Orta Gerilim Yeraltı Güç Kablolarında Zırh Topraklama Yöntemlerinin Analizi
Year 2022,
Volume: 25 Issue: 4, 1587 - 1594, 16.12.2022
Serhat Kara
Bora Alboyacı
Ahmet Özyeşil
Orta Gerilim şebekelerin büyümesi ile enerji kablolarının kullanımı gün geçtikçe yaygınlaşmaktadır. Kullanılan kablolar hem dış etkilere karşı mukavemeti arttırmak hem de topraklama amacıyla zırh ve ekran katmanlarına sahiplerdir. Bu katmanların kablonun her iki ucunda topraklaması için literatürde farklı yöntemler bulunmaktadır. Kablo topraklaması için seçilen yönteme göre zırh ve ekran katmanlarında gerilim veya akım endüklenir. Endüklenen bu gerilim veya akım da kabloların hem güvenli işletilmesini hem de akım taşıma kapasitesini doğrudan etkilemektedir. Bu makalede konuyla ilgili teori incelenerek, güç kabloları analiz yazılımında gerçekleştirilen benzetim çalışmasıyla XLPE 240 mm2 bakır iletken için oluşan değerler teyit edilmiştir.
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- [2] Candela R., Gattuso A., Mitolo M., Sanseverino E. R. and Zizzo G., "A Comparison of Special Bonding Techniques for Transmission and Distribution Cables", EEEIC / I&CPS Europe, 1-6, (2020).
- [3] Lin Y. and Xu Z., "Cable Sheath Loss Reduction Strategy Research Based on the Coupled Line Model", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 30 (5): 2303-2311, (2015).
- [4] Cao D., Liu X. and Deng X., "The Suitability Analyses of Sheath Voltage Limiters for HV Power Cable Transmission Lines", 2nd International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment, 404-408, (2019).
- [5] Papadopoulos T. A., Chrysochos A. I., Lazos C. F., Gonos I. F., Pavlou K. and Georgallis G., "Modelling Aspects of Sheath Bonding in Medium- Voltage Cable Systems: Operational Condition", UPEC, 1-6,( 2020).
- [6] Choi J., Kwak J., Lee W., Jung C., Kim J. and Oh S., "Analysis of sequence impedance of 345 kV cable systems with special bondings using ATP", Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition: Asia and Pacific: 1-4., (2009).
- [7] Li L., Yong J. and Xu W., "Single-Sheath Bonding—A New Method to Bond/Ground Cable Sheaths", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 35 (2): 1065-1068, (2020).
- [8] Electric Cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 1: Current rating equations (100% load factor) and calculation of losses – Section 1: General. IEC Std 287-1-1 (1994).
- [9] Sobral A., Moura A., Carvalho M., “Teghnical Implementation Of Cross Bonding On Underground High Voltage Cable”, 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, (2011).
- [10] Leon F., “Calculation of Underground Cable Ampacity”, CYME International T&D, (2005).
- [11] Aras F., Bi̇çen Y. ve Keleş K., "Boru İçinde Tesis Edilen Yeraltı Güç Kabloları için Azaltma Faktörünün Belirlenmesi", Politeknik Dergisi, 9(2): 87-92, (2006).
- [12] IEEE Guide for Bonding Shields and Sheaths of Single-Conductor Power Cables Rated 5 kV through 500 kV", in IEEE Std 575, (2014)
- [13] Barrett J. S. and Anders G. J., "Circulating current and hysteresis losses in screens, sheaths and armour of electric power cables-mathematical models and comparison with IEC Standard 287", in IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 14., (1997).
- [14] Working Group B1.18, “Special Bonding Of High Voltage Power Cables”, CIGRE 283, (2005).
Analysis of Armor Grounding Methods in Medium Voltage Underground Power Cables
Year 2022,
Volume: 25 Issue: 4, 1587 - 1594, 16.12.2022
Serhat Kara
Bora Alboyacı
Ahmet Özyeşil
The use of energy cables is getting widespread day by day. These cables have armor and screen layers for grounding purposes. There are different methods in the literature for earthing of these layers. Voltage or current is induced in the armor and screen layers according to the method used. This induced voltage or current directly affects both the safe operation and current carrying capacity of the cables. In this article, the theory on the subject has been examined and confirmed by the simulation study performed in power cables analysis software.
- [1] Akbal, B. "The optimized bonding method for long high voltage cable lines under the unbalanced cases", Neural Computing and Applications,32, 11263–11276, (2020).
- [2] Candela R., Gattuso A., Mitolo M., Sanseverino E. R. and Zizzo G., "A Comparison of Special Bonding Techniques for Transmission and Distribution Cables", EEEIC / I&CPS Europe, 1-6, (2020).
- [3] Lin Y. and Xu Z., "Cable Sheath Loss Reduction Strategy Research Based on the Coupled Line Model", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 30 (5): 2303-2311, (2015).
- [4] Cao D., Liu X. and Deng X., "The Suitability Analyses of Sheath Voltage Limiters for HV Power Cable Transmission Lines", 2nd International Conference on Electrical Materials and Power Equipment, 404-408, (2019).
- [5] Papadopoulos T. A., Chrysochos A. I., Lazos C. F., Gonos I. F., Pavlou K. and Georgallis G., "Modelling Aspects of Sheath Bonding in Medium- Voltage Cable Systems: Operational Condition", UPEC, 1-6,( 2020).
- [6] Choi J., Kwak J., Lee W., Jung C., Kim J. and Oh S., "Analysis of sequence impedance of 345 kV cable systems with special bondings using ATP", Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition: Asia and Pacific: 1-4., (2009).
- [7] Li L., Yong J. and Xu W., "Single-Sheath Bonding—A New Method to Bond/Ground Cable Sheaths", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 35 (2): 1065-1068, (2020).
- [8] Electric Cables – Calculation of the current rating – Part 1: Current rating equations (100% load factor) and calculation of losses – Section 1: General. IEC Std 287-1-1 (1994).
- [9] Sobral A., Moura A., Carvalho M., “Teghnical Implementation Of Cross Bonding On Underground High Voltage Cable”, 21st International Conference on Electricity Distribution, (2011).
- [10] Leon F., “Calculation of Underground Cable Ampacity”, CYME International T&D, (2005).
- [11] Aras F., Bi̇çen Y. ve Keleş K., "Boru İçinde Tesis Edilen Yeraltı Güç Kabloları için Azaltma Faktörünün Belirlenmesi", Politeknik Dergisi, 9(2): 87-92, (2006).
- [12] IEEE Guide for Bonding Shields and Sheaths of Single-Conductor Power Cables Rated 5 kV through 500 kV", in IEEE Std 575, (2014)
- [13] Barrett J. S. and Anders G. J., "Circulating current and hysteresis losses in screens, sheaths and armour of electric power cables-mathematical models and comparison with IEC Standard 287", in IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology, 14., (1997).
- [14] Working Group B1.18, “Special Bonding Of High Voltage Power Cables”, CIGRE 283, (2005).