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Helikopter Transmisyon Bütünleme Tezgahının Dijital İnsan Modelleme Kullanılarak Ergonomik Değerlendirmesi ve Yeniden Tasarımı

Year 2021, Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 1197 - 1203, 01.09.2021


Bu çalışmada, helikopter transmisyonunun montajında kullanılacak bir montaj fikstürü tasarlanmış ve Dijital İnsan Modelleme (DHM) yöntemleri kullanılarak ergonomik koşullara uygunluğu analiz edilmiştir. Analizlerde Hızlı Üst Ekstremite Değerlendirmesi (RULA) ve Biyomekanik Hareket Analizleri (BMA) kullanılmıştır. İnsanın ergonomik yeterliliği, iki farklı montaj koşulu için deneysel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Yeniden tasarlanan montaj fikstürü, geleneksel olanlara göre önemli ergonomik avantajlara sahiptir. Analizlere göre L4-L5 lomber vertebra disklerinde oluşan kompresyon yüklemesinde % 79,6, moment yüklemesinde % 94,3 avantaj sağlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak, işçilerin daha rahat ve güvenli bir şekilde çalışması için tasarlanan ergonomik montaj armatürünün amacına uygun olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • [1] Buckle, P., Devereux, W. “The nature of work-related neck and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders”, Applied Ergonomics, 33:207-217, (2002).
  • [2] Esen, H., Fığlalı, N., “Working posture analysis methods and the effects of working posture on musculoskeletal disorders”, Sakarya University Journal of Science, 17(1): 41-51, (2012).
  • [3] Ersin Ç., Yaz, M., Gökçe, H. “Upper limb robot arm system design and kinematic analysis”,El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(3): 1320-1331, (2020).
  • [4] Hanson, M.A., Burton, K., Kendall, N.A.S., Lancaster, R.J., Pilkington, A. “The costs and benefits of active case management and rehabilitation for musculoskeletal disorders”, Health and Safety Executive Research Report,Online:, (2006).
  • [5] Bruce, P., Bernard, A. “Musculoskeletal disorders and workplace factors”, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Online: niosh/docs/97-141/pdfs/97-141.pdf, (1997).
  • [6] Vedder, J. “Identifying postural hazards with a video-based occurance sampling method”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 33: 373-380, (1998).
  • [7] Akay, D., Dağdeviren, M., Kurt, M. “Ergonomic analysis of working postures”, Journal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 18(3): 73-84, (2003).
  • [8] Satheeshkumar, M., Krishnakumar, K. “Digital human modelling approach in ergonomic design and evaluation-review”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 5(7): 617-623, (2014).
  • [9] Şahin, İ., Eldem, C., Kalyon, S.A., Gökçe, H. “Digital human modelling and ergonomic analysis: automatic arm barrier as an example”, International Congress on New Trends in Sicence, Engineering and Technology, Barcelona, Spain, 176-187, (2017).
  • [10] Hendrick, H.W. “Determining the cost-benefits of ergonomics projects and factors that lead to their success”, Applied Ergonomics, 34(5): 419–427, (2003).
  • [11] Vink, P., Koningsveld, E.A.P., Molenbroek, J.F. “Positive outcomes of participatory ergonomics interms of greater comfort and higher productivity”, Applied Ergonomics, 37(4): 537–546, (2006).
  • [12] Anas, A., Qutubuddin, S.M., Hebbal, S.S., Kumar, A.C.S. “An ergonomic study of work related musculoskeletal disorders among the workers working in typical Indian saw mills”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 3(9): 38-45, (2012).
  • [13] Sarı, M.İ., Şahin, İ. “Ergonomic analysis based on digital human modelling: adjustable school furniture design for secondary school students”, Journal of Polytechnic, 23(4): 1097-1110, (2020).
  • [14] Top, N. “Ergonomic analysis and redesign of operational office furniture design by RULA method”,Gazi Journal of Engineering Sciences, 5(3): 290-299, (2019).
  • [15] Şahin, İ., Numanoğlu, A., Eldem, C. “The effect of production ergonomic on product quality in the context of built-in oven production line”, Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation, 7(1): 21-32, (2020).
  • [16] Demirel, H.O., Duffy, V.G. “Applications of digital human modeling in industry”, V.G. Duffy (Ed.) Digital human modeling, HCII2007, LNCS4561, Heidelberg: Springer, 824–832, (2007).
  • [17] Liang, M.A., Wei, Z., Huanzhang, F.U., Yang, G.U.O., Damien, C., Fouad, B. “A framework for interactive work design based on digital work analysis and simulation”, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 20(4): 339-352, (2010).
  • [18] Baekhee L., Yoon, C., Kihyo, J., Ilho, J., Heecheon, Y. “Ergonomic design of a main control room of radioactive waste facility using digital human simulation”, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting SAGE Publication, 56(1): 1912-1916, (2012).
  • [19] Christina, C., Vince, R., Raschke, U. “Assessing shift exposure to material handling tasks using the human simulation tool and a cumulative low back analysis”i Proceeding of Second International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, (2013).
  • [20] Julian, F., Reed, M.P. “Statistics for digital human motion modeling in ergonomics”, Technometrics, 49(3): 277-290, (2007).
  • [21] Chang SW., Wang, M.J. “Digital human modeling and workplace evaluation: using an automobile assembly task as an example department of industrial engineering and engineering management”, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 17(5): 445–455, (2007).
  • [22] Badler, N.I., Erignac, C.A., Liu, Y. “Virtual humans for validating maintenance procedures”, Communications of the ACM, 45(7): 56-63, (2002).
  • [23] Sundin, A., Ortengren, R., “Digital human modeling for CAE applications”, G.Salvendy (Ed.), Handbook of human factors and ergonomics, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons., (2006).
  • [24] Chaffin, D.B. “On simulating human reach motions for ergonomics analysys”, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 12(3): 235-247, (2002).
  • [25] Chaffin, D.B. “Improving digital human modelling for proactive ergonomics in design”, Ergonomics, 48(5): 478–491, (2005).
  • [26] Chaffin, D.B. “Human motion simulation for vehicle and workplace design”, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 17(5): 475-484, (2007).
  • [27] Sanjog, J., Chowdhury, A., Karmakar, S. “Industry specific applications of DHM”, Proceeding of the International Summit on Human Simulation, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, 123-134, (2012).
  • [28] Karmakar, S., Sanjog J., Thaneswer, P. “Digital human modeling and simulation in product and workplace design”, Indian Scenario International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), (2014).
  • [29] Naumann, A., Roetting, M. “Digital human modelling for design and evaluation of human-machine systems”, MMI-Interaktiv, (2007).
  • [30] McAtamney, L., Corlett, E.N. “RULA: a survey method for the investigation of work-related upper limb disorders”, Applied Ergonomics, 24(2): 91-99, (1993).
  • [31] Chen, M., Liu, J.F. “Virtual simulation of production line for ergonomics evaluation”, Advances in Manufacturing, 2(1): 48-53, (2014).
  • [32] Gogginsa, RW., Spielholzb, P., Nothsteinc, G.L. “Estimating the effectiveness of ergonomics interventions through case studies: implications for predictive cost-benefit analysis”, Journal of Safety Research, 39(1): 339-344, (2008).
  • [33] Hoy, J., Mubarak, N., Nelson, S., Sweerts, L., Magnusson, M., Okunribido, O., Pope, M. “Whole body vibration and posture as risk factors for low back pain among forklift truck drivers”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 284: 933-946, (2005).
  • [34] Chang, S.W., Wang, M.J. “Digital human modeling and workplace evaluation: using an automobile assembly task as an example”, International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, 17(5): 445-455, (2007).
  • [35] Melemez, K., Tunay, M. “Determining physical workload of chainsaw operators working in forest harvesting”, Technology, 13(4): 237-243, (2010).
  • [36] Güler, Ç. “Sağlık boyutuyla ergonomi”, Palme Yayıncılık, P.711, (2004).
  • [37] Niosh, N. “Musculoskeletal disorders and workplace factors: A critical review of epidemiologic evidence for work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the neck, upper exremity and low back pain”, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS, NIOSH Publication, P.97-141, (1997).
  • [38] Scott, P.A. “Ergonomics in developing regions: needs and applications”, CRC Press, Boca Raton London, P.453, (2009).
  • [39] Bovenzi, M. “Low back pain disorders and exposure to whole body vibration in the workplace”, Seminars in Perinatology, 20(1): 38-53, (1996).
  • [40] Dupuis, H., Christ, W. “Study of the risk of spinal damage to tractor drivers”, Report: Max Planck lnstitut für Landarbeiter, Landtech., Bad Kreuznach, (1966).
  • [41] London, T., London, F., Grandjean, E. “Ergonomics of the home”, Report: Zurich, (1972).

Ergonomics Assessment and Redesign of Helicopter Transmission Assembly Fixture Using Digital Human Models

Year 2021, Volume: 24 Issue: 3, 1197 - 1203, 01.09.2021


Digital Human Modeling (DHM) is an integral part of computerized engineering studies. In this study, an assembly fixture has been designed that will be used in the assembly of the helicopter transmission and it has been analyzed for compliance of ergonomic conditions using DHM technique. Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and Biomechanical Motion Analyses (BMA) were used in the analyses. The ergonomic competence of the human was analyzed empirically for two different assembly conditions. The assembly fixture redesigned has significant ergonomic advantages over the conventional ones. According to the analyses was provided that 79.6 % advantage in compression loading and 94.3 % advantage in moment loading, which occurs on the L4-L5 lumbar vertebra discs. As a result, it was revealed that the ergonomic assembly fixture designed for workers to work in a more comfortable and safe manner was suitable for its purpose.


  • [1] Buckle, P., Devereux, W. “The nature of work-related neck and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders”, Applied Ergonomics, 33:207-217, (2002).
  • [2] Esen, H., Fığlalı, N., “Working posture analysis methods and the effects of working posture on musculoskeletal disorders”, Sakarya University Journal of Science, 17(1): 41-51, (2012).
  • [3] Ersin Ç., Yaz, M., Gökçe, H. “Upper limb robot arm system design and kinematic analysis”,El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(3): 1320-1331, (2020).
  • [4] Hanson, M.A., Burton, K., Kendall, N.A.S., Lancaster, R.J., Pilkington, A. “The costs and benefits of active case management and rehabilitation for musculoskeletal disorders”, Health and Safety Executive Research Report,Online:, (2006).
  • [5] Bruce, P., Bernard, A. “Musculoskeletal disorders and workplace factors”, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Online: niosh/docs/97-141/pdfs/97-141.pdf, (1997).
  • [6] Vedder, J. “Identifying postural hazards with a video-based occurance sampling method”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 33: 373-380, (1998).
  • [7] Akay, D., Dağdeviren, M., Kurt, M. “Ergonomic analysis of working postures”, Journal of The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Gazi University, 18(3): 73-84, (2003).
  • [8] Satheeshkumar, M., Krishnakumar, K. “Digital human modelling approach in ergonomic design and evaluation-review”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 5(7): 617-623, (2014).
  • [9] Şahin, İ., Eldem, C., Kalyon, S.A., Gökçe, H. “Digital human modelling and ergonomic analysis: automatic arm barrier as an example”, International Congress on New Trends in Sicence, Engineering and Technology, Barcelona, Spain, 176-187, (2017).
  • [10] Hendrick, H.W. “Determining the cost-benefits of ergonomics projects and factors that lead to their success”, Applied Ergonomics, 34(5): 419–427, (2003).
  • [11] Vink, P., Koningsveld, E.A.P., Molenbroek, J.F. “Positive outcomes of participatory ergonomics interms of greater comfort and higher productivity”, Applied Ergonomics, 37(4): 537–546, (2006).
  • [12] Anas, A., Qutubuddin, S.M., Hebbal, S.S., Kumar, A.C.S. “An ergonomic study of work related musculoskeletal disorders among the workers working in typical Indian saw mills”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, 3(9): 38-45, (2012).
  • [13] Sarı, M.İ., Şahin, İ. “Ergonomic analysis based on digital human modelling: adjustable school furniture design for secondary school students”, Journal of Polytechnic, 23(4): 1097-1110, (2020).
  • [14] Top, N. “Ergonomic analysis and redesign of operational office furniture design by RULA method”,Gazi Journal of Engineering Sciences, 5(3): 290-299, (2019).
  • [15] Şahin, İ., Numanoğlu, A., Eldem, C. “The effect of production ergonomic on product quality in the context of built-in oven production line”, Gazi University Journal of Science Part A: Engineering and Innovation, 7(1): 21-32, (2020).
  • [16] Demirel, H.O., Duffy, V.G. “Applications of digital human modeling in industry”, V.G. Duffy (Ed.) Digital human modeling, HCII2007, LNCS4561, Heidelberg: Springer, 824–832, (2007).
  • [17] Liang, M.A., Wei, Z., Huanzhang, F.U., Yang, G.U.O., Damien, C., Fouad, B. “A framework for interactive work design based on digital work analysis and simulation”, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 20(4): 339-352, (2010).
  • [18] Baekhee L., Yoon, C., Kihyo, J., Ilho, J., Heecheon, Y. “Ergonomic design of a main control room of radioactive waste facility using digital human simulation”, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting SAGE Publication, 56(1): 1912-1916, (2012).
  • [19] Christina, C., Vince, R., Raschke, U. “Assessing shift exposure to material handling tasks using the human simulation tool and a cumulative low back analysis”i Proceeding of Second International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, (2013).
  • [20] Julian, F., Reed, M.P. “Statistics for digital human motion modeling in ergonomics”, Technometrics, 49(3): 277-290, (2007).
  • [21] Chang SW., Wang, M.J. “Digital human modeling and workplace evaluation: using an automobile assembly task as an example department of industrial engineering and engineering management”, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 17(5): 445–455, (2007).
  • [22] Badler, N.I., Erignac, C.A., Liu, Y. “Virtual humans for validating maintenance procedures”, Communications of the ACM, 45(7): 56-63, (2002).
  • [23] Sundin, A., Ortengren, R., “Digital human modeling for CAE applications”, G.Salvendy (Ed.), Handbook of human factors and ergonomics, Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons., (2006).
  • [24] Chaffin, D.B. “On simulating human reach motions for ergonomics analysys”, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 12(3): 235-247, (2002).
  • [25] Chaffin, D.B. “Improving digital human modelling for proactive ergonomics in design”, Ergonomics, 48(5): 478–491, (2005).
  • [26] Chaffin, D.B. “Human motion simulation for vehicle and workplace design”, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 17(5): 475-484, (2007).
  • [27] Sanjog, J., Chowdhury, A., Karmakar, S. “Industry specific applications of DHM”, Proceeding of the International Summit on Human Simulation, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA, 123-134, (2012).
  • [28] Karmakar, S., Sanjog J., Thaneswer, P. “Digital human modeling and simulation in product and workplace design”, Indian Scenario International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), (2014).
  • [29] Naumann, A., Roetting, M. “Digital human modelling for design and evaluation of human-machine systems”, MMI-Interaktiv, (2007).
  • [30] McAtamney, L., Corlett, E.N. “RULA: a survey method for the investigation of work-related upper limb disorders”, Applied Ergonomics, 24(2): 91-99, (1993).
  • [31] Chen, M., Liu, J.F. “Virtual simulation of production line for ergonomics evaluation”, Advances in Manufacturing, 2(1): 48-53, (2014).
  • [32] Gogginsa, RW., Spielholzb, P., Nothsteinc, G.L. “Estimating the effectiveness of ergonomics interventions through case studies: implications for predictive cost-benefit analysis”, Journal of Safety Research, 39(1): 339-344, (2008).
  • [33] Hoy, J., Mubarak, N., Nelson, S., Sweerts, L., Magnusson, M., Okunribido, O., Pope, M. “Whole body vibration and posture as risk factors for low back pain among forklift truck drivers”, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 284: 933-946, (2005).
  • [34] Chang, S.W., Wang, M.J. “Digital human modeling and workplace evaluation: using an automobile assembly task as an example”, International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, 17(5): 445-455, (2007).
  • [35] Melemez, K., Tunay, M. “Determining physical workload of chainsaw operators working in forest harvesting”, Technology, 13(4): 237-243, (2010).
  • [36] Güler, Ç. “Sağlık boyutuyla ergonomi”, Palme Yayıncılık, P.711, (2004).
  • [37] Niosh, N. “Musculoskeletal disorders and workplace factors: A critical review of epidemiologic evidence for work-related musculoskeletal disorders of the neck, upper exremity and low back pain”, Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, DHHS, NIOSH Publication, P.97-141, (1997).
  • [38] Scott, P.A. “Ergonomics in developing regions: needs and applications”, CRC Press, Boca Raton London, P.453, (2009).
  • [39] Bovenzi, M. “Low back pain disorders and exposure to whole body vibration in the workplace”, Seminars in Perinatology, 20(1): 38-53, (1996).
  • [40] Dupuis, H., Christ, W. “Study of the risk of spinal damage to tractor drivers”, Report: Max Planck lnstitut für Landarbeiter, Landtech., Bad Kreuznach, (1966).
  • [41] London, T., London, F., Grandjean, E. “Ergonomics of the home”, Report: Zurich, (1972).
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Ömer Koç This is me 0000-0002-6381-789X

Neslihan Top 0000-0002-0771-6963

Cengiz Eldem 0000-0001-6652-7452

Harun Gökçe 0000-0002-2702-0111

İsmail Şahin 0000-0001-8566-3433

Publication Date September 1, 2021
Submission Date February 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 24 Issue: 3


APA Koç, Ö., Top, N., Eldem, C., Gökçe, H., et al. (2021). Ergonomics Assessment and Redesign of Helicopter Transmission Assembly Fixture Using Digital Human Models. Politeknik Dergisi, 24(3), 1197-1203.
AMA Koç Ö, Top N, Eldem C, Gökçe H, Şahin İ. Ergonomics Assessment and Redesign of Helicopter Transmission Assembly Fixture Using Digital Human Models. Politeknik Dergisi. September 2021;24(3):1197-1203. doi:10.2339/politeknik.886411
Chicago Koç, Ömer, Neslihan Top, Cengiz Eldem, Harun Gökçe, and İsmail Şahin. “Ergonomics Assessment and Redesign of Helicopter Transmission Assembly Fixture Using Digital Human Models”. Politeknik Dergisi 24, no. 3 (September 2021): 1197-1203.
EndNote Koç Ö, Top N, Eldem C, Gökçe H, Şahin İ (September 1, 2021) Ergonomics Assessment and Redesign of Helicopter Transmission Assembly Fixture Using Digital Human Models. Politeknik Dergisi 24 3 1197–1203.
IEEE Ö. Koç, N. Top, C. Eldem, H. Gökçe, and İ. Şahin, “Ergonomics Assessment and Redesign of Helicopter Transmission Assembly Fixture Using Digital Human Models”, Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 1197–1203, 2021, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.886411.
ISNAD Koç, Ömer et al. “Ergonomics Assessment and Redesign of Helicopter Transmission Assembly Fixture Using Digital Human Models”. Politeknik Dergisi 24/3 (September 2021), 1197-1203.
JAMA Koç Ö, Top N, Eldem C, Gökçe H, Şahin İ. Ergonomics Assessment and Redesign of Helicopter Transmission Assembly Fixture Using Digital Human Models. Politeknik Dergisi. 2021;24:1197–1203.
MLA Koç, Ömer et al. “Ergonomics Assessment and Redesign of Helicopter Transmission Assembly Fixture Using Digital Human Models”. Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 24, no. 3, 2021, pp. 1197-03, doi:10.2339/politeknik.886411.
Vancouver Koç Ö, Top N, Eldem C, Gökçe H, Şahin İ. Ergonomics Assessment and Redesign of Helicopter Transmission Assembly Fixture Using Digital Human Models. Politeknik Dergisi. 2021;24(3):1197-203.