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Yıl 2011, Sayı: 46, 165 - 228, 01.06.2011


Görsel içeriğe sahip DVD’ler, 21. yüzyıl ev eğlenceleri arasında hızlı bir yükseliş göstermiş ve Betamax, VHS, VCD gibi medya formatlarını geride bırakarak, dünya çapında çok yüksek satış rakamlarına ulaşmıştır. DVD’lerin yakaladığı bu başarının nedenlerinden biri de önceki medya formatlarında bulunmayan “bölge kodu koruması” adlı bir sistemdir. Bu koruma sonucu DVD’ler sadece kendileri için tasarlanmış bölge koduna uygun bir oynatıcı cihazda çalıştırılabilmekte, farklı bir bölge koduyla donatılmış oynatıcı cihazlarda vermemektedirler. Hollywood menşeli film şirketlerinin geliştirdiği ve DVD format ve logosunu ürünlerinde kullanabilmek için DVD oynatıcı cihaz üreticilerinin de lisans sözleşmeleri vasıtasıyla benimsemek durumunda kaldıkları bölge kodu korumasıyla dünya, coğrafi koşulların gerektirdiği hiçbir gerekçe bulunmadan, altı farklı bölgeye ayrılmıştır. Fiyat ayrımcılığı, ürün farklılaştırması ve telif hakları gibi iktisadi gerekçelerle gerçekleştirilen bu uygulamayla film şirketleri; dünya çapında sinema salonlarının varlıklarını devam ettirebilmelerinin sağlanabildiğini, filmlerin gösterime girmiş ülkelerden DVD’lerinin engellenebildiğini ve filmler için getirilen sınıflandırma ve yaş sınırlamalarını içeren ulusal standartlara tam uyum sağlanabildiğini iddia etmektedirler. Henüz hiçbir rekabet otoritesi ya da mahkeme kararı ile bir rekabet ihlali olduğu kanıtlanmamış olsa da, bölge kodu korumasının önünde pazar, bölge ve müşteri paylaşımı, serbest ticaretin kısıtlanması, paralel ithalatın engellenmesi ve haksız rekabet olmak üzere birtakım yasal sorunların olduğu görülmektedir


  • ACCC (2000), “Consumers in dark about DVD imports”, , Erişim Tarihi: 09.01.2010.
  • ACCC (2002), “Consumer Express July 2002”, , Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2010.
  • AREZZO, E. (2009), “Video Games and Consoles between Copyright and Technical Protection Measures”, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, No: 40(1), s.85-95.
  • BELL, I. (2004), “Console Mod-chips Ruled Legal in Spain”, Digital Trends 04.2004, legal-in-spain/>, Erişim Tarihi: 23.01.2011.
  • BELLAMY, C. ve CHILD, G. (2008), European Community Law of
  • Competition, 6th Edition, Oxford University Press, Great Britain. CARLTON, D. W. ve PERLOFF, J.M. (2005), Modern Industrial Organization, th Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley Press, USA.
  • CHRIST, J. P. ve SLOWAK A.P. (2009), “Why Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD is not
  • VHS vs. Betamax: The Co-Evolution of Standard-Setting Consortia”, FZID Discussion Papers, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.02.2011.
  • CORNISH W. R. ve LLEWELYN, D. (2007), Intellectual Property: Patents
  • Copyright, Trade Marks & Allied Rights, 6th Edition, Sweet&Maxwell, London. CRAIG, P. ve DE BURCA, G. (2003), EU Law Texts Cases and Materials, 3rd
  • Edition, Oxford University Press, Great Britain. CRAMPES, C., ENCAOUA, D. ve HOLLANDER, A. (2005), “Competition and Intellectual Property in The European Union”, , Erişim Tarihi: 18.01.2010.
  • DEMTSCHYNA, M. (2000), “Regional Code Enhancement and what it means for you when buying a DVD player”
  • RegionalCodeEnhancement/RCE.asp>, Erişim Tarihi: 04.01.2010.
  • DUNT, E., GANS, J.S. ve KING, S.P. (2001), The Economic Consequences of
  • DVD Regional Restrictions, Library of University of Melbourne, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.08.2010.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2008), Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry
  • Preliminary Report, DG Competition Staff Working Paper, , Erişim Tarihi: 22.01.2011.
  • FAULL, J. ve NIKPAY, A. (2007), The EC Law of Competition, 2nd Edition
  • Oxford University Press, Great Britain. FITZSIMMONS, C. (2001), “Restricting DVD's illegal: ACCC”, The Australian 03.2001
  • Wentries02/C1CaitlinFitzsimmons.htm>, Erişim Tarihi: 08.01.2010.
  • GERADIN, D. ve PETIT, N. (2006), “Price Discrimination under EC
  • Competition Law: Another Antitrust Doctrine in Search of Limiting Principles?”, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, No: 2(3), s. 479-531. GERARD, D. (2005), “Price Discrimination under Article 82(c) EC: Clearing up the Ambiguities”, D. Geradin (der.) GCLC Research Papers on Article 82 EC içinde s. 105-133.
  • GOLDSTEIN, P. ve EDMUND W. K. (2003), Unfair Competition, Trademark
  • Copyright, and Patent, Foundation Press, New York. GONZALEZ, A.G. (2002), “Trouble with Prime Numbers: DeCSS, DVD and the Protection of Proprietary Encryption Tools”, Journal of Information, Law and Technology, No: 3, Erişim Tarihi: 28.01.2011.
  • GOVAERE, I. (1996), The Use and Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights in EC
  • Law, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., Great Britain. GÜÇER, S. (2005), Rekabet Hukukunda Hakim Durumun Kötüye Kullanılması
  • Çerçevesinde Sınai Mülkiyet Hakları, Rekabet Kurumu Lisansüstü Tez Serisi No: 13, Ankara. HANSSEN, H.S. (2004), “Hollywood puts 3 Baltic countries into a ‘Second
  • Class’ of the European Union - or Hollywood does not recognize EU’s single market from May First 2004”
  • _id=1105673>, Erişim Tarihi: 26.10.2009.
  • HARRISON, L. ve SMITH, T. (2000), “Tesco slams ‘unnecessary’ DVD zoning”, The Register 21.02.2000, , Erişim Tarihi: 14.01.2010.
  • HU, B. (2007), “Closed Borders and Open Secrets: Regional Lockout, the Film
  • Industry, and Code-Free DVD Players”, Mediascape: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, UCLA, , Erişim Tarihi: 12.01.2010.
  • ILICAK, A. (2009), “ABD ve Avrupa Birliği Hukuku Işığında Dikey
  • Anlaşmaların İktisadi Analizi”, K.C. Sanlı (der.), Rekabet Hukuku ve Dikey Anlaşmalar, XII Levha Yayınları, İstanbul içinde s. 41-74. JONES, A. ve SUFRIN, B. (2010), EC Competition Law: Text, Cases and Materials, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, Great Britain.
  • JONES, R. (2000), “Parallel Imports & Intellectual Property Restraints: The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission’s Perspective”, United
  • Nations Regional Seminar on Competition Law and Policy for Asia-Pacific, , Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2010.
  • JONES, R. (2001), “Difficulties between the pro-competitive community and Intellectual Property”, Queensland Law Society Seminar, Barisbane
  • Erişim tarihi: 09.01.2010.
  • KAYHAN, F. (2000), “Türk Marka Hukuku Açısından Paralel İthalat ve Marka
  • Hakkının Tükenmesi, FMR, No:1(1), s.51-71. KEKEVİ, H.G. (2008), ABD, AB ve Türk Rekabet Hukukunda Kartellerle
  • Mücadele, Rekabet Kurumu Yayınları Lisansüstü Tez Serisi No: 15, Ankara. KILIAN, W. (2008), Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht, 3. Auflage, Verlag C.H. Beck, München.
  • KORAH, V. ve O’SULLIVAN, D. (2002), Distribution Agreements Under the EC Competition Rules, Hart Publishing, Oxford.
  • LANGE, A. ve NEWMAN-BAUDAIS, S. (2003), The Fragmented Universe of
  • Film Distribution Companies in Europe, European Audiovisual Observatory, Distribution of Foreign Films Workshop, 29-31 August 2003, Erişim tarihi: 29.07.2010.
  • LUH, J.C. (2001), “Breaking Down DVD Borders”, Washington Post 06.2001, , Erişim Tarihi: 08.01.2010.
  • MACCULLOCH, A. (2005), “Game Over: the ‘Region Lock’ in Video Games”
  • European Intellectual Property Review, No:27(5), s.176-183. McCORMICK J. (1999), The European Union Politics and Policies, 2nd
  • Edition, Westview Press, London. MESTMÄCKER, Wettbewerbsrecht, 2. Auflage, Verlag C.H. Beck, München. ve SCHWEITZER, H. (2004), Europäisches
  • MONTI, G. (2007), EC Competition Law, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain.
  • MONTI, M. (2001), “Content, Competition and Consumers: Innovation and Choice”, Third European Competition Day, Stockholm, rmat=PDF&aged=1&language=EN&guiLanguage=en>, Erişim Tarihi: 12.01.2010.
  • MPAA (2010), Theatrical Market Statistics, Erişim Tarihi: 15.02.2011.
  • MURPHY, G. (2000), “Who’s Wearing the Sunglasses Now?”, European
  • Competition Law Review, No: 21(1), s.1-6. O’DONOGHUE, R. ve PADILLA, A. J. (2006), The Law and Economics of
  • Article 82 EC, Hart Publishing. ÖZKAN, A.F. ve AYGÜN, E. (2010), “Rekabet Kurulu'nun Anten AŞ. Kararı ve Regülasyon Perspektifinden Türkiye'de Karasal Dijital Televizyon
  • Yayıncılığı”, Legal Fikri ve Sınai Haklar Dergisi, No:6(22), s. 405-434. POSNER, R. (2001), Antitrust Law, 2nd Edition, University of Chicago Press, USA.
  • REKABET KURUMU (2010), Rekabet Terimleri Sözlüğü, 3. Baskı, Ankara.
  • RITTER, L. ve BRAUN, W.D. (2004), European Competition Law: A
  • Practitioner’s Guide, 3rd Edition, Kluwer Law International, Great Britain. ROBINSON, A. (2002), “‘Mod chipped’ Despatched with Additional
  • Damages”, Entertainment Law Review, No:13(4), s. 83-86. ROTCHILD, J. (2005), “Economic Analysis of Technological Protection
  • Measures”, Oregon Law Review, No: 84, , Erişim Tarihi: 06.02.2011, s. 489-562.
  • SANCAK, M. (2008), “Blu-ray, çarpışmayı kazandı ama asıl savaşı kaybedecek”, Sabah 24.02.2008.
  • SANDERS, A.K. (1997), Unfair Competition Law, Claredon Press Oxford, USA.
  • SANLI, K.C. (2000), Rekabetin Korunması Hakkındaki Kanun’da Öngörülen
  • Yasaklayıcı Hükümler ve Bu Hükümlere Aykırı Sözleşme ve Teşebbüs Birliği Kararlarının Geçersizliği, Rekabet Kurumu Yayınları Lisansüstü Tez Serisi No: , Ankara. SEVILLE, C. (2009), “Publication Review: ‘Parallel Trade in Europe
  • Intellectual Property, Competition and Regulatory Law’”, European Intellectual Property Review, No: 31(12), s. 636-637. SMITH, T. (2001), “DVD Forum to stamp out region-crackable players”, The Register 24.07.2001, , Erişim Tarihi: 14.01.2010.
  • SMITH, T. (2004), “Italian court rules mod chips legal”, The Register 24
  • January 2004, , Erişim Tarihi: 12.02.2011.
  • SPULBER, D.F. (2008), “Unlocking Technology: Antitrust and Innovation”
  • Journal of Competition Law and Economics, No:4(4), s.915-966. STOLE, L.A. (2007), “Price Discrimination and Competition”, M. Armstrong and R.H. Porter (der.), Handbook of Industrial Organization Vol 3 içinde s. 2224-2299.
  • STOTHERS, C. (2007), Parallel Trade in Europe: Intellectual Property
  • Competition and Regulatory Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford. SWEETING, P. (2001), “Probes into regional DVD imperils studio strategy”, Variety categoryid=1001&cs=1>, Erişim Tarihi: 14.01.2010.
  • U.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE (2003), “Rulemaking Hearing: Exemptions from
  • Prohibitions on Circumvention of Technological Measures that Control Access to transcript-may15.pdf>, Erişim Tarihi: 19.01.2010.
  • U.S. COPYRIGHT OFFICE (2006), “The Recommendation of the Register of
  • Copyrights: Rulemaking on Exemptions from Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies”, , Erişim Tarihi: 19.01.2010.
  • VINELLI, R. (2009), “Bringing Down the Walls: How Technology Is Being
  • Used to Thwart Parallel Importers Amid the International Confusion Concerning Exhaustion of Rights”, Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law, No: 17(1), s.101-136. VISCUSI, W. K., HARRINGTON JR., J. E. ve VERNON, J. M. (2005)
  • Economics of Regulation and Antitrust, 4th Revised Edition, MIT Press, USA. WHISH, R. (2008), Competition Law, 6th Edition, Oxford University Press, Great Britain.
  • Adalet Divanı Kararları • Case 24/67 Parke Davis Co. v Probel and Centrafarm [1968] ECR 55.
  • • Case 27/76 United Brands Company v Commission [1978] ECR 207.
  • Case 56/65 Société Technique Miniére v Maschinenbau Ulm [1976] ECR
  • • Case 61/97 Foreningen Af Danske Videogramdistributİrer v Laserdisken ECR I-5171.
  • • Case 78/70 Deutsche Grammaphon v Metro [1971] ECR 487.
  • • Case 119/75 Terrapin Ltd v Terranova Industrie C. A. Kapferer and Co ECR 1039.
  • • Case 158/86 Warner Bros and Metronome Video ApS v Christiansen [1988] ECR 2605.
  • • Case 260/09 Activision Blizzard Germany GmbH v Commission [2011]
  • (henüz yayımlanmamıştır). • Case 479/04 Laserdisken ApS v Kulturministeriet [2006] ECR I-8089.
  • • Joined Cases 55 and 57/80 Musik-Vertried Membran GmbH v GEMA [1981] ECR 147.
  • • Joined Cases 56 and 58/64 Consten and Grundig v Commission [1966] ECR
  • • Joined Cases 60 and 61/84 Cinéthéque v Fédération Nationale des Cinémas Français [1985] ECR 2605.
  • • Joined Cases 89, 104, 114, 116, 117, and 125-9/95 Ahlström Oy v Commission (Wood Pulp) [1988] ECR 5193.
  • • Joined Cases 92 and 326/92 Phil Collins v Imtrat, and Patricia and Leif Emanuel Kraul v EMI Electrola [1993] ECR I-1985.
  • • Joined Cases 414 and 416/99 Zino Davidoff SA v A&G Imports Ltd and Levi Strauss & Co. v Tesco Stores Ltd [2001] ECR I-8961. Komisyon Kararları
  • • Case lV/35.733-VW, [1998] OJ L 124/60
  • Amerikan Temyiz Mahkemesi Kararları • Universal City Studios v Reimerdes 273 F.3d 429 (2d Cir. 2001)
  • Amerikan Bölge Mahkemesi Kararları • Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. v GameMasters 87 F. Supp. 2d (N.D. Cal. 1999)
  • İngiliz Temyiz Mahkemesi Kararları Competition Commission v BAA Ltd & Anor [2010] EWCA Civ 1097
  • İngiliz Yüksek Mahkemesi Kararları • Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. v Owen [2002] EWHC 45 (Ch); [2002] E.C.D.R. 27 (Ch D)
  • • Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. v Ball [2004] EWHC 1738 (Ch)
  • Rekabet Kurulu Kararları • 00-44/472-257 sayı ve 06.11.2000 tarihli Police, Sting ve Vogart Kararı
  • • 07-19/192-63 sayı ve 08.03.2007 tarihli Warner Bros Kararı
  • • 10-44/765-248 sayı ve 17.06.2010 tarihli United International Pictures (UIP) Kararı


Yıl 2011, Sayı: 46, 165 - 228, 01.06.2011


Nothing has impacted the home entertainment in 21st century quite like DVDs, by leaving behind the older media formats like Betamax, VHS, VCD and reaching tremendous amounts of worldwide sales. However, one reason behind the success of DVDs, inter alia, comes from its unique system called “region code protection”. As a consequence of this protection, DVDs shall only be played in a player that complies with their region code and does not allow access to their content when attempted to be played in players having a different region code. Developed by Hollywood based film studios and undertaken to be adopted by DVD player manufacturers through their license agreements, the world is divided into six major regions, in a way that lacks any geographical justification. Price discrimination, product differentiation and copyright comprise the economical grounds of region protection, with whose help the film studios contend that the cinemas are able to carry on their business, the theatrical exhibition of a film which has not yet been released in cinemas across that country is able to be prevented from imported DVDs and compliance with classification and age restriction standards is perfectly achieved. Although nothing has yet been proven before a competition authority or a court; region code protection amounts to the legal issues like market, territory and customer sharing, restriction of free trade, hindering of parallel import and unfair competition


  • ACCC (2000), “Consumers in dark about DVD imports”, , Erişim Tarihi: 09.01.2010.
  • ACCC (2002), “Consumer Express July 2002”, , Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2010.
  • AREZZO, E. (2009), “Video Games and Consoles between Copyright and Technical Protection Measures”, International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, No: 40(1), s.85-95.
  • BELL, I. (2004), “Console Mod-chips Ruled Legal in Spain”, Digital Trends 04.2004, legal-in-spain/>, Erişim Tarihi: 23.01.2011.
  • BELLAMY, C. ve CHILD, G. (2008), European Community Law of
  • Competition, 6th Edition, Oxford University Press, Great Britain. CARLTON, D. W. ve PERLOFF, J.M. (2005), Modern Industrial Organization, th Edition, Pearson Addison Wesley Press, USA.
  • CHRIST, J. P. ve SLOWAK A.P. (2009), “Why Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD is not
  • VHS vs. Betamax: The Co-Evolution of Standard-Setting Consortia”, FZID Discussion Papers, , Erişim Tarihi: 02.02.2011.
  • CORNISH W. R. ve LLEWELYN, D. (2007), Intellectual Property: Patents
  • Copyright, Trade Marks & Allied Rights, 6th Edition, Sweet&Maxwell, London. CRAIG, P. ve DE BURCA, G. (2003), EU Law Texts Cases and Materials, 3rd
  • Edition, Oxford University Press, Great Britain. CRAMPES, C., ENCAOUA, D. ve HOLLANDER, A. (2005), “Competition and Intellectual Property in The European Union”, , Erişim Tarihi: 18.01.2010.
  • DEMTSCHYNA, M. (2000), “Regional Code Enhancement and what it means for you when buying a DVD player”
  • RegionalCodeEnhancement/RCE.asp>, Erişim Tarihi: 04.01.2010.
  • DUNT, E., GANS, J.S. ve KING, S.P. (2001), The Economic Consequences of
  • DVD Regional Restrictions, Library of University of Melbourne, , Erişim Tarihi: 21.08.2010.
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2008), Pharmaceutical Sector Inquiry
  • Preliminary Report, DG Competition Staff Working Paper, , Erişim Tarihi: 22.01.2011.
  • FAULL, J. ve NIKPAY, A. (2007), The EC Law of Competition, 2nd Edition
  • Oxford University Press, Great Britain. FITZSIMMONS, C. (2001), “Restricting DVD's illegal: ACCC”, The Australian 03.2001
  • Wentries02/C1CaitlinFitzsimmons.htm>, Erişim Tarihi: 08.01.2010.
  • GERADIN, D. ve PETIT, N. (2006), “Price Discrimination under EC
  • Competition Law: Another Antitrust Doctrine in Search of Limiting Principles?”, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, No: 2(3), s. 479-531. GERARD, D. (2005), “Price Discrimination under Article 82(c) EC: Clearing up the Ambiguities”, D. Geradin (der.) GCLC Research Papers on Article 82 EC içinde s. 105-133.
  • GOLDSTEIN, P. ve EDMUND W. K. (2003), Unfair Competition, Trademark
  • Copyright, and Patent, Foundation Press, New York. GONZALEZ, A.G. (2002), “Trouble with Prime Numbers: DeCSS, DVD and the Protection of Proprietary Encryption Tools”, Journal of Information, Law and Technology, No: 3, Erişim Tarihi: 28.01.2011.
  • GOVAERE, I. (1996), The Use and Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights in EC
  • Law, Sweet & Maxwell Ltd., Great Britain. GÜÇER, S. (2005), Rekabet Hukukunda Hakim Durumun Kötüye Kullanılması
  • Çerçevesinde Sınai Mülkiyet Hakları, Rekabet Kurumu Lisansüstü Tez Serisi No: 13, Ankara. HANSSEN, H.S. (2004), “Hollywood puts 3 Baltic countries into a ‘Second
  • Class’ of the European Union - or Hollywood does not recognize EU’s single market from May First 2004”
  • _id=1105673>, Erişim Tarihi: 26.10.2009.
  • HARRISON, L. ve SMITH, T. (2000), “Tesco slams ‘unnecessary’ DVD zoning”, The Register 21.02.2000, , Erişim Tarihi: 14.01.2010.
  • HU, B. (2007), “Closed Borders and Open Secrets: Regional Lockout, the Film
  • Industry, and Code-Free DVD Players”, Mediascape: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, UCLA, , Erişim Tarihi: 12.01.2010.
  • ILICAK, A. (2009), “ABD ve Avrupa Birliği Hukuku Işığında Dikey
  • Anlaşmaların İktisadi Analizi”, K.C. Sanlı (der.), Rekabet Hukuku ve Dikey Anlaşmalar, XII Levha Yayınları, İstanbul içinde s. 41-74. JONES, A. ve SUFRIN, B. (2010), EC Competition Law: Text, Cases and Materials, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, Great Britain.
  • JONES, R. (2000), “Parallel Imports & Intellectual Property Restraints: The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission’s Perspective”, United
  • Nations Regional Seminar on Competition Law and Policy for Asia-Pacific, , Erişim Tarihi: 11.01.2010.
  • JONES, R. (2001), “Difficulties between the pro-competitive community and Intellectual Property”, Queensland Law Society Seminar, Barisbane
  • Erişim tarihi: 09.01.2010.
  • KAYHAN, F. (2000), “Türk Marka Hukuku Açısından Paralel İthalat ve Marka
  • Hakkının Tükenmesi, FMR, No:1(1), s.51-71. KEKEVİ, H.G. (2008), ABD, AB ve Türk Rekabet Hukukunda Kartellerle
  • Mücadele, Rekabet Kurumu Yayınları Lisansüstü Tez Serisi No: 15, Ankara. KILIAN, W. (2008), Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht, 3. Auflage, Verlag C.H. Beck, München.
  • KORAH, V. ve O’SULLIVAN, D. (2002), Distribution Agreements Under the EC Competition Rules, Hart Publishing, Oxford.
  • LANGE, A. ve NEWMAN-BAUDAIS, S. (2003), The Fragmented Universe of
  • Film Distribution Companies in Europe, European Audiovisual Observatory, Distribution of Foreign Films Workshop, 29-31 August 2003, Erişim tarihi: 29.07.2010.
  • LUH, J.C. (2001), “Breaking Down DVD Borders”, Washington Post 06.2001, , Erişim Tarihi: 08.01.2010.
  • MACCULLOCH, A. (2005), “Game Over: the ‘Region Lock’ in Video Games”
  • European Intellectual Property Review, No:27(5), s.176-183. McCORMICK J. (1999), The European Union Politics and Policies, 2nd
  • Edition, Westview Press, London. MESTMÄCKER, Wettbewerbsrecht, 2. Auflage, Verlag C.H. Beck, München. ve SCHWEITZER, H. (2004), Europäisches
  • MONTI, G. (2007), EC Competition Law, Cambridge University Press, Great Britain.
  • MONTI, M. (2001), “Content, Competition and Consumers: Innovation and Choice”, Third European Competition Day, Stockholm, rmat=PDF&aged=1&language=EN&guiLanguage=en>, Erişim Tarihi: 12.01.2010.
  • MPAA (2010), Theatrical Market Statistics, Erişim Tarihi: 15.02.2011.
  • MURPHY, G. (2000), “Who’s Wearing the Sunglasses Now?”, European
  • Competition Law Review, No: 21(1), s.1-6. O’DONOGHUE, R. ve PADILLA, A. J. (2006), The Law and Economics of
  • Article 82 EC, Hart Publishing. ÖZKAN, A.F. ve AYGÜN, E. (2010), “Rekabet Kurulu'nun Anten AŞ. Kararı ve Regülasyon Perspektifinden Türkiye'de Karasal Dijital Televizyon
  • Yayıncılığı”, Legal Fikri ve Sınai Haklar Dergisi, No:6(22), s. 405-434. POSNER, R. (2001), Antitrust Law, 2nd Edition, University of Chicago Press, USA.
  • REKABET KURUMU (2010), Rekabet Terimleri Sözlüğü, 3. Baskı, Ankara.
  • RITTER, L. ve BRAUN, W.D. (2004), European Competition Law: A
  • Practitioner’s Guide, 3rd Edition, Kluwer Law International, Great Britain. ROBINSON, A. (2002), “‘Mod chipped’ Despatched with Additional
  • Damages”, Entertainment Law Review, No:13(4), s. 83-86. ROTCHILD, J. (2005), “Economic Analysis of Technological Protection
  • Measures”, Oregon Law Review, No: 84, , Erişim Tarihi: 06.02.2011, s. 489-562.
  • SANCAK, M. (2008), “Blu-ray, çarpışmayı kazandı ama asıl savaşı kaybedecek”, Sabah 24.02.2008.
  • SANDERS, A.K. (1997), Unfair Competition Law, Claredon Press Oxford, USA.
  • SANLI, K.C. (2000), Rekabetin Korunması Hakkındaki Kanun’da Öngörülen
  • Yasaklayıcı Hükümler ve Bu Hükümlere Aykırı Sözleşme ve Teşebbüs Birliği Kararlarının Geçersizliği, Rekabet Kurumu Yayınları Lisansüstü Tez Serisi No: , Ankara. SEVILLE, C. (2009), “Publication Review: ‘Parallel Trade in Europe
  • Intellectual Property, Competition and Regulatory Law’”, European Intellectual Property Review, No: 31(12), s. 636-637. SMITH, T. (2001), “DVD Forum to stamp out region-crackable players”, The Register 24.07.2001, , Erişim Tarihi: 14.01.2010.
  • SMITH, T. (2004), “Italian court rules mod chips legal”, The Register 24
  • January 2004, , Erişim Tarihi: 12.02.2011.
  • SPULBER, D.F. (2008), “Unlocking Technology: Antitrust and Innovation”
  • Journal of Competition Law and Economics, No:4(4), s.915-966. STOLE, L.A. (2007), “Price Discrimination and Competition”, M. Armstrong and R.H. Porter (der.), Handbook of Industrial Organization Vol 3 içinde s. 2224-2299.
  • STOTHERS, C. (2007), Parallel Trade in Europe: Intellectual Property
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  • • Case 61/97 Foreningen Af Danske Videogramdistributİrer v Laserdisken ECR I-5171.
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  • • Case 119/75 Terrapin Ltd v Terranova Industrie C. A. Kapferer and Co ECR 1039.
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  • • Case 260/09 Activision Blizzard Germany GmbH v Commission [2011]
  • (henüz yayımlanmamıştır). • Case 479/04 Laserdisken ApS v Kulturministeriet [2006] ECR I-8089.
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  • • Joined Cases 89, 104, 114, 116, 117, and 125-9/95 Ahlström Oy v Commission (Wood Pulp) [1988] ECR 5193.
  • • Joined Cases 92 and 326/92 Phil Collins v Imtrat, and Patricia and Leif Emanuel Kraul v EMI Electrola [1993] ECR I-1985.
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  • • 10-44/765-248 sayı ve 17.06.2010 tarihli United International Pictures (UIP) Kararı
Toplam 102 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Ahmet Fatih Özkan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Sayı: 46

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