Year 2025,
Renanto Handogo
Alhafiz Taufiqul Hakim Alhafiz
Aisyah Putri Prameswari Jasmine
Juwari Juwari
Indonesia has a geothermal energy resource potential of 40% of the world's potential and only 8.9% of Indonesia's geothermal potential has just been utilized. The spread of various geothermal locations in Indonesia will affect the characteristics of Geothermal Power Plants with different process types, so an analysis is needed to compare geothermal process technology and the conditions of the power generation system between flash steam and binary cycle to find out the technology. geothermal process and suitable system conditions at the Lahendong area expansion location. In this research, simulation of double flash steam and binary cycle with regeneration were carried out and the results were then analyzed based on the highest power output and efficiency. It was found that the double flash steam system produces a power of 3125 kW with a thermal efficiency of 89.8%. Meanwhile, the binary cycle system with generation produces a power of 5433.25 kW with a thermal efficiency of 8.68%. Based on the simulation results that have been carried out, the suitability of the process for the expansion of the Lahendong Area Geothermal Power Plant location uses binary cycle technology with a binary cycle with generation system.
This work was supported by KEMENDIKBUDRISTEK under the Hibah Penelitian Disertasi Doktor (PDD) number: 112/E5/PG.02.00.PL/2023 and DRPM Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember number: 1910/PKS/ITS/2023.
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- [18] Isık T., Baba A., Chandrasekharam D., and Demi̇R M M., "A brief overview on Geothermal scaling", Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, pp. 1–22, Jan, (2023).
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- [20] Zarrouk S J., Woodhurst B C., and Morris C A., "Silica scaling in geothermal heat exchangers and its impact on pressure drop and performance: Wairakei Binary Plant, New Zealand", Geothermics, vol. 51, pp. 445–459, Jul. (2014)
Year 2025,
Renanto Handogo
Alhafiz Taufiqul Hakim Alhafiz
Aisyah Putri Prameswari Jasmine
Juwari Juwari
Endonezya, dünya potansiyelinin% 40'ı kadar bir jeotermal enerji kaynağı potansiyeline sahiptir ve Endonezya'nın jeotermal potansiyelinin sadece% 8.9'u yeni kullanılmıştır. Endonezya'daki çeşitli jeotermal konumların yayılması, farklı proses türlerine sahip Jeotermal Enerji Santrallerinin özelliklerini etkileyecektir, bu nedenle jeotermal proses teknolojisini ve teknolojiyi bulmak için flaş buhar ve ikili döngü arasındaki enerji üretim sisteminin koşullarını karşılaştırmak için bir analize ihtiyaç vardır. Lahendong bölgesi genişleme konumunda jeotermal süreç ve uygun sistem koşulları. Bu araştırmada, çift flaş buhar ve rejenerasyon ile ikili çevrim simülasyonu gerçekleştirilmiş ve sonuçlar daha sonra en yüksek güç çıkışı ve verimliliğine dayalı olarak analiz edilmiştir. Çift flaşlı buhar sisteminin% 89.8'lik bir termal verimlilikle 3125 kW'lık bir güç ürettiği bulunmuştur. Bu arada, üretimli ikili çevrim sistemi,% 8.68'lik bir termal verimlilikle 5433.25 kW'lık bir güç üretir.
- [1] DiPippo R., “Geothermal energy technology and current status: an overview”, In Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Massachusetts, USA: Elsevier Inc, (2016).
- [2] Sukra K F A, Permana D I, and Adri̇Ansyah W., “Modelling and simulation of existing geothermal power plant: a case study of darajat geothermal power plant”, International Journal of Applied Thermodynamics, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 13–20, Jun. (2023).
- [3] Barbier E., “Geothermal energy technology and current status: an overview”, In Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Vol. 6), (2002).
- [4] Grant M A, and Bixley P F., "Geothermal reservoirs", in Elsevier eBooks, pp. 1–8, (2011).
- [5] Kömürcü M I and Akpinar A., "Importance of geothermal energy and its environmental effects in turkey", Renew. Energy, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 1611–1615, (2009).
- [6] Talluri L., Dumont O., Manfrida G., Lemort V., and Fiaschi D., "experimental investigation of an organic rankine cycle tesla turbine working with R1233zd(E)", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 174, p. 115293 Jun, (2020).
- [7] Napitu A., "A study of brine supply system to binary cycle unit at namora i langit geothermal power plant", IOP Conference Series, vol. 254, p. 012013, Apr, (2019).
- [8] Scott C., Cohen G., Cable R., Brosseau D., and Price H., “Parabolic trough organic rankine cycle solar power plant DOE solar energy technologies denver”, Colorado: US Department of Energy NREL, (2004).
- [9] Herath H M D P., Wijewardane M A., Ranasinghe C., and Jayasekera J., "Working fluid selection of organic rankine cycles", Energy Reports, vol. 6, pp. 680–686, Dec, (2020).
- [10] Carnot S., Mendoza E., editor, “Reflexions Sur La Puissance Motrice Du Feu. Bachelier Libraire Paris I824”, New York: Dover Publications Inc., English translation: Reflections on the motive power of fire. (1960).
- [11] Macchi E., and Astolfi M., editor, “Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) power systems”, Elsevier Ltd, (2017).
- [12] Rayegan R., and Tao Y., "A procedure to select working fluids for solar Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs)", Renewable Energy, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 659–670, Feb, (2011).
- [13] Groniewsky A., Györke G., and Imre A R., "Description of wet-to-dry transition in model ORC working fluids", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 125, pp. 963–971, Oct, (2017).
- [14] Nugroho, A J., “Evaluation of waste brine utilization from LHD Unit III for electricity generation in Lahendong Geothermal Field, Indonesia”, Orkustofnun, (2007).
- [15] Fernando Monroy Parada, A., Tecla, S., & Salvador, L., “Geothermal binary cycle power plant principles, operation and maintenance”, Orkustofnun, (2013).
- [16] Chen C C., and Mathias P. M., "Applied thermodynamics for process modeling", AICHE Journal, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 194–200, Feb, (2002).
- [17] Al-Madani D., “Proses produksi panas bumi di PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy area Lahendong”, Aug. 02, (2019).
- [18] Isık T., Baba A., Chandrasekharam D., and Demi̇R M M., "A brief overview on Geothermal scaling", Bulletin of the Mineral Research and Exploration, pp. 1–22, Jan, (2023).
- [19] Mines G., “Binary geothermal energy conversion systems: basic rankine, dual-pressure, and dual-fluid cycles”, Elsevier Inc (2016).
- [20] Zarrouk S J., Woodhurst B C., and Morris C A., "Silica scaling in geothermal heat exchangers and its impact on pressure drop and performance: Wairakei Binary Plant, New Zealand", Geothermics, vol. 51, pp. 445–459, Jul. (2014)