Reklamlarda Ünlülerin Kullanılmasının Tüketicilerin Marka Tercihine Olan Etkisi: Nitel Bir Araştırma
Year 2022,
Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 29 - 70, 31.01.2022
Elif Ebru Erce Özbilen
Zeliha Eser
Ünsal Sığrı
Bir markanın reklamlarda tanıtımını yapmak için bir ünlünün seçimi, reklam ve pazarlamada kritik bir konudur, çünkü belirli bir kurumu/markayı temsil etmek amacıyla doğru ünlüyü bulmak önemli bir zaman ve çaba gerektirir. Reklamlarda kullanılan ünlüler genellikle çok popülerdir. Ancak bununla beraber sahip oldukları diğer birtakım farklı özellikler nedeniyle de tercih edilebilmektedirler. Doğru ünlüyü seçmenin temel amacı, söz konusu markayla ilgili tüketiciler üzerinde istenen bir etkiyi/sonucu yaratabilmektir. Buradan hareketle makalede ünlülerin seçiminde etkili olduğu düşünülen güvenilirlik, beğenilebilirlik ve ünlü ihlalleri kavramlarının tüketicilerin marka tercihi üzerinde etkisi ele alınmıştır. Araştırmamızda, ünlülerin güvenilirliği ve beğenilebilirliğinin tüketicilerin marka tercihini etkilediği ve beğenilebilirlik boyutunun, aynı zamanda güvenilirliğin bir alt boyutu şeklinde katılımcılar tarafından algılandığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca, ünlü ihlallerinin, ünlüye ilişkin tüketicilerin güvenilirlik ve beğenilirlik algılarını etkileyerek, marka tercihini olumsuz yönde etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
- Aaker, J., Fournier, S., & Brasel, A. S. (2004). When good brands do bad. Journal of Consumer Research, 31, 1-16.
- Agrawal, J., & Kamakura, W. A. (1995). The economic worth of celebrity endorsers: An event study analysis. Journal of marketing, 59(3), 56-62.
- Arsena, A., Silvera, D. H., & Pandelaere, M. (2014). Brand trait transference: When celebrity endorsers acquire brand personality traits. Journal of Business Research, 67(7), 1537-1543.
- American Marketing Association, AMA Dictionary. Erişim Adresi, 25.10.2019.
- Bailey, A. A. (2007). Public information and consumer skepticism effects on celebrity endorsements: Studies among young consumers. Journal of Marketing Communications, 13 (June): 85_107.
- Baker, C., Wuest, J., & Stern, P. N. (1992). Method slurring: The grounded theory/phenomenology example. Journal of advanced nursing, 17(11), 1355-1360.
- Batra, R., & Homer, P. M. (2004). The situational impact of brand image beliefs. Journal of consumer psychology, 14(3), 318-330.
- Belch, G. E., & A. Belch, M. (2013). A content analysis study of the use of celebrity endorsers in magazine advertising. International Journal of advertising, 32(3), 369-389.
- Bergkvist L. & Zhou, K. Q. (2016) Celebrity endorsements: a literature review and research agenda, International Journal of Advertising, 35:4, 642-663
- Caballero, M.J., Lumpkin, J. & Madden, C.D. (1989) Using physical attractiveness as an advertising tool: an empirical test of attraction phenomenon. Journal of Advertising Research, 29(4), pp. 16–23.
- Chao, P., Wuhrer, G., & Werani, T. (2005). Celebrity and foreign brand name as moderators of country-of-origin effects. International Journal of Advertising, 24, 173–192.
- Chang H. H. & Liu, Y. M. (2009) The impact of brand equity on brand preference and purchase intentions in the service industries, The Service Industries Journal, 29:12, 1687-1706.
- Choi, S. M., Lee, W. N., & Kim, H. J. (2005). Lessons from the rich and famous: A cross-cultural comparison of celebrity endorsement in advertising. Journal of advertising, 34(2), 85-98.
- Choi, S. M., & Rifon, N. J. (2012). It is a match: The impact of congruence between celebrity image and consumer ideal self on endorsement effectiveness. Psychology & marketing, 29(9), 639- 650.
- Clark, R. C. and Horstman, I.J. (2003) Celebrity Endorsements ( e.con/seminar/micro/pdffav) celebendorse.bu.pdf
- DeSarbo, W. S., & Harshman, R. A. (1985). Celebrity-brand congruence analysis. Current issues and research in advertising, 8(1), 17-52.
- Doyle, J.P., Pentecost, R.D. and Funk, D.C. (2014), “The effect of familiarity on associated sponsor and event brand attitudes following negative celebrity endorser publicity”, Sport Management Review, Vol. 17No. 3, pp. 310-323.
- Edwards, S.M., and La Ferle, C. (2009). Does gender impact the perception of negative information related to celebrity endorsers? Journal of Promotion Management, 15, no. 1_2: 22_35.
- Eisend, M., and Langner, T. (2010). Immediate and delayed advertising effects of celebrity endorsers’ attractiveness and expertise. International Journal of Advertising, 29, no. 4: 527_46.
- Erdogan, B. Z.(1999), “Celebrity Endorsement: A Literature Review,” Journal of Marketing Management, 15, 291-314
- Erdogan, B.Z. & Baker, M.J. (2000) Towards a practitioner-based model of selecting celebrity endorsers. International Journal of Advertising, 19(1), pp. 25–43.
- Evans, R.B. (1988), Production and Creativity in Advertising, London: Pibnan Publishing.
- Farrell, K. A., Karels, G. V., Montfort, K. W., & McClatchey, C. A. (2000). Celebrity performance and endorsement value: the case of Tiger Woods. Managerial Finance.
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- Fleck, N., & Quester, P. (2007). Birds of a feather flock together. Definition, role and measure of congruence: An application to sponsorship. Psychology & Marketing, 24, 975–1000.
- Forkan, j. (1980), "Product matchup key to effective star presentations," Advertising Age, 51, 42.
- Francis, D. & Yazdanifard, R. (2013). The Impact of celebrity endorsement and its influence through different scopes on the retailing business across United States and Asia. IRACST – International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management, Vol. 2, No.1, 85-89.
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- Friedman, H. H., Santeramo, M. J., & Traina, A. (1978). Correlates Of Trustworthiness For Celebrities. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 6(3), 291–299.
- Garthwaite, C. L. (2014). Demand spillovers, combative advertising, and celebrity endorsements. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6(2), 76-104.
- Goldsmith, R. E., Lafferty, B. A., & Newell, S. J. (2000). The Impact of corporate credibility and celebrity credibility on consumer reaction to advertisements and brands. Journal of Advertising, 29 (3).
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- Hovland, Carl I., Janis, L. Irving, and Kelley, Harold H. (1953), Communication and Persuasion, New Haven, CI': Yale University Press.
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- Ipsos.(26 Ocak 2018). Ad Watch Araştırması. Erişim adresi,, 10 Ekim 2019.
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The Effect of Celebrity Endorsers in Advertisements on Brand Preference of Consumers: A Qualitative Research
Year 2022,
Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 29 - 70, 31.01.2022
Elif Ebru Erce Özbilen
Zeliha Eser
Ünsal Sığrı
The selection of a celebrity endorser to promote a brand in advertising is a crucial issue in advertising and marketing, because finding the right celebrity to represent a particular organization / brand requires significant time and effort. Celebrity endorsers used in advertising are often very popular. However, they may also be preferred due to a number of other different properties. The main purpose of choosing the right celebrity is to create a desired effect / result on consumers related to the brand in question. From this point of view, the effects of the concepts of source credibility, likeability and celebrity transgressions, which are thought to be effective in the selection of celebrity endorsers, are discussed on the brand preference of consumers. In the study, it was seen that the dimensions of credibility and likeability of celebrities affect the consumers' brand preference, and the likeability dimension is also perceived by the participants as a sub-dimension of credibility. In addition, it was concluded that celebrity transgressions negatively affect brand preference by affecting consumers' perceptions of credibility and liking for the celebrity endorser.
- Aaker, J., Fournier, S., & Brasel, A. S. (2004). When good brands do bad. Journal of Consumer Research, 31, 1-16.
- Agrawal, J., & Kamakura, W. A. (1995). The economic worth of celebrity endorsers: An event study analysis. Journal of marketing, 59(3), 56-62.
- Arsena, A., Silvera, D. H., & Pandelaere, M. (2014). Brand trait transference: When celebrity endorsers acquire brand personality traits. Journal of Business Research, 67(7), 1537-1543.
- American Marketing Association, AMA Dictionary. Erişim Adresi, 25.10.2019.
- Bailey, A. A. (2007). Public information and consumer skepticism effects on celebrity endorsements: Studies among young consumers. Journal of Marketing Communications, 13 (June): 85_107.
- Baker, C., Wuest, J., & Stern, P. N. (1992). Method slurring: The grounded theory/phenomenology example. Journal of advanced nursing, 17(11), 1355-1360.
- Batra, R., & Homer, P. M. (2004). The situational impact of brand image beliefs. Journal of consumer psychology, 14(3), 318-330.
- Belch, G. E., & A. Belch, M. (2013). A content analysis study of the use of celebrity endorsers in magazine advertising. International Journal of advertising, 32(3), 369-389.
- Bergkvist L. & Zhou, K. Q. (2016) Celebrity endorsements: a literature review and research agenda, International Journal of Advertising, 35:4, 642-663
- Caballero, M.J., Lumpkin, J. & Madden, C.D. (1989) Using physical attractiveness as an advertising tool: an empirical test of attraction phenomenon. Journal of Advertising Research, 29(4), pp. 16–23.
- Chao, P., Wuhrer, G., & Werani, T. (2005). Celebrity and foreign brand name as moderators of country-of-origin effects. International Journal of Advertising, 24, 173–192.
- Chang H. H. & Liu, Y. M. (2009) The impact of brand equity on brand preference and purchase intentions in the service industries, The Service Industries Journal, 29:12, 1687-1706.
- Choi, S. M., Lee, W. N., & Kim, H. J. (2005). Lessons from the rich and famous: A cross-cultural comparison of celebrity endorsement in advertising. Journal of advertising, 34(2), 85-98.
- Choi, S. M., & Rifon, N. J. (2012). It is a match: The impact of congruence between celebrity image and consumer ideal self on endorsement effectiveness. Psychology & marketing, 29(9), 639- 650.
- Clark, R. C. and Horstman, I.J. (2003) Celebrity Endorsements ( e.con/seminar/micro/pdffav) celebendorse.bu.pdf
- DeSarbo, W. S., & Harshman, R. A. (1985). Celebrity-brand congruence analysis. Current issues and research in advertising, 8(1), 17-52.
- Doyle, J.P., Pentecost, R.D. and Funk, D.C. (2014), “The effect of familiarity on associated sponsor and event brand attitudes following negative celebrity endorser publicity”, Sport Management Review, Vol. 17No. 3, pp. 310-323.
- Edwards, S.M., and La Ferle, C. (2009). Does gender impact the perception of negative information related to celebrity endorsers? Journal of Promotion Management, 15, no. 1_2: 22_35.
- Eisend, M., and Langner, T. (2010). Immediate and delayed advertising effects of celebrity endorsers’ attractiveness and expertise. International Journal of Advertising, 29, no. 4: 527_46.
- Erdogan, B. Z.(1999), “Celebrity Endorsement: A Literature Review,” Journal of Marketing Management, 15, 291-314
- Erdogan, B.Z. & Baker, M.J. (2000) Towards a practitioner-based model of selecting celebrity endorsers. International Journal of Advertising, 19(1), pp. 25–43.
- Evans, R.B. (1988), Production and Creativity in Advertising, London: Pibnan Publishing.
- Farrell, K. A., Karels, G. V., Montfort, K. W., & McClatchey, C. A. (2000). Celebrity performance and endorsement value: the case of Tiger Woods. Managerial Finance.
- Fleck, N., Korchia, M., & Le Roy, I. (2012). Celebrities in advertising: looking for congruence or likability?. Psychology & Marketing, 29(9), 651-662.
- Fleck, N., & Quester, P. (2007). Birds of a feather flock together. Definition, role and measure of congruence: An application to sponsorship. Psychology & Marketing, 24, 975–1000.
- Forkan, j. (1980), "Product matchup key to effective star presentations," Advertising Age, 51, 42.
- Francis, D. & Yazdanifard, R. (2013). The Impact of celebrity endorsement and its influence through different scopes on the retailing business across United States and Asia. IRACST – International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management, Vol. 2, No.1, 85-89.
- Freiden, J.B. (1984), “Advertising spokesperson effects: an examination of endorser types and gender on two audiences”, Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 33-41.
- Friedman, H. and Friedman, L. (1979). Endorser Effectiveness by Product Type. Journal of Advertising Research, Vol. 19, 63 – 71.
- Friedman, H. H., Santeramo, M. J., & Traina, A. (1978). Correlates Of Trustworthiness For Celebrities. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 6(3), 291–299.
- Garthwaite, C. L. (2014). Demand spillovers, combative advertising, and celebrity endorsements. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6(2), 76-104.
- Goldsmith, R. E., Lafferty, B. A., & Newell, S. J. (2000). The Impact of corporate credibility and celebrity credibility on consumer reaction to advertisements and brands. Journal of Advertising, 29 (3).
- Hellier, P. K., Geursen, G. M., Carr, R. A., & Rickard, J. A. (2003). Customer repurchase intention: A general structural equation model. European Journal of Marketing, 37(11/12), 1762–1800.
- Hofstede, G. (1991), Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind, London, McGraw-Hill
- Hovland, C., & Weiss, W. A. (1951). The influence of source credibility on communication effectiveness. Public Opinion Quarterly, 15, 635–650.
- Hovland, Carl I., Janis, L. Irving, and Kelley, Harold H. (1953), Communication and Persuasion, New Haven, CI': Yale University Press.
- Ipsos. (6 Eylül 2019). Ipsos Celebrity Güven Endeksi. Erişim adresi,, 10 Ekim 2019.
- Ipsos. (1Ağustos 2018). Ad Watch Araştırması. Erişim adresi,,10 Ekim 2019.
- Ipsos.(26 Ocak 2018). Ad Watch Araştırması. Erişim adresi,, 10 Ekim 2019.
- Jamal, A., & Al-Marri, M. (2007). Exploring the effect of self-image congruence and brand preference on satisfaction: The role of expertise.
- Joseph, W. B. (1982). The credibility of physically attractive communicators: A review. Journal of Advertising, 11, 15– 24.
- Johnson, P., Buehring, A., Cassell, C., & Symon, G. (2007). Defining qualitative management research: an empirical investigation. Qualitative research in organizations and management: an international journal, 2(1), 23-42.
- Kahle, L.R. ve Homer, P. (1985) Physical attractiveness of the celebrity endorser: a social adaptation perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 11(4), pp. 954–961.
- Kamins, M. A (1989), "Celebrity and Non-Celebrity Advertising in a Two- Sided Context" Journal of Advertising Research, 29, No.3, pp.34-42.
- Kamins, M. A. and Gupta, K. (1994), "Congruence between spokesperson and product type: A matchup hypothesis perspective," Psychology and Marketing, II, No.6, pp.569-586.
- Khatri, P. (2006). Celebrity endorsement: A strategic promotion perspective. Indian media studies journal, 1(1), 25-37.
- Kitzinger, J. (1995). Qualitative research: introducing focus groups. Bmj, 311(7000), 299-302.
- Krueger, A. R. (1994). Focus Groups: A Practical guide for Applied Research, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Kumar, V. & Hundal, B.S. (2015). Customer Perception towards Celebrity Endorsement. Pacific Business Review International, Vol. 8, Issue 5, 46-50.
- Lafferty, B. A., and. Goldsmith, R.E. (1998). Corporate credibility’s role in consumers’ attitudes and purchase intentions when a high versus a low credibility endorser is used in the ad. Journal of Business Research, 44 (February): 109_16.
- Lafferty, B. A., Goldsmith, R. E., & Newell, S. J. (2002). The dual credibility model: The influence of corporate and endorser credibility on attitudes and purchase intentions. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 10(3), 1-11.
- Liu, M. T., & Brock, J. L. (2011). Selecting a female athlete endorser in China: The effect of attractiveness, match‐up, and consumer gender difference. European Journal of Marketing, 45, no. 7/8: 1214_35.
- Martin-Santana, J. D., & Beerli-Palacio, A. (2013). Magazine advertising: Factors influencing the effectiveness of celebrity advertising. Journal of Promotion Management, 19(2), 139 -166.
- McCracken, G. (1989), 'Who is the Celebrity Endorser? Cultural Foundation of the Endorsement Process," Journal of Consumer Research, 16, December, pp.310-32 1.
- McDonough, J. (1995), "Bringing Brands to Life," Advertising Age, Special Collectors Edition, Spring, pp.34-35.
- McGuire, W.J. (1985), “Attitudes and attitude change,” In: Handbook of Social Psychology, (Eds.) Gardner Lindzey and Elliot Aronson, Vol. 2 NY Random House, pp.233-346.
- Miller, G.P. & Basehart, J. (1969) Source trustworthiness, opinionated statements, and response to persuasive communication. Speech Monographs, 36(1), pp. 1–7.
- Miller, F. M., & Allen, C. T. (2012). How does celebrity meaning transfer? Investigating the process of meaning transfer with celebrity affiliates and mature brands. Journal of consumer Psychology, 22(3), 443-452.
- Misra, S., and Beatty, S. E. (1990). Celebrity spokesperson and brand congruence. Journal of Business Research, 21 (September): 159_73.
- Mitchell, A. A. and Olson, J.R. (1981), “Are product attribute beliefs the only mediator of advertising effects on brand attitude?” Journal of Marketing Research, 18 (August), pp.318- 32.
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