Research Article
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Alüminyum Tozu Katkılı Polipropilenin Ergiyik Akış İndeksi Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 51 - 59, 01.03.2017


Gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, üç farklı basınç, üç farklı sıcaklık, üç farklı katkı oranı ve üç farklı alüminyum tozu büyüklüğü kullanılarak polipropilen (PP) esaslı kompozit malzeme üretilmiş ve bunların Ergiyik Akış İndeks (EAİ) özellikleri incelenmiştir. Alüminyum (Al) tozlarını ilavesi sırasında PP ile uyum sağlanması için %0,2 oranında maleik anhidrit ve aynı oranda oksitlenmeyi önlemek için fenolik esaslı antioksidan (Songnox-1010) ilave edilmiştir. Çalışmanın deneysel sonuçlarına göre EAİ değeri kayma hızı ve kayma gerilmesi, basınç ve sıcaklık artışına bağlı olarak artmış ancak artan katkı oranı ve Al toz büyüklüğüne bağlı olarak azalmıştır. Bunun yanında, EAİ ile kayma hızı arasında yüksek EAİ değerleri elde edilen numunelerde basınç 1379 kPa, sıcaklık 250 oC katkı oranı %10 ve partikül boyutu olarak 44-100 μm olarak tespit edilmiştir.


  • 1. Güldaş, A., Temel, S. “Alüminyum Tozu Takviyeli Polipropilenin Takviye Oranına Göre Mekanik Özellikleri”, 1st International Symposium on Plastic and Rubber Technologies and Exhibition, Ankara, (2013).
  • 2. Kim, Y.S., Chung, C.I., Lai, S.Y., Hyun, K.S., "Melt rheological and thermodynamic properties of polyethylene homopolymers and poly(ethylene/α-olefin) copolymers with respect to molecular composition and structure" J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 59: 125 (1996).
  • 3. Zuidema,H., Peters, G.W.M., Meijer, H.E.H., "Influence of cooling rate on PVT-data of semicrystalline polymers" J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 82: 1170 (2001).
  • 4. Spinace, M.A.S., Fermoseli, K.K.G., De Paoli, M.A., "Recycled polypropylene reinforced with curaua fibers by extrusion" J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 112: 3686 (2009).
  • 5. Lai, S.M., Yeh, F.C., Wang, Y., Chan, H.C., Shen, H.F., "Comparative study of maleated polyolefins as compatibilizers for polyethylene/wood flour composites" J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 87: 487 (2003).
  • 6. Sobczak,L., Lang, R.W., Haider, A., "Polypropylene composites with natural fibers and wood–General mechanical property profiles". Composites Science and Technology, 72: 550 (2012).
  • 7. Ichazo, M.N., Albano, C., Gonzalez, J., Perera, R., Candal, M.V., "Polypropylene/wood flour composites: treatments and properties" Comp.Structures, 54: 207 (2001).
  • 8. Harper, D., Wolcott, M., "Interaction between coupling agent and lubricants in wood–polypropylene composites" Composites: Part A, 35: 385 (2004).
  • 9. Temel, S., “The Determination Of Rheological And Mechanical Properties Of Aluminum Powder Reinforced Polypropylene", Ms.C. Thesis, Gazi University, Graduate School of Natural And Applıed Scıences, Ankara, (2014).
  • 10. Ghosh, K., Maiti, S.N., “Melt Rheological Properties of Silver-Powder-Filled Polypropylene Composites”, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 36 (5): 703-722, (1997).
  • 11. Mamunya, Y.P., Zois, H., Apekis, L., Lebedev, E.V., ‘‘Influence of pressure on the electrical conductivity of metal powders used as fillers in polymer composites’’, Powder Technology, 140: 49-55 (2004).
  • 12. Rusu M., Sofian N., Rusu D., Mechanical and thermal properties of zinc powder filled high density polyethylene composites, Polymer Testing, 20: 409-417, (2001).
  • 13. Bishay, I.K., Abd-El-Messieh, S.L., Mansour, S.H., “Electrical, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polyvinyl Chloride Composites Filled with Aluminum Powder”, Material and Design, 32: 62–68, (2011).
  • 14. Chifor, V., Tekiner, Z., Türker, M., Orban, R., “An Experimental Investigation of Properties of polyethylene Reinforced with Al Powders”, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A -Applied Physics Engineering, 1-5, (2010).
  • 15. Chifor, V., Orban, R., Tekiner, Z., Turker , M., “Thermal mechanical, and electrical properties of high density polyethylene composites reinforced with copper powder”, Materials Science Forum, 672: 191-194, (2011).
  • 16. Nurazreena, L. Hussain, B., Ismail, H., Mariatti, M., Metal Filled High Density Polyethylene Composites – Electrical and Tensile Properties, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 19: 413-425, (2006).
  • 17. Tavman, I. H., “Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Powder-Filled High-Density Polyethylene Composites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 62: 2161-2167, (1996).
  • 18. Tavman, I. H., “Thermal and mechanical properties of copper powder filled poly (ethylene) composites”, Powder Technology, 91: 63-67, (1997).
  • 19. Ayrılmış, N., Kaymakçı, A., Akbulut, T., Elmas, G.M., Mechanical performance of composites based on wastes of polyethylene aluminum and ligno cellulosics, Composites: Part B, 47: 150-154, (2013).
  • 20. Kim, H.J., Jung, D.H., Jung, I.H., Cifuentes, J.I., Rhee, K.Y., Hui, D., , “Enhancement of mechanical properties of aluminium/epoxy composites with silane functionalization of aluminium powder”, Composites: Part B, 43: 1743–1748, (2012).
  • 21. Güldaş, A., Çankaya, A., Güllü, A., Gürü, M., " Çinko borat katkılı polipropilenin reolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi", Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi, 29:2, 227-234, (2014).
  • 22. Rybak, A., Boiteux, G., Melis, F., Seytre, G., “Conductive Polymer Composites Based on Metallic Nanofiller as Smart Materials for Current Limiting Devices”, Composites Science and Technology, 70: 410–416, (2010).
  • 23. Carson, J.K., “Measurement and modelling of the thermal conductivity of dispersed aluminium composites”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 38: 1024–1028, (2011).
  • 24. Lebedev, S.M., Gefle, O.S., Tkachenko, S.N., “Metal-Polymer Pvdf/Nickel Composites and Evaluation of Their Dielectric and Thermal Properties”, Journal of Electrostatics, 68: 122–127, (2010).
  • 25. Azeem, S., Abdein, M.Z., “Investigation of thermal conductivity enhancement in bakelite–graphite particulate filled polymeric composite”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 52: 30–40, (2012).
  • 26. Wang, S., Qiu, J., “Enhancing thermal conductivity of glass fiber/polymer composites through carbon nanotubes incorporation”, Composites: Part B, 41: 533–536, (2010).
  • 27. Moreira, D.C., Sphaier, L.A., Reis, J.M.L., Nunes, L.C.S., “Experimental Investigation of Heat Conduction in Polyester–Al2O3 and Polyester–CuO Nanocomposites”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 35: 1458–1462, (2011).
  • 28. Bigg, D., “Thermal conductivity of heterophase polymer compositions”, Advances in Polymer Science, 119: 1–30, (1995).
  • 29. Karatas, C., Kocer, A., Ünal, H. I., Saritas, S., “Rheological properties of feedstocks prepared with steatite powder polyethylene based thermoplastic binders”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 152 (1): 77-83, (2004).
  • 30. Güngör, A., The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites Filled with Fe Powder, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 99: 2438-2442, (2005).

Investigation of Melt Flow Index Properties of Polypropylene Reinforced Aluminum Powder

Year 2017, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 51 - 59, 01.03.2017


In this study, PP-based composite reinforced with three pressures, three temperatures, three reinforcement rates, and three reinforcement sizes were produced and their Melt Flow Index (MFI) properties were investigated. Moreover, 0.2% maleic anhydride and fenolic based antioksidant in order to prevent oxidation were also added during addition of aluminum powders. According to the results of the study, MFI values degreases with increasing viscosity. On the contrary, MFI values increases with increasing shear rate and shear stress. In addition, values of 1379 kPa, 250 C, 5%, 210-300 μm and 44-100 μm were determined as pressure, temperature, reinforcement ratio and particle size respectively for the samples having high MFI values.


  • 1. Güldaş, A., Temel, S. “Alüminyum Tozu Takviyeli Polipropilenin Takviye Oranına Göre Mekanik Özellikleri”, 1st International Symposium on Plastic and Rubber Technologies and Exhibition, Ankara, (2013).
  • 2. Kim, Y.S., Chung, C.I., Lai, S.Y., Hyun, K.S., "Melt rheological and thermodynamic properties of polyethylene homopolymers and poly(ethylene/α-olefin) copolymers with respect to molecular composition and structure" J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 59: 125 (1996).
  • 3. Zuidema,H., Peters, G.W.M., Meijer, H.E.H., "Influence of cooling rate on PVT-data of semicrystalline polymers" J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 82: 1170 (2001).
  • 4. Spinace, M.A.S., Fermoseli, K.K.G., De Paoli, M.A., "Recycled polypropylene reinforced with curaua fibers by extrusion" J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 112: 3686 (2009).
  • 5. Lai, S.M., Yeh, F.C., Wang, Y., Chan, H.C., Shen, H.F., "Comparative study of maleated polyolefins as compatibilizers for polyethylene/wood flour composites" J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 87: 487 (2003).
  • 6. Sobczak,L., Lang, R.W., Haider, A., "Polypropylene composites with natural fibers and wood–General mechanical property profiles". Composites Science and Technology, 72: 550 (2012).
  • 7. Ichazo, M.N., Albano, C., Gonzalez, J., Perera, R., Candal, M.V., "Polypropylene/wood flour composites: treatments and properties" Comp.Structures, 54: 207 (2001).
  • 8. Harper, D., Wolcott, M., "Interaction between coupling agent and lubricants in wood–polypropylene composites" Composites: Part A, 35: 385 (2004).
  • 9. Temel, S., “The Determination Of Rheological And Mechanical Properties Of Aluminum Powder Reinforced Polypropylene", Ms.C. Thesis, Gazi University, Graduate School of Natural And Applıed Scıences, Ankara, (2014).
  • 10. Ghosh, K., Maiti, S.N., “Melt Rheological Properties of Silver-Powder-Filled Polypropylene Composites”, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 36 (5): 703-722, (1997).
  • 11. Mamunya, Y.P., Zois, H., Apekis, L., Lebedev, E.V., ‘‘Influence of pressure on the electrical conductivity of metal powders used as fillers in polymer composites’’, Powder Technology, 140: 49-55 (2004).
  • 12. Rusu M., Sofian N., Rusu D., Mechanical and thermal properties of zinc powder filled high density polyethylene composites, Polymer Testing, 20: 409-417, (2001).
  • 13. Bishay, I.K., Abd-El-Messieh, S.L., Mansour, S.H., “Electrical, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polyvinyl Chloride Composites Filled with Aluminum Powder”, Material and Design, 32: 62–68, (2011).
  • 14. Chifor, V., Tekiner, Z., Türker, M., Orban, R., “An Experimental Investigation of Properties of polyethylene Reinforced with Al Powders”, Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A -Applied Physics Engineering, 1-5, (2010).
  • 15. Chifor, V., Orban, R., Tekiner, Z., Turker , M., “Thermal mechanical, and electrical properties of high density polyethylene composites reinforced with copper powder”, Materials Science Forum, 672: 191-194, (2011).
  • 16. Nurazreena, L. Hussain, B., Ismail, H., Mariatti, M., Metal Filled High Density Polyethylene Composites – Electrical and Tensile Properties, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 19: 413-425, (2006).
  • 17. Tavman, I. H., “Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Powder-Filled High-Density Polyethylene Composites”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 62: 2161-2167, (1996).
  • 18. Tavman, I. H., “Thermal and mechanical properties of copper powder filled poly (ethylene) composites”, Powder Technology, 91: 63-67, (1997).
  • 19. Ayrılmış, N., Kaymakçı, A., Akbulut, T., Elmas, G.M., Mechanical performance of composites based on wastes of polyethylene aluminum and ligno cellulosics, Composites: Part B, 47: 150-154, (2013).
  • 20. Kim, H.J., Jung, D.H., Jung, I.H., Cifuentes, J.I., Rhee, K.Y., Hui, D., , “Enhancement of mechanical properties of aluminium/epoxy composites with silane functionalization of aluminium powder”, Composites: Part B, 43: 1743–1748, (2012).
  • 21. Güldaş, A., Çankaya, A., Güllü, A., Gürü, M., " Çinko borat katkılı polipropilenin reolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi", Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlik Fakültesi Dergisi, 29:2, 227-234, (2014).
  • 22. Rybak, A., Boiteux, G., Melis, F., Seytre, G., “Conductive Polymer Composites Based on Metallic Nanofiller as Smart Materials for Current Limiting Devices”, Composites Science and Technology, 70: 410–416, (2010).
  • 23. Carson, J.K., “Measurement and modelling of the thermal conductivity of dispersed aluminium composites”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 38: 1024–1028, (2011).
  • 24. Lebedev, S.M., Gefle, O.S., Tkachenko, S.N., “Metal-Polymer Pvdf/Nickel Composites and Evaluation of Their Dielectric and Thermal Properties”, Journal of Electrostatics, 68: 122–127, (2010).
  • 25. Azeem, S., Abdein, M.Z., “Investigation of thermal conductivity enhancement in bakelite–graphite particulate filled polymeric composite”, International Journal of Engineering Science, 52: 30–40, (2012).
  • 26. Wang, S., Qiu, J., “Enhancing thermal conductivity of glass fiber/polymer composites through carbon nanotubes incorporation”, Composites: Part B, 41: 533–536, (2010).
  • 27. Moreira, D.C., Sphaier, L.A., Reis, J.M.L., Nunes, L.C.S., “Experimental Investigation of Heat Conduction in Polyester–Al2O3 and Polyester–CuO Nanocomposites”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 35: 1458–1462, (2011).
  • 28. Bigg, D., “Thermal conductivity of heterophase polymer compositions”, Advances in Polymer Science, 119: 1–30, (1995).
  • 29. Karatas, C., Kocer, A., Ünal, H. I., Saritas, S., “Rheological properties of feedstocks prepared with steatite powder polyethylene based thermoplastic binders”, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 152 (1): 77-83, (2004).
  • 30. Güngör, A., The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites Filled with Fe Powder, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 99: 2438-2442, (2005).
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Abdülmecit Güdaş This is me

Servet Temel This is me

Mehmet Altuğ This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2017
Submission Date February 21, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 20 Issue: 1


APA Güdaş, A., Temel, S., & Altuğ, M. (2017). Alüminyum Tozu Katkılı Polipropilenin Ergiyik Akış İndeksi Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Politeknik Dergisi, 20(1), 51-59.
AMA Güdaş A, Temel S, Altuğ M. Alüminyum Tozu Katkılı Polipropilenin Ergiyik Akış İndeksi Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Politeknik Dergisi. March 2017;20(1):51-59.
Chicago Güdaş, Abdülmecit, Servet Temel, and Mehmet Altuğ. “Alüminyum Tozu Katkılı Polipropilenin Ergiyik Akış İndeksi Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”. Politeknik Dergisi 20, no. 1 (March 2017): 51-59.
EndNote Güdaş A, Temel S, Altuğ M (March 1, 2017) Alüminyum Tozu Katkılı Polipropilenin Ergiyik Akış İndeksi Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Politeknik Dergisi 20 1 51–59.
IEEE A. Güdaş, S. Temel, and M. Altuğ, “Alüminyum Tozu Katkılı Polipropilenin Ergiyik Akış İndeksi Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 51–59, 2017.
ISNAD Güdaş, Abdülmecit et al. “Alüminyum Tozu Katkılı Polipropilenin Ergiyik Akış İndeksi Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”. Politeknik Dergisi 20/1 (March 2017), 51-59.
JAMA Güdaş A, Temel S, Altuğ M. Alüminyum Tozu Katkılı Polipropilenin Ergiyik Akış İndeksi Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Politeknik Dergisi. 2017;20:51–59.
MLA Güdaş, Abdülmecit et al. “Alüminyum Tozu Katkılı Polipropilenin Ergiyik Akış İndeksi Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”. Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 20, no. 1, 2017, pp. 51-59.
Vancouver Güdaş A, Temel S, Altuğ M. Alüminyum Tozu Katkılı Polipropilenin Ergiyik Akış İndeksi Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Politeknik Dergisi. 2017;20(1):51-9.