Küçük Bir Girdaplı Yakıcı ve Fırında CO2 Seyreltmesinin Alev Stabilizasyonu ve NOX Emisyonu Üzerindeki Etkileri
Year 2023,
, 603 - 608, 05.07.2023
Mustafa İlbaş
Göktürk Candan
Son yıllarda düşük NOX salınımına sahip hidrojen/metan yakma sistemlerine olan talepte hızlı bir artış olmuştur ve düşük NOX salınımlı ve düşük emisyonlu brülörler ve fırınlar bu tür uygulamalar için umut verici platformlardır. Düşük NOX salınımlı yakıcılarda ve homojen termal alanda en önemli dezavantaj yanma kararsızlığıdır. Bu çalışma, metan ve hidrojendeki CO2'nin yanma kararsızlığı üzerindeki etkisini araştırmıştır. Küçük bir girdaplı brülör ve fırın sistemi kullanılarak sayısal yanma simülasyonları gerçekleştirilmiştir. Hidrojen ve metan yanmasında önemli bir etken olan yakıt türü ve CO2 seyreltme hızının yanma özellikleri ve kararsızlığı üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Daha yüksek CO2 seyreltme oranları için yanma kararsızlığında azalma gözlemlenmiştir.
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- [10] Li YH, Chen CH, Ilbas M. Effect of Diluent Addition on Combustion Characteristics of Methane/Nitrous Oxide Inverse Tri-Coflow Diffusion Flames, Combustion science and technology,(2020).
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Effects of CO2 Dilution on Flame Stabilization and NOx Emission in a Small Swirl Burner and Furnace
Year 2023,
, 603 - 608, 05.07.2023
Mustafa İlbaş
Göktürk Candan
There is a rapid increase in the demand for low NOx hydrogen/methane combustion systems in recent years, and low NOx and low emission burners and furnaces are promising platforms for such applications. Combustion instability is the most important drawback in low NOx burners and uniform thermal field. This paper investigates the influence of CO2 in methane and hydrogen on combustion instability. Numerical simulations were conducted using a small swirl burner and furnace combustion system. The effects of fuel type and CO2 dilution rate, which is a major contributor of hydrogen and methane combustion, on the combustion characteristics and instability are investigated. Combustion instability decreases for higher CO2 dilution rates.
- [1] Ilbas M., “Studies of Ultra Low NOX Burners”, PhD Thesis, University of Cardiff, (1997).
- [2] Heywood, J.B. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamental, Mc Graw-Hill Book Comp., New York, (1988).
- [3] Rigas, M. L., Ben-Jebria, A., and Ultman, J. S., Longitudinal distribution of ozone absorption in the lung: Effects of nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and ozone exposures, Archive of Environmental Health, 52, 173-178, (1997).
- [4] Colvile, R. N. Hutchinson, E. J. Mindell, J. S., and Warren, R. F., The transport sector as a source of air pollution, Atmospheric Environ-ment, 35, 1537-1565, (2001).
- [5] Ilbas, M., Yilmaz, I. ve Kaplan, Y., ‘’Investigation of hydrogen and hydrogen-hydrocarbon composite composite fuel combustion and NOX emission characteristics in a model combustor’’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 30, 1139-1147, (2005).
- [6] Normann, F., Andersson. K., Leckner, B., Johnsson, F. “High-temperature reduction of nitrogen oxides in oxy-fuel combustion”, Fuel, 87(17-18): 3579–3585, (2009).
- [7] Fackler, K. B., Karalus, M. F., Novosselov, I. V., Kramlich, J. C. and Malte, P. C., “Experimental and numerical study of NOx formation from the lean premixed combustion of CH4 mixed with CO2 and N2”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 133, 121502, 1-7 (2011).
- [8] Lee, M., C., Seo, S., B., Yoon, J., Kim, M. ve Yoon, Y., ‘’Experimental Study on the Effect of N2 , CO2 and Steam Dilution on the Combustion Performance of H2 and CO Synthetic Gas in an Industrial Gas Turbine’’, FUEL, 102, 431-438, (2012).
- [9] Li, P., Wang, F., Mi, J., Dally, B. B., Mei, Z., Zhang, J., & Parente, A. Mechanisms of NO formation in MILD combustion of CH4/H2 fuel blends, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39(33), 19187–19203, (2014).
- [10] Li YH, Chen CH, Ilbas M. Effect of Diluent Addition on Combustion Characteristics of Methane/Nitrous Oxide Inverse Tri-Coflow Diffusion Flames, Combustion science and technology,(2020).
- [11] Froud, Daniel, Beale, A., O'Doherty, Timothy and Syred, Nicholas . Studies of Helmholtz resonance in a swirl burner/furnace system. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,26 (2):3355-3362, (1996).
- [12] Ansys, “ANSYS Fluent theory guide”, Canonsburg: ANSYS Inc., (2017).