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Adolesan Bir Kız Hastada Pelvik İnflamatuar Hastalık için Laparoskopinin Tatmin Edici Sonucu

Year 2015, , 5 - 7, 29.03.2016


Özellikle bakire olan adolesan kız hastlarda pelivk inflamtuar hastalık seyrek görülen bir hastalıktır. Çoğunlukla tuboovaryen apseler hastalık sebebidir. Ne var ki,  teşhis etmek zor olduğu için bu hastalığın değerlendirilme kriterleri tartışmalıdır. Bizim kanaatimize göre laparotomi, laparoskopik değerlendirilmenin varlığında agresif bir yöntem olarak gözükmektedir. Ayrıca, ameliyat alanında yapışıklıklar bulunsa da tedavi prosedürleri uygulanabilir. 12 yaşında bir kız hastada preoperatif olarak ovaryen kist  teşhis edilen ancak over apsesi ve adhezyonlar ile gelişen pelvik inflamatuar hastalık ile sonuçlanan tecrübemiz  yazılmıştır.


Anahtar Kelimeler: Laparoskopi, Pelvik inflamatuvar hastalık, adolesan, ergen


  • -Schindlbeck C, Dziura D, Mylonas I. Diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): intra‑operative findings and comparison of vaginal and intra‑abdominal cultures. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2014; 289:1263–1269
  • -Lee KH, Yeung CK, Tam YH, Liu KKW. The use of Laparoscopy in the management of adnexial pathologies in children. ANZ J Surg 2000; 70: 192-195.
  • -Kielly M, Jamieson MA. Pelvic inflammatory disease in virginal adolescent females without tubo-ovarian abscess. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2014; 27: e5-7.
  • -Goodwin, K. Fleming, N. Dumont, T. Tubo-ovarian Abscess in Virginal Adolescent Females: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2013; 26 : e99-e102.
  • -Trent M, Lehmann HP, Qian Q, Thompson CB, Ellen JM, Frick KD. Adolescent and parental utilities for the health states associated with pelvic inflammatory disease. Sex Transm Infect 2011; 87: e583-e587.
  • -Igra V. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in Adolescents. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 1998; 12: 109-124.
  • -Browner-Elhanan KJ, Coupey SM. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in Adolescent Girls. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 1999; 13: 601-607.

Satisfying Result of Laparoscopy for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in an Adolescent Girl

Year 2015, , 5 - 7, 29.03.2016


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is an infrequent problem in adolescent age group especially for virgins. Tuba-ovarian abscesses may be the reason for the disease mostly. However, as it is hard to diagnose, evaluation of these problems may also be on debate. In our opinion, laparotomy will be an aggressive way of manipulation in the presence of laparoscopy evaluations. In addition, treatment procedure may be performed even if adhesive reactions are present in the operation area. We present a 12-year-old girl with preoperative diagnosis as ovarian cyst resulted as pelvic inflammatory disease caused by ovarian abscess and adhesions.


  • -Schindlbeck C, Dziura D, Mylonas I. Diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): intra‑operative findings and comparison of vaginal and intra‑abdominal cultures. Arch Gynecol Obstet 2014; 289:1263–1269
  • -Lee KH, Yeung CK, Tam YH, Liu KKW. The use of Laparoscopy in the management of adnexial pathologies in children. ANZ J Surg 2000; 70: 192-195.
  • -Kielly M, Jamieson MA. Pelvic inflammatory disease in virginal adolescent females without tubo-ovarian abscess. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2014; 27: e5-7.
  • -Goodwin, K. Fleming, N. Dumont, T. Tubo-ovarian Abscess in Virginal Adolescent Females: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol 2013; 26 : e99-e102.
  • -Trent M, Lehmann HP, Qian Q, Thompson CB, Ellen JM, Frick KD. Adolescent and parental utilities for the health states associated with pelvic inflammatory disease. Sex Transm Infect 2011; 87: e583-e587.
  • -Igra V. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in Adolescents. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 1998; 12: 109-124.
  • -Browner-Elhanan KJ, Coupey SM. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in Adolescent Girls. AIDS Patient Care and STDs 1999; 13: 601-607.
There are 7 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Reports

Atilla Şenayli

Rabia Demir This is me

Süleyman Bostancı This is me

Guney Ağırbaş This is me

Can Oztorun

Emrah Şenel

Publication Date March 29, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015


Vancouver Şenayli A, Demir R, Bostancı S, Ağırbaş G, Oztorun C, Şenel E. Satisfying Result of Laparoscopy for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in an Adolescent Girl. pediatr pract res. 2016;3(1):5-7.