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Year 2010, Issue: 5, 59 - 69, 01.12.2010


This study aims to analyze petrographical, chemical, physical and mechanical properties of specific lime mortars used during the construction of the historical Anatolian Fortress. Chemical composition of the mortars is identified by ICP analysis, whereas their mineralogical structure is determined by XRD analysis. Petrographical analysis of thin section samples is executed under polarizan microscope. Mechanical tests are performed with the samples adjusted to appropriate dimensions. Ultrasound speed of samples is measured before mechanical experiments and their dynamic elasticity modules are calculated on the basis of this data. In accordance with data obtained, mortars of Fortress consist of lime binder with a rate of 30-40% and resting part includes various natural and artificial aggregates. Mortars have hydraulic features and associated feature of pink mortars is achieved by means of brick dusts added. As for cream colored mortars, it is anticipated that this feature is obtained by means of cystic and tuffic materials. Protein is identified in some mortar samples during spot tests. This identification indicates that organic additives are used during production of mortars. In addition, mortars have superior characteristics in mechanic sense. Data obtained also represent a guide for new materials to be used during repair works


  • Bakolas, A., Biscontin, G., Contardi, V., Franceschi, E., Moropoulou, A., Palazzi, D.,1995, “Thermoanalytical research on traditional mortars in Venice”, Thermochimica Acta, 269 (270), Elsevier, pp.817-828.
  • Banfill, P.F.G., Forrester, A.M., 2000, “A relationship between hydraulicity and permeability of hydraulic lime”
  • Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop “Historic Mortars: Characteristics and Tests”, Paisley, pp.173-183. Benton, Y.K., Gross, S., Heller, L., 1963, “Some unusual minerals from the ‘mottled zone’ complex”, Israel. Am. Miner., , pp.924-930.
  • Böke, H., Akkurt. S., İpekoğlu, B., 2004, “Tarihi Yapılarda Kullanılan Horasan Harcının Özellikleri”, Yapı Dergisi, No: 269, İstanbul.
  • Böke, H., Çizer, Ö., İpekoğlu, B., Uğurlu, E., Şerifaki, K., Toprak, G., 2008, “Characteristics of lime produced from limestone containing diatoms”, Construction and Building Materials, 22, Elsevier, pp.866-874.
  • Callebaut, K., Elsen, J., Van Balen, K., Viaene, W., 2001, “Nineteenth century hydraulic restoration mortars in the Saint Michael’s Church (Leuven, Belgium), Natural hydraulic lime or cement?”, Cement and Concrete Research, 31, Pergamon, pp.397-403.
  • Cole, W.F., Kroone, B., 1959, “Carbonate minerals in hydrated portland cement”, Nature, 184, p.57.
  • Davidovits, F., 1995, “Les Mortiers de pouzzolanes artificielles chez Vitruve evolution et historique architecturale”
  • These de D.E.A Les Cultures de L’Antiquite Classique (1992-93), Universite Paris X-Nanterre, France.
  • Degryse, P., Elsen, J., Waelkens, M., 2002, “Study of ancient mortars from Sagalassos (Turkey) in view of their conser- vation”, Cement and Concrete Research, 32, Pergamon, pp.1457-1463.
  • EN 1936, 2006, Natural Stone Test Methods- Determination of Real Density and Apparent Density, and of Total and Open Po- rosity, Brussels.
  • Eyice, S.,1978, “Anadolu Hisarı”, İslam Ansiklopedisi, I.Cilt, MEB, İstanbul, s.253.
  • Eyice, S., 1993, “Anadolu Hisarı”, İstanbul Ansiklopedisi, I.Cilt, İstanbul.
  • Fiori, C., Vandini, M., 2009, “Vaterite in the mortars of a mosaic in the Saint Peter Basilica, Vatican (Rome)”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 10, Elsevier, pp.248-257.
  • Friedman, G.M., Schultz, D.J., 1994, “Precipitation of vaterite (CaCO3) during oil-field drilling”, Miner. Mag., 58, pp.401-408.
  • Frumkin, A., Shimron, A., Rosembaum, J., 2003, “Radiometric dating of the Siloam Tunnel, Jerusalem”, Nature, 425, pp.169-171.
  • Gabriel, A., 1941, İstanbul Türk Kaleleri, (Çev.: Alp Ilgaz), Tercüman 1001 Temel Eser, İstanbul.
  • Güleç, A., 1992, Bazı Tarihi Anıt Harç ve Sıvalarının İncelenmesi, (Characterization of Mortars and Plasters of Some Histo- ric Monuments, Ph.D. Thesis, Turkish), İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora tezi, İstanbul.
  • Kuban, D., 2007, Osmanlı Mimarisi, YEM Yayınları, No:134, İstanbul.
  • Lawrence, R.M.M., 2006, A Study of Carbonation in Non-Hydraulic Lime Mortars, A thesis submitted for the degree of Doc- tor of Philosophy, Faculty of Engineering and Design Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath, October 2006, UK.
  • Manoli, F., Kanakis, J., Malkaj, P., Dalas, E., 2002, “The effect of aminoacids on the crystal growth of calcium carbo- nate”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 236, pp.363-370.
  • Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki, P., Bakolas, A., Moropoulou, A., 2003, “Physico-chemical study of Cretan ancient mortars”
  • Cement and Concrete Research, 33, Pergamon, pp.651-661. Martinez-Ramireza, S., Sanchez-Cortesa, S., Garcia-Ramosa, J.V., Domingoa, C., Fortesb, C., Blanco-Varela, M.T., , “Micro-Raman spectroscopy applied to depth profiles of carbonates formed in lime mortar”, Cement and Concrete Re- search, 33, Pergamon, pp.2063-2068.
  • McConnel, J.D.C., 1960, “Veterite from Ballycraigy, Larne, Northern Ireland”, Miner. Mag., 32, pp.534-544.
  • Moropoulou, A., Bakolas, A., Anagnostopoulou, S., 2005, “Composite Materials in Ancient Structures”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 27, Elsevier, pp.295-300.
  • Papayianni, I., Stefanidou, M., 1997, “Repair mortars suitable for interventions of Ottoman Buildings”, (Ed.: G.Özşen), Proceedings of Conference on Studies in Ancient Structures, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, pp.255-263.
  • Pavia, S., Caro, S., 2008, “An investigation of Roman mortar technology through the petrographic analysis of arche- ological material”, Construction and Building Materials, 22, Elsevier, pp.1807-1811.
  • Pekin, F., Yılmaz, H.F., 2008, Türkiye’nin Kültür Mirası 100 Kale, NTV yay., 24-25, İstanbul.
  • Sickels, L.B., 1981, “Organics and Synthetics: Their Use as Additives in Mortars”, Mortars, Cements and Grouts Used in the Conservation of Historic Buildings, Rome, pp.25-52.
  • Signorelli, S., Peroni, C., Camaiti, M., Fratini, F., 1996, “The presence of vaterite in bonding mortars of marble inlays from Florence Cathedral”, Miner. Mag., 60, pp.663-665.
  • Stewart, J., Glover, R., Houston, J., Seeley, N., Proudfoot, T., 2001, “Field and laboratory assessment of lime-based mortars”, Journal of Architectural Conservation, 7 (1), Donhead, pp.7-41.
  • TS EN 1015-11, October 2000, Methods of Test Mortar for Masonry- Part 11: Determination of Compressive and Flexure Strength of
  • Hardened Mortars, TSE, Ankara. TS EN 12390-6, April 2002, Testing Hardened Concrete- Part 6: Tensile Splitting Strength for Test Specimens. TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 13755, January 2003, Natural Stone Test Methods- Determination of Water Absorption at Atmospheric Pressure, TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 14579, October 2006, Natural Stone Test Methods - Determination of Sound Speed Propagation, TSE, Ankara.
  • Valek, J., Veiga, R., 2005, “Characterisation of mechanical properties of historic mortars: testing of irregular samp- les”, International Conference on Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, No.9, MALTE 2005, Vol.83, Mal- ta, pp.365-374.

Anadolu Hisarı Harçlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2010, Issue: 5, 59 - 69, 01.12.2010



  • Bakolas, A., Biscontin, G., Contardi, V., Franceschi, E., Moropoulou, A., Palazzi, D.,1995, “Thermoanalytical research on traditional mortars in Venice”, Thermochimica Acta, 269 (270), Elsevier, pp.817-828.
  • Banfill, P.F.G., Forrester, A.M., 2000, “A relationship between hydraulicity and permeability of hydraulic lime”
  • Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop “Historic Mortars: Characteristics and Tests”, Paisley, pp.173-183. Benton, Y.K., Gross, S., Heller, L., 1963, “Some unusual minerals from the ‘mottled zone’ complex”, Israel. Am. Miner., , pp.924-930.
  • Böke, H., Akkurt. S., İpekoğlu, B., 2004, “Tarihi Yapılarda Kullanılan Horasan Harcının Özellikleri”, Yapı Dergisi, No: 269, İstanbul.
  • Böke, H., Çizer, Ö., İpekoğlu, B., Uğurlu, E., Şerifaki, K., Toprak, G., 2008, “Characteristics of lime produced from limestone containing diatoms”, Construction and Building Materials, 22, Elsevier, pp.866-874.
  • Callebaut, K., Elsen, J., Van Balen, K., Viaene, W., 2001, “Nineteenth century hydraulic restoration mortars in the Saint Michael’s Church (Leuven, Belgium), Natural hydraulic lime or cement?”, Cement and Concrete Research, 31, Pergamon, pp.397-403.
  • Cole, W.F., Kroone, B., 1959, “Carbonate minerals in hydrated portland cement”, Nature, 184, p.57.
  • Davidovits, F., 1995, “Les Mortiers de pouzzolanes artificielles chez Vitruve evolution et historique architecturale”
  • These de D.E.A Les Cultures de L’Antiquite Classique (1992-93), Universite Paris X-Nanterre, France.
  • Degryse, P., Elsen, J., Waelkens, M., 2002, “Study of ancient mortars from Sagalassos (Turkey) in view of their conser- vation”, Cement and Concrete Research, 32, Pergamon, pp.1457-1463.
  • EN 1936, 2006, Natural Stone Test Methods- Determination of Real Density and Apparent Density, and of Total and Open Po- rosity, Brussels.
  • Eyice, S.,1978, “Anadolu Hisarı”, İslam Ansiklopedisi, I.Cilt, MEB, İstanbul, s.253.
  • Eyice, S., 1993, “Anadolu Hisarı”, İstanbul Ansiklopedisi, I.Cilt, İstanbul.
  • Fiori, C., Vandini, M., 2009, “Vaterite in the mortars of a mosaic in the Saint Peter Basilica, Vatican (Rome)”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 10, Elsevier, pp.248-257.
  • Friedman, G.M., Schultz, D.J., 1994, “Precipitation of vaterite (CaCO3) during oil-field drilling”, Miner. Mag., 58, pp.401-408.
  • Frumkin, A., Shimron, A., Rosembaum, J., 2003, “Radiometric dating of the Siloam Tunnel, Jerusalem”, Nature, 425, pp.169-171.
  • Gabriel, A., 1941, İstanbul Türk Kaleleri, (Çev.: Alp Ilgaz), Tercüman 1001 Temel Eser, İstanbul.
  • Güleç, A., 1992, Bazı Tarihi Anıt Harç ve Sıvalarının İncelenmesi, (Characterization of Mortars and Plasters of Some Histo- ric Monuments, Ph.D. Thesis, Turkish), İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora tezi, İstanbul.
  • Kuban, D., 2007, Osmanlı Mimarisi, YEM Yayınları, No:134, İstanbul.
  • Lawrence, R.M.M., 2006, A Study of Carbonation in Non-Hydraulic Lime Mortars, A thesis submitted for the degree of Doc- tor of Philosophy, Faculty of Engineering and Design Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath, October 2006, UK.
  • Manoli, F., Kanakis, J., Malkaj, P., Dalas, E., 2002, “The effect of aminoacids on the crystal growth of calcium carbo- nate”, Journal of Crystal Growth, 236, pp.363-370.
  • Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki, P., Bakolas, A., Moropoulou, A., 2003, “Physico-chemical study of Cretan ancient mortars”
  • Cement and Concrete Research, 33, Pergamon, pp.651-661. Martinez-Ramireza, S., Sanchez-Cortesa, S., Garcia-Ramosa, J.V., Domingoa, C., Fortesb, C., Blanco-Varela, M.T., , “Micro-Raman spectroscopy applied to depth profiles of carbonates formed in lime mortar”, Cement and Concrete Re- search, 33, Pergamon, pp.2063-2068.
  • McConnel, J.D.C., 1960, “Veterite from Ballycraigy, Larne, Northern Ireland”, Miner. Mag., 32, pp.534-544.
  • Moropoulou, A., Bakolas, A., Anagnostopoulou, S., 2005, “Composite Materials in Ancient Structures”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 27, Elsevier, pp.295-300.
  • Papayianni, I., Stefanidou, M., 1997, “Repair mortars suitable for interventions of Ottoman Buildings”, (Ed.: G.Özşen), Proceedings of Conference on Studies in Ancient Structures, Yıldız Technical University, Istanbul, pp.255-263.
  • Pavia, S., Caro, S., 2008, “An investigation of Roman mortar technology through the petrographic analysis of arche- ological material”, Construction and Building Materials, 22, Elsevier, pp.1807-1811.
  • Pekin, F., Yılmaz, H.F., 2008, Türkiye’nin Kültür Mirası 100 Kale, NTV yay., 24-25, İstanbul.
  • Sickels, L.B., 1981, “Organics and Synthetics: Their Use as Additives in Mortars”, Mortars, Cements and Grouts Used in the Conservation of Historic Buildings, Rome, pp.25-52.
  • Signorelli, S., Peroni, C., Camaiti, M., Fratini, F., 1996, “The presence of vaterite in bonding mortars of marble inlays from Florence Cathedral”, Miner. Mag., 60, pp.663-665.
  • Stewart, J., Glover, R., Houston, J., Seeley, N., Proudfoot, T., 2001, “Field and laboratory assessment of lime-based mortars”, Journal of Architectural Conservation, 7 (1), Donhead, pp.7-41.
  • TS EN 1015-11, October 2000, Methods of Test Mortar for Masonry- Part 11: Determination of Compressive and Flexure Strength of
  • Hardened Mortars, TSE, Ankara. TS EN 12390-6, April 2002, Testing Hardened Concrete- Part 6: Tensile Splitting Strength for Test Specimens. TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 13755, January 2003, Natural Stone Test Methods- Determination of Water Absorption at Atmospheric Pressure, TSE, Ankara.
  • TS EN 14579, October 2006, Natural Stone Test Methods - Determination of Sound Speed Propagation, TSE, Ankara.
  • Valek, J., Veiga, R., 2005, “Characterisation of mechanical properties of historic mortars: testing of irregular samp- les”, International Conference on Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture, No.9, MALTE 2005, Vol.83, Mal- ta, pp.365-374.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Article

Sedat Kurugöl This is me

Ahmet Güleç This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 5


APA Kurugöl, S., & Güleç, A. (2010). Anadolu Hisarı Harçlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Restorasyon Ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi(5), 59-69.
AMA Kurugöl S, Güleç A. Anadolu Hisarı Harçlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi. December 2010;(5):59-69.
Chicago Kurugöl, Sedat, and Ahmet Güleç. “Anadolu Hisarı Harçlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal Ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”. Restorasyon Ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi, no. 5 (December 2010): 59-69.
EndNote Kurugöl S, Güleç A (December 1, 2010) Anadolu Hisarı Harçlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi 5 59–69.
IEEE S. Kurugöl and A. Güleç, “Anadolu Hisarı Harçlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi, no. 5, pp. 59–69, December 2010.
ISNAD Kurugöl, Sedat - Güleç, Ahmet. “Anadolu Hisarı Harçlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal Ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi 5 (December 2010), 59-69.
JAMA Kurugöl S, Güleç A. Anadolu Hisarı Harçlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2010;:59–69.
MLA Kurugöl, Sedat and Ahmet Güleç. “Anadolu Hisarı Harçlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal Ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”. Restorasyon Ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi, no. 5, 2010, pp. 59-69.
Vancouver Kurugöl S, Güleç A. Anadolu Hisarı Harçlarının Fiziko-Kimyasal ve Petrografik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2010(5):59-6.