Research Article
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Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow in a Vertical Shaft Axial Flow Pump

Year 2023, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 1025 - 1034, 05.07.2023


Due to the changes in the system characteristics, pumps may have to be operated far away from the design point, such as in part-load or over-load operating points. Operating the pumps far away from the design point may cause fluctuations in the flow. As a result of the fluctuations mechanical problems in the pump structure may occur. In order to overcome the problem, the operating characteristics of the pump must be determined at part load operating conditions as well as design point operating condition. In this study, flow inside a vertical shaft axial flow pump is investigated experimentally. The experimental setup is designed and constructed for the laboratory tests. The pump which is designed and manufactured is tested in the test setup. The performance of the pump is determined by measuring the flow rate, inlet and outlet pressures, rotational speed and power input of the pump. The part load and over load operating regions are determined. Pressure variations are measured at various performance points with the piezoelectric pressure transducer placed in between impeller and diffuser blade passage. Simultaneously, comparisons are made with the vibration spectrums obtained in the pump. 


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  • [18] Sun J., Tsukamoto H., “Off-design Performance Prediction for Diffuser Pumps”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 191-201, (2001).
  • [19] Tural H. N., “Pompaların Dinamik Analizi”, Master Thesis, İTÜ, (2013).
  • [20] Martins G., Lima E., “How to Improve Reliability in Centrifugal Pump Systems Through the Automatic Tuneup of Pumps Within Their Best Operational Condition”, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Pump User Symposium, 11-18, (2008).
  • [21] Khalifa A. E., Al-Qutub A. M., Ben-Mansour R., “Study of Pressure Fluctuations and Induced Vibration at Blade-Passing Frequencies of a Double Volute Pump”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1333-1345, (2011).
  • [22] Sedlar M., Komarek M., Vyroubal M., Doubrava V., Varchola M., Hlbocan P., “Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Behavior of High Efficiency Mixed-flow Pump”, EDP Sciences, 1-6, (2014).
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  • [24] Goltz I., Kosyna G., Wulff D., Schrapp H., Stark U., Saathoff H., Bross S., “Structure of the Rotor Tip Flow in a Highly Loaded Single-Stage Axial-Flow Pump Approaching Stall art II: Stall Inception – Understanding the Mechanism and Overcoming its Negative Impacts”, Proceedings of HT-FED04, ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, (2004).
  • [25] Goltz I., Kosyna G., Delgado A., “Eliminating the head instability of an axial-flow pump using axial grooves”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, (2012).
  • [26] Flores P. P., Kosyna G., Wulff D., “Suppression of Performance Curve Instability of an Axial-Flow Pump by Using a Double-Inlet-Nozzle”, International Journal of Rotating Machinery, (2008).
  • [27] Cao W., Li W., “Study on the Performance Improvement of Axial Flow Pump’s Saddle Zone by Using a Double Inlet Nozzle”, Water, (2020).
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Düşey Milli Eksenel Bir Pompada Zamana Bağlı Akışın Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi

Year 2023, Volume: 26 Issue: 2, 1025 - 1034, 05.07.2023


Sistem karakteristiğindeki değişimler nedeniyle pompalar tasarım noktalarının dışında, kısmi yükte veya aşırı yükte çalıştırılma durumunda olabilirler. Pompaların tasarım noktasının dışında özellikle önerilmeyen bölgelerde çalıştırılması birçok akış problemlerine sebep olmaktadır. Bunun sonucu olarak mekanik problemler meydana gelmektedir. Bu problemin üstesinden gelmek için pompanın tasarım noktasındaki karakteristiği yanı sıra kısmı yükteki çalışma koşullarının belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, düşey milli eksenel bir pompanın içerisindeki akış deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Laboratuvar testleri için deney düzeneği tasarımı yapılarak imal edilmiştir. Tasarımı ve imali yapılan pompa bu deney düzeneğinde test edilmiştir. Pompa performansını belirlemek için, debi ölçümü, pompa giriş-çıkış basınçları, pompa dönme hızı ve güç ölçümü yapılmıştır. Kısmı yük ve aşırı yük bölgeleri tespit edilmiştir. Çark ile difüzör arasına yerleştirilen piezoelektrik basınç algılayıcısı kullanılarak basınç değişimleri ölçülmüştür. Eş zamanlı olarak pompada elde edilen titreşim spektrumları ile karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır.


  • [1] Gulich J. F., “Centrifugal Pumps”, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, New York, Third Edition, (2014).
  • [2] Lazarkiewicz, S. and Troskolanski, A.T., “Impeller Pumps”, Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford, 218-265, (1965).
  • [3] Pfleiderer, Petermann H. Çevirenler Edis K., Tekin Y., “Akım Makinaları”, İTÜ İstanbul, 383-508, (1978).
  • [4] Stepanoff, A.J., “Flow Pumps Design and Application”, John Wile & Sons Inc., U.S.A., 138-160, (1957).
  • [5] Karassik, IGOR J., "Centrifugal Pump Operation at off-design Conditions". Engineering&Safety, 6-10.
  • [6] Fraser, Warren H., "Flow Recirculation in Centrifugal Pumps", Turbomachinery and Pump Symposia, 95-100, (1981).
  • [7] Gulich J. F., Bolleter U., “Pressure Pulsations in Centrifugal Pumps”, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME, (1992).
  • [8] Bai L., Zhou L., Han C., Zhu Y., Shi W., “Numerical Study of Pressure Fluctuation and Unsteady Flow in a Centrifugal Pump”, Processes, 1-14, (2019).
  • [9] Braun O., “Part Load Flow in Radial Centrifugal Pumps”, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, 1-197, (2009).
  • [10] Miyabe M., Furukawa A., Maeda H, Umeki I., Jittani Y., “On Improvement of Characteristic Instability and Internal Flow in Mixed Flow Pumps”, Journal of Fluid Science and Technology, 732-743, (2008).
  • [11] Oshima M., “Inlet Flow and Aspects of Cavitation in Centrifugal Impellers”, Texas A&M University, 189-194, (1982).
  • [12] Breugelmans F.A.E., Sen M., “Prerotation and Fluid Recirculation in the Suction Pipe of Centrifugal Pumps”, Proceedings of the Eleventh Turbomachinery Symposium, 165-180, (1982).
  • [13] Wulff D. L., “Unsteady Pressure and Velocity Measurements in Pumps”, Educational Notes RTO-EN-AVT-143, Paper 4, 4-1 – 4-34, (2006).
  • [14] Kaupert K. A., “Unsteady Flow Fields in a High Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump”, ETH Zürih, Phd. Thesis, (1997).
  • [15] Kaupert K. A., Staubli T., “Unsteady Pressure Field in a High Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump Impeller – Part I: Influence of the Volute”, Journal of Fluids Engineering Vol. 121, 621-626, (1999).
  • [16] Kaupert K. A., Staubli T., “Unsteady Pressure Field in a High Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump Impeller – Part II: Transient Hysteresis in the Characteristic”, Journal of Fluids Engineering Vol. 121, 627-632, (1999).
  • [17] Ulas K. Y., Karadogan H., Tural H. N., “Merkezkaç Pompa Çıkışındaki Basınç Çalkantılarının Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi”, 5. Pompa-Vana Kongresi, (2004).
  • [18] Sun J., Tsukamoto H., “Off-design Performance Prediction for Diffuser Pumps”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 191-201, (2001).
  • [19] Tural H. N., “Pompaların Dinamik Analizi”, Master Thesis, İTÜ, (2013).
  • [20] Martins G., Lima E., “How to Improve Reliability in Centrifugal Pump Systems Through the Automatic Tuneup of Pumps Within Their Best Operational Condition”, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Pump User Symposium, 11-18, (2008).
  • [21] Khalifa A. E., Al-Qutub A. M., Ben-Mansour R., “Study of Pressure Fluctuations and Induced Vibration at Blade-Passing Frequencies of a Double Volute Pump”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 1333-1345, (2011).
  • [22] Sedlar M., Komarek M., Vyroubal M., Doubrava V., Varchola M., Hlbocan P., “Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Unsteady Behavior of High Efficiency Mixed-flow Pump”, EDP Sciences, 1-6, (2014).
  • [23] Zhang X., Wang P., Ruan X., Xu Z., Fu X., “Analysis of Pressure Pulsation Induced by Rotor-Stator Interaction in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Pump”, Hindawi Shock and Vibration, (2017).
  • [24] Goltz I., Kosyna G., Wulff D., Schrapp H., Stark U., Saathoff H., Bross S., “Structure of the Rotor Tip Flow in a Highly Loaded Single-Stage Axial-Flow Pump Approaching Stall art II: Stall Inception – Understanding the Mechanism and Overcoming its Negative Impacts”, Proceedings of HT-FED04, ASME Heat Transfer/Fluids Engineering Summer Conference, (2004).
  • [25] Goltz I., Kosyna G., Delgado A., “Eliminating the head instability of an axial-flow pump using axial grooves”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, (2012).
  • [26] Flores P. P., Kosyna G., Wulff D., “Suppression of Performance Curve Instability of an Axial-Flow Pump by Using a Double-Inlet-Nozzle”, International Journal of Rotating Machinery, (2008).
  • [27] Cao W., Li W., “Study on the Performance Improvement of Axial Flow Pump’s Saddle Zone by Using a Double Inlet Nozzle”, Water, (2020).
  • [28] Geerts S., “Experimental and Numerical Study of An Axial Flow Pump”, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Phd. Thesis, (2006).
  • [29] Weidong S., Desheng Z., Xingfan G., Hongfei L., “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of High-efficiency Axial-flow Pump”, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,23:1-7, (2010).
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Özgür Canbaz 0000-0003-4983-1369

Nuri Yücel 0000-0001-9390-5877

Kahraman Albayrak 0000-0001-6104-9885

Publication Date July 5, 2023
Submission Date December 28, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 26 Issue: 2


APA Canbaz, Ö., Yücel, N., & Albayrak, K. (2023). Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow in a Vertical Shaft Axial Flow Pump. Politeknik Dergisi, 26(2), 1025-1034.
AMA Canbaz Ö, Yücel N, Albayrak K. Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow in a Vertical Shaft Axial Flow Pump. Politeknik Dergisi. July 2023;26(2):1025-1034. doi:10.2339/politeknik.1049477
Chicago Canbaz, Özgür, Nuri Yücel, and Kahraman Albayrak. “Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow in a Vertical Shaft Axial Flow Pump”. Politeknik Dergisi 26, no. 2 (July 2023): 1025-34.
EndNote Canbaz Ö, Yücel N, Albayrak K (July 1, 2023) Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow in a Vertical Shaft Axial Flow Pump. Politeknik Dergisi 26 2 1025–1034.
IEEE Ö. Canbaz, N. Yücel, and K. Albayrak, “Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow in a Vertical Shaft Axial Flow Pump”, Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 1025–1034, 2023, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.1049477.
ISNAD Canbaz, Özgür et al. “Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow in a Vertical Shaft Axial Flow Pump”. Politeknik Dergisi 26/2 (July 2023), 1025-1034.
JAMA Canbaz Ö, Yücel N, Albayrak K. Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow in a Vertical Shaft Axial Flow Pump. Politeknik Dergisi. 2023;26:1025–1034.
MLA Canbaz, Özgür et al. “Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow in a Vertical Shaft Axial Flow Pump”. Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 26, no. 2, 2023, pp. 1025-34, doi:10.2339/politeknik.1049477.
Vancouver Canbaz Ö, Yücel N, Albayrak K. Experimental Investigation of Unsteady Flow in a Vertical Shaft Axial Flow Pump. Politeknik Dergisi. 2023;26(2):1025-34.