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Year 2013, Issue: 11, 37 - 48, 01.12.2013


“Surface consolidants” enclose products and methods such as water repellents, emulsions, anti-graffiti surface coatings, salt inhibitors, oxalate coatings, lime wash for surface protection, colloidal silica, biocides, bioremediation treatments and surface coatings by using nano-technological products such as titanium dioxide. Nano-technological products form a coating with approximately 1μ thickness over the surface. This coating may dissolve by crumbling or powdering of the surface due to weathering. Moreover, the presence of water soluble salts under the coating may cause internal stresses caused by salt crystallization and this eventually prompts surface erosion. Aside from these occasions, nano-technological surface coatings prevent soiling over the surface by means of photo catalytic activities.This paper aims to present the results of the research on the efficacy of titanium dioxide coatings as a surface consolidant on limestone. Experimental research was followed up on samples with and without coating that were 20x20x2cm in dimensions in order to determine the coefficient of capillarity, water vapor diffusion permeability and their salt content. Coated and uncoated samples were inspected by SEM-EDX. The samples were also observed during aging tests by wetting-drying cycles in de-ionized water, %2 KS0 and %3 HS0 solutions. The samples were tested under UV light for 28 days after the application of %3 HS0 + ‰1 C solution over their surface. The results present that the titanium-dioxide surface coating does not prevent water transmission in liquid and gas form. The application did not make any changes on the physical properties of the samples. The coating does not cause any discoloration under UV light. The application of TiO appears to be efficient on sound and clean surfaces of limestone or marble, whereas this can not be said for decayed surfaces


  • Alonso, F.J., Esbert, R.M., Alonso, J., Ordaz, J., 1994, “Saline Spray Action on a Treated Dolomitic Stone”, The Conser- vation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, Venice, 22-25 June 1994, (ed. V. Fassi- na, H. Ott and F. Zezza), 860-870.
  • Barthlott, W., Neinhuis, C., 1997, “Purity of the sacred lotus, or escape from contamination in biological surfaces”, Planta, 202, 1-8.
  • Benedix, R., Dehn, F., Quaas, J., Orgass, M., 2010, “Application of titanium dioxide photocatalysis to create self- cleaning building materials”, Leipzig Annual Civil Engineering Report (LACER), no.5, Leipzig, Germany, 157-167 (http://www.
  • Biscontin, G., Maravelaki,P. , Zendri, E., Glisenti, A., Tondello, E., 1993, “Investigation into the interaction between aqueous and organic solvent protection and building materials”, Conservation of the Stone and Other Materials: Proceedings of the International RILEM/ UNESCO Congress “Conservation of Stone and Other Materials: Research-Industry-Media, (held at UNESCO Head- quarters, Paris, June 29-July 1 1993), RILEM Proceedings 21, London and New York, E. FN Spon, 689-696.
  • Bromblet, P., Martinet, G., 2002, “Joints, mortiers de pose et produits de ragréage: Les différentes pathologies: Réfl exions et préconisations”, Pierre actual: Matériaux, ouvrages, techniques, 785, 66-79.
  • Boutin, F., 2001, “Comparative Study of the effi ciency of protective treatments applied to Stone, Surface Technology with Water-repellent agents”, Proceedings of Hydrophobe III, Third International Conference on Surface Technology with Water-repellent agents, Universitat Hannover, Germany, Sept 25-26, 2001, (ed. K.Littman and A.E. Charola), 233-244.
  • Cassar, J., Marrocchi, A., Santarelli, M.L., Muscat,M., 2008, “Controlling crystallization damage by the use of salt inhibitors on Malta’s limestone”, Materiales de Construcción, Volume: 58, Issue: 289-290, CASTINEIRA LIBRERIA TECNICA, 281-293 (C.A. Price’dan naklen).
  • Ciabach, J., 1996, “The effect of water soluble salts on the impregnation of sand stone with silicone micro emulsi- ons”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Berlin, 30 Sept.-4 Oct. 1996, (ed. J. Riederer), Berlin: Möller Druckund Verlag, 1215-1221.
  • Charola, A.E., 1995, “Water-repellent Treatments for Building Stones: A practical over-view”, APT Bulletin, 26 (2-3), 10-17.
  • Charola, E., Centeno, S.A., Normandin, K., 2010, “The New York Public Library: Protective Treatment for Sugaring Marble”, Journal of Architectural Conservation, No 2, July, Donhead, 29-44.
  • Croveri, P., Chiavarini, M., 2000, “Evaluations of the effectiveness of innovative perfl uoropolyurethanes polymers as consolidants for porous materials”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Venice, June 19-24, 2000, (ed. V. Fassina), Vol. 2, Amsterdam and New York: Elsevier, 263-271.
  • De Clercq, H., Charola, A.E. (ed.), 2008, “Hydrophobe V: Water-repellent Treatment of Building Materials: Procee- dings of Hydrophobe V”, Fifth International Conference on Water-repellent Treatment of Building Materials, Royal Institute for Cultural He- ritage (KIK-IRPA), Brussels, Belgium, April 15 - 16, 2008, Freiburg: Aedifi catio Publishers.
  • De Clercq, H., De Witte, E., 2001, “Effectiveness of silicon based water-repellent agents at different application con- ditions, Part II: Commercial water-repellents”, Restoration of Buildings and Monuments: An International Journal=Bauinstandsetzen und Baudenkmalpflege: Eine internationale Zeitschrift (6), 641-654.
  • De Witte, E. (ed.), 2001, “Salt Compatibility of Surface Treatments (SCOST): Final Report”, European Contract ENV4- CT98-0710, Brussels: KIK-IRPA.
  • Doherty, B., Pamplona, M., Selvaggi, R., Miliani, C., Matteini, M., Sgamellotti, A., Brunetti, B., 2007, “Effi ciency and resistance of the artifi cial oxalate protection treatment on marble against chemical weathering”, Applied Surface Science, Volume 253, Issue10, Elsevier, 4477-4484 (C.A. Price’dan naklen).
  • Fassina,V., Arbissani, R., Botteghi, C., Matteoli, U., Passaglia, E., Aglietto, M., 1994, “Behavior of 2,2,2-Trifl uoroethyl Methacrylate Polymers as Stone Protective Materials”, The Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, Venice, 22-25 June 1994, (ed. V. Fassina, H. Ottand, F. Zezza), 911-923.
  • Félix, C., Furlan, V., 1994, “Variations dimensionnelles de grès et calcaires, liées à leur consolidation avec un silica- te d’éthyle (Dimensional variations of sand Stone and limestone in connection with their consolidation with ethylsi- licate.)”, The Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, Venice, 22-25 June 1994, (ed. V. Fassina, H. Ottand, F. Zezza), 855-859.
  • Hansen, E., Doehne, E., Fidler, J., Larson, J., Martin, B., Matteini, M., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., Pardo, E.S., Price, C., de Tagle, A., Teutonico, J.M., Weiss, N., 2003, “A review of selected inorganic consolidants and protective treatments for porous calcareous materials”, Reviews in Conservation, 4, 13-25.
  • Honeyborne, D., Ashurst, J., Price, C., Ross, K., 1990, “Surface Treatments”, Conservation of Building and Decorative Sto- ne, (ed. J. Ashurstand, F.G. Dimes), Vol. 2, London, Butterworth-Heinemann, Series in Conservation and Museology, 155-184.
  • Karatasios, I., Theoulakis, P., Kalagri, A., Sapalidis, A., Kilikoglou, V., 2009, “Evaluation of consolidation treatments of marly limestones used in archaeological monuments”, Construction and Building Materials, 23 (8), 2803-2812.
  • Kumar, R., Ginell, W.S., 1995, “Evaluation of consolidants for stabilization of weak Maya limestone”, Methods of Eva- luating Products for the Conservation of Porous Building Materials in Monuments: International Colloquium, Rome, 19-21 June 1995, Prep- rints, Rome, ICCROM, 163-178.
  • May, E., Webster, A.M., Inkpen, R., Zamarrefi o, D., Kuever, J., Rudolph, C., Warscheid, T., Sorlini, C., Cappitelli, F., Zanardini, E., Ranalli, G., Krage, L., Vgenopoulos, A., Katsinis, D., Mello, E., Malagodi, M., 2008, “The Biobrush Project for bioremediation of heritage stone”, Heritage Microbiology and Science: Microbes, Monuments and Maritime Materials, (ed. E. May, M. Jones, J. Mitchell), Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Special Publication, 315, Cambridge, 76-93 (http:// BK9780854041411/BK9780854041411-00076.pdf).
  • Piacenti, F., Camaiti, M., Manganelli del Fa, C., Scala, A., 1993, “Fluorinated aggregating materials for Stone”, Sto- ne Conservation and Other Materials: Proceedings of the International RILEM/ UNESCO Congress, Conservation of Stone and OtherMaterials: Research-Industry-Media, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, June 29-July 1 1993, RILEM Proceedings 21, London and New York, E. FN Spon, 740-747.
  • Price, C.A., Doehne, E., 2010, (2nd edition), Stone Conservation: An Overview of Current Research, Getty Conservation Insti- tute, Getty Publications.
  • Puehringer, J., Engström, L., 1985, “Unconventional methods for the prevention of salt damage”, Ve Congrès internati- onal sur l’altération et la conservation de la pierre: Actes, Lausanne, 25-27.9.1985 = 5th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservati- on of Stone: Proceedings, Lausanne, 25-27.9.1985, (ed. G. Félix), International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone 5. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques romandes, 241-250.
  • Selwitz, C., Doehne, E., 2002, “The evaluation of crystallization modifi ers for controlling salt damage to limesto- ne”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 3 (3), 205-216.
  • Sikka, S., Selwitz, C., Doehne, E., Chiari, G., Khanjian, H., 2008, “Qualitative and Quantitative methods of detec- tion of calcium oxalate deposits on treated limestone and marble”, Stone Consolidation in Cultural Heritage: Research and Prac- tice: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Lisbon, 6-7 May 2008, (ed. J. Delgado Rodrigues, J.M. Mimoso), Lisbon I. NEC., 445-454.
  • Simon, S., Shaer, M., Kaiser, E., 2006, “The salt-laden rock-carved tomb facades in Petra, Jordan: Scientifi c Investi- gations”, Proceedings of the ARCCHIP Workshop ARIADNE 13: Problems of Salts in Masonry: “SALTEXPERT” (with the Getty Conservation Institute), November 27 - December 1, 2002, (ed. S. Simon, M. Drdacky), Vol.5, European Research on Cultural Heritage: Sta- te of the Art Studies, Prague: Institute for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of Czech Repub- lic, 341-349.
  • Snethlage, R., Wendler, E., 1991, “Surfactant sand adherent silicon resins: New protective agents for natural stone”, Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology II Symposium, April 17-21, 1990, San Francisco, (ed. P.B. Vandiver, J.R. Druzik, G.S. Whee- ler), Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 185, Pittsburgh: Materials Research Society, 193-200.
  • Teutonico, J.M., De Witte, E., Grassegger, G., Koestler, R.J., Laurenzi Tabasso, M., Sasse, H.R., Snethlage, R., 1997, “Group Report: How Can We Ensure The Responsible And Effective Use Of Treatments (Cleaning, Consolidation, Pro- tection)?”, Saving Our Architectural Heritage: The Conservation of Historic Stone Structures; Report of Dahlem Workshop on Saving Our Arc- hitectural Heritage: The Conservation of Historic Stone Structures, Berlin, March 3-8 1996, (ed. N.S. Baer, R.Snethlage), Dahlem Work- shop Reports, Chichester and New York, John Wiley and Sons, 299-313.
  • Vallet, J.M., Bromblet, P., Vergès-Belmin, V., Pallot-Fossard, I., Henry, F., 2000, “La protection des pierres: Guide sur le shydrofuges de surface”, Les cahiers techniques du cercle des partenaires du patrimoine 3. Champs-sur-Marne: Cercle des partenaires du patrimoine.
  • Van Balen, K., Ercan, E.P.S., Patricio, T.C., 1999, “Compatibility and retreatability versus Reversibility: A Case Study at the Late Hellenistic Nymphaeum of Sagalassos (Turkey)”, The Use of and Need for Preservation Standarts in Architectural Conservation, (ed. L.B. Sickles-Taves), ASTM Special Technical Publication 1335, W. Conshohochen PA:ASTM., 105-118. (C.A.Price’dan Naklen).
  • Webster, A., Vicente, D., May, E., 2004, “Bacteria and the bioremediation of stone: The potential for saving Cultu- ral heritage”, Enviromental Biotechnology - ESEB 2004, Proceedings of the European Symposium on Enviromental Biotechnology, 25-28 Ap- ril 2004, Oostende, Belgium. (ed. W. Verstraete), 793-796 (A.C.Price’dan naklen).
  • Witmann, F.H., Xian, Y.Z., Zhao T.J., Giessler-Blank, S., 2008, “Moisture diffusion and siloxane distribution in in- tegral water repellent concrete”, Restoration of Buildings and Monuments an International Journal, Bauinst and setzen und Bau- denkmal pfl egeeine internationale Zeitschrift, Volume:14, Issue:1, 15-26.

Yüzey Koruyucular ve Titanyum Dioksit Yüzey Kaplama Metodu Kireçtaşı Yüzeylerde Nano-Teknolojik Yüzey Koruyucu Uygulamasının Taşın Fiziksel Özelliklerine Etkisi ve Kirlenmeye Karşı Koruma Etkinliği

Year 2013, Issue: 11, 37 - 48, 01.12.2013



  • Alonso, F.J., Esbert, R.M., Alonso, J., Ordaz, J., 1994, “Saline Spray Action on a Treated Dolomitic Stone”, The Conser- vation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, Venice, 22-25 June 1994, (ed. V. Fassi- na, H. Ott and F. Zezza), 860-870.
  • Barthlott, W., Neinhuis, C., 1997, “Purity of the sacred lotus, or escape from contamination in biological surfaces”, Planta, 202, 1-8.
  • Benedix, R., Dehn, F., Quaas, J., Orgass, M., 2010, “Application of titanium dioxide photocatalysis to create self- cleaning building materials”, Leipzig Annual Civil Engineering Report (LACER), no.5, Leipzig, Germany, 157-167 (http://www.
  • Biscontin, G., Maravelaki,P. , Zendri, E., Glisenti, A., Tondello, E., 1993, “Investigation into the interaction between aqueous and organic solvent protection and building materials”, Conservation of the Stone and Other Materials: Proceedings of the International RILEM/ UNESCO Congress “Conservation of Stone and Other Materials: Research-Industry-Media, (held at UNESCO Head- quarters, Paris, June 29-July 1 1993), RILEM Proceedings 21, London and New York, E. FN Spon, 689-696.
  • Bromblet, P., Martinet, G., 2002, “Joints, mortiers de pose et produits de ragréage: Les différentes pathologies: Réfl exions et préconisations”, Pierre actual: Matériaux, ouvrages, techniques, 785, 66-79.
  • Boutin, F., 2001, “Comparative Study of the effi ciency of protective treatments applied to Stone, Surface Technology with Water-repellent agents”, Proceedings of Hydrophobe III, Third International Conference on Surface Technology with Water-repellent agents, Universitat Hannover, Germany, Sept 25-26, 2001, (ed. K.Littman and A.E. Charola), 233-244.
  • Cassar, J., Marrocchi, A., Santarelli, M.L., Muscat,M., 2008, “Controlling crystallization damage by the use of salt inhibitors on Malta’s limestone”, Materiales de Construcción, Volume: 58, Issue: 289-290, CASTINEIRA LIBRERIA TECNICA, 281-293 (C.A. Price’dan naklen).
  • Ciabach, J., 1996, “The effect of water soluble salts on the impregnation of sand stone with silicone micro emulsi- ons”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Berlin, 30 Sept.-4 Oct. 1996, (ed. J. Riederer), Berlin: Möller Druckund Verlag, 1215-1221.
  • Charola, A.E., 1995, “Water-repellent Treatments for Building Stones: A practical over-view”, APT Bulletin, 26 (2-3), 10-17.
  • Charola, E., Centeno, S.A., Normandin, K., 2010, “The New York Public Library: Protective Treatment for Sugaring Marble”, Journal of Architectural Conservation, No 2, July, Donhead, 29-44.
  • Croveri, P., Chiavarini, M., 2000, “Evaluations of the effectiveness of innovative perfl uoropolyurethanes polymers as consolidants for porous materials”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone, Venice, June 19-24, 2000, (ed. V. Fassina), Vol. 2, Amsterdam and New York: Elsevier, 263-271.
  • De Clercq, H., Charola, A.E. (ed.), 2008, “Hydrophobe V: Water-repellent Treatment of Building Materials: Procee- dings of Hydrophobe V”, Fifth International Conference on Water-repellent Treatment of Building Materials, Royal Institute for Cultural He- ritage (KIK-IRPA), Brussels, Belgium, April 15 - 16, 2008, Freiburg: Aedifi catio Publishers.
  • De Clercq, H., De Witte, E., 2001, “Effectiveness of silicon based water-repellent agents at different application con- ditions, Part II: Commercial water-repellents”, Restoration of Buildings and Monuments: An International Journal=Bauinstandsetzen und Baudenkmalpflege: Eine internationale Zeitschrift (6), 641-654.
  • De Witte, E. (ed.), 2001, “Salt Compatibility of Surface Treatments (SCOST): Final Report”, European Contract ENV4- CT98-0710, Brussels: KIK-IRPA.
  • Doherty, B., Pamplona, M., Selvaggi, R., Miliani, C., Matteini, M., Sgamellotti, A., Brunetti, B., 2007, “Effi ciency and resistance of the artifi cial oxalate protection treatment on marble against chemical weathering”, Applied Surface Science, Volume 253, Issue10, Elsevier, 4477-4484 (C.A. Price’dan naklen).
  • Fassina,V., Arbissani, R., Botteghi, C., Matteoli, U., Passaglia, E., Aglietto, M., 1994, “Behavior of 2,2,2-Trifl uoroethyl Methacrylate Polymers as Stone Protective Materials”, The Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, Venice, 22-25 June 1994, (ed. V. Fassina, H. Ottand, F. Zezza), 911-923.
  • Félix, C., Furlan, V., 1994, “Variations dimensionnelles de grès et calcaires, liées à leur consolidation avec un silica- te d’éthyle (Dimensional variations of sand Stone and limestone in connection with their consolidation with ethylsi- licate.)”, The Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium, Venice, 22-25 June 1994, (ed. V. Fassina, H. Ottand, F. Zezza), 855-859.
  • Hansen, E., Doehne, E., Fidler, J., Larson, J., Martin, B., Matteini, M., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., Pardo, E.S., Price, C., de Tagle, A., Teutonico, J.M., Weiss, N., 2003, “A review of selected inorganic consolidants and protective treatments for porous calcareous materials”, Reviews in Conservation, 4, 13-25.
  • Honeyborne, D., Ashurst, J., Price, C., Ross, K., 1990, “Surface Treatments”, Conservation of Building and Decorative Sto- ne, (ed. J. Ashurstand, F.G. Dimes), Vol. 2, London, Butterworth-Heinemann, Series in Conservation and Museology, 155-184.
  • Karatasios, I., Theoulakis, P., Kalagri, A., Sapalidis, A., Kilikoglou, V., 2009, “Evaluation of consolidation treatments of marly limestones used in archaeological monuments”, Construction and Building Materials, 23 (8), 2803-2812.
  • Kumar, R., Ginell, W.S., 1995, “Evaluation of consolidants for stabilization of weak Maya limestone”, Methods of Eva- luating Products for the Conservation of Porous Building Materials in Monuments: International Colloquium, Rome, 19-21 June 1995, Prep- rints, Rome, ICCROM, 163-178.
  • May, E., Webster, A.M., Inkpen, R., Zamarrefi o, D., Kuever, J., Rudolph, C., Warscheid, T., Sorlini, C., Cappitelli, F., Zanardini, E., Ranalli, G., Krage, L., Vgenopoulos, A., Katsinis, D., Mello, E., Malagodi, M., 2008, “The Biobrush Project for bioremediation of heritage stone”, Heritage Microbiology and Science: Microbes, Monuments and Maritime Materials, (ed. E. May, M. Jones, J. Mitchell), Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain) Special Publication, 315, Cambridge, 76-93 (http:// BK9780854041411/BK9780854041411-00076.pdf).
  • Piacenti, F., Camaiti, M., Manganelli del Fa, C., Scala, A., 1993, “Fluorinated aggregating materials for Stone”, Sto- ne Conservation and Other Materials: Proceedings of the International RILEM/ UNESCO Congress, Conservation of Stone and OtherMaterials: Research-Industry-Media, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, June 29-July 1 1993, RILEM Proceedings 21, London and New York, E. FN Spon, 740-747.
  • Price, C.A., Doehne, E., 2010, (2nd edition), Stone Conservation: An Overview of Current Research, Getty Conservation Insti- tute, Getty Publications.
  • Puehringer, J., Engström, L., 1985, “Unconventional methods for the prevention of salt damage”, Ve Congrès internati- onal sur l’altération et la conservation de la pierre: Actes, Lausanne, 25-27.9.1985 = 5th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservati- on of Stone: Proceedings, Lausanne, 25-27.9.1985, (ed. G. Félix), International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone 5. Lausanne: Presses polytechniques romandes, 241-250.
  • Selwitz, C., Doehne, E., 2002, “The evaluation of crystallization modifi ers for controlling salt damage to limesto- ne”, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 3 (3), 205-216.
  • Sikka, S., Selwitz, C., Doehne, E., Chiari, G., Khanjian, H., 2008, “Qualitative and Quantitative methods of detec- tion of calcium oxalate deposits on treated limestone and marble”, Stone Consolidation in Cultural Heritage: Research and Prac- tice: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Lisbon, 6-7 May 2008, (ed. J. Delgado Rodrigues, J.M. Mimoso), Lisbon I. NEC., 445-454.
  • Simon, S., Shaer, M., Kaiser, E., 2006, “The salt-laden rock-carved tomb facades in Petra, Jordan: Scientifi c Investi- gations”, Proceedings of the ARCCHIP Workshop ARIADNE 13: Problems of Salts in Masonry: “SALTEXPERT” (with the Getty Conservation Institute), November 27 - December 1, 2002, (ed. S. Simon, M. Drdacky), Vol.5, European Research on Cultural Heritage: Sta- te of the Art Studies, Prague: Institute for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of Czech Repub- lic, 341-349.
  • Snethlage, R., Wendler, E., 1991, “Surfactant sand adherent silicon resins: New protective agents for natural stone”, Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology II Symposium, April 17-21, 1990, San Francisco, (ed. P.B. Vandiver, J.R. Druzik, G.S. Whee- ler), Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 185, Pittsburgh: Materials Research Society, 193-200.
  • Teutonico, J.M., De Witte, E., Grassegger, G., Koestler, R.J., Laurenzi Tabasso, M., Sasse, H.R., Snethlage, R., 1997, “Group Report: How Can We Ensure The Responsible And Effective Use Of Treatments (Cleaning, Consolidation, Pro- tection)?”, Saving Our Architectural Heritage: The Conservation of Historic Stone Structures; Report of Dahlem Workshop on Saving Our Arc- hitectural Heritage: The Conservation of Historic Stone Structures, Berlin, March 3-8 1996, (ed. N.S. Baer, R.Snethlage), Dahlem Work- shop Reports, Chichester and New York, John Wiley and Sons, 299-313.
  • Vallet, J.M., Bromblet, P., Vergès-Belmin, V., Pallot-Fossard, I., Henry, F., 2000, “La protection des pierres: Guide sur le shydrofuges de surface”, Les cahiers techniques du cercle des partenaires du patrimoine 3. Champs-sur-Marne: Cercle des partenaires du patrimoine.
  • Van Balen, K., Ercan, E.P.S., Patricio, T.C., 1999, “Compatibility and retreatability versus Reversibility: A Case Study at the Late Hellenistic Nymphaeum of Sagalassos (Turkey)”, The Use of and Need for Preservation Standarts in Architectural Conservation, (ed. L.B. Sickles-Taves), ASTM Special Technical Publication 1335, W. Conshohochen PA:ASTM., 105-118. (C.A.Price’dan Naklen).
  • Webster, A., Vicente, D., May, E., 2004, “Bacteria and the bioremediation of stone: The potential for saving Cultu- ral heritage”, Enviromental Biotechnology - ESEB 2004, Proceedings of the European Symposium on Enviromental Biotechnology, 25-28 Ap- ril 2004, Oostende, Belgium. (ed. W. Verstraete), 793-796 (A.C.Price’dan naklen).
  • Witmann, F.H., Xian, Y.Z., Zhao T.J., Giessler-Blank, S., 2008, “Moisture diffusion and siloxane distribution in in- tegral water repellent concrete”, Restoration of Buildings and Monuments an International Journal, Bauinst and setzen und Bau- denkmal pfl egeeine internationale Zeitschrift, Volume:14, Issue:1, 15-26.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Article

Ahmet Ersen This is me

İrem Verdön This is me

İşil Polat Pekmezci This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 11


APA Ersen, A., Verdön, İ., & Polat Pekmezci, İ. (2013). Yüzey Koruyucular ve Titanyum Dioksit Yüzey Kaplama Metodu Kireçtaşı Yüzeylerde Nano-Teknolojik Yüzey Koruyucu Uygulamasının Taşın Fiziksel Özelliklerine Etkisi ve Kirlenmeye Karşı Koruma Etkinliği. Restorasyon Ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi(11), 37-48.
AMA Ersen A, Verdön İ, Polat Pekmezci İ. Yüzey Koruyucular ve Titanyum Dioksit Yüzey Kaplama Metodu Kireçtaşı Yüzeylerde Nano-Teknolojik Yüzey Koruyucu Uygulamasının Taşın Fiziksel Özelliklerine Etkisi ve Kirlenmeye Karşı Koruma Etkinliği. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi. December 2013;(11):37-48.
Chicago Ersen, Ahmet, İrem Verdön, and İşil Polat Pekmezci. “Yüzey Koruyucular Ve Titanyum Dioksit Yüzey Kaplama Metodu Kireçtaşı Yüzeylerde Nano-Teknolojik Yüzey Koruyucu Uygulamasının Taşın Fiziksel Özelliklerine Etkisi Ve Kirlenmeye Karşı Koruma Etkinliği”. Restorasyon Ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi, no. 11 (December 2013): 37-48.
EndNote Ersen A, Verdön İ, Polat Pekmezci İ (December 1, 2013) Yüzey Koruyucular ve Titanyum Dioksit Yüzey Kaplama Metodu Kireçtaşı Yüzeylerde Nano-Teknolojik Yüzey Koruyucu Uygulamasının Taşın Fiziksel Özelliklerine Etkisi ve Kirlenmeye Karşı Koruma Etkinliği. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi 11 37–48.
IEEE A. Ersen, İ. Verdön, and İ. Polat Pekmezci, “Yüzey Koruyucular ve Titanyum Dioksit Yüzey Kaplama Metodu Kireçtaşı Yüzeylerde Nano-Teknolojik Yüzey Koruyucu Uygulamasının Taşın Fiziksel Özelliklerine Etkisi ve Kirlenmeye Karşı Koruma Etkinliği”, Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi, no. 11, pp. 37–48, December 2013.
ISNAD Ersen, Ahmet et al. “Yüzey Koruyucular Ve Titanyum Dioksit Yüzey Kaplama Metodu Kireçtaşı Yüzeylerde Nano-Teknolojik Yüzey Koruyucu Uygulamasının Taşın Fiziksel Özelliklerine Etkisi Ve Kirlenmeye Karşı Koruma Etkinliği”. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi 11 (December 2013), 37-48.
JAMA Ersen A, Verdön İ, Polat Pekmezci İ. Yüzey Koruyucular ve Titanyum Dioksit Yüzey Kaplama Metodu Kireçtaşı Yüzeylerde Nano-Teknolojik Yüzey Koruyucu Uygulamasının Taşın Fiziksel Özelliklerine Etkisi ve Kirlenmeye Karşı Koruma Etkinliği. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2013;:37–48.
MLA Ersen, Ahmet et al. “Yüzey Koruyucular Ve Titanyum Dioksit Yüzey Kaplama Metodu Kireçtaşı Yüzeylerde Nano-Teknolojik Yüzey Koruyucu Uygulamasının Taşın Fiziksel Özelliklerine Etkisi Ve Kirlenmeye Karşı Koruma Etkinliği”. Restorasyon Ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi, no. 11, 2013, pp. 37-48.
Vancouver Ersen A, Verdön İ, Polat Pekmezci İ. Yüzey Koruyucular ve Titanyum Dioksit Yüzey Kaplama Metodu Kireçtaşı Yüzeylerde Nano-Teknolojik Yüzey Koruyucu Uygulamasının Taşın Fiziksel Özelliklerine Etkisi ve Kirlenmeye Karşı Koruma Etkinliği. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2013(11):37-48.