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Year 2013, Volume: 6 Issue: 11, 61 - 80, 01.06.2013


Günümüzde tüketim, sadece sunulan mal ve hizmetlerin çeşitliliğini veya fonksiyonel olarak ne işe yaradığını değil, daha öte bir takım nedenleri de içinde barındırmaktadır. Fonksiyonel tüketim, çoğu durumda satın alma davranışının arkasında yatan temel neden olarak görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte, tüketiciler, toplumda statü ifadesi veya imaj gibi, ürünün veya markanın aktardığı sosyal anlam tarafından da etkilenmektedirler. Hatta, tüketicilerin sadece hazcı tüketimle açıklanmayacak şekilde, kendilerini ifade eden ve sosyal ortamlarında kendilerini gösterecek ürün veya markalara da tüketim amaçlı yaklaştıkları görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, gösteriş amaçlı ürünler incelenmekte ve tüketicilerin satın alma kararlarında etkili olduğu düşünülen genel ürün değerlendirmeleri, spesifik ürün imajı, etnosentrik eğilimler ve gösteriş amaçlı tüketiminin, gösteriş amaçlı ürünlerin satın alınması üzerindeki doğrudan ve düzenleyici etkileri araştırılmıştır. Çalışma sonuçları, gösteriş amaçlı ürünlerin satın alınma niyeti üzerinde tüketicilerin spesifik ürün imajı algılarının göreli olarak en güçlü etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuçlara göre, gösterişe yönelik tüketimde, tüketiciler ürün ve hizmetlerden daha çok marka ve imajları tüketmektedir. Çalışmada ayrıca, gösteriş amaçlı tüketim, etnosentrizm ile yabancı marka satın alma niyeti arasındaki ilişkide düzenleyici rol oynadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır


  • Agbonifoh, B.A. ve Elimimian, J.U. (1999), “Attitudes of Developing Countries Towards ‘Country-of-origin’ Products in an Era of Multiple Brands”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 11(4) , 97-116.
  • Agrawal, J. ve Kamakura, W.A. (1999), “Country of Origin: A Competitive Advantage?”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 16 (4), 255-267.
  • Ahmed, S. A. ve D’astous, A. (2008), “Antecedents, Moderators and Dimensions of Co- untry-of-Origin Evaluations”, International Marketing Review,. 25(1), 75–106.
  • Amaldoss, W. ve Jain, S. (2005), “Conspicuous Consumption and Sophisticated Thinking”, Management Science, 5 (10), 1449-1466.
  • Aramillo, F. ve Moizeau, F. (2003), “Conspicuous Consumption and Social Segmenta- tion”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 5(1), 1-24.
  • Batra, R., Ramaswamy, V., Alden, D. J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp, J.-B.E.M. ve Ramachander, S. (2000), “Effects of Brand Local and Non-local Origin on Consumer Attitudes in Developing Countries”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9(2), 83-95.
  • Bilkey, W. J. ve. Nes, E (1982), “Country of Origin Effect on Product Evaluations”, Journal of International Business Studies, 13(1), 89-99.
  • Charles, K. K., Hurst, E. ve Roussanov, N. (2007), “Conspicuous Consumption and Race”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124(2), 425-467.
  • Chen, E. Y. I., Yeh, N. C. ve Wang, C. P. (2008), “Conspicuous Consumption: A Preliminary Report of Scale Development and Validation”, Advances in Consumer Research, 35, 686-687.
  • Cutura, M. (2006), “The Impacts of Ethnocentrism on Consumers’ Evaluation Processes and Willingness to Buy Domestic vs. Imported Goods in the Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 1(2), 54-63.
  • Dodds, W. B., Monroe, K.B. ve Grewal, D. (1991), “Effects of Price, Brand, and Store Infor- mation on Buyers' Product Evaluations”, Journal of Marketing Research, 28(3), 307- 319.
  • Eastman, K.J., Goldsmith, R.E. ve Flynn, L.R. (1999), “Status Consumption in Consumer Behaviour: Scale Development and Validation”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 7(3), pp. 41-52.
  • Erickson, G.M., Johansson, J.K. ve Chao, P. (1984), “Image Variables in Multi-Attribute Product Evaluations: Country-of-Origin Effects”, The Journal of Consumer Research, 11(2), 694-699.
  • Eryiğit, C. ve Kavak, B. (2011), Moderator Roles of Interpersonal Effects on the Influence of Consumer Ethnocentrısm on Intention to Buy Foreign Products: A Cross Cul- tural Testing. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Güz 2011, 7(2), 97-118
  • Evanschitzky, H., Wangenheim, F., Woisetschlager, D. ve Blut, M. (2008), “Consumer Eth- nocentrism in the German Market”, International Marketing Review, 25(1), 7-32.
  • Fournier, S. (1998), “Consumers and Their brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research”, Journal of Consumer Research, 24(4), 343-373.
  • Ger, G., Belk, R.W. ve Lascu, D.N. (1993), “The Development of Consumer Desire in Mar- ketizing and Developing: The Cases of Romania and Turke”, Advances in Consumer Research, 20, 102-107.
  • Graeff, T. R. (1996), “Image Congruence Effects on Product Evalutions: The Role of Self- Monitoring and Public/Private Consumption”, Psychology and Marketing,. 13(3), 235-266.
  • Han, C. M. (1989), “Country Image: Halo or Summary Construct?”, Journal of Marketing Research, 26(2), 222–229.
  • Han, C. M ve Terpstra, V. (1988), “Country of Origin Effects for Uni-national and Bi-nati- onal Products”, Journal of International Business Studies, 19(2), 235–255.
  • Hirschman, E. C. (1985), “Primitive Aspects of Consumption in Modern American Soci- ety”, Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 142-154.
  • Hirschman, E. C. ve Holbrook, M. B. (1982), “The Experiental Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun”, Journal of Consumer Research, 9, 132-140.
  • Hong, S ve Wyer, R. S. (1990), Determinants of product evaluation: Effects of the time in- terval between knowledge of a product's country of origin and information about its specific attributes, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 17(3), Dec 1990, 277-288
  • Hui, M. K. ve Zhou, L. (2002), “Linking Product Evaluations and Purchase Intention for Country of Origin Effects”, Journal of Global Marketing, 15(3/4), 95-116.
  • Jacoby, J., Olson, J. C. ve Haddock, R. A. (1971), “Price, Brand Name and Product Compo- sition Characteristics as Determinants of Perceived Quality”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 55(6), 570- 579.
  • John, A. V. ve Brady, M. P. (2010) Consumer Ethnocentrism and Conspicuous Consump- tion of Domestic and Foreign Consumer Goods in Mozambique, a Less-Developed SADC Country, Irish Journal Of Management, 30(1), 41-72.
  • Kavak, B. ve Gümüşlüoğlu, L. (2007), “Segmenting Food Markets The Role of Ethnocent- rism and Lifestyle In Understanding Purchasing Intentions”, International Journal of Market Research, 49(1), 71-94.
  • Kavak, B., Özkan, Ö. ve Demirsoy, C. (2004), “Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerine Ait Ürünlerin Menşe Ülke Etkilerinin Ulus Merkezcilik Çerçevesinde Araştırılması”, H.Ü.I.I.B.F Dergisi, 22(2), 111-125.
  • Kaynak, E. ve Kara, A. (2002), “Consumer Perceptions of Foreign Products. An Analysis of Product-Country Images and Ethnocentrism”, European Journal of Marketing, 36(7/8), 928-949.
  • Klein, J. G., Ettenson, R. ve Morris, M. D. (1998), “The Animosity Model of Foreign Product Purchase: An Empirical Test in the People’s Republic of China”, Journal of Marke- ting, 62(1), 89-100.
  • Levy, S. J. (1959), “Symbols for Sale”, Harward Business Review, Vol. 37, 117-124.
  • Li, Z.G., Fu, S. ve Murray, L.W. (1997), “Country and Product Images: The Perceptions of Consumers in the People’s Republic of China”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 10(1/2), 115-138.
  • Maheswaran, D. (1994), “Country of Origin as a Stereotype: Effects of Consumer Expertise and Attribute Strength on Product Evaluations”, The Journal of Consumer Research, 21(2) 354-365.
  • Marcoux, J. S., Filiatrault, P. ve Cheron, E. (1997), “The Attitudes Underlying Preferences of Young Urban Educated Polish Consumers Towards Products Made in Western Countries”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 9(4), 5-29.
  • Martin, I. M. ve Eroğlu, S. (1993), “Measuring a Multi-Dimensional Construct: Country Image”, Journal of Business Research, 28(3), 191-210.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943), “A Theory of Human Motivation”, Psychological Review, 50, 370-396.
  • O'cass, A. ve McEwen, H. (2004), “Exploring Consumer Status and Conspicuous Con- sumption”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 4(1), 25-39.
  • O’cass, A. ve Frost, H. (2002), “Status Brands: Examining Effects of Non Product- related Brand Associations on Status and Conspicuous Consumption”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 11(2), 67-88.
  • Özçelik D. G. ve Torlak, Ö. (2011), Marka Kişiliği Algısı ile Etnosentrik Eğilimler Arasın- daki İlişki: Levis ve Mavi Jeans Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Ege Akademik Bakış, 11(3), 361-377
  • Orbaiz, L. V. ve Papadopoulos, N. (2003), “Toward a Model of Consumer Receptivity of Foreign and Domestic Product”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 15(3), 101-126.
  • Parameswaran, R. ve R. Pisharodi, M. (2002), “Assimilation Effects in Country Image Re- search”, International Marketing Review, 19(3), 259- 278.
  • Piron, F. (2000), “Consumers’ Perceptions of the Country-of-Origin Effect on Purchasing Intentions of (In)conspicuous Products”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17(4), 308- 321.
  • Piron, F. (2002), “International Outshopping and Ethnocentrism”, European Journal of Mar- keting, 36, 189–210.
  • Richins, M. (1994), “Special Possessions and the Expression of Material Values”, Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 522-533.
  • Roth, M.S. ve Romeo, J.B. (1992), “Matching Product Category and Country İmage Percep- tions: A Framework for Managing Country-of-Origin Effects”, Journal of Internati- onal Business Studies, 23(3), 477-97.
  • Shimp, T. A. ve Sharma, S. (1987), “Consumer Ethnocentrism: Construction and Validation of the Cetscale”, Journal of Marketing Research, 24(3), 280-289.
  • Sharma, S., Shimp, T. A. ve Shin, J. (1995), ‘’Consumer Ethnocentrism: A Test of Antece- dents and Moderators’’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23, 26-37
  • Shukla, P. (2008), “Conspicuous Consumption Among Middle Age Consumers: Psycholo- gical and Brand Antecedents”, Journal of Product & Brand Management,. 17(1), 25- 36.
  • Spillan, J. E., Kücükemiroğlu, O. ve Harcar, T. (2007), “Consumer Perceptions of Foreign Products: An Analysis of Product- Country Images and Ethnocentrism in Guate- mala”, The Business Review, 8(1), 283-289.
  • Tığlı, M. ve Akyazgan, M. A. (2003), ‘’Özellikli (Lüks) Tüketim Ürünlerinde Enderlik Pren- sibi ve Bir Uygulama’’,. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler EnstitüsüDergisi, 5(1), 21- 37
  • Trigg, A. (2001), “Veblen, Bourdieu, and Conspicuous Consumption”, Journal of Economic Issues, 35(1), 99-115.
  • Truong, Y., Simmons, G., McColl, Kitchen, P. J. (2008), “Status and Conspicuousness – Are They Related? Strategic Marketing Implications for Luxury Brands”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 16(3) , 189–203.
  • Vigneron, F. ve Johnson, L. W. (2004), “Measuring Perceptions of Brand Luxury”, The Jo- urnal of Brand Management, 11(6), 484-506.
  • Wang, C. L. ve. Chen, Z. X (2004), “Consumer Ethnocentrism And Willingness To Buy Domestic Products in a Developing Country Setting: Testing Moderating Effects”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21(6) , 391-400.
  • Wang, C. L., Chen, Z. X., Chan, A. K. K. ve Zheng, Z. C. (2000), “The Influence of Hedonic Values on Consumer Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation in China”, Journal of Global Marketing,14(1/2), 169-186.
  • Wattanasuwan, K. (2005), “The Self and Symbolic Consumption”, Journal of American Aca- demy of Business, 6(1), 179-184.
  • Witt, U. (2010), “Symbolic Consumption and the Social Construction of Product Characte- ristics”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 21, 17–25.
  • Wong, N.Y.C. (1997), “Suppose You Own the World and No One Knows? Conspicuous Consumption Materialism and Self”, Advances in Consumer Research, 24, (Ed. M. Brucks ve D. J. MacInnis), Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 197- 203.
  • Yelkur, R., Chakrabarty, S. ve Bandyopadhyay, S. (2006), “Ethnocentrism and Buying In- tentions: Does Economic Development Matter?”, The Marketing Management Jour- nal, 16( 2), 26 - 37.
  • Zhang, Y. (1996), “Chinese Consumers’ Evaluation of Foreign Products: The İnfluence of Culture, Product Types, and Product Presentation Format”, European Journal of Marketing, 30(12), 50-69.
  • Zhou, L. ve Hui, M. (2003), “Symbolic Value of Foreign Products in the People’s Republic of China”, Journal of International Marketing, 11(2), 36-58.


Year 2013, Volume: 6 Issue: 11, 61 - 80, 01.06.2013


Today, consumption involves not only a large variety of goods and services offered, but also a multitude of motivations that influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. In manycases, the functional aspects of the product constitute the primary reason behind the purchase. However, other purchases may be motivated by the social meaning the product conveys, such as the owner’s status or image in the society. Determining the factors that influence consumers' purchasing decisions and investigating how they make their product choices, identification and satisfaction of consumer needs has a critical importance for firms in terms of capturing competitive advantage and achieving successful results. Study investigated the main and moderating effects of general product evaluations, specific product image, consumer ethnocentrism and conspicuous consumption on purchasing intention of conspicuous products. According to the results of the survey, consumers' perceptions of specific product image is the most powerful variable that influence the purchasing intention of conspicuous products. In other words, for conspicuous consumption consumers purchase brands and images rather than products and services. The results of study concerning conspicuous consumption show that conspicuous consumption plays moderating role in the relationship between consumer ethnocentrism and purchasing intention of foreign brand. On the one hand ethnocentric consumers tend to display their wealth by purchasing foreign brands and on the other hand they believe that it is unmoral.


  • Agbonifoh, B.A. ve Elimimian, J.U. (1999), “Attitudes of Developing Countries Towards ‘Country-of-origin’ Products in an Era of Multiple Brands”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 11(4) , 97-116.
  • Agrawal, J. ve Kamakura, W.A. (1999), “Country of Origin: A Competitive Advantage?”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 16 (4), 255-267.
  • Ahmed, S. A. ve D’astous, A. (2008), “Antecedents, Moderators and Dimensions of Co- untry-of-Origin Evaluations”, International Marketing Review,. 25(1), 75–106.
  • Amaldoss, W. ve Jain, S. (2005), “Conspicuous Consumption and Sophisticated Thinking”, Management Science, 5 (10), 1449-1466.
  • Aramillo, F. ve Moizeau, F. (2003), “Conspicuous Consumption and Social Segmenta- tion”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 5(1), 1-24.
  • Batra, R., Ramaswamy, V., Alden, D. J.-B.E.M. Steenkamp, J.-B.E.M. ve Ramachander, S. (2000), “Effects of Brand Local and Non-local Origin on Consumer Attitudes in Developing Countries”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9(2), 83-95.
  • Bilkey, W. J. ve. Nes, E (1982), “Country of Origin Effect on Product Evaluations”, Journal of International Business Studies, 13(1), 89-99.
  • Charles, K. K., Hurst, E. ve Roussanov, N. (2007), “Conspicuous Consumption and Race”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 124(2), 425-467.
  • Chen, E. Y. I., Yeh, N. C. ve Wang, C. P. (2008), “Conspicuous Consumption: A Preliminary Report of Scale Development and Validation”, Advances in Consumer Research, 35, 686-687.
  • Cutura, M. (2006), “The Impacts of Ethnocentrism on Consumers’ Evaluation Processes and Willingness to Buy Domestic vs. Imported Goods in the Case of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, South East European Journal of Economics and Business, 1(2), 54-63.
  • Dodds, W. B., Monroe, K.B. ve Grewal, D. (1991), “Effects of Price, Brand, and Store Infor- mation on Buyers' Product Evaluations”, Journal of Marketing Research, 28(3), 307- 319.
  • Eastman, K.J., Goldsmith, R.E. ve Flynn, L.R. (1999), “Status Consumption in Consumer Behaviour: Scale Development and Validation”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 7(3), pp. 41-52.
  • Erickson, G.M., Johansson, J.K. ve Chao, P. (1984), “Image Variables in Multi-Attribute Product Evaluations: Country-of-Origin Effects”, The Journal of Consumer Research, 11(2), 694-699.
  • Eryiğit, C. ve Kavak, B. (2011), Moderator Roles of Interpersonal Effects on the Influence of Consumer Ethnocentrısm on Intention to Buy Foreign Products: A Cross Cul- tural Testing. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, Güz 2011, 7(2), 97-118
  • Evanschitzky, H., Wangenheim, F., Woisetschlager, D. ve Blut, M. (2008), “Consumer Eth- nocentrism in the German Market”, International Marketing Review, 25(1), 7-32.
  • Fournier, S. (1998), “Consumers and Their brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research”, Journal of Consumer Research, 24(4), 343-373.
  • Ger, G., Belk, R.W. ve Lascu, D.N. (1993), “The Development of Consumer Desire in Mar- ketizing and Developing: The Cases of Romania and Turke”, Advances in Consumer Research, 20, 102-107.
  • Graeff, T. R. (1996), “Image Congruence Effects on Product Evalutions: The Role of Self- Monitoring and Public/Private Consumption”, Psychology and Marketing,. 13(3), 235-266.
  • Han, C. M. (1989), “Country Image: Halo or Summary Construct?”, Journal of Marketing Research, 26(2), 222–229.
  • Han, C. M ve Terpstra, V. (1988), “Country of Origin Effects for Uni-national and Bi-nati- onal Products”, Journal of International Business Studies, 19(2), 235–255.
  • Hirschman, E. C. (1985), “Primitive Aspects of Consumption in Modern American Soci- ety”, Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 142-154.
  • Hirschman, E. C. ve Holbrook, M. B. (1982), “The Experiental Aspects of Consumption: Consumer Fantasies, Feelings, and Fun”, Journal of Consumer Research, 9, 132-140.
  • Hong, S ve Wyer, R. S. (1990), Determinants of product evaluation: Effects of the time in- terval between knowledge of a product's country of origin and information about its specific attributes, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol 17(3), Dec 1990, 277-288
  • Hui, M. K. ve Zhou, L. (2002), “Linking Product Evaluations and Purchase Intention for Country of Origin Effects”, Journal of Global Marketing, 15(3/4), 95-116.
  • Jacoby, J., Olson, J. C. ve Haddock, R. A. (1971), “Price, Brand Name and Product Compo- sition Characteristics as Determinants of Perceived Quality”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 55(6), 570- 579.
  • John, A. V. ve Brady, M. P. (2010) Consumer Ethnocentrism and Conspicuous Consump- tion of Domestic and Foreign Consumer Goods in Mozambique, a Less-Developed SADC Country, Irish Journal Of Management, 30(1), 41-72.
  • Kavak, B. ve Gümüşlüoğlu, L. (2007), “Segmenting Food Markets The Role of Ethnocent- rism and Lifestyle In Understanding Purchasing Intentions”, International Journal of Market Research, 49(1), 71-94.
  • Kavak, B., Özkan, Ö. ve Demirsoy, C. (2004), “Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerine Ait Ürünlerin Menşe Ülke Etkilerinin Ulus Merkezcilik Çerçevesinde Araştırılması”, H.Ü.I.I.B.F Dergisi, 22(2), 111-125.
  • Kaynak, E. ve Kara, A. (2002), “Consumer Perceptions of Foreign Products. An Analysis of Product-Country Images and Ethnocentrism”, European Journal of Marketing, 36(7/8), 928-949.
  • Klein, J. G., Ettenson, R. ve Morris, M. D. (1998), “The Animosity Model of Foreign Product Purchase: An Empirical Test in the People’s Republic of China”, Journal of Marke- ting, 62(1), 89-100.
  • Levy, S. J. (1959), “Symbols for Sale”, Harward Business Review, Vol. 37, 117-124.
  • Li, Z.G., Fu, S. ve Murray, L.W. (1997), “Country and Product Images: The Perceptions of Consumers in the People’s Republic of China”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 10(1/2), 115-138.
  • Maheswaran, D. (1994), “Country of Origin as a Stereotype: Effects of Consumer Expertise and Attribute Strength on Product Evaluations”, The Journal of Consumer Research, 21(2) 354-365.
  • Marcoux, J. S., Filiatrault, P. ve Cheron, E. (1997), “The Attitudes Underlying Preferences of Young Urban Educated Polish Consumers Towards Products Made in Western Countries”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 9(4), 5-29.
  • Martin, I. M. ve Eroğlu, S. (1993), “Measuring a Multi-Dimensional Construct: Country Image”, Journal of Business Research, 28(3), 191-210.
  • Maslow, A. H. (1943), “A Theory of Human Motivation”, Psychological Review, 50, 370-396.
  • O'cass, A. ve McEwen, H. (2004), “Exploring Consumer Status and Conspicuous Con- sumption”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 4(1), 25-39.
  • O’cass, A. ve Frost, H. (2002), “Status Brands: Examining Effects of Non Product- related Brand Associations on Status and Conspicuous Consumption”, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 11(2), 67-88.
  • Özçelik D. G. ve Torlak, Ö. (2011), Marka Kişiliği Algısı ile Etnosentrik Eğilimler Arasın- daki İlişki: Levis ve Mavi Jeans Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Ege Akademik Bakış, 11(3), 361-377
  • Orbaiz, L. V. ve Papadopoulos, N. (2003), “Toward a Model of Consumer Receptivity of Foreign and Domestic Product”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 15(3), 101-126.
  • Parameswaran, R. ve R. Pisharodi, M. (2002), “Assimilation Effects in Country Image Re- search”, International Marketing Review, 19(3), 259- 278.
  • Piron, F. (2000), “Consumers’ Perceptions of the Country-of-Origin Effect on Purchasing Intentions of (In)conspicuous Products”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17(4), 308- 321.
  • Piron, F. (2002), “International Outshopping and Ethnocentrism”, European Journal of Mar- keting, 36, 189–210.
  • Richins, M. (1994), “Special Possessions and the Expression of Material Values”, Journal of Consumer Research, pp. 522-533.
  • Roth, M.S. ve Romeo, J.B. (1992), “Matching Product Category and Country İmage Percep- tions: A Framework for Managing Country-of-Origin Effects”, Journal of Internati- onal Business Studies, 23(3), 477-97.
  • Shimp, T. A. ve Sharma, S. (1987), “Consumer Ethnocentrism: Construction and Validation of the Cetscale”, Journal of Marketing Research, 24(3), 280-289.
  • Sharma, S., Shimp, T. A. ve Shin, J. (1995), ‘’Consumer Ethnocentrism: A Test of Antece- dents and Moderators’’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23, 26-37
  • Shukla, P. (2008), “Conspicuous Consumption Among Middle Age Consumers: Psycholo- gical and Brand Antecedents”, Journal of Product & Brand Management,. 17(1), 25- 36.
  • Spillan, J. E., Kücükemiroğlu, O. ve Harcar, T. (2007), “Consumer Perceptions of Foreign Products: An Analysis of Product- Country Images and Ethnocentrism in Guate- mala”, The Business Review, 8(1), 283-289.
  • Tığlı, M. ve Akyazgan, M. A. (2003), ‘’Özellikli (Lüks) Tüketim Ürünlerinde Enderlik Pren- sibi ve Bir Uygulama’’,. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler EnstitüsüDergisi, 5(1), 21- 37
  • Trigg, A. (2001), “Veblen, Bourdieu, and Conspicuous Consumption”, Journal of Economic Issues, 35(1), 99-115.
  • Truong, Y., Simmons, G., McColl, Kitchen, P. J. (2008), “Status and Conspicuousness – Are They Related? Strategic Marketing Implications for Luxury Brands”, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 16(3) , 189–203.
  • Vigneron, F. ve Johnson, L. W. (2004), “Measuring Perceptions of Brand Luxury”, The Jo- urnal of Brand Management, 11(6), 484-506.
  • Wang, C. L. ve. Chen, Z. X (2004), “Consumer Ethnocentrism And Willingness To Buy Domestic Products in a Developing Country Setting: Testing Moderating Effects”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21(6) , 391-400.
  • Wang, C. L., Chen, Z. X., Chan, A. K. K. ve Zheng, Z. C. (2000), “The Influence of Hedonic Values on Consumer Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation in China”, Journal of Global Marketing,14(1/2), 169-186.
  • Wattanasuwan, K. (2005), “The Self and Symbolic Consumption”, Journal of American Aca- demy of Business, 6(1), 179-184.
  • Witt, U. (2010), “Symbolic Consumption and the Social Construction of Product Characte- ristics”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 21, 17–25.
  • Wong, N.Y.C. (1997), “Suppose You Own the World and No One Knows? Conspicuous Consumption Materialism and Self”, Advances in Consumer Research, 24, (Ed. M. Brucks ve D. J. MacInnis), Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 197- 203.
  • Yelkur, R., Chakrabarty, S. ve Bandyopadhyay, S. (2006), “Ethnocentrism and Buying In- tentions: Does Economic Development Matter?”, The Marketing Management Jour- nal, 16( 2), 26 - 37.
  • Zhang, Y. (1996), “Chinese Consumers’ Evaluation of Foreign Products: The İnfluence of Culture, Product Types, and Product Presentation Format”, European Journal of Marketing, 30(12), 50-69.
  • Zhou, L. ve Hui, M. (2003), “Symbolic Value of Foreign Products in the People’s Republic of China”, Journal of International Marketing, 11(2), 36-58.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Alper Özer This is me

Olga Dovganiuc This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 6 Issue: 11


APA Özer, A., & Dovganiuc, O. (2013). GÖSTERİŞ AMAÇLI ÜRÜNLERİN SATIN ALINMASINDA ÜLKE ORİJİNİ VE TÜKETİCİ ETNOSENTRİZMİNİN ETKİSİ. Pazarlama Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(11), 61-80.