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Dijital Tüketim Alanı Olarak Dijimodern Reklam Uygulaması Çerçevesinde Tüketici Motivasyon Faktörleri Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması

Year 2021, , 183 - 212, 03.02.2021


Dijimodern reklam, eğitmek, eğlendirmek ve katılımlarını sağlamak yoluyla tüketicilerin görüşünden ve eylemlerinden yararlandığı, tüketicileri uygulamanın bir parçası olarak ele alan, mesaj içeriklerinin multimedya teknolojilerine göre entegre edilen etkileşim odaklı reklamlardır. Teknolojiyle yeniden yapılandırılan tüketim alanına dair bu çalışmada tüketicilerin etkileşime girdikleri, dijimodern reklam ve kampanyalarla ilgili beklentileri ve algısı hakkında bilgi edinmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı, herhangi bir dijital ortamda vaktini geçiren ve/veya dijital ortamda reklam iletilerine maruz kalan tüketicilerin dijimodern reklamlara yönelik nasıl bir motivasyon sergilediklerini tespit etmektir. Bu amaçla basit tesadüfi örneklem yöntemiyle, çevrimiçi ortamda, 315 kişiye, Google Forms aracılığıyla oluşturulan anket tekniği uygulanmıştır. Anket uygulamasında motivasyon faktörleri tespit edilmek üzere, araştırmaya katılanlara Mixx Awards Türkiye yarışması kapsamında, 2019 yılında ödül almış bir reklam uygulaması gösterilmiştir. Araştırma sonucuna göre farkındalık/ilgi gösterme, eğlenme ve öğrenme şeklinde üç temel motivasyon ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Çevrimiçi ortama bağlanma süresi ile motivasyon faktörleri arasında anlamlı bir farkın olduğu tespit edilen bulgular arasındadır. Ayrıca tüketicilerin dijimodern reklamların özelliklerine ilişkin beklentilerinin ortalaması ile dijimodern reklam uygulamasına yönelik motivasyon ortalamaları arasında orta düzeyde, pozitif yönlü bir ilişkinin olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Addis, M. ve Podesta, S. (2005). Long Life to Marketing Research: A Postmodern View. European Journal of Marketing, 39(3-4): 386-412.
  • An, S., Kerr, G. ve Jin, H. S. (2019). Recognizing Native Ads as Advertising: Attitudinal and Behavioral Consequences. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53(4): 14421 – 1442.
  • Ariely, D. (2000). Controlling the Information Flow: Effects on Consumers’ Decision Making and Preferences. Journal of Consumer Research, 27(2): 233-248.
  • Barnes, S. J. (2002). Wireless Digital Advertising: Nature and Implications. International Journal of Advertising, 21(3): 399-420.
  • Bat, M. ve Vural, B. A. (2014). Yeni Bir Medya Olarak Sosyal Medyanın Genel Çerçevesi. Vural, B. (Ed.): Dijital Panorama. Ankara, Ütopya Yayınları: 100 – 126.
  • Bayazıt, Ş. D. ve Yıldırım, F. (2014). Eatertainment: The New Era in Lateral Thinking – Issues and Competing Trends in Retailing. Öztürk, G. (Ed.): Handbook Research on the Impact of Culture and Society on the Entertainment Industry. Hershey, IGI Global Publishing: 332 – 350.
  • Belk, R. (2013). Extended Self in a Digital World. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(3): 477–500.
  • Belk, R. (2014) Digital Consumption and the Extended Self. Journal of Marketing Management, 30(11-12): 1101-1118.
  • Bourriaud, N. (2009). Altermodern Manifesto: Postmodernism is Dead., (20.03.2020).
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2011). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı, 13. bs., Pegem Akademi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Calder, B. J., Malthouse, E. C. ve Schaedel, U. (2009). An Experimental Study of the Relationship between Online Engagement and Advertising Effectiveness. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 23(4): 321-331.
  • Chatterjee, P., Hoffman, D. L. ve Novak, T. P. (2003). Modeling the Clickstream: Implications for Web-Based Advertising Efforts. Marketing Science, 22(4): 520-541.
  • Chayko, M. (2018). Süperbağ(lantı)lı: İnternet, Dijital Medya & Tekno-Sosyal Hayat. B. Bayındır, D. Yengin ve T. Bayrak (Çev.). İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
  • Chen, H. ve Zhou, L. (2018). The Myth of Big Data: Chinese Advertising Practitioners’ Perspective. International Journal of Advertising, 37(4): 633–649.
  • Cheng, J. M. S., Blankson, C., Wang, E. S. T. ve Chen, L. S. L (2009) Consumer Attitudes and Interactive Digital Advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 28(3): 501-525.
  • Dahlén, M. (2005). The Medium as a Contextual Cue: Effects of Creative Media Choice. Journal of Advertising, 34(3): 89-98.
  • Erdem, M. N. (2017). Dijital Çağda Kültür, Yeni Tüketici Kapitalizmi ve Reklam Anlatısı. International Conference on New Trends in Communication, İstanbul, Mayıs 3 – 4, 247 – 259.
  • Evans, B. (2013). Customers Don’t Want Ads, They Want a Conversation., asp (03.05.2020).
  • Faber, R. J., Lee, M. ve Nan, X. (2004). Advertising and the Consumer Information Environment Online. American Behavioral Scientist, 48: 447-466.
  • Featherstone, M. (2013). Postmodernizm ve Tüketim Kültürü. M. Küçük (Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Güriş, S. ve Astar, M. (2015). Bilimsel Araştırmalarda SPSS ile İstatistik. 2. bs., İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
  • Hamouda, M. (2018). Understanding Social Media Advertising Effect on Consumers’ Responses: An Empirical Investigation of Tourism Advertising on Facebook. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 31(3): 426-445.
  • Harvey, D. (2006). Postmodernliğin Durumu. S. Savran (Çev.). İstanbul: Metis Yayıncılık.
  • Kirby, A. (2009). Digimodernism: How New Technologies Dismantle the Postmodern and Reconfigure Our Culture. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • Kirby, A. (2010). The Death of Postmodernism and Beyond. asp (12.04.2020).
  • Lee, H. ve Cho, C. H. (2020). Digital Advertising: Present and Future Prospects. International Journal of Advertising, 39(3): 332-341.
  • Lehdonvirta, V. ve Ernkvist, M. (2011). Knowledge Map Of The Virtual Economy: Converting The Virtual Economy Into Development Potential. Washington, DC: World Bank Press.
  • Lehdonvirta, V. (2012). A History of the Digitalization of Consumer Culture. Molesworth, M. ve Denegri-Knott, J. (Ed.): Digital Virtual Consumption. New Yok, Routledge: 11 – 29.
  • Lipotevsky, G.(2005). Hypermodern Times. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Llamas, R. ve Belk, R. (2013). Some Impacts of Digital Consumption. Belk, W. ve Llamas, R. (Ed.): A Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption. New York, Routledge: 1 – 17.
  • Mallinckrodt, V. ve Mizerski, D. (2007). The Effects of Playing an Advergame on Young Children’s Perceptions, Preferences and Requests. Journal of Advertising, 36(2): 87-100.
  • Mestçi, A. (2013). İnternette Reklamcılık. İstanbul: Pusula Yayıncılık.
  • Meyers, J. L., Well, A. D. ve Lorch, R. F. (2010). Research Design and Statistical Analysis. New York: Routledge.
  • Önür, N. ve Kalaman, S. (2016). Dijital Gündelik Yaşam: Yeni Toplumsallıklar ve Dijital Yabancılaşma. Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 4(35): 269-289.
  • Pavlou, P. ve Steward, D. (2000). Measuring the Effects and Effectiveness of Interactive Advertising: A Research Agenda. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 1(1): 61-77.
  • Proctor, T. ve Kitchen, P. (2002). Communication in Postmodern. Integrated Marketing, 7(3): 144-154.
  • Ryan, D. (2017). Dijital Pazarlama. M. M. Kemaloğlu (Çev.). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Samuels, R. (2010). New Media, Cultural Studies, and Critical Theory after Postmodernism: Automodernity from Zizek to Laclau. New York: Palgrave.
  • Schlosser, A.E., Shavitt, S. ve Kanfer, A. (1999). Survey of Internet Users’ Attitudes toward Internet Advertising. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 13(3): 34-54.
  • Smith, R. E., Chen, J. ve Yang, X. (2008). The Impact of Advertising Creativity on the Hierarchy of Effects. Journal of Advertising, 37(4): 47-61.
  • Tosyalı, H. ve Sütçü, C. S. (2018). Pazarlama İletişiminde Dijital Dönüşüm: Etkileşimli Reklamcılık Uygulamaları Örnekleri. Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu, Mersin, Ekim 17 – 18, 238 – 247.
  • Truong, Y. ve Simmons, G. (2010) Perceived Intrusiveness in Digital Advertising: Strategic Marketing Implications. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 18(3): 239-256.
  • Uslusoy, B. S. (2016). Dijimodern Medyada Reklam Tüketimi. İzmit: Volga Yayıncılık.
  • Wang, C., Zhang, P., Choi, R. ve D’Eredita, M.. (2002). Understanding Consumers Attıtude toward Advertising. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2002 Proceedings, Dallas, August 12-14, 1143 – 1148.
  • Wolin, L. D., Korgaonkar, P. ve Lund, D. (2002). Beliefs, Attitudes and Behavior towards Web Advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 21(1): 87-113.
  • Xu, D. J. (2006). The Influence of Personalization in Affecting Consumer Attitudes towards Mobile Advertising in China. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 47(2): 9-19.
  • Yazıcı, F. (2019). Dijimodern Çağda Yalnızlaşan Birey Eleştirisi: Lipton Reklam Filmi Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 6(2): 863-880.

A Field Survey on Consumer Motivation Factors within the Scope of Digimodern Advertising as an Area of Digital Consumption

Year 2021, , 183 - 212, 03.02.2021


Digimodern advertising is a type of interactive-oriented advertising, integrated with the multimedia technologies of message content, that takes advantage of the opinions and actions of consumers by educating, entertaining, and engaging, and which are considered as a part of the application. In this study on the area of consumption reconstructed by technology, it has been tried to obtain information about the expectations and perception of consumers about digimodern advertisements and campaigns. From this point forth, the main purpose of the research is to determine how consumers who spend their time in any digital environment and/or being exposed to ads in the digital environment are motivated by digimodern advertisements. In order to deal with the problem of research, a survey technique designed utilizing Google Forms has been applied to 315 people, on the scale of online networks with the random-sampling method. In the questionnaire, an award-winning advertising application at 2019 Mixx Awards Turkey has been shown to the participants to identify the motivational factors. According to the results of the study, three basic motivations such as raising ‘awareness/interest’, ‘liking/fun’, and ‘learning’ have been revealed. It is also important to find a significant difference between the duration of connecting to the digital environment and motivational factors. In addition, it has been observed that there is a moderate, positive relationship between the consumers’ expectations regarding the characteristics of digimodern advertisement and their motivation for digimodern ads.


  • Addis, M. ve Podesta, S. (2005). Long Life to Marketing Research: A Postmodern View. European Journal of Marketing, 39(3-4): 386-412.
  • An, S., Kerr, G. ve Jin, H. S. (2019). Recognizing Native Ads as Advertising: Attitudinal and Behavioral Consequences. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 53(4): 14421 – 1442.
  • Ariely, D. (2000). Controlling the Information Flow: Effects on Consumers’ Decision Making and Preferences. Journal of Consumer Research, 27(2): 233-248.
  • Barnes, S. J. (2002). Wireless Digital Advertising: Nature and Implications. International Journal of Advertising, 21(3): 399-420.
  • Bat, M. ve Vural, B. A. (2014). Yeni Bir Medya Olarak Sosyal Medyanın Genel Çerçevesi. Vural, B. (Ed.): Dijital Panorama. Ankara, Ütopya Yayınları: 100 – 126.
  • Bayazıt, Ş. D. ve Yıldırım, F. (2014). Eatertainment: The New Era in Lateral Thinking – Issues and Competing Trends in Retailing. Öztürk, G. (Ed.): Handbook Research on the Impact of Culture and Society on the Entertainment Industry. Hershey, IGI Global Publishing: 332 – 350.
  • Belk, R. (2013). Extended Self in a Digital World. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(3): 477–500.
  • Belk, R. (2014) Digital Consumption and the Extended Self. Journal of Marketing Management, 30(11-12): 1101-1118.
  • Bourriaud, N. (2009). Altermodern Manifesto: Postmodernism is Dead., (20.03.2020).
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2011). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı, 13. bs., Pegem Akademi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Calder, B. J., Malthouse, E. C. ve Schaedel, U. (2009). An Experimental Study of the Relationship between Online Engagement and Advertising Effectiveness. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 23(4): 321-331.
  • Chatterjee, P., Hoffman, D. L. ve Novak, T. P. (2003). Modeling the Clickstream: Implications for Web-Based Advertising Efforts. Marketing Science, 22(4): 520-541.
  • Chayko, M. (2018). Süperbağ(lantı)lı: İnternet, Dijital Medya & Tekno-Sosyal Hayat. B. Bayındır, D. Yengin ve T. Bayrak (Çev.). İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
  • Chen, H. ve Zhou, L. (2018). The Myth of Big Data: Chinese Advertising Practitioners’ Perspective. International Journal of Advertising, 37(4): 633–649.
  • Cheng, J. M. S., Blankson, C., Wang, E. S. T. ve Chen, L. S. L (2009) Consumer Attitudes and Interactive Digital Advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 28(3): 501-525.
  • Dahlén, M. (2005). The Medium as a Contextual Cue: Effects of Creative Media Choice. Journal of Advertising, 34(3): 89-98.
  • Erdem, M. N. (2017). Dijital Çağda Kültür, Yeni Tüketici Kapitalizmi ve Reklam Anlatısı. International Conference on New Trends in Communication, İstanbul, Mayıs 3 – 4, 247 – 259.
  • Evans, B. (2013). Customers Don’t Want Ads, They Want a Conversation., asp (03.05.2020).
  • Faber, R. J., Lee, M. ve Nan, X. (2004). Advertising and the Consumer Information Environment Online. American Behavioral Scientist, 48: 447-466.
  • Featherstone, M. (2013). Postmodernizm ve Tüketim Kültürü. M. Küçük (Çev.). İstanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • Güriş, S. ve Astar, M. (2015). Bilimsel Araştırmalarda SPSS ile İstatistik. 2. bs., İstanbul: Der Yayınları.
  • Hamouda, M. (2018). Understanding Social Media Advertising Effect on Consumers’ Responses: An Empirical Investigation of Tourism Advertising on Facebook. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 31(3): 426-445.
  • Harvey, D. (2006). Postmodernliğin Durumu. S. Savran (Çev.). İstanbul: Metis Yayıncılık.
  • Kirby, A. (2009). Digimodernism: How New Technologies Dismantle the Postmodern and Reconfigure Our Culture. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
  • Kirby, A. (2010). The Death of Postmodernism and Beyond. asp (12.04.2020).
  • Lee, H. ve Cho, C. H. (2020). Digital Advertising: Present and Future Prospects. International Journal of Advertising, 39(3): 332-341.
  • Lehdonvirta, V. ve Ernkvist, M. (2011). Knowledge Map Of The Virtual Economy: Converting The Virtual Economy Into Development Potential. Washington, DC: World Bank Press.
  • Lehdonvirta, V. (2012). A History of the Digitalization of Consumer Culture. Molesworth, M. ve Denegri-Knott, J. (Ed.): Digital Virtual Consumption. New Yok, Routledge: 11 – 29.
  • Lipotevsky, G.(2005). Hypermodern Times. Cambridge: Polity Press.
  • Llamas, R. ve Belk, R. (2013). Some Impacts of Digital Consumption. Belk, W. ve Llamas, R. (Ed.): A Routledge Companion to Digital Consumption. New York, Routledge: 1 – 17.
  • Mallinckrodt, V. ve Mizerski, D. (2007). The Effects of Playing an Advergame on Young Children’s Perceptions, Preferences and Requests. Journal of Advertising, 36(2): 87-100.
  • Mestçi, A. (2013). İnternette Reklamcılık. İstanbul: Pusula Yayıncılık.
  • Meyers, J. L., Well, A. D. ve Lorch, R. F. (2010). Research Design and Statistical Analysis. New York: Routledge.
  • Önür, N. ve Kalaman, S. (2016). Dijital Gündelik Yaşam: Yeni Toplumsallıklar ve Dijital Yabancılaşma. Akademik Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 4(35): 269-289.
  • Pavlou, P. ve Steward, D. (2000). Measuring the Effects and Effectiveness of Interactive Advertising: A Research Agenda. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 1(1): 61-77.
  • Proctor, T. ve Kitchen, P. (2002). Communication in Postmodern. Integrated Marketing, 7(3): 144-154.
  • Ryan, D. (2017). Dijital Pazarlama. M. M. Kemaloğlu (Çev.). İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Samuels, R. (2010). New Media, Cultural Studies, and Critical Theory after Postmodernism: Automodernity from Zizek to Laclau. New York: Palgrave.
  • Schlosser, A.E., Shavitt, S. ve Kanfer, A. (1999). Survey of Internet Users’ Attitudes toward Internet Advertising. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 13(3): 34-54.
  • Smith, R. E., Chen, J. ve Yang, X. (2008). The Impact of Advertising Creativity on the Hierarchy of Effects. Journal of Advertising, 37(4): 47-61.
  • Tosyalı, H. ve Sütçü, C. S. (2018). Pazarlama İletişiminde Dijital Dönüşüm: Etkileşimli Reklamcılık Uygulamaları Örnekleri. Uluslararası Dijital Çağda İletişim Sempozyumu, Mersin, Ekim 17 – 18, 238 – 247.
  • Truong, Y. ve Simmons, G. (2010) Perceived Intrusiveness in Digital Advertising: Strategic Marketing Implications. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 18(3): 239-256.
  • Uslusoy, B. S. (2016). Dijimodern Medyada Reklam Tüketimi. İzmit: Volga Yayıncılık.
  • Wang, C., Zhang, P., Choi, R. ve D’Eredita, M.. (2002). Understanding Consumers Attıtude toward Advertising. Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2002 Proceedings, Dallas, August 12-14, 1143 – 1148.
  • Wolin, L. D., Korgaonkar, P. ve Lund, D. (2002). Beliefs, Attitudes and Behavior towards Web Advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 21(1): 87-113.
  • Xu, D. J. (2006). The Influence of Personalization in Affecting Consumer Attitudes towards Mobile Advertising in China. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 47(2): 9-19.
  • Yazıcı, F. (2019). Dijimodern Çağda Yalnızlaşan Birey Eleştirisi: Lipton Reklam Filmi Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 6(2): 863-880.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Cihan Becan 0000-0002-1289-1360

Publication Date February 3, 2021
Submission Date October 7, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Becan, C. (2021). Dijital Tüketim Alanı Olarak Dijimodern Reklam Uygulaması Çerçevesinde Tüketici Motivasyon Faktörleri Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması. Pazarlama Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14(1), 183-212.