Bu çalışma, Facebook ve YouTubedaki tüketici katılım davranışının filmin gişe satışları üzerindeki etkisini araştırmakta ve bu etkileri karşılaştırmaktadır. Bu amaçla ABD’de 2013 yılında Şubat-Mart aylarında gösterime giren filmler seçilerek panel verisi oluşturuldu. Filmin YouTubedaki resmi fragmanının ve resmi Facebook sayfasının görüntülenme, beğenilme, beğenilmeme ve paylaşma sayısı gibi sosyal medya katılım davranış verileri, IMDBdeki tüketici ve eleştirmen eleştiri verileri, filmin gösterim haftasında, gösterim haftasından dört hafta öncesi ve dört hafta sonrası kaydedildi. Sonuçlar, Facebook sayfasındaki katılımın, YouTubedaki katılımla karşılaştırıldığında filmin gişe satışları üzerinde daha yüksek olumlu bir etkiye sahip olduğunu gösterdi. YouTubedaki katılım davranışının filmin ilk gösterildiği haftalarda en etkili olduğu, Facebook sayfasındaki katılım davranışının, filmin daha sonraki gösterildiği haftalarda etkili olduğu görüldü. Tüketici ve eleştirmen kritiklerinin hacmi, filmin büyük bir dağıtımcı firma tarafından dağıtımının ve filmin daha fazla sinema salonunda gösteriminin, filmin gişe satışları üzerindeki diğer olumlu etkileri olduğu görüldü. Bulgulara dayanarak, sinema sektöründeki yöneticiler ve araştırmacılar için öneriler verildi.
Abdul-Ghani, E., Hyde, K., and Marshall, R. (2011). Emic and etic interpretations of engagement with a consumer-to-consumer online auction site. Journal of Business Research. 64 (10): 1060–1066.
Agnihotri, R., Kothandaraman, P., Kashyap, R., and Singh, R. (2012). Bringing “social” into sales: The impact of salespeople’s social media use on service behaviors and value creation. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. 32(3): 333-348.
Aldous, K.K., An, J., and Jansen, B.J. (2019). View, like, comment, post: Analyzing user engagement by topic at 4 levels across 5 social media platforms for 53 news organizations. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2019). 47-57
Archer-Brown, C., Kampani, J., Marder, B., Bal, A.S., and Kietzmann, J. (2017). Conditions in prerelease movie trailers for stimulating positive word of mouth: A conceptual model demonstrates the importance of understanding as a factor for engagement. Journal of Advertising Research. June: 159-172
Ashley, C., and Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement. Psychology and Marketing. 32 (1): 15-27.
Baek, H., Ahn, J. and Oh, S. (2014). Impact of tweets on movie sales: Focusing on the time when tweets are written. ETRI Journal. 36(4): 581-590.
Basuroy, S., Chatterjee, S. and Ravid, S.A. (2003). How critical are critical reviews? The box office effects of film critics, star power, and budgets. Journal of Marketing. 67(4): 103-117.
Becker, K., Nobre, H., and Vijay, K. (2013). Monitoring and protecting company and brand reputation on social networks: When sites are not enough. Global Business and Economics Review, 15 (2/3): 293-308.
BoxOfficeMojo. (2015). Retrieved from http://boxofficemojo.com/yearly
Braojos-Gomez, J., Benitez-Amado, J., and Llorens-Montes, F. (2015). Impact of IT infrastructure on customer service performance: the role of micro-IT capabilities and online customer engagement. Proceedings of the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Singapore. 1-16.
Brodie, R., Ilic, A., Juric, B., and Hollebeek, L. (2013). Consumer engagement in a virtual brand community: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Business Research. 66 (1): 105–114.
Calder, B., Malthouse, E., and Schaedel, U. (2009). An experimental study of the relationship between online engagement and advertising effectiveness. Journal of Interactive Marketing. 23 (4): 321–331.
Challagalla, G., Venkatesh, R., and Kohli, A. (2009). Proactive post-sales service: when and why does it pay off? Journal of Marketing. 73 (2): 70-87.
Chang, B.-H. and Ki, E.-J. (2005). Devising a practical model for predicting theatrical movie success: focusing on the experience good property. Journal of Media Economics. 18(4): 247-269.
Cheung, C., Lee, M., and Jin, X. (2011). Customer engagement in an online social platform: A conceptual model and scale development. Proceedings from the 32nd International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, China. 1-8.
Chung, C.M., and Tsai, Q. (2009). The effects of regulatory focus and tie strength on word-of-mouth behaviour. Asia Pac. J. Market. Logist. 21 (3): 329---341
Dellarocas, C., Zhang, X. and Awad, N.F. (2007). Exploring the value of online product reviews in forecasting sales: the case of motion pictures. Journal of Interactive Marketing. 21(4): 23-45
De Oliveira Santini, F., Ladeira, W.J., Pinto, D. , Herter, M. M., Sampaio, C.H., and Babin, B.J. (2020). Customer engagement in social media: a framework and meta-analysis. J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. 48: 1211–1228.
De Vany, A. and Walls, W.D. (1996). Bose-Einstein dynamics and adaptive contracting in the motion picture industry. The Economic Journal. 106(439): 1493-1514.
Digital-2021-Turkey. Retrieved from https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2021-turkey. Accessed June 17, 2021.
Duan, W., Gu, B. and Whinston, A.B. (2008a). Do online reviews matter? An empirical investigation of panel data. Decision Support Systems. 45(4): 1007-1016.
Duan, W., Gu, B., and Whinston,A.B. (2008b). The dynamics of online word-of-mouth and product sales –an empirical investigation of the movie industry. Journal of Retailing. 84(2): 233-242.
Du, F., Gong, J., Sandino, T., Vander Stede, W., and Young, M. (2008). The business of selling movies. Strategic Finance. 89(9): 35-41.
Doorn, V. J., Lemon, K., Mittal, V., Nass, S., Pick, D., Pirner, P. and Verhoef, P. C. (2010). Customer engagement behavior: theoretical foundations and research directions. Journal of Service Research. 13(3): 253–266.
Eliashberg, J., and Shugan, S. M. (1997). Film critics: Influencers or predictors? Journal of Marketing. 61(April): 68–78.
Epstein, E.J. (2005). The Big Picture: The New Logic of Money and Power in Hollywood. New York: Random House.
Finsterwalder, J., Kuppelwieser, V.G. and de Villiers, M. (2012). The effects of film trailers on shaping consumer expectations in the entertainment industry: a qualitative analysis. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 19(6): 589-595.
Gambetti, R., Graffigna, G., and Biraghi, S. (2012). The grounded theory approach to consumer-brand engagement: the practitioner's standpoint. International Journal of Market Research. 54(5): 659-687.
Gong, J. J., Van der Stede, W. A., and Young, S. M. (2011). Real options in the motion picture industry: Evidence from film marketing and sequels. Contemporary Accounting Research. 28(5): 1438-1466
Google YouTube movie trailers leaderboard: Oscars 2019. https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-apac/tools-resources/leaderboards/youtubeleaderboard-oscars-2019/. Accessed June 17, 2021.
Heinonen, K. (2011). Consumer activity in social media: managerial approaches to consumers’ social media behavior. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 10(6): 356-364.
Hennig-Thurau, T., Houston, M.B. and Sridhar, S. (2006). Can good marketing carry a bad product? Evidence from the motion picture industry. Marketing Letters. 17(3): 205-219.
Hennig-Thurau, T., Malthouse, E., Friege, C., Gensler, S., Lobschat, L., and Rangaswamy, A. (2010). The impact of new media on customer relationships. Journal of Service Research. 13(3): 311-330.
Hennig-Thurau, T., Marchand, A., and Hiller, B. (2012). The relationship between reviewer judgments and motion picture success: re-analysis and extension. J Cult Econ. 36: 249–283
Hollis, N. (2011). The Value of a Social Media Fan. Retrieved from http://www.millwardbrown.com/global-navigation/blogs/post/mbblog/ 2011/04/04/The- value-of-a-social-media-fan.aspx.
Hutton, G., and Fosdick, M. (2011). The globalization of social media: Consumer relationships with brands evolve in digital space. Journal of Advertising Research. 51: 564–570.
IMDB. (2017). IMDB Press Room. Retrieved from IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/pressroom/about/
Kaplan, A.M. and Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons. 53: 59-68.
Laroche, M., Habibi, M., Richard, M.-O., and Sankaranarayanan, R. (2012). The effects of social media based brand communities on brand community markers, value creation practices, brand trust and brand loyalty. Comput. Hum. Behav. 28: 1755-1767.
Lindblom, A., and Tikkanen, H. (2010). Knowledge creation and business format franchising. Management Decision. 48(2): 179-188.
Liu, Y. (2006). Word of mouth for movies: its dynamics and impact on box office revenue. The Journal of Marketing. 70(3): 74-89.
Moe, W. W., and Fader, P. S. (2001). Using advance purchase orders to forecast new product sales. Marketing Science. 21: 347–364.
Mochon, D., Johnson, K., Schwartz, J., and Ariely, D. (2017). What are likes worth? A Facebook page field experiment, Journal of Marketing Research. 54(2): 306-317
Munoz, L. (2003). High-tech word of mouth maims movies in a flash. available at: http://articles.latimes.com/2003/aug/17/entertainment/et-dropoff17 (accessed November 30, 2014).
Murdough, C. (2009). Social media measurement: It’s not impossible. Journal of Interactive Advertising. 10: 94-99.
Nobre, H., and Silva, D. (2014). Social network marketing strategy and SME strategy benefits. Journal of Transnational Management. 19 (2): 138-151.
Oh, C., Roumani, Y., Nwankpa, J. K., and Hu, H.F. (2017). Beyond likes and tweets: Consumer engagement behaviour and movie box office in social media. Information & Management. 54: 25–37.
Palacios-Marques, D., Assis-Dorr, H., and Merigó, J. M. (2012). Social networking as an enabler of change in entrepreneurial Brazilian firms. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 25 (5): 699-708.
Ravid, S. (1999). Information, blockbusters, and stars: A study of the film industry. The Journal of Business. 72(4):463-492.
Reinstein, D., and Snyder, C. (2005). The influence of expert reviews on consumer demand for experience goods: a case study of movie critics. Journal of Industrial Economics. 53(1): 27-51
Rogers, E (1995). Diffusion of Innovations. New York: Free Press
Rosario, A.B., Sotgiu, F., De Valck, K. and Bijmolt, T.H.A. (2016). The effect of electronic word of mouth on sales: A meta-analytic review of platform, product, and metric factors. Journal of Marketing Research. 53(3): 297-318.
Rui, H., Liu, Y. and Whinston, A. (2013). Whose and what chatter matters? The effect of tweets on movie sales. Decision Support Systems. 55(4): 863-870.
Sawhney, M.S. and Eliashberg, J. (1996). A Parsimonious model for forecasting gross box office revenues of motion pictures. Marketing Science. 15(2): 113-31.
Sashi, C.M. (2012). Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media. Management Decision. 50(2): 253-272.
Shao, G. (2009). Understanding the appeal of user-generated media: a uses and gratification perspective. Internet Research. 19 (1): 7-25.
Simonton, D.K. (2009). Cinematic success criteria and their predictors: The art and business of the film industry. Psychology and Marketing. 26(5): 400-420.
Smith, A.N., Fischer, E., and Yongjian, C. (2012). How does brand-related user-generated content differ across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter? Journal of Interactive Marketing. 26: 102–113
Susarla, A., Oh, J., and Tan, Y. (2012). Social networks and the diffusion of user-generated content: evidence from YouTube. Information Systems Research. 23 (1): 23-41.
Valck, K. D., Bruggen, G. V., and Wierenga, B. (2009). Virtual communities: a marketing perspective. Decision Support Systems. 47 (3): 185–203.
Vivek, S., Beatty, S., and Morgan, R. (2012). Customer engagement: exploring customer relationships beyond purchase. Journal of Marketing Theory Practice. 20 (2): 122-146.
Vollmer, C., and Precourt, G. (2008). Always on: Advertising Marketing and Media in an Era of Consumer Control. New York: McGraw Hill.
Consumer Engagement on Social Media: Its Dynamics and Impact on Box Office Sales
This study investigates the impact of consumer engagement behavior on YouTube and Facebook on movie box office sales and compares them. For this purpose, movies released in February-March 2013 in the USA were selected and panel data were constructed. Engagement measures, namely view, likes, dislikes, and shares of the official movie trailer on YouTube, on the movie’s official Facebook page, consumer and critic reviews on IMDB were recorded the release week, four weeks before and after the release week. The results indicated that engagement on a Facebook page has a higher positive effect on box sales compare to engagement on YouTube. While engagement on YouTube was the most effective at the earlier stage of the movie screen, engagement on a Facebook page was the most effective at a later stage of the movie screen. The volume of user and critic reviews, being a large distributor, and higher number of theatres to run the movie were the other prevalent positive performance predictors. Relying on the findings, implications for managers and researchers were discussed.
Abdul-Ghani, E., Hyde, K., and Marshall, R. (2011). Emic and etic interpretations of engagement with a consumer-to-consumer online auction site. Journal of Business Research. 64 (10): 1060–1066.
Agnihotri, R., Kothandaraman, P., Kashyap, R., and Singh, R. (2012). Bringing “social” into sales: The impact of salespeople’s social media use on service behaviors and value creation. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management. 32(3): 333-348.
Aldous, K.K., An, J., and Jansen, B.J. (2019). View, like, comment, post: Analyzing user engagement by topic at 4 levels across 5 social media platforms for 53 news organizations. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2019). 47-57
Archer-Brown, C., Kampani, J., Marder, B., Bal, A.S., and Kietzmann, J. (2017). Conditions in prerelease movie trailers for stimulating positive word of mouth: A conceptual model demonstrates the importance of understanding as a factor for engagement. Journal of Advertising Research. June: 159-172
Ashley, C., and Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement. Psychology and Marketing. 32 (1): 15-27.
Baek, H., Ahn, J. and Oh, S. (2014). Impact of tweets on movie sales: Focusing on the time when tweets are written. ETRI Journal. 36(4): 581-590.
Basuroy, S., Chatterjee, S. and Ravid, S.A. (2003). How critical are critical reviews? The box office effects of film critics, star power, and budgets. Journal of Marketing. 67(4): 103-117.
Becker, K., Nobre, H., and Vijay, K. (2013). Monitoring and protecting company and brand reputation on social networks: When sites are not enough. Global Business and Economics Review, 15 (2/3): 293-308.
BoxOfficeMojo. (2015). Retrieved from http://boxofficemojo.com/yearly
Braojos-Gomez, J., Benitez-Amado, J., and Llorens-Montes, F. (2015). Impact of IT infrastructure on customer service performance: the role of micro-IT capabilities and online customer engagement. Proceedings of the 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Singapore. 1-16.
Brodie, R., Ilic, A., Juric, B., and Hollebeek, L. (2013). Consumer engagement in a virtual brand community: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Business Research. 66 (1): 105–114.
Calder, B., Malthouse, E., and Schaedel, U. (2009). An experimental study of the relationship between online engagement and advertising effectiveness. Journal of Interactive Marketing. 23 (4): 321–331.
Challagalla, G., Venkatesh, R., and Kohli, A. (2009). Proactive post-sales service: when and why does it pay off? Journal of Marketing. 73 (2): 70-87.
Chang, B.-H. and Ki, E.-J. (2005). Devising a practical model for predicting theatrical movie success: focusing on the experience good property. Journal of Media Economics. 18(4): 247-269.
Cheung, C., Lee, M., and Jin, X. (2011). Customer engagement in an online social platform: A conceptual model and scale development. Proceedings from the 32nd International Conference on Information Systems, Shanghai, China. 1-8.
Chung, C.M., and Tsai, Q. (2009). The effects of regulatory focus and tie strength on word-of-mouth behaviour. Asia Pac. J. Market. Logist. 21 (3): 329---341
Dellarocas, C., Zhang, X. and Awad, N.F. (2007). Exploring the value of online product reviews in forecasting sales: the case of motion pictures. Journal of Interactive Marketing. 21(4): 23-45
De Oliveira Santini, F., Ladeira, W.J., Pinto, D. , Herter, M. M., Sampaio, C.H., and Babin, B.J. (2020). Customer engagement in social media: a framework and meta-analysis. J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. 48: 1211–1228.
De Vany, A. and Walls, W.D. (1996). Bose-Einstein dynamics and adaptive contracting in the motion picture industry. The Economic Journal. 106(439): 1493-1514.
Digital-2021-Turkey. Retrieved from https://datareportal.com/reports/digital-2021-turkey. Accessed June 17, 2021.
Duan, W., Gu, B. and Whinston, A.B. (2008a). Do online reviews matter? An empirical investigation of panel data. Decision Support Systems. 45(4): 1007-1016.
Duan, W., Gu, B., and Whinston,A.B. (2008b). The dynamics of online word-of-mouth and product sales –an empirical investigation of the movie industry. Journal of Retailing. 84(2): 233-242.
Du, F., Gong, J., Sandino, T., Vander Stede, W., and Young, M. (2008). The business of selling movies. Strategic Finance. 89(9): 35-41.
Doorn, V. J., Lemon, K., Mittal, V., Nass, S., Pick, D., Pirner, P. and Verhoef, P. C. (2010). Customer engagement behavior: theoretical foundations and research directions. Journal of Service Research. 13(3): 253–266.
Eliashberg, J., and Shugan, S. M. (1997). Film critics: Influencers or predictors? Journal of Marketing. 61(April): 68–78.
Epstein, E.J. (2005). The Big Picture: The New Logic of Money and Power in Hollywood. New York: Random House.
Finsterwalder, J., Kuppelwieser, V.G. and de Villiers, M. (2012). The effects of film trailers on shaping consumer expectations in the entertainment industry: a qualitative analysis. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 19(6): 589-595.
Gambetti, R., Graffigna, G., and Biraghi, S. (2012). The grounded theory approach to consumer-brand engagement: the practitioner's standpoint. International Journal of Market Research. 54(5): 659-687.
Gong, J. J., Van der Stede, W. A., and Young, S. M. (2011). Real options in the motion picture industry: Evidence from film marketing and sequels. Contemporary Accounting Research. 28(5): 1438-1466
Google YouTube movie trailers leaderboard: Oscars 2019. https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/intl/en-apac/tools-resources/leaderboards/youtubeleaderboard-oscars-2019/. Accessed June 17, 2021.
Heinonen, K. (2011). Consumer activity in social media: managerial approaches to consumers’ social media behavior. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 10(6): 356-364.
Hennig-Thurau, T., Houston, M.B. and Sridhar, S. (2006). Can good marketing carry a bad product? Evidence from the motion picture industry. Marketing Letters. 17(3): 205-219.
Hennig-Thurau, T., Malthouse, E., Friege, C., Gensler, S., Lobschat, L., and Rangaswamy, A. (2010). The impact of new media on customer relationships. Journal of Service Research. 13(3): 311-330.
Hennig-Thurau, T., Marchand, A., and Hiller, B. (2012). The relationship between reviewer judgments and motion picture success: re-analysis and extension. J Cult Econ. 36: 249–283
Hollis, N. (2011). The Value of a Social Media Fan. Retrieved from http://www.millwardbrown.com/global-navigation/blogs/post/mbblog/ 2011/04/04/The- value-of-a-social-media-fan.aspx.
Hutton, G., and Fosdick, M. (2011). The globalization of social media: Consumer relationships with brands evolve in digital space. Journal of Advertising Research. 51: 564–570.
IMDB. (2017). IMDB Press Room. Retrieved from IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/pressroom/about/
Kaplan, A.M. and Haenlein, M. (2010). Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons. 53: 59-68.
Laroche, M., Habibi, M., Richard, M.-O., and Sankaranarayanan, R. (2012). The effects of social media based brand communities on brand community markers, value creation practices, brand trust and brand loyalty. Comput. Hum. Behav. 28: 1755-1767.
Lindblom, A., and Tikkanen, H. (2010). Knowledge creation and business format franchising. Management Decision. 48(2): 179-188.
Liu, Y. (2006). Word of mouth for movies: its dynamics and impact on box office revenue. The Journal of Marketing. 70(3): 74-89.
Moe, W. W., and Fader, P. S. (2001). Using advance purchase orders to forecast new product sales. Marketing Science. 21: 347–364.
Mochon, D., Johnson, K., Schwartz, J., and Ariely, D. (2017). What are likes worth? A Facebook page field experiment, Journal of Marketing Research. 54(2): 306-317
Munoz, L. (2003). High-tech word of mouth maims movies in a flash. available at: http://articles.latimes.com/2003/aug/17/entertainment/et-dropoff17 (accessed November 30, 2014).
Murdough, C. (2009). Social media measurement: It’s not impossible. Journal of Interactive Advertising. 10: 94-99.
Nobre, H., and Silva, D. (2014). Social network marketing strategy and SME strategy benefits. Journal of Transnational Management. 19 (2): 138-151.
Oh, C., Roumani, Y., Nwankpa, J. K., and Hu, H.F. (2017). Beyond likes and tweets: Consumer engagement behaviour and movie box office in social media. Information & Management. 54: 25–37.
Palacios-Marques, D., Assis-Dorr, H., and Merigó, J. M. (2012). Social networking as an enabler of change in entrepreneurial Brazilian firms. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 25 (5): 699-708.
Ravid, S. (1999). Information, blockbusters, and stars: A study of the film industry. The Journal of Business. 72(4):463-492.
Reinstein, D., and Snyder, C. (2005). The influence of expert reviews on consumer demand for experience goods: a case study of movie critics. Journal of Industrial Economics. 53(1): 27-51
Rogers, E (1995). Diffusion of Innovations. New York: Free Press
Rosario, A.B., Sotgiu, F., De Valck, K. and Bijmolt, T.H.A. (2016). The effect of electronic word of mouth on sales: A meta-analytic review of platform, product, and metric factors. Journal of Marketing Research. 53(3): 297-318.
Rui, H., Liu, Y. and Whinston, A. (2013). Whose and what chatter matters? The effect of tweets on movie sales. Decision Support Systems. 55(4): 863-870.
Sawhney, M.S. and Eliashberg, J. (1996). A Parsimonious model for forecasting gross box office revenues of motion pictures. Marketing Science. 15(2): 113-31.
Sashi, C.M. (2012). Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media. Management Decision. 50(2): 253-272.
Shao, G. (2009). Understanding the appeal of user-generated media: a uses and gratification perspective. Internet Research. 19 (1): 7-25.
Simonton, D.K. (2009). Cinematic success criteria and their predictors: The art and business of the film industry. Psychology and Marketing. 26(5): 400-420.
Smith, A.N., Fischer, E., and Yongjian, C. (2012). How does brand-related user-generated content differ across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter? Journal of Interactive Marketing. 26: 102–113
Susarla, A., Oh, J., and Tan, Y. (2012). Social networks and the diffusion of user-generated content: evidence from YouTube. Information Systems Research. 23 (1): 23-41.
Valck, K. D., Bruggen, G. V., and Wierenga, B. (2009). Virtual communities: a marketing perspective. Decision Support Systems. 47 (3): 185–203.
Vivek, S., Beatty, S., and Morgan, R. (2012). Customer engagement: exploring customer relationships beyond purchase. Journal of Marketing Theory Practice. 20 (2): 122-146.
Vollmer, C., and Precourt, G. (2008). Always on: Advertising Marketing and Media in an Era of Consumer Control. New York: McGraw Hill.
Adıgüzel, F. (2021). Consumer Engagement on Social Media: Its Dynamics and Impact on Box Office Sales. Pazarlama Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 14(3), 643-668.