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Year 2017, Issue: 18, 63 - 72, 01.02.2017


In this study, the properties of traditional natural adhesives, water-based adhesives, synthetic and semisynthetic adhesives, which are still in use today in oil painting conservation and restoration, were considered. Natural animal adhesives and glues which are rabbit glue, gelatin, isinglass glue and fish glue, etc. have been used for a very long time in oil painting conservation and restoration. Water-based adhesives include funori, rice and wheat starch. Starch is preferred in oil-painting patch making for torn areas, since it is a widely available and cheap material. The use of synthetic adhesives has increased with the development of chemical industry. The varities of synthetic adhesives used in oil-painting conservation increase continuously. The most frequently used synthetic adhesives are EVA-based adhesives and Cyclododecane. Cellulosederivatives and ethers, particularly methylcellolose MC and carboxyl-methylcellulose CMC , which are called semi-synthetic adhesives, have been used since 1950’s in those works. Etylose and hydroxypropyl cellulose Klugel are used. In this paper, the positive and negative properties of the adhesives often used in oil-painting conservation are also examined.


  • 1- Arslanoğlu, J., 2004, “Aquazol as Used in Conservation Practice”, WAAC Newsletter, c. 26, sayı 1.
  • 2- Bianco, L., Avalle, M., Scattina, A., Croveri, P., 2015, “A Study on Reversibility of Beva 371 in the Lining of Paintings” Journal of Cultural Heritage, c. 16, sayı 4, s. 479-485.
  • 3- Bomford D., Leonard, M., 2004, Issues in the Conservation of Paintings, Getty Publications, Los Angeles.
  • 4- Brückle, I., Thornton , J., Nichols, K., Strickler, G., 1999, “Cyclododecane: Technical Note on Some Uses in Paper and Objects Conservation.” Journal of The American Institute For Conservation, c. 38, sayı 2, s. 162-175.
  • 5- Carbo, M.T., Lee, Y., Cortina L.O., Martin-Rey, S., 2014, “Influence of Plasticizer and Biocide on the Functional Properties of Gelatin-Based Adhesives Used in Painting Consolidation,” Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, s. 1-22.
  • 6- Daniels, V., 1991, “ The Reversibility of Starch Paste”, 17th Annual Conservation Training Programs Conference, April 25-27, 1991, s. 72-76.
  • 7- Fan, T., 2012, “Evaluation of Funori Stability in Preparation Methods”, Adhesives and Consolidants in Painting Conservation, yay. haz. A. Barros D’Sa, L. Bone, A. Gent, R. Clarricoates, Archetype Publications.
  • 8- Fieux, R. E., 1974, “Consolidation and Lining Adhesives Compared”, Greenwich Conference on Comparative Lining Techniques, April 23-25, 1974, Greenwich, İngiltere.
  • 9- Gettens, R. J., Stout, L., 1966, Painting Materials a Short Encyclopaedia, Dover Publications, New York.
  • 10- Gottsegen, M. D., 1993, The Painter’s Handbook, Watson-Guptill Publications, New York.
  • 11- Haubt, M., Dyer, D., Hanlan, J., 1990, “An Investigation into Three Animal Glues”, The Conservator, c. 4, s. 10-16.
  • 12- Koob, S., 1986, “The Use of Paraloid B-72 as an Adhesive: Its Application for Archaelogical Ceramics and Other Materials” Studies in Conservation, c. 31, s. 7-14.
  • 13- Kronthal, L., Levinson, J., Dignard, C., Chao, E., Down, J., 2003, “Beva 371 and Its Use as an Adhesive for Skin and Leather Repairs: Backgroud and a Review of Treatments”, Journal of The American Institute For Conservation, c. 42, s. 341-362.
  • 14- Lucanus, Fr. G. H., 1842, Vollständige Anleitung zur Erhaltung, Reinigung und Wiederherstellung der Gemälde, zur Bereitung der Firnisse, so wie auch zum Aufziehen, Reinigen, Bleichen und Restauriren der Kupferstiche etc., Halberstadt, Helm.
  • 15- Marriott, S., 2010, “Lascaux 4176 Medium for Consolidation”, The Picture Restorer, Autumn 2010, s. 34-35.
  • 16- Masschelein-Kleiner, L., 1985, Ancient Binding Media, Varnishes and Adhesives, ICCROM, Roma.
  • 17- Mayerne, T. T. de, 1620, Pictoria Sculptoria & Quae Subalternarum Artium, Manuscript Sloane 2052 (elyazması).
  • 18- Mecklenburg, M. F., Lopez, L. F., Ottolini, S., 2012, “A Look at the Structural Requirements of Consolidation Adhesives for Easel Paintings”, Adhesives and Consolidants in Painting Conservation , yay. haz. Angelina Barros D’Sa, Lizzie Bone, İngiltere.
  • 19- Michel F., 2012, “Funori and JunFunori: Two Related Consolidants with Surprising Properties”, Adhesives and Consolidants for Conservation: Research and Applications, Proceedings of Canadian Conservation Instıtute 2011 Symposium, October 7-21 2011, s. 1-14, Kanada.
  • 20- Nichalous, K., 1999, The Restoration of Paintings, Könemann, Slovenya.
  • 21- Nichols, K., Mustalish, R., 2002, “Cyclododecane in Paper Conservation Discussion” The Book and Paper Group Annual 21, s. 81-84, New York.
  • 22- Petukhova, T., Bonadies, S. D., 1993, “Sturgeon Glue For Painting Consolidation in Russia” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, c. 32, sayı 1, s. 23-31.
  • 23- Ploeger, R., 1, McGlinchey, C.W., Rie, R. E., 2015, “Original and Reformulated Beva 371: Composition and Assessment as a Consolidant for Painted Surfaces”, Studies in Conservation, c. 60, sayı 4, s. 217-226.
  • 24- Ploeger, R., Rie, E. R., Mcglinchhey, C. W., Palmer, M., Maines, C. A., Chiantore, O., 2014, “The Long-term Stability of a Popular Heat-Seal Adhesive for the Conservation of Painted Cultural Objects”, Polimer Degradation and Stability, c. 107, s. 307-313.
  • 25- Podany, J., Garland, K. M., Freeman, W. R., Rogers, J., 2001, “Paraloid B-72 as a Structural Adhesive and as a Barrier within Structural Adhesive Bonds: Evaluations of Strength and Reversibility”, Journal of The American Institute For Conservation, c. 40, s.15-33.
  • 26- Quandt, A. B., 1996, “Recent Developments in the Conservation of Parchment Manuscripts”, The Book and Paper Group Annual, c. 15, A.B.D., s. 1-12, Norfolk, Virginia.
  • 27- Soppa, K., Laaser T., Krekel, C., 2011, “Visualizing the Penetration of Adhesives Using Fluorescent Labelling”, Adhesives and Consolidants for Conservation: Research and Applications, Proceedings of Canadian Conservation Instıtute 2011 Symposium, October 7-21, 2011, s. 1-18, Kanada.
  • 28- Stoner, J. H., Rushfi eld, R., 2012, “ Consolidation of fl aking paint and ground”, Methods and Approches for the Treatment and Care of Easel Painting, s. 369-383.
  • 29- Thuer, C. H., 2011, Scottish Renaissance Interiors: Facings and Adhesives for Size-Tempera Painted Wood, Historic Scotland Technical Paper 11, May 2011, Historic Scotland, Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh.
  • 30- Veliz, Z., 1998, “The Restoration of Paintings in Spanish Royal Collections, 1734-1820”, Studies in the History of Painting Restoration, s. 43-62.
  • 31- Vestergaard, I. K. L., Horie, C. V., 1996, “A Comparison of the Interaction of Five Adhesives with Mastodon Tooth Adherends”, ICOM Commitee for Conservation, c. II, s. 938-943.
  • 32- URL1:, erişim tarihi: 02 .10.2015.
  • 33- URL2:, erişim tarihi: 02 .10.2015.

Yağlı Boya Tabloların Koruma ve Onarımında Kullanılan Yapıştırıcılar

Year 2017, Issue: 18, 63 - 72, 01.02.2017



  • 1- Arslanoğlu, J., 2004, “Aquazol as Used in Conservation Practice”, WAAC Newsletter, c. 26, sayı 1.
  • 2- Bianco, L., Avalle, M., Scattina, A., Croveri, P., 2015, “A Study on Reversibility of Beva 371 in the Lining of Paintings” Journal of Cultural Heritage, c. 16, sayı 4, s. 479-485.
  • 3- Bomford D., Leonard, M., 2004, Issues in the Conservation of Paintings, Getty Publications, Los Angeles.
  • 4- Brückle, I., Thornton , J., Nichols, K., Strickler, G., 1999, “Cyclododecane: Technical Note on Some Uses in Paper and Objects Conservation.” Journal of The American Institute For Conservation, c. 38, sayı 2, s. 162-175.
  • 5- Carbo, M.T., Lee, Y., Cortina L.O., Martin-Rey, S., 2014, “Influence of Plasticizer and Biocide on the Functional Properties of Gelatin-Based Adhesives Used in Painting Consolidation,” Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, s. 1-22.
  • 6- Daniels, V., 1991, “ The Reversibility of Starch Paste”, 17th Annual Conservation Training Programs Conference, April 25-27, 1991, s. 72-76.
  • 7- Fan, T., 2012, “Evaluation of Funori Stability in Preparation Methods”, Adhesives and Consolidants in Painting Conservation, yay. haz. A. Barros D’Sa, L. Bone, A. Gent, R. Clarricoates, Archetype Publications.
  • 8- Fieux, R. E., 1974, “Consolidation and Lining Adhesives Compared”, Greenwich Conference on Comparative Lining Techniques, April 23-25, 1974, Greenwich, İngiltere.
  • 9- Gettens, R. J., Stout, L., 1966, Painting Materials a Short Encyclopaedia, Dover Publications, New York.
  • 10- Gottsegen, M. D., 1993, The Painter’s Handbook, Watson-Guptill Publications, New York.
  • 11- Haubt, M., Dyer, D., Hanlan, J., 1990, “An Investigation into Three Animal Glues”, The Conservator, c. 4, s. 10-16.
  • 12- Koob, S., 1986, “The Use of Paraloid B-72 as an Adhesive: Its Application for Archaelogical Ceramics and Other Materials” Studies in Conservation, c. 31, s. 7-14.
  • 13- Kronthal, L., Levinson, J., Dignard, C., Chao, E., Down, J., 2003, “Beva 371 and Its Use as an Adhesive for Skin and Leather Repairs: Backgroud and a Review of Treatments”, Journal of The American Institute For Conservation, c. 42, s. 341-362.
  • 14- Lucanus, Fr. G. H., 1842, Vollständige Anleitung zur Erhaltung, Reinigung und Wiederherstellung der Gemälde, zur Bereitung der Firnisse, so wie auch zum Aufziehen, Reinigen, Bleichen und Restauriren der Kupferstiche etc., Halberstadt, Helm.
  • 15- Marriott, S., 2010, “Lascaux 4176 Medium for Consolidation”, The Picture Restorer, Autumn 2010, s. 34-35.
  • 16- Masschelein-Kleiner, L., 1985, Ancient Binding Media, Varnishes and Adhesives, ICCROM, Roma.
  • 17- Mayerne, T. T. de, 1620, Pictoria Sculptoria & Quae Subalternarum Artium, Manuscript Sloane 2052 (elyazması).
  • 18- Mecklenburg, M. F., Lopez, L. F., Ottolini, S., 2012, “A Look at the Structural Requirements of Consolidation Adhesives for Easel Paintings”, Adhesives and Consolidants in Painting Conservation , yay. haz. Angelina Barros D’Sa, Lizzie Bone, İngiltere.
  • 19- Michel F., 2012, “Funori and JunFunori: Two Related Consolidants with Surprising Properties”, Adhesives and Consolidants for Conservation: Research and Applications, Proceedings of Canadian Conservation Instıtute 2011 Symposium, October 7-21 2011, s. 1-14, Kanada.
  • 20- Nichalous, K., 1999, The Restoration of Paintings, Könemann, Slovenya.
  • 21- Nichols, K., Mustalish, R., 2002, “Cyclododecane in Paper Conservation Discussion” The Book and Paper Group Annual 21, s. 81-84, New York.
  • 22- Petukhova, T., Bonadies, S. D., 1993, “Sturgeon Glue For Painting Consolidation in Russia” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, c. 32, sayı 1, s. 23-31.
  • 23- Ploeger, R., 1, McGlinchey, C.W., Rie, R. E., 2015, “Original and Reformulated Beva 371: Composition and Assessment as a Consolidant for Painted Surfaces”, Studies in Conservation, c. 60, sayı 4, s. 217-226.
  • 24- Ploeger, R., Rie, E. R., Mcglinchhey, C. W., Palmer, M., Maines, C. A., Chiantore, O., 2014, “The Long-term Stability of a Popular Heat-Seal Adhesive for the Conservation of Painted Cultural Objects”, Polimer Degradation and Stability, c. 107, s. 307-313.
  • 25- Podany, J., Garland, K. M., Freeman, W. R., Rogers, J., 2001, “Paraloid B-72 as a Structural Adhesive and as a Barrier within Structural Adhesive Bonds: Evaluations of Strength and Reversibility”, Journal of The American Institute For Conservation, c. 40, s.15-33.
  • 26- Quandt, A. B., 1996, “Recent Developments in the Conservation of Parchment Manuscripts”, The Book and Paper Group Annual, c. 15, A.B.D., s. 1-12, Norfolk, Virginia.
  • 27- Soppa, K., Laaser T., Krekel, C., 2011, “Visualizing the Penetration of Adhesives Using Fluorescent Labelling”, Adhesives and Consolidants for Conservation: Research and Applications, Proceedings of Canadian Conservation Instıtute 2011 Symposium, October 7-21, 2011, s. 1-18, Kanada.
  • 28- Stoner, J. H., Rushfi eld, R., 2012, “ Consolidation of fl aking paint and ground”, Methods and Approches for the Treatment and Care of Easel Painting, s. 369-383.
  • 29- Thuer, C. H., 2011, Scottish Renaissance Interiors: Facings and Adhesives for Size-Tempera Painted Wood, Historic Scotland Technical Paper 11, May 2011, Historic Scotland, Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh.
  • 30- Veliz, Z., 1998, “The Restoration of Paintings in Spanish Royal Collections, 1734-1820”, Studies in the History of Painting Restoration, s. 43-62.
  • 31- Vestergaard, I. K. L., Horie, C. V., 1996, “A Comparison of the Interaction of Five Adhesives with Mastodon Tooth Adherends”, ICOM Commitee for Conservation, c. II, s. 938-943.
  • 32- URL1:, erişim tarihi: 02 .10.2015.
  • 33- URL2:, erişim tarihi: 02 .10.2015.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Gülder Emre

Publication Date February 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 18


APA Emre, G. (2017). Yağlı Boya Tabloların Koruma ve Onarımında Kullanılan Yapıştırıcılar. Restorasyon Ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi(18), 63-72.
AMA Emre G. Yağlı Boya Tabloların Koruma ve Onarımında Kullanılan Yapıştırıcılar. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi. February 2017;(18):63-72.
Chicago Emre, Gülder. “Yağlı Boya Tabloların Koruma Ve Onarımında Kullanılan Yapıştırıcılar”. Restorasyon Ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi, no. 18 (February 2017): 63-72.
EndNote Emre G (February 1, 2017) Yağlı Boya Tabloların Koruma ve Onarımında Kullanılan Yapıştırıcılar. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi 18 63–72.
IEEE G. Emre, “Yağlı Boya Tabloların Koruma ve Onarımında Kullanılan Yapıştırıcılar”, Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi, no. 18, pp. 63–72, February 2017.
ISNAD Emre, Gülder. “Yağlı Boya Tabloların Koruma Ve Onarımında Kullanılan Yapıştırıcılar”. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi 18 (February 2017), 63-72.
JAMA Emre G. Yağlı Boya Tabloların Koruma ve Onarımında Kullanılan Yapıştırıcılar. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2017;:63–72.
MLA Emre, Gülder. “Yağlı Boya Tabloların Koruma Ve Onarımında Kullanılan Yapıştırıcılar”. Restorasyon Ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi, no. 18, 2017, pp. 63-72.
Vancouver Emre G. Yağlı Boya Tabloların Koruma ve Onarımında Kullanılan Yapıştırıcılar. Restorasyon ve Konservasyon Çalışmaları Dergisi. 2017(18):63-72.