • Stromquist, N. P. (2003). The theoretical and practical bases for empowerment. İçinde D. B. Rao & D. P. Rao (Eds.). Women, Education and Empowerment, India: Discovery Publishing House, 13-27. URL: fnd&pg=PA1&dq=women%27s+empowerment+theory+basis&ots=QmL_iblAkX&sig=Kn6AKe4gqZjLOFd8gQcHk8U1as4&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=depthnews&f=false, (Erişim: 30.04.2022).
  • Wafae, T., & Sara, R. (2021). Women's rural cooperatives in Morocco: Challenges and collapses. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, 2(1), 85-103. URL:, (Erişim: 20.04.2022)
  • Vakoufaris, H., Kizos, T., Spilanis, I., Koulouri, M., & Zacharaki, A. (2007). Women’s cooperatives and their contribution to the local development of the North Aegean Region, Greece. Journal of Rural Cooperation, 35(1), 19-41. URL:, (Erişim: 20.04.2022)
  • İnternet Kaynakları CICOPA (2017). Cooperatives and Employment Second Global Report. URL, (Erişim: 02.04.2022)
  • Co-operatives UK (2022). URL:, (Erişim: 04.04.2022)
  • ICA. (2022). What is a cooperative? URL:, (Erişim: 04.04.2022).
  • ILO. (2012). How women fare in East African cooperatives: the case of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. URL:, (Erişim: 10.04.2022).
  • ILO-ICA. (1995). 2 hours gender issues in cooperatives: An introductory session on gender issues for cooperative leaders, Geneva: International Labour Organisation. URL:, (Erişim: 10.04.2022).
  • ILO-ICA. (2015). Advancing gender equality: The co-operative way, Geneva: International Labour Organisation. URL:, (Erişim: 10.04.2022).
  • KEİG (Kadın Emeği ve İstihdamı Girişimciliği). (2018). Kadın Kooperatifleri Kılavuzu, Kadın Emeği ve İstihdamı Girişimi Platformu Yayın Dizisi. İstanbul. URL:, (Erişim: 12.04.2022).
  • OECD/ILO. (2019). Tackling Vulnerability in the Informal Economy, Development Centre Studies, OECS Publishing, Paris, https: //, (Erişim: 12.04.2022).
  • The World Bank Data. (2021). URL:, (Erişim: 12.04.2022).
  • UN. (2007). Final Report of the Expert Group Meeting on Creating an Inclusive Society: Practical Strategies to Promote Social Integration. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Social Policy and Development. URL:, (Erişim: 04.05.2022).
  • UNICEF. (2017). Gender equality: Glossary of terms and concepts. Erişim:, (Erişim: 12.04.2022).

Kadın Kooperatiflerinin Kadınların Güçlendirilmesi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğinin Sağlanmasındaki Rolü

Year 2022, , 247 - 259, 02.07.2022


Kadınların toplumsal süreçlerde var olmaları yalnızca bir insan hakları meselesi değil aynı zamanda kadınların yetenek, beceri ve bakış açısının süreçlere yansımasıyla toplumsal bir kazançtır. İşgücüne katılan kadın oranının daha düşük olması, eşit işe karşılık kadınların daha düşük ücret alması, yönetim kademesindeki işlerde kadınların daha düşük oranda temsil edilmesi ve ev ve çocuk bakımı gibi işlerinin ağırlıklı olarak kadınların sorumluluğu olarak görülmesi kadınların toplumsal hayatta var olmaları önünde ciddi bir engel oluşturmaktadır. Ancak kadınların toplumsal hayatta daha fazla var olmalarının sağlanması bir takım sosyal ve ekonomik politikaların oluşturulması ve desteklenmesini gerektirir. Kooperatifler dünyada kadınların sosyo-ekonomik olarak güçlendirilmesinde, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin azaltılmasında ve ekonomik katkıyla yerel kalkınmanın sağlanmasında kullanılabilecek bir model olarak önerilmekte ve kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, kadın kooperatifleriyle ilgili yapılan araştırmalar derlenmiş ve araştırma bulgularının ışığında kadın kooperatiflerinin kadınların güçlendirilmesi üzerine etkisi ve toplumsal katkıları tartışılmıştır. Kadın kooperatifleriyle ilgili yapılan araştırmalar, kooperatiflerin kadınların bir iş ve gelir elde etmelerinin ötesinde sosyal sermayelerinin güçlenmesine ve kendilerine güvenlerinin gelişmesine katkı sağlayarak kadınların ekonomik ve sosyal olarak güçlendirilmesinde önemli bir rol oynadığına işaret etmektedir.


  • Barut, Y. (2017). Women’s cooperatives contributions to local region economy: Seferihisar agricultural cooperative development model-Turkey. Management Studies, 5(2), 120-127.
  • Bastida, M., Pinto, L. H., Olveira Blanco, A., & Cancelo, M. (2020). Female entrepreneurship: Can cooperatives contribute to overcoming the gender gap? A Spanish first step to equality. Sustainability, 12(6), 1-17.
  • Bharti, N. (2021). Role of cooperatives in economic empowerment of women: A review of Indian experiences. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 17(4), 617-631.
  • Birchall, J. & Ketilson, L. H. (2009). Resilience of the cooperative business model in times of crisis. Geneva: International Labour Organisation, Sustainable Enterprise Programme. URL:, (Erişim: 20.04.2022).
  • Bouhazzama, M., & Guenaoui, A. (2020). The Moroccan women’s cooperative in response to lasting impacts: social cohesion, solidarity and inclusion. International Journal of Management, 11(5), 195-202.
  • Carrasco, I.G. (2019). Women-led cooperatives in Spain: empowering or perpetuating gender roles?. REVESCO: Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 131, 48-64.
  • Cinar, K., Akyuz, S., Ugur-Cinar, M., & Onculer-Yayalar, E. (2021). Faces and Phases of Women’s Empowerment: The Case of Women’s Cooperatives in Turkey, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 28(3), 778–805.
  • Datta, P.B., & Gailey, R. (2012). Empowering women through social entrepreneurship: Case study of a women’s cooperative in India. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36(3):569-587.
  • Duguid, F, Durutaş, G., & Wodzicki, M. (2015). The current state of women's co-operatives in Turkey. World Bank, Washington, DC. URL: License: CC BY 3.0 IGO, (Erişim: 20.04.2022).
  • Gangwar, M., Kandekar, N., Mandai, M.K., & Kandekar, P. (2004). Empowerment status of rural women: insights from dairy cooperatives. Social Change, 34(1), 112-123.
  • Goldman, M. J., & Little, J. S. (2015). Innovative grassroots ngos and the complex processes of women’s empowerment: An empirical ınvestigation from Northern Tanzania. World Development, 66, 762–77.
  • Gupta, G. R., Oomman, N., Grown, C., Conn, K., Hawkes, S., Shawar, Y. R., Shiffman, J., Buse, K., Mehra, R., Bah, C. A., Heise, L., Greene, M. E., Weber, A. M., Heymann, J., Hay, K., Raj, A., Henry, S., Klugman, J., Darmstadt, G. L., & Gender Equality, Norms, and Health Steering Committee. (2019). Gender equality and gender norms: Framing the opportunities for health. The Lancet, 393(10190), 2550–2562.
  • Kabeer, N. (1999). Resources, agency, and achievements: Reflections on the measurement on women empowerment. Development and Change, 30(3), 435–64.
  • Kabeer, N. (2005). Gender equality and women’s empowerment: A critical analysis of the third millenium development goal 1, Gender and Development, 13(1), 13-24.
  • Koutsou, S., Iakovidou, O., & Gotsinas, N. (2003). Women’s cooperatives in Greece: An on-going story of battles, successes and problems. Journal of Rural Cooperation, 31(1), 47-57.
  • Lassithiotaki, A., & Roubakou, A. (2014). Rural Women Cooperatives at Greece: A retrospective study. Open Journal of Business and Management, 2, 127-137.
  • Mayoux, L. (1992). From idealism to realism: Women, feminism and empowerment in Nicaraguan tailoring cooperatives. Development and Change, 23(2), 91–114.
  • Mayoux, L. (1995). Alternative development or utopian fantasy: Women and cooperative development in India. Journal of International Development, 7(2), 211–228.
  • Medel-Anonuevo, C. & Bochynek, B. (2003). The international seminar on women’s ecuvation and empowerment. İçinde D. B. Rao & D. P. Rao (Eds.). Women, Education and Empowerment, India: Discovery Publishing House, 1-12. URL:, (Erişim: 30.04.2022).
  • Nair, N. V., & Moolakkattu, J. S. (2015) Why do women's cooperative societies languish? A study of selected societies in Kottayam, Kerala. Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 21(2), 105-125,
  • Özdemir, G. (2013). Women’s Cooperatives in Turkey. İçinde A. Iacob (Ed.). Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 81, 300-305.
  • Singh, V., Rewani, S.K., Rathore, S.S., & Garg, S.L. (2018). Political empowerment of women through dairy cooperatives in Rajasthan. Veterinary Practitioner, 19(2), 306-308.
  • Stevenson, L. (1986). Against all odds: The entrepreneurship of women. Journal of Small Business Management, 24(4), 30-36.
  • Stromquist, N. P. (2003). The theoretical and practical bases for empowerment. İçinde D. B. Rao & D. P. Rao (Eds.). Women, Education and Empowerment, India: Discovery Publishing House, 13-27. URL: fnd&pg=PA1&dq=women%27s+empowerment+theory+basis&ots=QmL_iblAkX&sig=Kn6AKe4gqZjLOFd8gQcHk8U1as4&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=depthnews&f=false, (Erişim: 30.04.2022).
  • Wafae, T., & Sara, R. (2021). Women's rural cooperatives in Morocco: Challenges and collapses. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, 2(1), 85-103. URL:, (Erişim: 20.04.2022)
  • Vakoufaris, H., Kizos, T., Spilanis, I., Koulouri, M., & Zacharaki, A. (2007). Women’s cooperatives and their contribution to the local development of the North Aegean Region, Greece. Journal of Rural Cooperation, 35(1), 19-41. URL:, (Erişim: 20.04.2022)
  • İnternet Kaynakları CICOPA (2017). Cooperatives and Employment Second Global Report. URL, (Erişim: 02.04.2022)
  • Co-operatives UK (2022). URL:, (Erişim: 04.04.2022)
  • ICA. (2022). What is a cooperative? URL:, (Erişim: 04.04.2022).
  • ILO. (2012). How women fare in East African cooperatives: the case of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. URL:, (Erişim: 10.04.2022).
  • ILO-ICA. (1995). 2 hours gender issues in cooperatives: An introductory session on gender issues for cooperative leaders, Geneva: International Labour Organisation. URL:, (Erişim: 10.04.2022).
  • ILO-ICA. (2015). Advancing gender equality: The co-operative way, Geneva: International Labour Organisation. URL:, (Erişim: 10.04.2022).
  • KEİG (Kadın Emeği ve İstihdamı Girişimciliği). (2018). Kadın Kooperatifleri Kılavuzu, Kadın Emeği ve İstihdamı Girişimi Platformu Yayın Dizisi. İstanbul. URL:, (Erişim: 12.04.2022).
  • OECD/ILO. (2019). Tackling Vulnerability in the Informal Economy, Development Centre Studies, OECS Publishing, Paris, https: //, (Erişim: 12.04.2022).
  • The World Bank Data. (2021). URL:, (Erişim: 12.04.2022).
  • UN. (2007). Final Report of the Expert Group Meeting on Creating an Inclusive Society: Practical Strategies to Promote Social Integration. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Social Policy and Development. URL:, (Erişim: 04.05.2022).
  • UNICEF. (2017). Gender equality: Glossary of terms and concepts. Erişim:, (Erişim: 12.04.2022).
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Review Articles

Gülden Karakuş 0000-0003-2980-9172

Publication Date July 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Karakuş, G. (2022). Kadın Kooperatiflerinin Kadınların Güçlendirilmesi ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliğinin Sağlanmasındaki Rolü. Pamukkale Üniversitesi İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(1), 247-259.

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