Year 2024,
, 2061 - 2068, 12.12.2024
Soner Altın
Özge Köse
Aysegul Ulku Metin
Mehmet Türker
Munitions become obsolete due to expiration of their shelf life, storage or inappropriate conditions during use. In this study, it was aimed to recover and purify RDX from waste Composition-B (Comp-B) explosive, which is a mixture of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX), which is the most commonly used as the main fusing agent in military munitions. Waste Comp-B samples were obtained from the munition in two different ways and different RDX recovery percentages and purity were achieved. Comp-B was obtained both mechanically directly from the ammunition and from the recycling process by melting the main filling of the ammunition with hot water and steam method. TNT was removed from the samples obtained by both methods by utilizing the solubility differences of TNT and RDX in Toluene and RDX was obtained (rRDX). The recovery efficiency was 94% for Comp-B obtained by the mechanical method and 77% for the hot water/steam melting method. As a result of the subsequent purification process, RDX purity for both methods was calculated as It was determined to be more than 99%.
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- [3] TR-AVT-115 “RTO (Research and Technology Organization). Environmental Impact of Munition and Propellant Disposal”(2010)
- [4] Hloch S., Tozan H., Yagimli M., Valícek J., Rokosz K., Teh. Vjesn. 18 267, (2011)
- [5] Liang Xiao Z., S-qi Hu, X.qing Wu, etc. “Safety and Environmental Protection Technology of Explosive” [M]. Beijing: Beijing University of Science and Technology Press, (2006).
- [6] Kmec J., Hreha P., Kubena V., Knapcíková L., Macej T., Hlavácek P., Zelenák M., Harnicáro vá M., Duspara M., Cumin J., Teh. Vjesn. 17 383, (2010)
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- [8] Arcuri K.B., Goetsch D.A., Schmit S.J., Smith R.M., Miller P., US 7423187B1[P] 9-9, (2008)
- [9] Myler C.A., Bradshaw W.M., Cosmos M.G., “Use Of Waste Energetic Materials as a Fuel Supplement in Utility Boilers” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 26: 333-342, (1991)
- [10] Wu Y., Ding Y.K., Liu G.Q., Wang H.D., Zhen J.W., “Separation Status of Discarded or Obsolete TNT/RDX/Al Explosive Based on Material Properties” Advanced Materials Research, Trans Tech Publications, 1046: 68-71, (2014)
- [11] Chen S., Ding Y., “Resource recycling technique of abandoned TNT-RDX-AL mixed explosive” AIP Conference Proceedings 1864: 020113-7, (2017).
- [12] Li Zhang, Ye Wu, etc. “The Principle and Application of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Technology Research Briefly” [J]. Journal of Fujian Analysis Test, 18 (2): 45-49, (2009)
- [13] Kang H., Kim H., Lee C.H., Ahn I.S., Lee K. D., “Extraction-based recovery of RDX from obsolete Composition B.” Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 3540: 1–5, (2017)
- [14] Meyer R., , Köhler J., , Homburg A, “Explosives”, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany, 1, 68-69, (2002).
- [15] Sitzmann M.E., Foti S., Misener C.C., “Solubılıtıes Of Hıgh -Explosıves: Removal Of Hıgh Explosive Fıllers From Munıtıons By Chemıcal Dıssolutıon” No. NOLTR-73-186, Naval Ordnance Lab, White Oak MD (1973).
- [16] Taylor C.A., Rınkenbach Wm. H., “The Solubılıty Of Trınıtrotoluene In Organıc Solvents” The Explosıves Laboratory Chemıcal Dıvısıon Of The Pıttsburgh Experıment Statıon, US Bureau Of Mınes, Texas, (1922).
- [17] Ekermen N. "Patlayıcı ve Yüksek Patlayıcı Maddelerin Özellikleri, Sınıflandırılması ve Patlama Etkileri" Kimya Mühendisleri Odası. 9 Ağustos 2020 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi (PDF). Erişim tarihi: 18 Ağustos (2023).
- [18] 18. Jia X., Cao Q., Guo W., Li C., Shen J., Geng X., Wang J., Hou C., “Synthesis, Thermolysis, and Solid Spherical Of RDX/PMMA Energetic Composite Materials”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 30: 20166-20173, (2019)
- [19] Wu H., Jiang A., Li M., Wang Y., Zhao F., Li Y., “Preparation of Core-Shell-Structured RDX@PVDF Microspheres with Improved Thermal Stability and Decreased Mechanical Sensitivity”, 4262: 1-11, (2022)
- [20] Ma X. L., Chen S. S, Chen K., Li L. J., Zhao J. J., Yang X. B., Shang F. Q., Lv X. J. And Shu Q.H., “A Novel Energetic Composite With A Special Sandwich Microstructure: RDX/Expanded Graphite İntercalation Composite”, Journal of Physics 1507: 1-14, (2020)
- [21] Holman J.P., “Experimental Methods for Engineers”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Singapore, (1994).
- [22] Mattos E. C., Moreira E.D., Diniz M. F., Dutra R. C. L., Silva G., Iha K., Teipel U., “Characterization of Polymer‐Coated RDX and HMX Particles”. University of Applied Scienes, Particle Technology, 33: 44-50, (2008)
- [23] Zhang J, Liu Y, Zhang X, Fan Y, Xu J, Wang R, Wang Y and Zhang J. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 129 (2) 733-41, (2017).
- [24] Andriamitantsoa R. S., Wang J., Dong W., Gao H. and Wang G., “SO3H-Functionalized Metal Organic Frameworks: An Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst For The Synthesis Of Quinoxaline And Derivatives”, 6: 35135-35143 (2016).
- [25] 25. Kumar R., Siril P. F., Soni P., “Preparation of Nano-RDX by Evaporation Assisted Solvent-Antisolvent Interaction”, Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 39: 383–389, (2014)
- [26] Dreger Z. A., Gupta Y. M., “Raman Spectroscopy of High-Pressure High-Temperature Polymorph of Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro- 1,3,5-triazine (e-RDX)”, J. Phys. Chem. A. 114: 7038–7047 (2010).
- [27] Dreger Z. A., Gupta Y. M., “Phase Diagram of Hexahydro-1,3,5- trinitro 1,3,5-triazine Crystals at High Pressures and Temperatures”, J. Phys. Chem. A 114: 8099–8105 (2010).
- [28] Yu J, Jiang H, Xu S, Li H, Wang Y, Yao E, Pei Q, Li M, Zhang Y and Zhao F. “Preparation and Properties of RDX@FOX-7 Composites by Microfluidic Technology”, Science and Technology on Combustion and Explosion Laboratory, Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, 13: 167 (2023).
- [29] Sil’vestrov, V.V. “Density Dependence of Detonation Velocity For Some Explosives” 42: 472–479 (2006).
- [30] Pant A., Nandı A.K., “Preparation and Characterization of Ultrafine RDX”, Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 10: 393-407 (2013).
Kullanım Ömrünü Tamamlamış Mühimmatlardan RDX Geri Kazanımının Araştırılması
Year 2024,
, 2061 - 2068, 12.12.2024
Soner Altın
Özge Köse
Aysegul Ulku Metin
Mehmet Türker
Mühimmatlar, raf ömürlerinin dolması, depolama veya kullanım esnasında uygun olmayan koşullarda muhafaza edilmesi sebebiyle kullanım dışı kalmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, askeri mühimmatlarda ana imla maddesi olarak en fazla kullanılan ve 2, 4, 6-trinitrotoluen (TNT), heksahidro-1, 3, 5-trinitro-1, 3, 5-triazin (RDX) karışımı olan atık Komposizyon-B (Comp-B) patlayıcısından RDX’in geri kazanımı ve saflaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Atık Comp-B numuneleri mühimmattan iki farklı yol ile elde edilmiş ve farklı RDX geri kazanım yüzdelerine ve saflığına ulaşılmıştır. Comp-B hem mekanik yolla direk mühimmat bünyesinden, hem de mühimmatın ana dolgusunu sıcak su ve buhar yöntemi ile eriterek geri dönüşüm prosesinden elde edilmiştir. Her iki yöntem ile alınan numunelerden TNT ve RDX’in toluen içerisindeki çözünürlük farklılıklarından yararlanılarak TNT uzaklaştırılmış ve RDX elde edilmiştir (rRDX). Geri kazanım verimi, mekanik yöntemle elde edilen Comp-B için % 94 iken, sıcak su/buhar ile eritme yöntemi için % 77 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Daha sonra uygulanan saflaştırma işlemi sonucunda, her iki yöntem için RDX saflığı % 99’dan daha fazla olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Desteklerinden dolayı K.K.Loj.Müht.K.lığı ve Kırıkkale Üniversitesine teşekkür ederiz.
- [1] Wang J., Wang Y. and Lei J. , “The Principle Research of Ammunition Weapon Scrap Destruction” 3rd International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Intelligent Systems 191-195 (2015).
- [2] Agard Conference Proceedıngs 559, “Environmental Aspects of Rocket and Gun Propulsion, North Atlantıc Treaty Organızatıon, Papers presented at the Propulsion and Energetics Panel (PEP)” (1994)
- [3] TR-AVT-115 “RTO (Research and Technology Organization). Environmental Impact of Munition and Propellant Disposal”(2010)
- [4] Hloch S., Tozan H., Yagimli M., Valícek J., Rokosz K., Teh. Vjesn. 18 267, (2011)
- [5] Liang Xiao Z., S-qi Hu, X.qing Wu, etc. “Safety and Environmental Protection Technology of Explosive” [M]. Beijing: Beijing University of Science and Technology Press, (2006).
- [6] Kmec J., Hreha P., Kubena V., Knapcíková L., Macej T., Hlavácek P., Zelenák M., Harnicáro vá M., Duspara M., Cumin J., Teh. Vjesn. 17 383, (2010)
- [7] Ferreira C., Ribeiro J., Mendes R., Freire F., “Life-Cycle Assessment of Ammunition Demilitarization in a Static Kiln” Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 38: 296-302, (2013)
- [8] Arcuri K.B., Goetsch D.A., Schmit S.J., Smith R.M., Miller P., US 7423187B1[P] 9-9, (2008)
- [9] Myler C.A., Bradshaw W.M., Cosmos M.G., “Use Of Waste Energetic Materials as a Fuel Supplement in Utility Boilers” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 26: 333-342, (1991)
- [10] Wu Y., Ding Y.K., Liu G.Q., Wang H.D., Zhen J.W., “Separation Status of Discarded or Obsolete TNT/RDX/Al Explosive Based on Material Properties” Advanced Materials Research, Trans Tech Publications, 1046: 68-71, (2014)
- [11] Chen S., Ding Y., “Resource recycling technique of abandoned TNT-RDX-AL mixed explosive” AIP Conference Proceedings 1864: 020113-7, (2017).
- [12] Li Zhang, Ye Wu, etc. “The Principle and Application of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Technology Research Briefly” [J]. Journal of Fujian Analysis Test, 18 (2): 45-49, (2009)
- [13] Kang H., Kim H., Lee C.H., Ahn I.S., Lee K. D., “Extraction-based recovery of RDX from obsolete Composition B.” Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 3540: 1–5, (2017)
- [14] Meyer R., , Köhler J., , Homburg A, “Explosives”, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany, 1, 68-69, (2002).
- [15] Sitzmann M.E., Foti S., Misener C.C., “Solubılıtıes Of Hıgh -Explosıves: Removal Of Hıgh Explosive Fıllers From Munıtıons By Chemıcal Dıssolutıon” No. NOLTR-73-186, Naval Ordnance Lab, White Oak MD (1973).
- [16] Taylor C.A., Rınkenbach Wm. H., “The Solubılıty Of Trınıtrotoluene In Organıc Solvents” The Explosıves Laboratory Chemıcal Dıvısıon Of The Pıttsburgh Experıment Statıon, US Bureau Of Mınes, Texas, (1922).
- [17] Ekermen N. "Patlayıcı ve Yüksek Patlayıcı Maddelerin Özellikleri, Sınıflandırılması ve Patlama Etkileri" Kimya Mühendisleri Odası. 9 Ağustos 2020 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi (PDF). Erişim tarihi: 18 Ağustos (2023).
- [18] 18. Jia X., Cao Q., Guo W., Li C., Shen J., Geng X., Wang J., Hou C., “Synthesis, Thermolysis, and Solid Spherical Of RDX/PMMA Energetic Composite Materials”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 30: 20166-20173, (2019)
- [19] Wu H., Jiang A., Li M., Wang Y., Zhao F., Li Y., “Preparation of Core-Shell-Structured RDX@PVDF Microspheres with Improved Thermal Stability and Decreased Mechanical Sensitivity”, 4262: 1-11, (2022)
- [20] Ma X. L., Chen S. S, Chen K., Li L. J., Zhao J. J., Yang X. B., Shang F. Q., Lv X. J. And Shu Q.H., “A Novel Energetic Composite With A Special Sandwich Microstructure: RDX/Expanded Graphite İntercalation Composite”, Journal of Physics 1507: 1-14, (2020)
- [21] Holman J.P., “Experimental Methods for Engineers”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Singapore, (1994).
- [22] Mattos E. C., Moreira E.D., Diniz M. F., Dutra R. C. L., Silva G., Iha K., Teipel U., “Characterization of Polymer‐Coated RDX and HMX Particles”. University of Applied Scienes, Particle Technology, 33: 44-50, (2008)
- [23] Zhang J, Liu Y, Zhang X, Fan Y, Xu J, Wang R, Wang Y and Zhang J. J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 129 (2) 733-41, (2017).
- [24] Andriamitantsoa R. S., Wang J., Dong W., Gao H. and Wang G., “SO3H-Functionalized Metal Organic Frameworks: An Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst For The Synthesis Of Quinoxaline And Derivatives”, 6: 35135-35143 (2016).
- [25] 25. Kumar R., Siril P. F., Soni P., “Preparation of Nano-RDX by Evaporation Assisted Solvent-Antisolvent Interaction”, Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 39: 383–389, (2014)
- [26] Dreger Z. A., Gupta Y. M., “Raman Spectroscopy of High-Pressure High-Temperature Polymorph of Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro- 1,3,5-triazine (e-RDX)”, J. Phys. Chem. A. 114: 7038–7047 (2010).
- [27] Dreger Z. A., Gupta Y. M., “Phase Diagram of Hexahydro-1,3,5- trinitro 1,3,5-triazine Crystals at High Pressures and Temperatures”, J. Phys. Chem. A 114: 8099–8105 (2010).
- [28] Yu J, Jiang H, Xu S, Li H, Wang Y, Yao E, Pei Q, Li M, Zhang Y and Zhao F. “Preparation and Properties of RDX@FOX-7 Composites by Microfluidic Technology”, Science and Technology on Combustion and Explosion Laboratory, Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, 13: 167 (2023).
- [29] Sil’vestrov, V.V. “Density Dependence of Detonation Velocity For Some Explosives” 42: 472–479 (2006).
- [30] Pant A., Nandı A.K., “Preparation and Characterization of Ultrafine RDX”, Central European Journal of Energetic Materials, 10: 393-407 (2013).