Research Article
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Tarama Modeli Kullanan Karma Bir Görüntü Şifreleme Yöntemi

Year 2022, Volume: 25 Issue: 4, 1475 - 1485, 16.12.2022


Bu çalışmada, görüntü şifrelenmesi için kullanılabilecek geleneksel kripto sistemlerinden oluşan karma bir şifreleme yöntemi önerilmiş ve bu yöntem uygulama ile anlatılmıştır. İnternetin yaygın olarak kullanılması ve paylaşılanlara 3. Şahısların erişebiliyor olma durumu ve düşüncesi metin ve görsellerin şifrelenerek dijital ortamda gönderilmesi zorunluluğunu doğurmuştur. Geleneksel kripto sistemler metin şifrelemede kullanılmasına rağmen, görüntü şifrelenmesinde yüksek korelasyon ve veri miktarından dolayı tercih edilmediği görülmüştür. Kriptoloji ile ilgili genel bilgi verildikten sonra bazı güncel görüntü şifreleme algoritmalarına ve bu algoritmaların özelliklerine değinilmiştir. Geleneksel kripto sistemlerinden Sezar, Afin, Vigenere ve Yer değiştirme yöntemleri görüntü üzerindeki piksel renk değerleri ve piksel konumlarına ayrı ayrı uygulanarak şifreleme performansları incelenmiştir. Afin ve yer değiştirme kripto sisteminin beraber kullanılarak yapıldığı bir şifreleme yöntemi önerilmiştir. Şifrelenen görüntü daha sonra 8’e 4 kod ve zikzak tarama modeli kullanılarak kuvvetlendirilmiştir. Performans analizleriyle önerilen yöntem değerlendirilmiştir.


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  • [13] Zhu, H., Zhao, C., Zhang, X., & Yang, L., “An Image Encryption Scheme Using Generalized Arnold Map And Affine Cipher.”, Optik - International Journal For Light And Electron Optics, 125(22), 6672–6677, (2014).
  • [14] Ke, Q., Liao, Q.-N., Li, A.-Q., & Gao, R., “Digital Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Affine Cipher.”, International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber Security and Intelligence ATCI 2018, 578–585, (2018).
  • [15] Rad, R. M., Attar, A., & Atani, R. E., “A New Fast And Simple Image Encryption Algorithm Using Scan Patterns And XOR.”, International Journal Of Signal Processing, Image Processing And Pattern Recognition, 6(5), 275-290, (2013).
  • [16] Panduranga, H. T., & Kumar, S. N., “Hybrid Approach For Image Encryption Using SCAN Patterns And Carrier Images.”, International Journal On Computer Science And Engineering, 2(02), 297-300, (2010).
  • [17] Sunil K. M., Kiran K., Anand U. H., “Image Encryption Using Modified 4 Out Of 8 Code And Chaotic Map”, International Journal Of Computer Applications, 74(11), 1-6, (2013).
  • [18] Naveenkumar, S.K., Panduranga, H.T., “Triple Image Encryption Based On Integer Transform And Chaotic Map”, International Conference On Optical Imaging Sensor And Security (ICOSS), 1-6, (2013).
  • [19] Güvenoğlu, E., “Resim şifreleme amacıyla dinamik S kutusu tasarımı için bir yöntem.”, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 3(2), (2016).
  • [20] Wang, Z., Bovik, A. C., Sheikh, H. R., Simoncelli, E. P., “Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility To Structural Similarity”, IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, 13(4), 600-612, (2004).
  • [21] Munir, R. “Security Analysis Of Selective Image Encryption Algorithm Based On Chaos And CBC-Like Mode.”, 2012 7th International Conference On Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications (TSSA), 142-146, (2012).
  • [22] Rhouma, R., Meherzi, S., & Belghith, S., “OCML-based colour image encryption.”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 40(1), 309-318, (2009).
  • [23] Wei, X., Guo, L., Zhang, Q., Zhang, J., & Lian, S., “A novel color image encryption algorithm based on DNA sequence operation and hyper-chaotic system.”, Journal of Systems and Software, 85(2), 290-299, (2012).
  • [24] Dong, C., “Color Image Encryption Using One-Time Keys And Coupled Chaotic Systems.”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 29, 628–640, (2014).
  • [25] Wu, X. J., Kan, H. B., & Kurths, J., “A New Color Image Encryption Scheme Based On DNA Sequences And Multiple Improved 1D Chaotic Maps.”, Applied Soft Computing, 37, 24–39, (2015).
  • [26] Liu, H. J., & Kadir, A., “Asymmetric Color Image Encryption Scheme Using 2D Discrete-Timemap.”, Signal Processing, 113, 104–112, (2015).
  • [27] ur Rehman, A., Liao, X. F., Ashraf, R., Ullah, S., & Wang, H. W., “A Color Image Encryption Technique Using Exclusive-OR With DNA Complementary Rules Based On Chaos Theory And SHA-2.”, Optik, 159, 348–367, (2018).
  • [28] Lone, P. N., & Singh, D., “Application Of Algebra And Chaos Theory In Security Of Color Images.”, Optik, 218, 165155, (2020).
  • [29] Zhu, C. X., “A new image encryption algorithm based on general Chen's chaotic system.”, Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology), 37, 1142, (2006).
  • [30] Huang, C. K., & Nien, H. H., “Multi chaotic systems based pixel shuffle for image encryption.”, Optics communications, 282(11), 2123-2127, (2009).
  • [31] Parvaz, R., & Zarebnia, M., “A Combination Chaotic System And Application In Color Image Encryption.”, Optics & Laser Technology, 101, 30-41, (2018).

A Hybrid Color Image Encryption Method Using A Scan Pattern

Year 2022, Volume: 25 Issue: 4, 1475 - 1485, 16.12.2022


In this study, a hybrid encryption method consisting of traditional crypto systems that can be used for image encryption has been proposed and this method has been described by application. The fact that the internet is widely used and third parties can access what is shared has led to the need for text and images to be encrypted and sent digitally. Although traditional crypto systems are used in text encryption, it has been found that image encryption is not preferred due to high correlation and the amount of data. After giving general information about cryptology, some current image encryption algorithms and the properties of these algorithms have been mentioned. The traditional crypto systems such as Caesar, Affine, Vigenere and Substitution methods have been applied separately to pixel color values and pixel positions on the image, and encryption performance has been studied. A method of encryption has been proposed, in which Affine and Substitution cipher systems are performed together. Then the encrypted image has been strengthened using by 4 out of-8 codes and a zigzag scan pattern. The proposed method has been evaluated with performance analyses.


  • [1] Reinke, E. C., “Classical cryptography”. The Classical Journal, 58(3), 113-121, (1962).
  • [2] Zaidan, B. B., Zaidan, A. A., & Mwafak, H., “New Comprehensive Study to Assess Comparatively the QKD, XKMS, KDM in the PKI encryption algorithms.” Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng, 1(3), 263-268, (2009).
  • [3] Kodaz, H., & Botsali, F. M., “Simetrik ve Asimetrik Şifreleme Algoritmalarının Karşılaştırılması.” Selçuk Teknik Dergisi, 9(1), 10-23, (2010).
  • [4] Özdemir, A., & Katrancı, Y., “Strengthening the Subject of Modular Arithmetic With the Help of RSA Encryption.” Kalem International Journal of Education and Human Sciences. 3. 149-185. (2013).
  • [5] Beşkirli, A., Özdemir, D. & Beşkirli, M., “Şifreleme Yöntemleri ve RSA Algoritması Üzerine Bir İnceleme.” European Journal of Science and Technology, (Special Issue), 284-291, (2019).
  • [6] Karabey, I , Yelkuvan, A , Akal, F., “Bulut Bilişim Ve Genomik Verilerin Gizliliği”, Uluslararası Bilgi Güvenliği Mühendisliği Dergisi, 6 (2) , 72-88, (2020).
  • [7] Bao, L., & Zhou, Y., “Image encryption: Generating visually meaningful encrypted images”. Information Sciences, 324, 197-207, (2015).
  • [8] Atalay, N. S., Doğan, Ş., Tuncer, T., & Akbal, E., “İmge Şifreleme Yöntem ve Algoritmaları.” Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi, 10(3), 815-831, (2019).
  • [9] Bhatnagar, G., Wu, Q. J., & Raman, B., “Discrete fractional wavelet transform and its application to multiple encryption.”, Information Sciences, 223, 297-316, (2013).
  • [10] Hua, Z., Zhou, Y., Pun, C. M., & Chen, C. P., “2D Sine Logistic modulation map for image encryption.”, Information Sciences, 297, 80-94, (2015).
  • [11] Kumari, M., Gupta, S., & Sardana, P., “A Survey of Image Encryption Algorithms.”, 3D Research, 8(4),8-35, (2017).
  • [12] Nag, A., Singh, J. P., Khan, S., Ghosh, S., Biswas, S., Sarkar, D., & Sarkar, P. P., “Image Encryption Using Affine Transform And XOR Operation.”, International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication, Computing and Networking Technologies. 309-312, (2011).
  • [13] Zhu, H., Zhao, C., Zhang, X., & Yang, L., “An Image Encryption Scheme Using Generalized Arnold Map And Affine Cipher.”, Optik - International Journal For Light And Electron Optics, 125(22), 6672–6677, (2014).
  • [14] Ke, Q., Liao, Q.-N., Li, A.-Q., & Gao, R., “Digital Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Affine Cipher.”, International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber Security and Intelligence ATCI 2018, 578–585, (2018).
  • [15] Rad, R. M., Attar, A., & Atani, R. E., “A New Fast And Simple Image Encryption Algorithm Using Scan Patterns And XOR.”, International Journal Of Signal Processing, Image Processing And Pattern Recognition, 6(5), 275-290, (2013).
  • [16] Panduranga, H. T., & Kumar, S. N., “Hybrid Approach For Image Encryption Using SCAN Patterns And Carrier Images.”, International Journal On Computer Science And Engineering, 2(02), 297-300, (2010).
  • [17] Sunil K. M., Kiran K., Anand U. H., “Image Encryption Using Modified 4 Out Of 8 Code And Chaotic Map”, International Journal Of Computer Applications, 74(11), 1-6, (2013).
  • [18] Naveenkumar, S.K., Panduranga, H.T., “Triple Image Encryption Based On Integer Transform And Chaotic Map”, International Conference On Optical Imaging Sensor And Security (ICOSS), 1-6, (2013).
  • [19] Güvenoğlu, E., “Resim şifreleme amacıyla dinamik S kutusu tasarımı için bir yöntem.”, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, 3(2), (2016).
  • [20] Wang, Z., Bovik, A. C., Sheikh, H. R., Simoncelli, E. P., “Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility To Structural Similarity”, IEEE Transactions On Image Processing, 13(4), 600-612, (2004).
  • [21] Munir, R. “Security Analysis Of Selective Image Encryption Algorithm Based On Chaos And CBC-Like Mode.”, 2012 7th International Conference On Telecommunication Systems, Services, and Applications (TSSA), 142-146, (2012).
  • [22] Rhouma, R., Meherzi, S., & Belghith, S., “OCML-based colour image encryption.”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 40(1), 309-318, (2009).
  • [23] Wei, X., Guo, L., Zhang, Q., Zhang, J., & Lian, S., “A novel color image encryption algorithm based on DNA sequence operation and hyper-chaotic system.”, Journal of Systems and Software, 85(2), 290-299, (2012).
  • [24] Dong, C., “Color Image Encryption Using One-Time Keys And Coupled Chaotic Systems.”, Signal Processing: Image Communication, 29, 628–640, (2014).
  • [25] Wu, X. J., Kan, H. B., & Kurths, J., “A New Color Image Encryption Scheme Based On DNA Sequences And Multiple Improved 1D Chaotic Maps.”, Applied Soft Computing, 37, 24–39, (2015).
  • [26] Liu, H. J., & Kadir, A., “Asymmetric Color Image Encryption Scheme Using 2D Discrete-Timemap.”, Signal Processing, 113, 104–112, (2015).
  • [27] ur Rehman, A., Liao, X. F., Ashraf, R., Ullah, S., & Wang, H. W., “A Color Image Encryption Technique Using Exclusive-OR With DNA Complementary Rules Based On Chaos Theory And SHA-2.”, Optik, 159, 348–367, (2018).
  • [28] Lone, P. N., & Singh, D., “Application Of Algebra And Chaos Theory In Security Of Color Images.”, Optik, 218, 165155, (2020).
  • [29] Zhu, C. X., “A new image encryption algorithm based on general Chen's chaotic system.”, Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology), 37, 1142, (2006).
  • [30] Huang, C. K., & Nien, H. H., “Multi chaotic systems based pixel shuffle for image encryption.”, Optics communications, 282(11), 2123-2127, (2009).
  • [31] Parvaz, R., & Zarebnia, M., “A Combination Chaotic System And Application In Color Image Encryption.”, Optics & Laser Technology, 101, 30-41, (2018).
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Nurettin Doğan 0000-0002-8267-8469

Hidayet Çelik 0000-0002-9898-6925

Publication Date December 16, 2022
Submission Date March 24, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 25 Issue: 4


APA Doğan, N., & Çelik, H. (2022). Tarama Modeli Kullanan Karma Bir Görüntü Şifreleme Yöntemi. Politeknik Dergisi, 25(4), 1475-1485.
AMA Doğan N, Çelik H. Tarama Modeli Kullanan Karma Bir Görüntü Şifreleme Yöntemi. Politeknik Dergisi. December 2022;25(4):1475-1485. doi:10.2339/politeknik.902661
Chicago Doğan, Nurettin, and Hidayet Çelik. “Tarama Modeli Kullanan Karma Bir Görüntü Şifreleme Yöntemi”. Politeknik Dergisi 25, no. 4 (December 2022): 1475-85.
EndNote Doğan N, Çelik H (December 1, 2022) Tarama Modeli Kullanan Karma Bir Görüntü Şifreleme Yöntemi. Politeknik Dergisi 25 4 1475–1485.
IEEE N. Doğan and H. Çelik, “Tarama Modeli Kullanan Karma Bir Görüntü Şifreleme Yöntemi”, Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1475–1485, 2022, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.902661.
ISNAD Doğan, Nurettin - Çelik, Hidayet. “Tarama Modeli Kullanan Karma Bir Görüntü Şifreleme Yöntemi”. Politeknik Dergisi 25/4 (December 2022), 1475-1485.
JAMA Doğan N, Çelik H. Tarama Modeli Kullanan Karma Bir Görüntü Şifreleme Yöntemi. Politeknik Dergisi. 2022;25:1475–1485.
MLA Doğan, Nurettin and Hidayet Çelik. “Tarama Modeli Kullanan Karma Bir Görüntü Şifreleme Yöntemi”. Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 25, no. 4, 2022, pp. 1475-8, doi:10.2339/politeknik.902661.
Vancouver Doğan N, Çelik H. Tarama Modeli Kullanan Karma Bir Görüntü Şifreleme Yöntemi. Politeknik Dergisi. 2022;25(4):1475-8.