During the last year, the one of COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of many people have changed in many ways, one of them is media consumption. We wanted to verify whether “stay at home” recommenda- tions influenced viewers’ preferences concerning films, their watching habits, motivation to choose a specific film and how media use is related to some psychological variables, mainly a sense of lone- liness, self-esteem and pandemic psychological resilience. Results of the online survey showed that participants watch more films or series during the pandemic than before and that they prefer various genres. They more often use streaming platforms and go to the cinema less frequently compared to the period before the pandemic. Participants watch films more for both entertainment and as a way to get away from everyday reality than before. Cast, film topic and recommendations became less important when choosing a film. There was also found a weak, however significant correlation between describing oneself as a fan of a specific film genre and the pandemic psychological resilience. Results show that the pandemic psychological resilience is moderately, negatively related to loneliness. A positive, however weak, relation of pandemic psychological resilience to self-esteem was also found.
Bordwell, D., 1985. Narration in the fiction film. University of Wisconsin Press.
Branigan, E., 1999. Schemat fabularny (Plotline). In J. Ostaszewski (Ed.), Kognitywna teoria filmu. Antologia przekładów (pp. 112-154). Wydawnictwo Baran i Suszyński.
Dzwonkowska, I., Lachowicz-Tabaczek, K., & Łaguna, M., 2008. Samoocena i jej pomiar SES. Polska adaptacja skali SES M. Rosenberga (Self-esteem and its measurement SES. Polish adaptation of the SES scale by M. Rosenberg). Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych.
Francuz, P., 2002. Rozumienie przekazu telewizyjnego. Psychologiczne badania telewizyjnych progra- mów informacyjnych (Understanding the television broadcast. Psychological study of television news programs). Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL.
Grygiel, P., Humenny, G., Rębisz, S., Świtaj, P., & Sikorska-Grygiel, J., 2012. Validating the Polish adaptation of the 11-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 29, 129–139. https://doi.org/10.1027/1015-5759/a000130
Kołodziej, E., 2020, December 10. Netflix podsumował mijający rok. Te filmy i seriale najchętniej oglądaliśmy w 2020 roku (Netflix has summed up the past year. These movies and series were the most watched in 2020). Noizz.pl. https://noizz.pl/film/netflix-podsumowal-mijajacy-rok-to- najchetniej-ogladali-polacy/5tvg9x9
Lang, A., 2006. The limited capacity model of mediated message processing. Journal of Communi- cation, 50, 46–70. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1460-2466.2000.tb02833.x
McQuail, D., 2008. Teoria komunikowania masowego (Mass communication theory) (Alina Szulżycka & Marta Bucholc, Trans.). Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Münsterberg, H., 1989. Dramat kinowy. Studium psychologiczne (The Photoplay. A PsychologicalStudy). Łódzki Dom Kultury.
Ohler, P., 1999. Kognitywna teoria percepcji filmu. Koncepcja przetwarzania informacji (Cognitive theory of film perception. The concept of information processing). In J. Ostaszewski (Ed.), Ko- gnitywna teoria filmu. Antologia przekładów (pp. 330–345). Wydawnictwo Baran i Suszyński.
Polański, G., 2017. Gratyfikacje z korzystania z mediów (Gratifications of media use). Edukacja –Technika – Informatyka, 8(3), 250–255.
Scalise-Sugiyama, M., 2001. Food, foragers, and folklore: The role of narrative in human subsistence. Evolution and Human Behavior, 22(4), 221–240. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1090-5138(01)00063-0
Scrivner, C., Johnson, J. A., Kjeldgaard-Christiansen, J., & Clasen, M., 2021. Pandemic practice: Hor- ror fans and morbidly curious individuals are more psychologically resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences, 168, 110397. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. paid.2020.110397
Turska-Kawa, A., 2013. Media jako źródło zaspokajania fundamentalnych potrzeb. Rozważania w kontekście teorii „użytkowania i gratyfikacji” (Media as a source of satisfying fundamental needs. Considerations in context of the „uses and gratifications” theory). Studia Politicae Uni- versitatis Silesiensis, 10, 147–172.
Williams, S. N., Armitage, C. J., Tampe, T., & Dienes, K., 2020. Public perceptions and experiences of social distancing and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A UK-based focus group study. medRxiv. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.10.20061267v1
Wühr, P., Lange, B. P., & Schwarz, S., 2017. Tears or fears? Comparing gender stereotypes about movie preferences to actual preferences. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:428. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00428
Pandemide Film Tercihleri: Psikolojik Dayanıklılık mı, Pandemi Gerçekliğinden Kaçış mı?
Year 2024,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 101 - 112, 28.06.2024
Geçen yıl COVİD-19 salgını döneminde pek çok insanın hayatı birçok yönden değişti, bunlardan biri de medya tüketimi oldu. “Evde kalın” tavsiyelerinin izleyicilerin film tercihlerini, film izleme alışkanlıklarını, belirli bir filmi seçme motivasyonlarını ve medya kullanımlarının bazı psikolojik değişkenlerle ilişkisini, öncelikle yalnızlık duygusu, özsaygı ve pandemik psikolojik dayanıklılarını etkileyip etkilemediğini doğrulamak istedik. Çevrimiçi anketin sonuçları katılımcıların pandemi döneminde öncesine kıyasla daha fazla film veya dizi izlediklerini ve çeşitli türleri tercih ettiklerini gösterdi. Pandemi öncesine kıyasla yayın platformlarını daha sık kullanıyorlar ve sinemaya daha az gidiyorlar. Katılımcılar filmleri öncesine göre daha çok hem eğlence amaçlı hem de gündelik gerçeklikten uzaklaşmanın bir yolu olarak izliyor. Film seçimlerinde oyuncular, filmin konusu ve öneriler daha az önem kazandı. Kendilerini belirli bir film türünün hayranı olarak tanımlama ile pandemik psikolojik dayanıklılık arasında da zayıf ama anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu. Sonuçlar, pandemik psikolojik dayanıklılığın yalnızlıkla orta düzeyde, olumsuz yönde ilişkili olduğunu gösteriyor. Pandemik psikolojik dayanıklılığının özsaygı ile zayıf da olsa pozitif bir ilişkisi de bulundu.
Bordwell, D., 1985. Narration in the fiction film. University of Wisconsin Press.
Branigan, E., 1999. Schemat fabularny (Plotline). In J. Ostaszewski (Ed.), Kognitywna teoria filmu. Antologia przekładów (pp. 112-154). Wydawnictwo Baran i Suszyński.
Dzwonkowska, I., Lachowicz-Tabaczek, K., & Łaguna, M., 2008. Samoocena i jej pomiar SES. Polska adaptacja skali SES M. Rosenberga (Self-esteem and its measurement SES. Polish adaptation of the SES scale by M. Rosenberg). Pracownia Testów Psychologicznych.
Francuz, P., 2002. Rozumienie przekazu telewizyjnego. Psychologiczne badania telewizyjnych progra- mów informacyjnych (Understanding the television broadcast. Psychological study of television news programs). Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL.
Grygiel, P., Humenny, G., Rębisz, S., Świtaj, P., & Sikorska-Grygiel, J., 2012. Validating the Polish adaptation of the 11-item De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 29, 129–139. https://doi.org/10.1027/1015-5759/a000130
Kołodziej, E., 2020, December 10. Netflix podsumował mijający rok. Te filmy i seriale najchętniej oglądaliśmy w 2020 roku (Netflix has summed up the past year. These movies and series were the most watched in 2020). Noizz.pl. https://noizz.pl/film/netflix-podsumowal-mijajacy-rok-to- najchetniej-ogladali-polacy/5tvg9x9
Lang, A., 2006. The limited capacity model of mediated message processing. Journal of Communi- cation, 50, 46–70. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1460-2466.2000.tb02833.x
McQuail, D., 2008. Teoria komunikowania masowego (Mass communication theory) (Alina Szulżycka & Marta Bucholc, Trans.). Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Münsterberg, H., 1989. Dramat kinowy. Studium psychologiczne (The Photoplay. A PsychologicalStudy). Łódzki Dom Kultury.
Ohler, P., 1999. Kognitywna teoria percepcji filmu. Koncepcja przetwarzania informacji (Cognitive theory of film perception. The concept of information processing). In J. Ostaszewski (Ed.), Ko- gnitywna teoria filmu. Antologia przekładów (pp. 330–345). Wydawnictwo Baran i Suszyński.
Polański, G., 2017. Gratyfikacje z korzystania z mediów (Gratifications of media use). Edukacja –Technika – Informatyka, 8(3), 250–255.
Scalise-Sugiyama, M., 2001. Food, foragers, and folklore: The role of narrative in human subsistence. Evolution and Human Behavior, 22(4), 221–240. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1090-5138(01)00063-0
Scrivner, C., Johnson, J. A., Kjeldgaard-Christiansen, J., & Clasen, M., 2021. Pandemic practice: Hor- ror fans and morbidly curious individuals are more psychologically resilient during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences, 168, 110397. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. paid.2020.110397
Turska-Kawa, A., 2013. Media jako źródło zaspokajania fundamentalnych potrzeb. Rozważania w kontekście teorii „użytkowania i gratyfikacji” (Media as a source of satisfying fundamental needs. Considerations in context of the „uses and gratifications” theory). Studia Politicae Uni- versitatis Silesiensis, 10, 147–172.
Williams, S. N., Armitage, C. J., Tampe, T., & Dienes, K., 2020. Public perceptions and experiences of social distancing and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A UK-based focus group study. medRxiv. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.10.20061267v1
Wühr, P., Lange, B. P., & Schwarz, S., 2017. Tears or fears? Comparing gender stereotypes about movie preferences to actual preferences. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:428. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00428
There are 16 citations in total.
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Urban Sociology and Community Studies, Sociology (Other)