Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: Special Issue, 34 - 52, 30.04.2020



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  • Çelikkaleli, Ö., & Kaya, S. (2016). University students’ interpersonal cognitive distortions, psychological resilience, and emotional self-efficacy according to sex and gender roles. Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi [Journal of Pegem Education and Training ], 6(2), 187-212.
  • Çetin, E. (2019). Öğretmenlerin psikolojik dayanıklılığı ile stresle başa çıkma tarzları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi [Analysing the psychological resilience level of high school senior students in the context of the perceptions of the university entrance exa Teachers psychological resistance and relationship between stress and coping styles] (Master’sthesis, Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey). Retrieved from
  • Çetinkaya, A., & Sarıcı Bulut, S. (2019). Lise öğrencilerinde kendini toparlama gücü düzeyleri ve öznel iyi oluşu artırma stratejilerinin incelenmesi [Investigation of the Resilience Levels and the Strategies for Increasing Subjective Well Being of High School Students]. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi [Journal of Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance], 9(55), 1053-1084.
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  • Çifci, A. (2019). 14-18 yaş grubunda tanrı algısı ile psikolojik sağlamlık ilişkisinin incelenmesi [Examining the relationship between the perception of god and psychological resilience in the 14-18 age group] (Master’sthesis, Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya, Turkey). Retrieved from
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Investigation of Resilience in Terms of Gender: A Meta-Analysis Study

Year 2020, Volume: 4 Issue: Special Issue, 34 - 52, 30.04.2020


The present study aims to examine resilience in terms of gender via the meta-analysis method. Postgraduate theses have been written on resilience in Turkey in 2019 were examined for this purpose. Higher Education Council National Thesis Center was scanned on the internet to reach theses. Fifty seven postgraduate theses that examined resilience by gender and which contain the necessary statistical information were reached and 61 effect sizes were calculated from these theses. The sample of this meta-analysis study included a total of 26193 participants, 14593 women (55.71%) - 11600 men (44.28%). The effect size of endurance by gender was determined by Cohen’s d analysis (Standardized Means Difference). Funnel Plot, Duval-Tweedie's Trim-Fill Method and Egger's regression test showed no publication bias in meta-analysis. The effect sizes show a heterogeneous distribution in this meta-analysis (Q = 220.37, p = 0.000, I² = 72.773). The findings of the research showed a negligible and statistically insignificant effect size in favor of women according to the random-effects model (d = 0.023, [-0.028; 0.075], p > .05). Based on these findings, it can be said that the resilience levels of women and men are equal. Research results were discussed within the framework of the literature. It is presented the limitation of study and some suggestions for future research.


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There are 116 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Alkım Arı 0000-0003-1126-4434

Ersoy Çarkıt 0000-0002-9811-9135

Publication Date April 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 4 Issue: Special Issue


APA Arı, A., & Çarkıt, E. (2020). Investigation of Resilience in Terms of Gender: A Meta-Analysis Study. Research on Education and Psychology, 4(Special Issue), 34-52.


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