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Year 2012, Issue: 52, 3 - 43, 01.12.2012


Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin yaygınlaşması ve dünya ekonomisinin küreselleşmesine paralel olarak yüksek bir ulusal rekabet gücü elde etmeye verilen önem gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Bu hedefe ulaşabilmek için öncelikle bu gücün tanımlanması ve bu gücü belirleyen faktörlerin tespit edilmesi gerekmektedir. Ancak literatürde ulusal rekabet gücü kavramı üzerinde hemfikir olunan bir tanımın bulunmadığı görülmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, çalışmada literatürdeki ulusal rekabet gücü ile ilgili tanımlamalar karşılaştırılmış ve değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Bununla birlikte iktisat ve işletme iktisadı teorisyenlerine, ulusal rekabet gücünün ölçümü üzerine çalışmalar yürüten kuruluşlara ve ülkeleri mikro ve makro ekonomik seviyede kriterlerle değerlendiren ve bu özellikleri ile ulusal rekabet gücünün göstergesi veya belirleyicisi olarak nitelendirilebilecek endeksler yayınlayan kurumların metodolojilerine göre ulusal rekabet gücünü belirleyen faktörler incelenmiş ve bunların birbirlerine karşı üstünlükleri karşılaştırılmıştır


  • AIGINGER, K. (2006), “Competitiveness: From a Dangerous Obsession to a
  • Welfare Creating Ability with Positive Externalities”, Journal of International Competitive Trade, No: 6(2), s.161-177. APPLEYARD, D.R. ve A.J. FIELD (1995), International Economics, USA.
  • CHARBAUGH, R.J. (2005), International Economics, Tenth Edition, Thomson South-Western, USA.
  • CHO, D. (1998), “From National Competitiveness To Bloc And Global
  • Competitiveness”, Business Review, No:8(1), s.11-23. CHO, D., H. MOON ve M. YOUNG (2009), “Does One Size Fit All? A Dual
  • Double Diamond Approach to Country-Specific Advantages”, Asian Business & Management, No:8(1), s.83-102. DAVIES, H. ve P. ELLIS (2000), “Porter’s Competitive Advantage Of Nations
  • Time For The Final Judgement?”, Journal of Management Studies, No:37(8), s.1189-1213.
  • DB (Dünya Bankası) (2009), Doing Business 2010,
  • /Annual-Reports/English/DB12-FullReport.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 07.02.2012.
  • DUNNING, J.H. (1992), “The Competitive Advantage of Countries and The Activities of Transnational Corporations”, Transnational Corporations, No:1(1), s. 135-168.
  • DUNNING, J.H. (1996), “The Geographical Sources of the Competitiveness of
  • Firms: Some Results of a New Survey”, Transnational Corporations, No:5(3), s.1-29. DUNNING, J.H. ve S.M. LUNDAN (1998), “The Geographical Sources of
  • Competitiveness of Multinational Enterprises: An Econometric Analysis”, International Business Review, No:7, s.115-133. DURAND, M., J. SIMON ve C. WEBB (1992), “OECD’s Indicators of
  • International Trade and Competitiveness”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No:120. FI (Fraser Institute) (2011), “Annual Report”, Economic Freedom of World,, Erişim Tarihi: 03.02.2012.
  • GRANT, R.M. (1991), “Porter’s Competitive Advantage of Nations’: An
  • Assessment”, Strategic Management Journal, No: 12(7), s.535-548. GROSSMAN, G.M. ve E. HELPMAN (1989), “Quality Ladder and Product
  • Cycles”, Nber Working Paper Series, No:3201, Cambridge.
  • GRUBEL, H.G. ve P.J. LLOYD (1971), “The Empirical Measurement of Intra
  • Industry Trade”, Economic Record, 47 (4), s. 494-517. HF (The Heritage Foundation) (2012), Index of Economic Freedom,, Erişim Tarihi: 05.02.2012.
  • HOFSTEDE, G. (1980), “Motivation, Leadership and Organization: Do
  • American Theories Apply Aboard?”, Organizational Dynamics, Summer, american-theories.pdf, Erişim Tarihi:25.12.2011, s.42-63.
  • IMD (International Institute for Management Development) (2011a)
  • Methodology and Principles of Analysis, , IMD (International Institute for Management Development) (2011b), Frequently Asked Questions,, Erişim Tarihi: 28.11.2011.
  • KARLUK, R. (2002), Uluslararası Ekonomi Teori ve Politika, Beta Basım
  • Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş., İstanbul. KAUFMANN, D., A. KRAAY ve M. MASTRUZZI (2010), “The Worldwide
  • Governance Indicators Methodology and Analytical Issues: Policy Research Working Paper 5430”, The World Bank Development Research Group
  • Macroeconomics and Growth Team, bstractid=1682130&mirid=3, Erişim Tarihi:07.02.2012.
  • KEESING, D.B. (1966), “Labor Skills and Comparative Advantage”, The American Economic Review, No: 56(1/2), s.249-258.
  • KENEN, P.B. (1965), ”Nature, Capital and Trade”, Journal of Political Economy, No:73(5), s.437-460.
  • KETELS, C.H.M. (2006), “Michael Porter’s Competitiveness Framework
  • Recent Learnings and New Research Priorities”, Journal of Industrial Competitive Trade, No: 6(2), s.115-136. KİBRİTÇİOĞLU, A. (1996), “Uluslararası Rekabet Gücüne Kavramsal Bir
  • Yaklaşım”,, Erişim Tarihi: 19.09.2009.
  • KRUGMAN, P.R. (1979a), “A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income”, The Journal of Economy, No: 87(2), s.253
  • KRUGMAN, P.R. (1979b), “Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition and International Trade”, Journal of International Economics, No:9, s.469-479.
  • KRUGMAN, P.R. (1980), “Scale Economies, Product Differentiation and the Pattern of Trade”, The American Economic Review, No:70(5), s.950-959.
  • KRUGMAN, P.R. (1981), “Intraindustry Specialization and the Gains from
  • Trade”, Journal of Political Economy, No:89(5), s.959-973. KRUGMAN, P.R. (1994), “Competitiveness: A Dangerous Obsession”, Foreign
  • Affairs, March/April 1994, No:23(2), s.28-44.
  • KRUGMAN, P.R. ve M. OBSTFELD (2009), International Economics Theory and Policy, Eight Edition, Pearson, Boston.
  • LAI, E. L.C. (1995), “The Product Cycle and the World Distribution of Income.
  • A reformulation”, Journal of International Economics, No:39(3/4), s.369-382. LINDER, S.B. (1961), An Essay on Trade and Transformation, John Wiley &
  • Sons Ltd., Almquist-Wiksell, Stockholm. MARKUSEN, J.R., J.R. MELVIN, W.H. KAEMPFER ve K.E. MASKUS (1995), International Trade, Theory and Evidence, McGraw-Hill, USA.
  • MARSHALL, A. (1890), Principles of Economics, Library of Economics and Liberty,, Erişim Tarihi: 20.11.2011.
  • MOON, H.C., A.M. RUGMAN ve A. VERBEKE (1998), “A Generalized
  • Double Diamond Approach to the Global Competitiveness of Korea and Singapore”, International Business Review, No:7, s.135-150. OHLIN, B. (1933), Interregional and International Trade, Cambridge, Harvard
  • University Press. Revised version published in 1968.
  • O'SHAUGHNESSY, N.J. (1997), “The Idea of Competitive Advantage and The Ideas of Michael Porter”, Strategic Change, Cilt: 6, s.73-83.
  • O'SHAUGHNESSY, N.J. (1996), “Michael Porter’s Competitive Advantage
  • Revisited”, Management Decision, No: 34(6), s.12-20. PORTER, M.E. (1990a), The Competitive Advantage of Nations, MacMillan, China.
  • PORTER, M.E. (1990b), “The Competitive Advantage of Nations”, Harvard
  • Business Review, March-April, s.73-91. POSNER, M.V. (1961) “International trade and technical change”. Oxford
  • Economic Papers, No 13, s. 323-341. RICARDO, D. (1817), On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
  • Library of Economics and Liberty,, Erişim Tarihi:21.11.2011.
  • RUGMAN, A.M. ve J.R. D’CRUZ (1993), “The Double Diamond Model of
  • International Competitiveness: The Canadian Experience”, Management International Review, No:33, Special Issue, s.17-39. SALVATORE, D. (1990), Theory and Problems of International Economics
  • Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, USA. SIGGEL, E. (2007), “International Competitiveness and Comparative
  • Advantage: A Survery and a Proposal for Measurement”,, Erişim Tarihi: 09.11.2010.
  • SMIT, A.J. (2010), “The Competitive Advantage of Nations: Is Porter’s
  • Diamond Framework a New Theory That Explains The International Competitiveness of Countries”, Southern African Business Review, No:14(1), s.105-130. SMITH, A. (1776), An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
  • Nations, Edwin Cannan, ed. 1904. Library of Economics and Liberty,, Erişim Tarihi: 21.11.2011.
  • TI (Transparency International) (2005), Corruption Perceptions Index, pdf, Erişim Tarihi:06.02.2012.
  • UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2011), Human Development
  • Report,, Erişim Tarihi: 31.01.2012.
  • UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (1992), Human Development
  • Report,, Erişim Tarihi: 18.06.2010.
  • VAN DEN BOSCH, F.A.J. ve A.A. VAN PROOIJEN (1992), “The Competitive
  • Advantage of European Nations: The Impact of National Culture - a Missing Element in Porter’s Analysis?”, European Management Journal, No:10(2), s.173-177. VERNON, R. (1966), “International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, s.190-207.
  • WALTER, E.B. (1991), “Economic Freedom: Toward a Theory of Measurement”, heoryofMeasurement.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 20.06.2010.
  • WEF (World Economic Forum) (2006), The Global Competitiveness Report 2007,
  • WEF (World Economic Forum) (2011), The Global Competitiveness Report 2012,, Erişim Tarihi: 25.11.2011.
  • YETTON P., J. CRAIG, J. DAVIS ve F. HILMER (1992), “Are Diamonds a
  • Country’s Best Friend? A Critique of Porter’s Theory of National Competition as Applied to Canada, New Zeland and Australia”, Australian Journal of Management, No: 17(1), s.89-119. YÜKSELER, Z. (2005), “Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları ve İş/Yatırım
  • Ortamı İlişkisi”, YabanciSermaye.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 30.06.2010.


Year 2012, Issue: 52, 3 - 43, 01.12.2012


Giving importance to getting a high national competitiveness is increasing day by day in parallel with spreading information and communication technologies and globalization of the world economy. To accomplish this goal, firstly the concept of national competitiveness and factors determining competitiveness must be identified. However there is no consensus in literature about this concept. Accordingly, in this study definitions of the competitiveness in literature are compared and evaluated. Besides, factors determining the competitiveness are examined according to economics and business economics theoricians, institutions which conduct studies on the measurement of national competitiveness and methodologies of the institutions, publish indexes which can be described as an indicator or determinator of the national competitiveness. Because these indexes are evaluating countries with micro and macro economic criteria. Then the advantages of these factor are compared against each other


  • AIGINGER, K. (2006), “Competitiveness: From a Dangerous Obsession to a
  • Welfare Creating Ability with Positive Externalities”, Journal of International Competitive Trade, No: 6(2), s.161-177. APPLEYARD, D.R. ve A.J. FIELD (1995), International Economics, USA.
  • CHARBAUGH, R.J. (2005), International Economics, Tenth Edition, Thomson South-Western, USA.
  • CHO, D. (1998), “From National Competitiveness To Bloc And Global
  • Competitiveness”, Business Review, No:8(1), s.11-23. CHO, D., H. MOON ve M. YOUNG (2009), “Does One Size Fit All? A Dual
  • Double Diamond Approach to Country-Specific Advantages”, Asian Business & Management, No:8(1), s.83-102. DAVIES, H. ve P. ELLIS (2000), “Porter’s Competitive Advantage Of Nations
  • Time For The Final Judgement?”, Journal of Management Studies, No:37(8), s.1189-1213.
  • DB (Dünya Bankası) (2009), Doing Business 2010,
  • /Annual-Reports/English/DB12-FullReport.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 07.02.2012.
  • DUNNING, J.H. (1992), “The Competitive Advantage of Countries and The Activities of Transnational Corporations”, Transnational Corporations, No:1(1), s. 135-168.
  • DUNNING, J.H. (1996), “The Geographical Sources of the Competitiveness of
  • Firms: Some Results of a New Survey”, Transnational Corporations, No:5(3), s.1-29. DUNNING, J.H. ve S.M. LUNDAN (1998), “The Geographical Sources of
  • Competitiveness of Multinational Enterprises: An Econometric Analysis”, International Business Review, No:7, s.115-133. DURAND, M., J. SIMON ve C. WEBB (1992), “OECD’s Indicators of
  • International Trade and Competitiveness”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No:120. FI (Fraser Institute) (2011), “Annual Report”, Economic Freedom of World,, Erişim Tarihi: 03.02.2012.
  • GRANT, R.M. (1991), “Porter’s Competitive Advantage of Nations’: An
  • Assessment”, Strategic Management Journal, No: 12(7), s.535-548. GROSSMAN, G.M. ve E. HELPMAN (1989), “Quality Ladder and Product
  • Cycles”, Nber Working Paper Series, No:3201, Cambridge.
  • GRUBEL, H.G. ve P.J. LLOYD (1971), “The Empirical Measurement of Intra
  • Industry Trade”, Economic Record, 47 (4), s. 494-517. HF (The Heritage Foundation) (2012), Index of Economic Freedom,, Erişim Tarihi: 05.02.2012.
  • HOFSTEDE, G. (1980), “Motivation, Leadership and Organization: Do
  • American Theories Apply Aboard?”, Organizational Dynamics, Summer, american-theories.pdf, Erişim Tarihi:25.12.2011, s.42-63.
  • IMD (International Institute for Management Development) (2011a)
  • Methodology and Principles of Analysis, , IMD (International Institute for Management Development) (2011b), Frequently Asked Questions,, Erişim Tarihi: 28.11.2011.
  • KARLUK, R. (2002), Uluslararası Ekonomi Teori ve Politika, Beta Basım
  • Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş., İstanbul. KAUFMANN, D., A. KRAAY ve M. MASTRUZZI (2010), “The Worldwide
  • Governance Indicators Methodology and Analytical Issues: Policy Research Working Paper 5430”, The World Bank Development Research Group
  • Macroeconomics and Growth Team, bstractid=1682130&mirid=3, Erişim Tarihi:07.02.2012.
  • KEESING, D.B. (1966), “Labor Skills and Comparative Advantage”, The American Economic Review, No: 56(1/2), s.249-258.
  • KENEN, P.B. (1965), ”Nature, Capital and Trade”, Journal of Political Economy, No:73(5), s.437-460.
  • KETELS, C.H.M. (2006), “Michael Porter’s Competitiveness Framework
  • Recent Learnings and New Research Priorities”, Journal of Industrial Competitive Trade, No: 6(2), s.115-136. KİBRİTÇİOĞLU, A. (1996), “Uluslararası Rekabet Gücüne Kavramsal Bir
  • Yaklaşım”,, Erişim Tarihi: 19.09.2009.
  • KRUGMAN, P.R. (1979a), “A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income”, The Journal of Economy, No: 87(2), s.253
  • KRUGMAN, P.R. (1979b), “Increasing Returns, Monopolistic Competition and International Trade”, Journal of International Economics, No:9, s.469-479.
  • KRUGMAN, P.R. (1980), “Scale Economies, Product Differentiation and the Pattern of Trade”, The American Economic Review, No:70(5), s.950-959.
  • KRUGMAN, P.R. (1981), “Intraindustry Specialization and the Gains from
  • Trade”, Journal of Political Economy, No:89(5), s.959-973. KRUGMAN, P.R. (1994), “Competitiveness: A Dangerous Obsession”, Foreign
  • Affairs, March/April 1994, No:23(2), s.28-44.
  • KRUGMAN, P.R. ve M. OBSTFELD (2009), International Economics Theory and Policy, Eight Edition, Pearson, Boston.
  • LAI, E. L.C. (1995), “The Product Cycle and the World Distribution of Income.
  • A reformulation”, Journal of International Economics, No:39(3/4), s.369-382. LINDER, S.B. (1961), An Essay on Trade and Transformation, John Wiley &
  • Sons Ltd., Almquist-Wiksell, Stockholm. MARKUSEN, J.R., J.R. MELVIN, W.H. KAEMPFER ve K.E. MASKUS (1995), International Trade, Theory and Evidence, McGraw-Hill, USA.
  • MARSHALL, A. (1890), Principles of Economics, Library of Economics and Liberty,, Erişim Tarihi: 20.11.2011.
  • MOON, H.C., A.M. RUGMAN ve A. VERBEKE (1998), “A Generalized
  • Double Diamond Approach to the Global Competitiveness of Korea and Singapore”, International Business Review, No:7, s.135-150. OHLIN, B. (1933), Interregional and International Trade, Cambridge, Harvard
  • University Press. Revised version published in 1968.
  • O'SHAUGHNESSY, N.J. (1997), “The Idea of Competitive Advantage and The Ideas of Michael Porter”, Strategic Change, Cilt: 6, s.73-83.
  • O'SHAUGHNESSY, N.J. (1996), “Michael Porter’s Competitive Advantage
  • Revisited”, Management Decision, No: 34(6), s.12-20. PORTER, M.E. (1990a), The Competitive Advantage of Nations, MacMillan, China.
  • PORTER, M.E. (1990b), “The Competitive Advantage of Nations”, Harvard
  • Business Review, March-April, s.73-91. POSNER, M.V. (1961) “International trade and technical change”. Oxford
  • Economic Papers, No 13, s. 323-341. RICARDO, D. (1817), On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
  • Library of Economics and Liberty,, Erişim Tarihi:21.11.2011.
  • RUGMAN, A.M. ve J.R. D’CRUZ (1993), “The Double Diamond Model of
  • International Competitiveness: The Canadian Experience”, Management International Review, No:33, Special Issue, s.17-39. SALVATORE, D. (1990), Theory and Problems of International Economics
  • Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, USA. SIGGEL, E. (2007), “International Competitiveness and Comparative
  • Advantage: A Survery and a Proposal for Measurement”,, Erişim Tarihi: 09.11.2010.
  • SMIT, A.J. (2010), “The Competitive Advantage of Nations: Is Porter’s
  • Diamond Framework a New Theory That Explains The International Competitiveness of Countries”, Southern African Business Review, No:14(1), s.105-130. SMITH, A. (1776), An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of
  • Nations, Edwin Cannan, ed. 1904. Library of Economics and Liberty,, Erişim Tarihi: 21.11.2011.
  • TI (Transparency International) (2005), Corruption Perceptions Index, pdf, Erişim Tarihi:06.02.2012.
  • UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (2011), Human Development
  • Report,, Erişim Tarihi: 31.01.2012.
  • UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (1992), Human Development
  • Report,, Erişim Tarihi: 18.06.2010.
  • VAN DEN BOSCH, F.A.J. ve A.A. VAN PROOIJEN (1992), “The Competitive
  • Advantage of European Nations: The Impact of National Culture - a Missing Element in Porter’s Analysis?”, European Management Journal, No:10(2), s.173-177. VERNON, R. (1966), “International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May, s.190-207.
  • WALTER, E.B. (1991), “Economic Freedom: Toward a Theory of Measurement”, heoryofMeasurement.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 20.06.2010.
  • WEF (World Economic Forum) (2006), The Global Competitiveness Report 2007,
  • WEF (World Economic Forum) (2011), The Global Competitiveness Report 2012,, Erişim Tarihi: 25.11.2011.
  • YETTON P., J. CRAIG, J. DAVIS ve F. HILMER (1992), “Are Diamonds a
  • Country’s Best Friend? A Critique of Porter’s Theory of National Competition as Applied to Canada, New Zeland and Australia”, Australian Journal of Management, No: 17(1), s.89-119. YÜKSELER, Z. (2005), “Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımları ve İş/Yatırım
  • Ortamı İlişkisi”, YabanciSermaye.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 30.06.2010.
There are 73 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Seyit Muharrem Gökmenoğlu This is me

Mustafa Akal This is me

Remzi Altunışık This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Issue: 52


APA Gökmenoğlu, S. M., Akal, M., & Altunışık, R. (2012). ULUSAL REKABET GÜCÜNÜ BELİRLEYEN FAKTÖRLER ÜZERİNE DEĞERLENDİRMELER. Rekabet Dergisi(52), 3-43.