Stone Conservation Science includes both research and implementation techniques such as diagnosis, documentation, cleaning, consolidation, reintegration, treatment with water-repellents and surface protection. Ideas about stone conservation started in mid-19th century had not been controlled by scientific researches till 1930s. Between 1970s and 1995-96, quite a few scientific publications had been observed exploring decay phenomena, deterioration processes, efficacy and durability of water-repellents and consolidation treatments. Not only the scientific studies but also practical experiences on some emulsions and nanotechnology had been pronounced in 1995-2010. Today, it’s worth to underline that especially practices on stone consolidation don’t correspond with the required number in parallel with the knowledge obtained through decades. This paper represents an overview on Stone Conservation Science and starting from the ‘preventive conservation’, various techniques of cleaning, salt extraction, consolidation treatments and types of chemicals, methods and materials of surface protection and recent experiments are evaluated, ‘integrated conservation approach’ is emphasized
Alessandrini, G., Pasetti, A., 2004, L’elenco ragionato delle norme UNI-NorMal, 5(6), pp.66-70.
Alessandrini, G., Toniolo, L., Antonioli, A., Di Silvestro, A., Piacenti, F., Righini Ponticelli, S., Formica, L., 1993, “On the Cleaning of Deteriorated Stone Minerals”, Conservation of Stone and Other Materials: Proceedings of the International RILEM/ UNESCO Congress, UNESCO, Paris, June 29 -July 1, 1993, pp.503-511.
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Taş Korumada Son 20 Yıldaki Gelişmeler ve Yenilikler
Alessandrini, G., Pasetti, A., 2004, L’elenco ragionato delle norme UNI-NorMal, 5(6), pp.66-70.
Alessandrini, G., Toniolo, L., Antonioli, A., Di Silvestro, A., Piacenti, F., Righini Ponticelli, S., Formica, L., 1993, “On the Cleaning of Deteriorated Stone Minerals”, Conservation of Stone and Other Materials: Proceedings of the International RILEM/ UNESCO Congress, UNESCO, Paris, June 29 -July 1, 1993, pp.503-511.
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Bourguignon, E., Bertrand, F., Moreau, C., Coussot, P., Shahidzadeh-Bonn, N., 2008, “Desalination of model Stones by poulticing”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, 15-20 September 2008, Toruň, Po- land, pp.803-810.
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Cooper, M., 2005, “Laser Cleaning of Sculpture, Monuments and Architectural Detail”, Cleaning Techniques in Con- servation Practice (ed. K.C. Normandin, D. Slaton, N.R. Weiss), Special Issue of Journal of Architectural Conservation, Donhead, pp. 105-121.
Cooper, M.I., Emmoy, D.C., Larson, J. H., 1993, “The evaluation of laser cleaning of Stone Sculpture”, Structu- ral Repair and Maintenance of Historical Buildings, Boston Computational Mechanics Publ., Southampton, pp. 259-266.
Correia, J., Matero , F., 2008, “Calcium tartarate tetrahydrate preconsolidation of salt-contaminated limesto- ne at Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo”, Journal of American Institute for Conservation, 47(2), pp.81-95 (Price’dan naklen).
Dajnowski, A., Jenkins, A., Lins, A., 2009, “The Use of Lasers for Cleaning Large Architectural Structures”, APT Bulletin, 40 (1), pp.13-23.
De Clercq, H., Charola, A.E. (ed.), 2008, “Hydrophobe V: Water Repellent Treatment of Building Materials”, Proce- edings of Hydrophobe V, 5th International Conference on Water Repellent Treatment of Building Materials, Royal Institute for Cultural Heri- tage (KIK-IRPA), Brussels, Belgium, 15-16 April, Freiburg, Aedificatio Publishers.
Decruz, A., Wolbarsht, M.L., Andreotti, A., Colombini, M.P., Pinna, D., Culberson, C.F., 2009, “Investigation of the Er: YAG laser at 2.94 mm to remove lichens growing on stone”, Studies in Conservation, 54(4), pp.268-277.
Demas, M., 2004, “Site Unseen: The case for reburial of archeological sites”, Conservation and Management of Archeo- logical Sites, 6 (3-4), pp. 118-136.
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De Witte, E., Dupas, M., 1992, “Cleaning poultices based on EDTA”, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Deteriora- tion and Conservation of Stone, Lisbon 15-18 June 1992, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Lisbon, pp. 1023-1031. 27- Doehne, E., Price, C. (ed.), 2010, Stone conservation: an overview of Current Research, 2nd edition, Getty Conservation Ins- titute.
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