Research Article
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Analysis of research on active music teaching at primary education: The case of Russia

Year 2021, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 2739 - 2756, 30.12.2021


The purpose of the study is to determine the degree to which active teaching methods influence
the music education of modern children based on theoretical background and empirical and
experimental studies at Russian experiences. In this study, document analysis technique, one of
the qualitative research techniques, was used (citiations). Research on active music education
were determined and examined. Within the scope of this research, articles and books related to
active music education were selected. These articles were analyzed thematically and reported.
When the articles about active music education were examined, they were discussed under two
thematic titles. These; Using Methods on Active Music Teaching and Implementation of Active
Music Teaching at Class, Game-based Instruction at Active Music Teaching, Assessment of Music
Lesson. As a results of study; due to the age and the features of information perception, modern
children master music better if one develops the skill of problem statement, finding the ways
of solving the problem and its actual solution, when the student is an active participant in the
education process, turning from an object of influence into a subject of the learning and creative
activity. During experimental work, the authors identify the effect from applying specially
developed and described in the article active methods and forms of working with children during
music lessons. The results of the experiment prove that active methods of teaching music form a
positive learning motivation, increase cognitive activity in students, promote independent study
and the understanding of large amounts of educational information, foster heuristic abilities and
unconventional thinking as well as universal learning and creative skills and abilities.


  • Aksenova, S.S, Kruglova, M.G., Ovsyannikova, V.A., Pereverzeva, M.V., Smirnov, A.V. (2020). Musical hermeneutics, semantics, and semiotics. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 12(S3), 779–784.
  • Bezborodova, L.A. (2018). Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie osnovy proektirovaniya protsessa muzykalnogo obrazovaniya mladshikh shkolnikov [Theoretical and practical foundations for designing the process of musical education for children in elementary schools]. Moscow: Izdatelstvo MPGU, 210 p.
  • Blednykh, O.I. (2014). Aktivnye metody obucheniya [Active education methods]. Problemy sovremennoi nauki i obrazovaniya, 4(57), 117–119.
  • Erosh, N.V. (2011). Metody i priemy razvitiya tvorcheskoi aktivnosti uchashchikhsya nachalnoi shkoly [Methods and techniques for promoting creative activiry in children in primary schools]. Internet-zhurnal "Eidos", 11, 45–49.
  • Kalinina, G.F. (2003). Igry na urokakh muzykalnoi literatury [Games in musical literature classes]. Moscow: Izdatelstvo V.V. Kalinin, 16 p.
  • Khutorskoi, A.V. (2005). Pedagogicheskaya innovatika: metodologiya, teoriya, praktika [Pedagogical innovation: methodology, theory, practice]: Academic publication. Moscow: Izd-vo UNTs DO, 222 p.
  • Lysykh, Ya.A., Pak, N.I. (2012). Diagnostika vospriyatiya uchebnoi informatsii, predstavlennoi, raznymi sposobami [Diagnostics of perception of educational information presented in different ways]. Aktualnye problemy aviatsii i kosmonavtiki, 2(8), 481–482.
  • Morozova, E.A., Pereverzeva, M.V. (2019). Igrovaya deyatelnost v protsesse priobshcheniya detei k muzykalnomu folkloru [Game activity in the process of introducing children to musical folklore]. Uchenye zapiski RGSU, 18(1(150)), 142–149.
  • Morozova, N.V. (2017). O razvitii obraznogo myshleniya shkolnikov v protsesse muzykalnogo obrazovaniya [On the development of imaginative thinking of school students in the process of music education]. Muzykalnoe iskusstvo i obrazovanie, 4, 28–44.
  • Nevzorova, A.V., Semenov, A.A. (2020). Razvitie poznavatelnykh universalnykh uchebnykh deistvii v protsesse muzykalnogo obrazovaniya shkolnikov [Development of cognitive universal learning actions in the process of music education of schoolchildren]. Yaroslavskii psikhologicheskii Vestnik, 2(47), 39–43.
  • Ostapenko, T.V. (2020). Metody i priemy aktivnogo slushaniya na uroke muzyki v nachalnykh klassakh [Methods and techniques of active listening in the music lesson in primary school]. In: G.Yu. Gulyaev (Ede.), Nauchnye issledovaniya molodykh uchenykh: proceedings of the 7th International scientific and practical conference, January 17, 2020, Penza, Russia (pp. 137-141). Penza: Nauka i Prosveshcheniye.
  • Pereverzeva, M.V., Anufrieva, N.I., Avramkova, I.S., Kuznetsova, E.O., Shcherbakova, A.I. (2020a). Game technologies in the process of mastering of theoretical musical disciplines. Revista Inclusiones, 7(2), 185–194.
  • Pereverzeva, M.V., Anufrieva, N.I., Kats, M.L., Kazakova, I.S., Umerkaeva, S.S. (2020b). Interdisciplinary approach to the mastering of the music of the 20th century. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 12(S3), 772–778.
  • Rigina, G.S. (1982). Tipologiya improvizatsionnykh zadanii v nachalnoi shkole [Typology of improvisational tasks in primary school]. In: Yu.B. Aliev, V.K. Beloborodova, P. Morozova, et al. (Eds.), Razvitie muzykalnogo slukha, pevcheskogo golosa i muzykalno-tvorcheskikh sposobnostei uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatelnoi shkoly [Development of musical ear training, singing voice and musical and creative abilities in general education schools] (pp. 225-228). Moscow: Prosveshchenie.
  • Sergeeva, G.P. (2013). Osvoenie tekhnologii prepodavaniya predmeta "Muzyka" v poslediplomnom obrazovanii [Mastering the technologies of teaching the subject "Music" in postgraduate education]: a monograph. Moscow: Triumf, 264 p.
  • Shlykova, I.V. (2016). Innovatsii na urokakh muzyki v mladshikh klassakh obshcheobrazovatelnoi shkoly [Innovations at music lessons in primary general education school]. Analitika kulturologii, 1(34), 94–101.
  • Shoniya, N.T. (2017). Interaktivnyi sposob doneseniya informatsii kak instrument obespecheniya effektivnosti vospriyatiya [Interactive method of getting information across as an instrument of ensuring efficient perception]. Teoriya i praktika sovremennoi nauki, 12(30), 795–799.
  • Suslova, N.V. (2015). Shkolnyi uchebnik po muzyke: etapy evolyutsii [School textbook on music: stages of evolution]. Muzykalnoe iskusstvo i obrazovanie, 3, 159–170.
  • Toropova, A.V. (2016). Muzykalnaya psikhologiya i psikhologiya muzykalnogo obrazovaniya [Musical psychology and psychology of music educaiton]: Uchebnik dlya bakalavriata i magistratury [Textbook for bachelor and master students]. 4th edition, updated and amended. Moscow: Yurait, 246 p.
  • Vakhrusheva, T.Yu. (2008). Teoreticheskie aspekty aktivnykh metodov obucheniya [Theoretical aspects of active education methods]. Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports, 3, 36–41.

İlkokul düzeyinde etkin müzik öğretim yöntemlerinin analizi: Rusya örneği

Year 2021, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 2739 - 2756, 30.12.2021


Çalışmanın amacı, teorik altyapı ve deneysel ve deneysel çalışmalara dayalı olarak, aktif öğretim yöntemlerinin modern çocukların müzik eğitimini ne ölçüde etkilediğini belirlemektir. Yaş ve bilgi algısının özelliklerinden dolayı, modern çocuklar müzikte daha iyi ustalaşırsa, problemi ifade etme becerisini geliştirir, problemi çözmenin yollarını ve gerçek çözümünü bulur, öğrenci eğitim sürecinde aktif bir katılımcıyken, çevirir bir etki nesnesinden öğrenme ve yaratıcı faaliyetin bir konusuna. Deneysel çalışma sırasında, yazarlar, müzik dersleri sırasında çocuklarla çalışmanın aktif yöntemlerini ve biçimlerini özel olarak geliştirilen ve makalede açıklanan uygulamadan kaynaklanan etkiyi tespit ederler. Deneyin sonuçları, aktif müzik öğretme yöntemlerinin olumlu bir öğrenme motivasyonu oluşturduğunu, öğrencilerde bilişsel etkinliği arttırdığını, bağımsız çalışmayı ve büyük miktarda eğitim bilgisinin anlaşılmasını teşvik ettiğini, sezgisel yetenekleri ve geleneksel olmayan düşünmeyi ve evrensel öğrenmeyi ve yaratıcılığı teşvik ettiğini kanıtladı. beceri ve yetenekler.


  • Aksenova, S.S, Kruglova, M.G., Ovsyannikova, V.A., Pereverzeva, M.V., Smirnov, A.V. (2020). Musical hermeneutics, semantics, and semiotics. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 12(S3), 779–784.
  • Bezborodova, L.A. (2018). Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie osnovy proektirovaniya protsessa muzykalnogo obrazovaniya mladshikh shkolnikov [Theoretical and practical foundations for designing the process of musical education for children in elementary schools]. Moscow: Izdatelstvo MPGU, 210 p.
  • Blednykh, O.I. (2014). Aktivnye metody obucheniya [Active education methods]. Problemy sovremennoi nauki i obrazovaniya, 4(57), 117–119.
  • Erosh, N.V. (2011). Metody i priemy razvitiya tvorcheskoi aktivnosti uchashchikhsya nachalnoi shkoly [Methods and techniques for promoting creative activiry in children in primary schools]. Internet-zhurnal "Eidos", 11, 45–49.
  • Kalinina, G.F. (2003). Igry na urokakh muzykalnoi literatury [Games in musical literature classes]. Moscow: Izdatelstvo V.V. Kalinin, 16 p.
  • Khutorskoi, A.V. (2005). Pedagogicheskaya innovatika: metodologiya, teoriya, praktika [Pedagogical innovation: methodology, theory, practice]: Academic publication. Moscow: Izd-vo UNTs DO, 222 p.
  • Lysykh, Ya.A., Pak, N.I. (2012). Diagnostika vospriyatiya uchebnoi informatsii, predstavlennoi, raznymi sposobami [Diagnostics of perception of educational information presented in different ways]. Aktualnye problemy aviatsii i kosmonavtiki, 2(8), 481–482.
  • Morozova, E.A., Pereverzeva, M.V. (2019). Igrovaya deyatelnost v protsesse priobshcheniya detei k muzykalnomu folkloru [Game activity in the process of introducing children to musical folklore]. Uchenye zapiski RGSU, 18(1(150)), 142–149.
  • Morozova, N.V. (2017). O razvitii obraznogo myshleniya shkolnikov v protsesse muzykalnogo obrazovaniya [On the development of imaginative thinking of school students in the process of music education]. Muzykalnoe iskusstvo i obrazovanie, 4, 28–44.
  • Nevzorova, A.V., Semenov, A.A. (2020). Razvitie poznavatelnykh universalnykh uchebnykh deistvii v protsesse muzykalnogo obrazovaniya shkolnikov [Development of cognitive universal learning actions in the process of music education of schoolchildren]. Yaroslavskii psikhologicheskii Vestnik, 2(47), 39–43.
  • Ostapenko, T.V. (2020). Metody i priemy aktivnogo slushaniya na uroke muzyki v nachalnykh klassakh [Methods and techniques of active listening in the music lesson in primary school]. In: G.Yu. Gulyaev (Ede.), Nauchnye issledovaniya molodykh uchenykh: proceedings of the 7th International scientific and practical conference, January 17, 2020, Penza, Russia (pp. 137-141). Penza: Nauka i Prosveshcheniye.
  • Pereverzeva, M.V., Anufrieva, N.I., Avramkova, I.S., Kuznetsova, E.O., Shcherbakova, A.I. (2020a). Game technologies in the process of mastering of theoretical musical disciplines. Revista Inclusiones, 7(2), 185–194.
  • Pereverzeva, M.V., Anufrieva, N.I., Kats, M.L., Kazakova, I.S., Umerkaeva, S.S. (2020b). Interdisciplinary approach to the mastering of the music of the 20th century. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, 12(S3), 772–778.
  • Rigina, G.S. (1982). Tipologiya improvizatsionnykh zadanii v nachalnoi shkole [Typology of improvisational tasks in primary school]. In: Yu.B. Aliev, V.K. Beloborodova, P. Morozova, et al. (Eds.), Razvitie muzykalnogo slukha, pevcheskogo golosa i muzykalno-tvorcheskikh sposobnostei uchashchikhsya obshcheobrazovatelnoi shkoly [Development of musical ear training, singing voice and musical and creative abilities in general education schools] (pp. 225-228). Moscow: Prosveshchenie.
  • Sergeeva, G.P. (2013). Osvoenie tekhnologii prepodavaniya predmeta "Muzyka" v poslediplomnom obrazovanii [Mastering the technologies of teaching the subject "Music" in postgraduate education]: a monograph. Moscow: Triumf, 264 p.
  • Shlykova, I.V. (2016). Innovatsii na urokakh muzyki v mladshikh klassakh obshcheobrazovatelnoi shkoly [Innovations at music lessons in primary general education school]. Analitika kulturologii, 1(34), 94–101.
  • Shoniya, N.T. (2017). Interaktivnyi sposob doneseniya informatsii kak instrument obespecheniya effektivnosti vospriyatiya [Interactive method of getting information across as an instrument of ensuring efficient perception]. Teoriya i praktika sovremennoi nauki, 12(30), 795–799.
  • Suslova, N.V. (2015). Shkolnyi uchebnik po muzyke: etapy evolyutsii [School textbook on music: stages of evolution]. Muzykalnoe iskusstvo i obrazovanie, 3, 159–170.
  • Toropova, A.V. (2016). Muzykalnaya psikhologiya i psikhologiya muzykalnogo obrazovaniya [Musical psychology and psychology of music educaiton]: Uchebnik dlya bakalavriata i magistratury [Textbook for bachelor and master students]. 4th edition, updated and amended. Moscow: Yurait, 246 p.
  • Vakhrusheva, T.Yu. (2008). Teoreticheskie aspekty aktivnykh metodov obucheniya [Theoretical aspects of active education methods]. Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sports, 3, 36–41.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Music
Journal Section Music Education

Marina Pereverzeva 0000-0003-4992-2738

Natalia Anufrieva This is me 0000-0003-4119-9805

Anna Shcherbakova This is me 0000-0001-7371-7211

Elena Kuznetsova This is me 0000-0001-6301-8898

Alena Zharkova This is me 0000-0003-1776-7235

Early Pub Date December 30, 2021
Publication Date December 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Pereverzeva, M., Anufrieva, N., Shcherbakova, A., Kuznetsova, E., et al. (2021). Analysis of research on active music teaching at primary education: The case of Russia. Rast Müzikoloji Dergisi, 9(2), 2739-2756.

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