Theoretical Article
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Marketing and New Materialism

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 561 - 586, 30.05.2024


Today, when it is essential to reduce pollution caused by overconsumption and to conserve natural resources, a new interpretation of materialism has emerged, evolving towards temporary ownership rather than ownership of goods and an increasingly important experience-oriented way of enjoying goods (Alonso-Almeida et al., 2020; Scott et al., 2014). The need for a new understanding is based on the phenomenon of understanding and relating to the material world through systems of production and consumption that have become unsustainable in the modern era. Based on these problems, this study conceptualizes new materialism and the new materialist consumer profile, representing a break from traditional understanding. It proposes theoretical foundations for marketing science, especially in macromarketing, sharing economies and consumer behavior.


  • Agarwal, B. (1997). Environmental action, gender equity and women's participation. Development and Change, 28(1), 1-44.
  • Ahuvia, A., & Wong, N. (1995). Materialism: Origins and implications for personal well-being. European Advances in Consumer Research, 2(1995), 172-178.
  • Appadurai, Arjun (1986), ‘‘Introduction: Commodities and the Politics of Value,’’ in The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, Arjun Appadurai, ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 3-63
  • Bajde, D. (2013). Consumer culture theory (re) visits actor-network theory: Flattening consumption studies. Marketing theory, 13(2), 227-242.
  • Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the universe halfway. quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
  • Bardhi, Fleura and Giana M. Eckhardt (2012), ‘‘Access-Based Consumption: The Case of Car Sharing,’’ Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (4), 881-898.
  • Beck, U. (2011). Risk toplumu: başka bir modernliğe doğru. İthaki Yayınları.
  • Belk, R. W. (1988). Third World Consumer Culture, Research in Marketing: Marketing and Development-toward Broader Dimensions.
  • Bennett, J. (2010). A vitalist stopover on the way to a new materialism. New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics, 91(1), 47-69.
  • Bettany, S. (2007). The material semiotics of consumption or where (and what) are the objects in consumer culture theory?. In Consumer culture theory (pp. 41-56). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Botsman, R., Rogers, R., 2012. What's mine is yours: how collaborative consumption is changing the way we live. Alternative Observatory Management, Fiche de Lecture
  • Choat, S. (2018). Science, agency and ontology: A historical-materialist response to new materialism. Political Studies, 66(4), 1027-1042.
  • Coole, D., & Frost, S. (2010). Introducing the new materialisms. New materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics, 1-43.
  • Davidson, A., Habibi, M. R., & Laroche, M. (2018). Materialism and the sharing economy: A cross-cultural study of American and Indian consumers. Journal of Business Research, 82, 364-372.
  • del Mar Alonso-Almeida, M., Perramon, J., & Bagur-Femenías, L. (2020). Shedding light on sharing ECONOMY and new materialist consumption: An empirical approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52, 101900.
  • DeLanda, Manuel (2006), A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity. London, UK: Continuum.
  • Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari (1988), A Thousand Plateaus. London, UK: Athlone
  • Dolphijn, Rick and Iris van der Tuin (2012), New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies. Ann Arbor, MI: Open Humanities Press.
  • Eckhardt, G. M., & Bardhi, F. (2015). The sharing economy isn’t about sharing at all. Harvard Business Review, 28(1), 881-898.
  • Fox, N. J., Bissell, P., Peacock, M., & Blackburn, J. (2018). The micropolitics of obesity: Materialism, markets and food sovereignty. Sociology, 52(1), 111-127.
  • Fromm, E. (1990). Sağlıklı Toplum. Payel Yayınevi.
  • Gates, B., & Dale, J. (1997). The road ahead. Canadian Social Studies, 32(1), 24.
  • Gates, H. (1996). China's Motor: a thousand years of petty capitalism. Cornell University Press.
  • Gell, Alfred (1992), ‘‘The Technology of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Technology,’’ in Anthropology, Art and Aesthetics, Jeremy Coote and Anthony Shelton, eds. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 40-63.
  • Habibi, M. R., Davidson, A., & Laroche, M. (2017). What managers should know about the sharing economy. Business Horizons, 60(1), 113-121.
  • Harman, G. (2011). The quadruple object. Alresfold: Zero Books.
  • Harris, Marvin (1979), Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press
  • Hunt, S. D. (2020). Institutional norms and the institutionalization of macromarketing: Historical insights, the long macro view, and service-dominant logic. Journal of Macromarketing, 40(3), 286-293.
  • Kashif, M., Fernando, P. M. P., Altaf, U., & Walsh, J. (2018). Re-imagining marketing as societing: A critical appraisal of marketing in a developing country context. Management Research Review, 41(3), 359-378.
  • Kilbourne, William, Pierre McDonagh, and Andrea Prothero (1997), ‘‘Sustainable Consumption and the Quality of Life: A Macromarketing Challenge to the Dominant Social Paradigm,’’ Journal of Macromarketing, 17 (1), 4-24
  • Kramarczyk, J., & Alemany Oliver, M. (2022). Accumulative vs. appreciative expressions of materialism: Revising materialism in light of polish simplifiers and new materialism. Journal of Business Ethics, 175(4), 701-719.
  • Latour, B. (2005). Reassembling the social: An introduction to actornetwork theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Latour, Bruno (1987), Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society. Boston, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Latour, Bruno (1991), ‘‘Technology is Society Made Durable,’’ in A Sociology of Monsters: Essays on Power, Technology and Domination, John Law, ed. London, UK: Routledge
  • Layder, Derek (2020). Sosyal Teoriye Giriş. İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • LeBaron, A. B., Kelley, H. H., & Carroll, J. S. (2018). Money over marriage: Marriage importance as a mediator between materialism and marital satisfaction. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 39, 337-347.
  • Li, N. P., Lim, A. J., Tsai, M. H., & O, J. (2015). Too materialistic to get married and have children?. PloS One, 10(5), e0126543.
  • Li, S. Y., Graul, A. R., & Zhu, J. J. (2024). Investigating the disruptiveness of the sharing economy at the individual consumer level: How consumer reflexivity drives re-engagement in sharing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52(1), 164-195.
  • Mathew, A., Isbanner, S., & Rundle-Thiele, S. (2024). Reducing plastic waste in the workplace: a program evaluation. Journal of Social Marketing.
  • Miller, D. (1987). Material culture and mass consumption. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Morewedge, C. K., Monga, A., Palmatier, R. W., Shu, S. B., & Small, D. A. (2021). Evolution of consumption: A psychological ownership framework. Journal of Marketing, 85(1), 196-218.
  • Moriuchi, E. (2023). Bridging social marketing and technology in the disability field: an empirical study on the role of cybernetic avatar and social inclusion. Journal of Social Marketing, 13(2), 218-240.
  • Moshood, T. D., Nawanir, G., Mahmud, F., bin Ahmad, M. H., Mohamad, F., & AbdulGhani, A. (2022). The plastic of the future: determinants for switching intention from synthetic to biodegradable plastics among the young consumers. Journal of Social Marketing, 13(1), 121-148.
  • Owyang, J., Tran, C., & Silva, C. (2013). The collaborative economy. Altimeter, United States.
  • Richins, M. L. (2011). Materialism, transformation expectations, and spending: Implications for credit use. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 30(2), 141-156.
  • Richins, M. L. (2017). Materialism pathways: The processes that create and perpetuate materialism. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4), 480-499.
  • Richins, M. L., & Dawson, S. (1992). A consumer values orientation for materialism and its measurement: Scale development and validation. Journal of Consumer Research, 19(3), 303-316.
  • Rowe, P. C. (2017). Beyond Uber and Airbnb: the social economy of collaborative consumption. Social Media+ Society, 3(2), 2056305117706784.
  • Scott, K., Martin, D. M., & Schouten, J. W. (2014). Marketing and the new materialism. Journal of Macromarketing, 34(3), 282-290.
  • Sheth, J. N., Sethia, N. K., & Srinivas, S. (2011). Mindful consumption: A customer-centric approach to sustainability. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 39, 21-39.
  • Steinfield, L., & Holt, D. (2019). Toward a theory on the reproduction of social innovations in subsistence marketplaces. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(6), 764-799.
  • Sung, Y. A. (2017). Age differences in the effects of frugality and materialism on subjective well‐being in Korea. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 46(2), 144-159.
  • Touraine, A. (1999). Toplumdan toplumsal harekete. Yeni sosyal hareketler, 35-51.
  • Van der Tuin, I. (2009). ‘Jumping Generations’ On Second-and Third-wave Feminist Epistemology. Australian Feminist Studies, 24(59), 17-31.
  • Wilkie, W. L., & Moore, E. S. (2006). Macromarketing as a pillar of marketing thought. Journal of Macromarketing, 26(2), 224-232.
  • Xu, Y. (2008). The influence of public self‐consciousness and materialism on young consumers' compulsive buying. Young Consumers, 9(1), 37-48.
  • Yang, S., Song, Y., Chen, S., & Xia, X. (2017). Why are customers loyal to sharing-economy services? A relational benefits perspective. Journal of Services Marketing, 31(1), 48-62.
  • Zheng, X., Baskin, E., & Peng, S. (2018). The spillover effect of incidental social comparison on materialistic pursuits: The mediating role of envy. European Journal of Marketing, 52(5/6), 1107-1127.

Pazarlama ve Yeni Materyalizm

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 561 - 586, 30.05.2024


Aşırı tüketimin sebep olduğu kirliliği azaltmanın ve doğal kaynakları korumanın önemli olduğu günümüzde materyalizmin, malların sahipliğinden ziyade geçici mülkiyete ve mallardan yararlanmanın giderek daha önemli hale gelen deneyim odaklı olmaya doğru evrilen yeni bir yorumu ortaya çıkmıştır (Alonso-Almeida vd., 2020; Scott vd., 2014). Yeni bir anlayışa duyulan ihtiyacın nedeni, modern dönemde sürdürülemeyecek duruma gelen üretim ve tüketim sistemleri ile maddi dünyayı anlama ve ilişki kurma olgusuna dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışma, bu sorunlardan hareketle, geleneksel anlayıştan bir kopuşu temsil eden yeni materyalizmi ve yeni materyalist tüketici profilini kavramsallaştırarak pazarlama bilimi için özellikle makropazarlama paylaşım ekonomileri ve tüketici davranışları kapsamında teorik temeller önermektedir.


  • Agarwal, B. (1997). Environmental action, gender equity and women's participation. Development and Change, 28(1), 1-44.
  • Ahuvia, A., & Wong, N. (1995). Materialism: Origins and implications for personal well-being. European Advances in Consumer Research, 2(1995), 172-178.
  • Appadurai, Arjun (1986), ‘‘Introduction: Commodities and the Politics of Value,’’ in The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, Arjun Appadurai, ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 3-63
  • Bajde, D. (2013). Consumer culture theory (re) visits actor-network theory: Flattening consumption studies. Marketing theory, 13(2), 227-242.
  • Barad, K. (2007). Meeting the universe halfway. quantum physics and the entanglement of matter and meaning. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
  • Bardhi, Fleura and Giana M. Eckhardt (2012), ‘‘Access-Based Consumption: The Case of Car Sharing,’’ Journal of Consumer Research, 39 (4), 881-898.
  • Beck, U. (2011). Risk toplumu: başka bir modernliğe doğru. İthaki Yayınları.
  • Belk, R. W. (1988). Third World Consumer Culture, Research in Marketing: Marketing and Development-toward Broader Dimensions.
  • Bennett, J. (2010). A vitalist stopover on the way to a new materialism. New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics, 91(1), 47-69.
  • Bettany, S. (2007). The material semiotics of consumption or where (and what) are the objects in consumer culture theory?. In Consumer culture theory (pp. 41-56). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Botsman, R., Rogers, R., 2012. What's mine is yours: how collaborative consumption is changing the way we live. Alternative Observatory Management, Fiche de Lecture
  • Choat, S. (2018). Science, agency and ontology: A historical-materialist response to new materialism. Political Studies, 66(4), 1027-1042.
  • Coole, D., & Frost, S. (2010). Introducing the new materialisms. New materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics, 1-43.
  • Davidson, A., Habibi, M. R., & Laroche, M. (2018). Materialism and the sharing economy: A cross-cultural study of American and Indian consumers. Journal of Business Research, 82, 364-372.
  • del Mar Alonso-Almeida, M., Perramon, J., & Bagur-Femenías, L. (2020). Shedding light on sharing ECONOMY and new materialist consumption: An empirical approach. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 52, 101900.
  • DeLanda, Manuel (2006), A New Philosophy of Society: Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity. London, UK: Continuum.
  • Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari (1988), A Thousand Plateaus. London, UK: Athlone
  • Dolphijn, Rick and Iris van der Tuin (2012), New Materialism: Interviews & Cartographies. Ann Arbor, MI: Open Humanities Press.
  • Eckhardt, G. M., & Bardhi, F. (2015). The sharing economy isn’t about sharing at all. Harvard Business Review, 28(1), 881-898.
  • Fox, N. J., Bissell, P., Peacock, M., & Blackburn, J. (2018). The micropolitics of obesity: Materialism, markets and food sovereignty. Sociology, 52(1), 111-127.
  • Fromm, E. (1990). Sağlıklı Toplum. Payel Yayınevi.
  • Gates, B., & Dale, J. (1997). The road ahead. Canadian Social Studies, 32(1), 24.
  • Gates, H. (1996). China's Motor: a thousand years of petty capitalism. Cornell University Press.
  • Gell, Alfred (1992), ‘‘The Technology of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Technology,’’ in Anthropology, Art and Aesthetics, Jeremy Coote and Anthony Shelton, eds. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 40-63.
  • Habibi, M. R., Davidson, A., & Laroche, M. (2017). What managers should know about the sharing economy. Business Horizons, 60(1), 113-121.
  • Harman, G. (2011). The quadruple object. Alresfold: Zero Books.
  • Harris, Marvin (1979), Cultural Materialism: The Struggle for a Science of Culture. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press
  • Hunt, S. D. (2020). Institutional norms and the institutionalization of macromarketing: Historical insights, the long macro view, and service-dominant logic. Journal of Macromarketing, 40(3), 286-293.
  • Kashif, M., Fernando, P. M. P., Altaf, U., & Walsh, J. (2018). Re-imagining marketing as societing: A critical appraisal of marketing in a developing country context. Management Research Review, 41(3), 359-378.
  • Kilbourne, William, Pierre McDonagh, and Andrea Prothero (1997), ‘‘Sustainable Consumption and the Quality of Life: A Macromarketing Challenge to the Dominant Social Paradigm,’’ Journal of Macromarketing, 17 (1), 4-24
  • Kramarczyk, J., & Alemany Oliver, M. (2022). Accumulative vs. appreciative expressions of materialism: Revising materialism in light of polish simplifiers and new materialism. Journal of Business Ethics, 175(4), 701-719.
  • Latour, B. (2005). Reassembling the social: An introduction to actornetwork theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Latour, Bruno (1987), Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers Through Society. Boston, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Latour, Bruno (1991), ‘‘Technology is Society Made Durable,’’ in A Sociology of Monsters: Essays on Power, Technology and Domination, John Law, ed. London, UK: Routledge
  • Layder, Derek (2020). Sosyal Teoriye Giriş. İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • LeBaron, A. B., Kelley, H. H., & Carroll, J. S. (2018). Money over marriage: Marriage importance as a mediator between materialism and marital satisfaction. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 39, 337-347.
  • Li, N. P., Lim, A. J., Tsai, M. H., & O, J. (2015). Too materialistic to get married and have children?. PloS One, 10(5), e0126543.
  • Li, S. Y., Graul, A. R., & Zhu, J. J. (2024). Investigating the disruptiveness of the sharing economy at the individual consumer level: How consumer reflexivity drives re-engagement in sharing. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 52(1), 164-195.
  • Mathew, A., Isbanner, S., & Rundle-Thiele, S. (2024). Reducing plastic waste in the workplace: a program evaluation. Journal of Social Marketing.
  • Miller, D. (1987). Material culture and mass consumption. Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Morewedge, C. K., Monga, A., Palmatier, R. W., Shu, S. B., & Small, D. A. (2021). Evolution of consumption: A psychological ownership framework. Journal of Marketing, 85(1), 196-218.
  • Moriuchi, E. (2023). Bridging social marketing and technology in the disability field: an empirical study on the role of cybernetic avatar and social inclusion. Journal of Social Marketing, 13(2), 218-240.
  • Moshood, T. D., Nawanir, G., Mahmud, F., bin Ahmad, M. H., Mohamad, F., & AbdulGhani, A. (2022). The plastic of the future: determinants for switching intention from synthetic to biodegradable plastics among the young consumers. Journal of Social Marketing, 13(1), 121-148.
  • Owyang, J., Tran, C., & Silva, C. (2013). The collaborative economy. Altimeter, United States.
  • Richins, M. L. (2011). Materialism, transformation expectations, and spending: Implications for credit use. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 30(2), 141-156.
  • Richins, M. L. (2017). Materialism pathways: The processes that create and perpetuate materialism. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4), 480-499.
  • Richins, M. L., & Dawson, S. (1992). A consumer values orientation for materialism and its measurement: Scale development and validation. Journal of Consumer Research, 19(3), 303-316.
  • Rowe, P. C. (2017). Beyond Uber and Airbnb: the social economy of collaborative consumption. Social Media+ Society, 3(2), 2056305117706784.
  • Scott, K., Martin, D. M., & Schouten, J. W. (2014). Marketing and the new materialism. Journal of Macromarketing, 34(3), 282-290.
  • Sheth, J. N., Sethia, N. K., & Srinivas, S. (2011). Mindful consumption: A customer-centric approach to sustainability. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 39, 21-39.
  • Steinfield, L., & Holt, D. (2019). Toward a theory on the reproduction of social innovations in subsistence marketplaces. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 36(6), 764-799.
  • Sung, Y. A. (2017). Age differences in the effects of frugality and materialism on subjective well‐being in Korea. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 46(2), 144-159.
  • Touraine, A. (1999). Toplumdan toplumsal harekete. Yeni sosyal hareketler, 35-51.
  • Van der Tuin, I. (2009). ‘Jumping Generations’ On Second-and Third-wave Feminist Epistemology. Australian Feminist Studies, 24(59), 17-31.
  • Wilkie, W. L., & Moore, E. S. (2006). Macromarketing as a pillar of marketing thought. Journal of Macromarketing, 26(2), 224-232.
  • Xu, Y. (2008). The influence of public self‐consciousness and materialism on young consumers' compulsive buying. Young Consumers, 9(1), 37-48.
  • Yang, S., Song, Y., Chen, S., & Xia, X. (2017). Why are customers loyal to sharing-economy services? A relational benefits perspective. Journal of Services Marketing, 31(1), 48-62.
  • Zheng, X., Baskin, E., & Peng, S. (2018). The spillover effect of incidental social comparison on materialistic pursuits: The mediating role of envy. European Journal of Marketing, 52(5/6), 1107-1127.
There are 58 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Marketing Theory, Social Marketing
Journal Section Review

İrem Buran 0000-0002-4241-6122

Şenay Sabah Çelik 0000-0001-5764-6783

Publication Date May 30, 2024
Submission Date March 20, 2024
Acceptance Date May 17, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Buran, İ., & Sabah Çelik, Ş. (2024). Pazarlama ve Yeni Materyalizm. Pazarlama Ve Pazarlama Araştırmaları Dergisi, 17(2), 561-586.