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Şok Sönümleyiciye Sahip Cihazın Montaj Arayüzünün Yorulma Ömrünün Hesaplanması

Year 2024, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 1005 - 1015, 25.07.2024


Hava araçları titreşim yükleri altında çalışmaktadır ve bu yükler parçalarda titreşim kaynaklı yorulma hasarına sebep olmaktadır. Yorulma hasarları öncesinde bir uyarı vermeden aniden oluşması nedeniyle tehlikeli hasarlardır bu yüzden dikkatlice analiz edilmesi gerekmektedir. Analizlerde özellikle doğal frekansların ve sönümlemelerin doğru belirlenmesi gerekir çünkü titreşim yüklerinin doğal frekanslarla çakışması durumunda rezonans gözlenir ve bu parçanın ömrünü azaltır. Bu çalışma kapsamında şok sönümleyiciye sahip bir cihazın montaj arayüzünün yorulma ömrü analiz edilmiştir. Analize girdi olması amacıyla gerçek uçuş senaryolarında uçuş testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Şok sönümleyicilerinin doğru modellenmesi için modal test yapılmıştır. Hazırlanan sonlu elemanlar modelinin doğruluğunu kanıtlamak ve sönümleme oranlarının tespiti için titreşim testi yapılmıştır. Yorulma analizleri ticari bir yazılım olan nCode ile frekans düzleminde yapılmış ve analizin doğruluğu yapılan test ile kanıtlanmıştır.


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  • [4] Rankine W.J.M., “On the causes of the unexpected breakage of the journals of railway axles, and on the means of preventing such accidents by observing the law of continuity in their construction”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 36: 178-180, (1843).
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  • [7] Ewing, J. A., and J. C. W. Humfrey, “The Fracture of Metals under Repeated Alternations of Stress”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 200: 241-250, (1903)
  • [7] Ewing, J. A., and J. C. W. Humfrey, “The Fracture of Metals under Repeated Alternations of Stress”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 200: 241-250, (1903)
  • [8] Basquin O., “The exponential law of endurance tests”, American Society for Testing and Materials Proceedings, 10: 625-630, (1910).
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  • [9] Gough H., “The Fatigue of Metals”, Scott, Greenwood and Son, London, (1924).
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  • [10] Palmgren A., “Die lebensdauer von kugellargern”, Zeitshrift des Vereines Duetsher Ingenieure, 68: 339-341, (1924).
  • [10] Palmgren A., “Die lebensdauer von kugellargern”, Zeitshrift des Vereines Duetsher Ingenieure, 68: 339-341, (1924).
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  • [11] Miner M., “Cumulative fatigue damage”, Journal of applied mechanics, 12: A159-A164, (1945).
  • [12] Coffin Jr L.F., “A study of the effects of cyclic thermal stresses on a ductile metal”, Transactions of the ASME, 76:931-950, (1954).
  • [12] Coffin Jr L.F., “A study of the effects of cyclic thermal stresses on a ductile metal”, Transactions of the ASME, 76:931-950, (1954).
  • [13] Coffin Jr L.F, “The problem of thermal stress fatigue in austenitic steels at elevated temperatures”, Symposium on Effect of Cyclic Heating and Stressing on Metals at Elevated Temperatures, United States, 31-52, (1954).
  • [13] Coffin Jr L.F, “The problem of thermal stress fatigue in austenitic steels at elevated temperatures”, Symposium on Effect of Cyclic Heating and Stressing on Metals at Elevated Temperatures, United States, 31-52, (1954).
  • [14] Paris P., “The growth of cracks due to variations in load” Ph. D. Thesis, Lehigh University, (1962).
  • [14] Paris P., “The growth of cracks due to variations in load” Ph. D. Thesis, Lehigh University, (1962).
  • [15] Matsuishi, M., & Endo, T., “Fatigue of metals subjected to varying stress”, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 68: 37-40, (1968).
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  • [16] Elber W., “The significance of fatigue crack closure, Damage tolerance in aircraft structures”, Damage Tolerance In Aircraft Structures Annual Meeting, Toronto, 230-242, (1971).
  • [17] Rice S.O., “Mathematical analysis of random noise”, The Bell System Technical Journal, 23: 133-294, (1954).
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  • [20] Wirsching P.H., Light M.C., “Fatigue under wide band random stresses”, Journal of the Structural Division, 106: 1593-1607, (1980).
  • [20] Wirsching P.H., Light M.C., “Fatigue under wide band random stresses”, Journal of the Structural Division, 106: 1593-1607, (1980).
  • [21] Chaudhury G., Dover W., “Fatigue analysis of offshore platforms subject to sea wave loadings”, International Journal of Fatigue, 7:13-19, (1985).
  • [21] Chaudhury G., Dover W., “Fatigue analysis of offshore platforms subject to sea wave loadings”, International Journal of Fatigue, 7:13-19, (1985).
  • [22] Steinberg D.S., “Vibration analysis for electronic equipment”, John Wiley & Sons, (2000).
  • [22] Steinberg D.S., “Vibration analysis for electronic equipment”, John Wiley & Sons, (2000).
  • [23] T. Dirlik, “Application of computers in fatigue analysis”, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Warwick, (1985).
  • [23] T. Dirlik, “Application of computers in fatigue analysis”, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Warwick, (1985).
  • [24] Bishop N.W., Sherratt F., “Finite element based fatigue calculations”, NAFEMS, (2000).
  • [24] Bishop N.W., Sherratt F., “Finite element based fatigue calculations”, NAFEMS, (2000).
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  • [25] M. Aykan, “Vibration fatigue analysis of equipments used in aerospace”, MS Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (2005).
  • [26] Eldoğan Y., Vibration fatigue analysis of structures installed on air platforms, MS Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (2012).
  • [26] Eldoğan Y., Vibration fatigue analysis of structures installed on air platforms, MS Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (2012).
  • [27] Akgümüş Gök, D. , Baltacı, A. “Design and Fatigue Life Analysis of Air Suspension Z Type Leaf Springs Used in Heavy Commercial Vehicle”, Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1, (2023 ).
  • [27] Akgümüş Gök, D. , Baltacı, A. “Design and Fatigue Life Analysis of Air Suspension Z Type Leaf Springs Used in Heavy Commercial Vehicle”, Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1, (2023 ).
  • [28] Akyıldız, U. , Poyrazoğlu, O. , Demirel, M. Y. “Anodik Oksidasyonun AA7050-T7451 Alaşımının Yorulma Performansına Etkisi”, Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1, (2023 ).
  • [28] Akyıldız, U. , Poyrazoğlu, O. , Demirel, M. Y. “Anodik Oksidasyonun AA7050-T7451 Alaşımının Yorulma Performansına Etkisi”, Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1, (2023 ).
  • [29] Köken, A. , Karabulut, A. "Takım Tezgâhlarında Titreşim Sönümleyici Kullanılarak Zemine İletilen Kuvvetin Azaltılması". Politeknik Dergisi, 25: 399-404, (2022).
  • [29] Köken, A. , Karabulut, A. "Takım Tezgâhlarında Titreşim Sönümleyici Kullanılarak Zemine İletilen Kuvvetin Azaltılması". Politeknik Dergisi, 25: 399-404, (2022).
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  • [30] MIL-STD-810G, “Enviromental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests”, (2008).

Predicting Fatigue Life of A Mount of A Device with Shock Absorber

Year 2024, Volume: 27 Issue: 3, 1005 - 1015, 25.07.2024


All aircraft operate under vibration loads and these loads cause vibration-induced fatigue damage to the parts. Fatigue damages are dangerous because they occur suddenly without giving a warning before, for this reason they need to be carefully analyzed. In the analysis, especially the natural frequencies and dampings must be determined correctly, because when the vibration loads match with the natural frequencies, resonance is observed and this reduces the life of the part. In this study, the fatigue life of a mount of a device with shock absorber is investigated. Flight tests were carried out in real flight scenarios to provide an input for the analysis. A modal test was performed to model the shock absorbers correctly. Vibration test was performed to prove the accuracy of the prepared finite element model and to determine the damping ratios. Fatigue analyses were performed in frequency domain with a commercial software, nCode, and the accuracy of the analysis was proven by the experiment.


  • [1] MIL-HDBK-5J, “Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle Structures”, (2003).
  • [1] MIL-HDBK-5J, “Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle Structures”, (2003).
  • [2] Albert W.A.J., “Uber Treibseile am Harz.”, Archiv fur Mineralogie, Georgnosie, Bergbau und Huttenkunde, Berlin, (1837).
  • [2] Albert W.A.J., “Uber Treibseile am Harz.”, Archiv fur Mineralogie, Georgnosie, Bergbau und Huttenkunde, Berlin, (1837).
  • [3],
  • [3],
  • [4] Rankine W.J.M., “On the causes of the unexpected breakage of the journals of railway axles, and on the means of preventing such accidents by observing the law of continuity in their construction”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 36: 178-180, (1843).
  • [4] Rankine W.J.M., “On the causes of the unexpected breakage of the journals of railway axles, and on the means of preventing such accidents by observing the law of continuity in their construction”, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 36: 178-180, (1843).
  • [5] Schütz W., “A history of fatigue”, Engineering fracture mechanics, 54: 263-300, (1996).
  • [5] Schütz W., “A history of fatigue”, Engineering fracture mechanics, 54: 263-300, (1996).
  • [6] Goodman J., “Mechanics Applied To Engineering”, Longmans, Green and Co. John, London, (1899).
  • [6] Goodman J., “Mechanics Applied To Engineering”, Longmans, Green and Co. John, London, (1899).
  • [7] Ewing, J. A., and J. C. W. Humfrey, “The Fracture of Metals under Repeated Alternations of Stress”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 200: 241-250, (1903)
  • [7] Ewing, J. A., and J. C. W. Humfrey, “The Fracture of Metals under Repeated Alternations of Stress”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 200: 241-250, (1903)
  • [8] Basquin O., “The exponential law of endurance tests”, American Society for Testing and Materials Proceedings, 10: 625-630, (1910).
  • [8] Basquin O., “The exponential law of endurance tests”, American Society for Testing and Materials Proceedings, 10: 625-630, (1910).
  • [9] Gough H., “The Fatigue of Metals”, Scott, Greenwood and Son, London, (1924).
  • [9] Gough H., “The Fatigue of Metals”, Scott, Greenwood and Son, London, (1924).
  • [10] Palmgren A., “Die lebensdauer von kugellargern”, Zeitshrift des Vereines Duetsher Ingenieure, 68: 339-341, (1924).
  • [10] Palmgren A., “Die lebensdauer von kugellargern”, Zeitshrift des Vereines Duetsher Ingenieure, 68: 339-341, (1924).
  • [11] Miner M., “Cumulative fatigue damage”, Journal of applied mechanics, 12: A159-A164, (1945).
  • [11] Miner M., “Cumulative fatigue damage”, Journal of applied mechanics, 12: A159-A164, (1945).
  • [12] Coffin Jr L.F., “A study of the effects of cyclic thermal stresses on a ductile metal”, Transactions of the ASME, 76:931-950, (1954).
  • [12] Coffin Jr L.F., “A study of the effects of cyclic thermal stresses on a ductile metal”, Transactions of the ASME, 76:931-950, (1954).
  • [13] Coffin Jr L.F, “The problem of thermal stress fatigue in austenitic steels at elevated temperatures”, Symposium on Effect of Cyclic Heating and Stressing on Metals at Elevated Temperatures, United States, 31-52, (1954).
  • [13] Coffin Jr L.F, “The problem of thermal stress fatigue in austenitic steels at elevated temperatures”, Symposium on Effect of Cyclic Heating and Stressing on Metals at Elevated Temperatures, United States, 31-52, (1954).
  • [14] Paris P., “The growth of cracks due to variations in load” Ph. D. Thesis, Lehigh University, (1962).
  • [14] Paris P., “The growth of cracks due to variations in load” Ph. D. Thesis, Lehigh University, (1962).
  • [15] Matsuishi, M., & Endo, T., “Fatigue of metals subjected to varying stress”, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 68: 37-40, (1968).
  • [15] Matsuishi, M., & Endo, T., “Fatigue of metals subjected to varying stress”, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, 68: 37-40, (1968).
  • [16] Elber W., “The significance of fatigue crack closure, Damage tolerance in aircraft structures”, Damage Tolerance In Aircraft Structures Annual Meeting, Toronto, 230-242, (1971).
  • [16] Elber W., “The significance of fatigue crack closure, Damage tolerance in aircraft structures”, Damage Tolerance In Aircraft Structures Annual Meeting, Toronto, 230-242, (1971).
  • [17] Rice S.O., “Mathematical analysis of random noise”, The Bell System Technical Journal, 23: 133-294, (1954).
  • [17] Rice S.O., “Mathematical analysis of random noise”, The Bell System Technical Journal, 23: 133-294, (1954).
  • [18] Bendat J.S., “Probability functions for random responses: prediction of peaks, fatigue damage, and catastrophic failures”, (1964).
  • [18] Bendat J.S., “Probability functions for random responses: prediction of peaks, fatigue damage, and catastrophic failures”, (1964).
  • [19] Tunna J., “Fatigue life prediction for Gaussian random loads at the design stage”, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 9: 169-184, (1986).
  • [19] Tunna J., “Fatigue life prediction for Gaussian random loads at the design stage”, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 9: 169-184, (1986).
  • [20] Wirsching P.H., Light M.C., “Fatigue under wide band random stresses”, Journal of the Structural Division, 106: 1593-1607, (1980).
  • [20] Wirsching P.H., Light M.C., “Fatigue under wide band random stresses”, Journal of the Structural Division, 106: 1593-1607, (1980).
  • [21] Chaudhury G., Dover W., “Fatigue analysis of offshore platforms subject to sea wave loadings”, International Journal of Fatigue, 7:13-19, (1985).
  • [21] Chaudhury G., Dover W., “Fatigue analysis of offshore platforms subject to sea wave loadings”, International Journal of Fatigue, 7:13-19, (1985).
  • [22] Steinberg D.S., “Vibration analysis for electronic equipment”, John Wiley & Sons, (2000).
  • [22] Steinberg D.S., “Vibration analysis for electronic equipment”, John Wiley & Sons, (2000).
  • [23] T. Dirlik, “Application of computers in fatigue analysis”, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Warwick, (1985).
  • [23] T. Dirlik, “Application of computers in fatigue analysis”, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Warwick, (1985).
  • [24] Bishop N.W., Sherratt F., “Finite element based fatigue calculations”, NAFEMS, (2000).
  • [24] Bishop N.W., Sherratt F., “Finite element based fatigue calculations”, NAFEMS, (2000).
  • [25] M. Aykan, “Vibration fatigue analysis of equipments used in aerospace”, MS Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (2005).
  • [25] M. Aykan, “Vibration fatigue analysis of equipments used in aerospace”, MS Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (2005).
  • [26] Eldoğan Y., Vibration fatigue analysis of structures installed on air platforms, MS Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (2012).
  • [26] Eldoğan Y., Vibration fatigue analysis of structures installed on air platforms, MS Thesis, Middle East Technical University, (2012).
  • [27] Akgümüş Gök, D. , Baltacı, A. “Design and Fatigue Life Analysis of Air Suspension Z Type Leaf Springs Used in Heavy Commercial Vehicle”, Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1, (2023 ).
  • [27] Akgümüş Gök, D. , Baltacı, A. “Design and Fatigue Life Analysis of Air Suspension Z Type Leaf Springs Used in Heavy Commercial Vehicle”, Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1, (2023 ).
  • [28] Akyıldız, U. , Poyrazoğlu, O. , Demirel, M. Y. “Anodik Oksidasyonun AA7050-T7451 Alaşımının Yorulma Performansına Etkisi”, Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1, (2023 ).
  • [28] Akyıldız, U. , Poyrazoğlu, O. , Demirel, M. Y. “Anodik Oksidasyonun AA7050-T7451 Alaşımının Yorulma Performansına Etkisi”, Politeknik Dergisi, 1-1, (2023 ).
  • [29] Köken, A. , Karabulut, A. "Takım Tezgâhlarında Titreşim Sönümleyici Kullanılarak Zemine İletilen Kuvvetin Azaltılması". Politeknik Dergisi, 25: 399-404, (2022).
  • [29] Köken, A. , Karabulut, A. "Takım Tezgâhlarında Titreşim Sönümleyici Kullanılarak Zemine İletilen Kuvvetin Azaltılması". Politeknik Dergisi, 25: 399-404, (2022).
  • [30] MIL-STD-810G, “Enviromental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests”, (2008).
  • [30] MIL-STD-810G, “Enviromental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests”, (2008).
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Uğur Tekeci 0000-0002-1414-2443

Bora Yıldırım 0000-0003-3293-9656

Early Pub Date March 27, 2024
Publication Date July 25, 2024
Submission Date November 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 27 Issue: 3


APA Tekeci, U., & Yıldırım, B. (2024). Predicting Fatigue Life of A Mount of A Device with Shock Absorber. Politeknik Dergisi, 27(3), 1005-1015.
AMA Tekeci U, Yıldırım B. Predicting Fatigue Life of A Mount of A Device with Shock Absorber. Politeknik Dergisi. July 2024;27(3):1005-1015. doi:10.2339/politeknik.1210934
Chicago Tekeci, Uğur, and Bora Yıldırım. “Predicting Fatigue Life of A Mount of A Device With Shock Absorber”. Politeknik Dergisi 27, no. 3 (July 2024): 1005-15.
EndNote Tekeci U, Yıldırım B (July 1, 2024) Predicting Fatigue Life of A Mount of A Device with Shock Absorber. Politeknik Dergisi 27 3 1005–1015.
IEEE U. Tekeci and B. Yıldırım, “Predicting Fatigue Life of A Mount of A Device with Shock Absorber”, Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1005–1015, 2024, doi: 10.2339/politeknik.1210934.
ISNAD Tekeci, Uğur - Yıldırım, Bora. “Predicting Fatigue Life of A Mount of A Device With Shock Absorber”. Politeknik Dergisi 27/3 (July 2024), 1005-1015.
JAMA Tekeci U, Yıldırım B. Predicting Fatigue Life of A Mount of A Device with Shock Absorber. Politeknik Dergisi. 2024;27:1005–1015.
MLA Tekeci, Uğur and Bora Yıldırım. “Predicting Fatigue Life of A Mount of A Device With Shock Absorber”. Politeknik Dergisi, vol. 27, no. 3, 2024, pp. 1005-1, doi:10.2339/politeknik.1210934.
Vancouver Tekeci U, Yıldırım B. Predicting Fatigue Life of A Mount of A Device with Shock Absorber. Politeknik Dergisi. 2024;27(3):1005-1.