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An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho

Year 2012, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 192 - 218, 01.06.2012



  • Allen, T.J. (1977). Managing the flow of technology. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Babbie, E.R. and Mouton, J. 2001. The practice of social research. SA ed. Cape
  • Town: Oxford University Press. Baker, L.M. (2004). The information needs of female police officers involved in undercover prostitution work. Information Research, 10(1). Retrieved from
  • Bates, M.J. (2006). Fundamental forms of information. Journal of the American
  • Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(8), 1033-1045.
  • Bell, J. (2010). Doing your research project: A guide for first-time researchers in education and social science. 3rd ed. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Bitso, C.M.L. (2011). The information needs and information-seeking patterns of secondary level geography teachers in Lesotho: Implications for information service
  • (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pretoria, 2011). Retrieved from
  • Bitso, C. and Fourie, I. (2012). An investigation of information-seeking behaviour of geography teachers for information service intervention: The case of Lesotho. In
  • Proceedings of the Information Seeking In-Context Conference, Keio University, Tokyo, September 4-7, 2012.
  • Bitso, C. M.L.and Fourie, I. (2011). Information-seeking behaviour of in-service secondary level geography teachers in Lesotho. Mousaion, 29(2), 173-194.
  • Borgman, C.L., Smart, L.J., Millwood, K.A., Finley, J.R., Champeny, L, Gilliland, A.J. and Leazer, G.H. (2005). Comparing faculty information-seeking in teaching and research: Implications for the design of digital libraries. Journal of the American
  • Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(6), 636-657. Burke, M.E. (2007). Cultural issues, organizational hierarchy and information fulfilment: An exploration of relationships. Library Review, 56(8), 678-693.
  • Byström, K. and Hansen, P. (2005). Conceptual framework for tasks in information studies. Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, (10), 1050-1061.
  • Byström, K. and Järvelin, K. (1995). Task complexity affects information-seeking and use. Information Processing and Management, 31(2), 191-213.
  • Case, D.O. (2007). Looking for information: A survey of research on information seeking, needs, and behaviour. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Conroy, G. Parker, S. and Davies, S. (2000). The European information needs of secondary school teachers in Scotland: Recent developments in the provision of information to schools and colleges. ASLIB Proceedings, 52(7), 254-263.
  • De la Vega, A. and Puente, R.T. (2010). Availability and use of printed, audio-visual and electronic information by high school teachers of communication and social sciences in public educational institutions in Peru. Libri, 60(4), 306-320.
  • Deaney, R. and Hennessy, S. (2007). Sustainability, evolution and dissemination of information and communication technology-supported classroom practice. Research
  • Papers in Education, 22(1), 65 -94. Dias Gasque, K.C.G. and de Souza Costa, S.M. (2003). The elementary and secondary school teachers’ information-seeking behaviour on behalf of their own continuing education. Ciência da Informacão, 32(3), 54-61.
  • Fidel, R. and Pejtersen, A.M. (2004). From information behaviour research to the design of information systems: The cognitive work analysis framework. Information
  • Research, 10(1). Retrieved from Fisher, K.E. and Julien, H. (2009). Information behavior.In: B. Cronin (ed.) Annual
  • Review of Information Science and Technology. Vol.43 (pp. 1-73). Medford, NJ: Information Today. Fisher, K.E., Durrance, J.C. and Hinton, M.B. (2004). Information grounds and the use of need-based services by immigrants in Queens, New York: Acontext-based, outcome evaluation approach. Journal of the American Society of Information
  • Science and Technology, 55(8), 754-766. Foster, A. (2004). A nonlinear model of information-seeking behaviour. Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 55(3), 228-237.
  • Foster, A. and Ford, N. (2003). Serendipity and information-seeking: An empirical study. Journal of Documentation, 59(3), 321-340.
  • Foster, J. (2006). Collaborative information-seeking and retrieval. In: B. Cronin
  • (ed.) Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Vol. 40 (pp. 329- ). Medford, NJ: Information Today. Fourie, I. (2006). How LIS professionals can use alerting services. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.
  • Gray, D.E. 2009. Doing research in the real world. 2nd ed. London: Sage Publications.
  • Hargittai, E. and Hinnant, A. (2006). Toward a social framework for information- seeking. In: A.Spink and C. Cole (eds.) New Directions in Human Information
  • Behaviour (pp. 55-70). Netherlands: Springer. Heinström, J. (2005). Fast surfing, broad scanning and deep diving: The influence of personality and study approach on students’ information-seeking behaviour. Journal of Documentation, 61(2), 228-247.
  • Hepworth, M. (2007). Knowledge of information behaviour and its relevance to the design of people-centred information products and services. Journal of Documentation, 63(1), 33-56.
  • Hyldegård, J. (2006). Collaborative information behaviour – exploring Kuhlthau’s
  • Information Search Process Model in a group-based educational setting. Information Processing and Management, 42(1), 276-298. Ingwersen, P. (1999). Cognitive information retrieval. In: M.E Williams (ed.)
  • Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Vol. 34 (pp. 3-52). Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc. Ingwersen, P. and Järvelin, K. (2005). The turn: İntegration of information seeking and retrieval in context. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Johnson, J.D. (1997). Cancer-related information seeking. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
  • Johnson, J.D. (2003). On contexts of information-seeking. Information Processing and Management, 39(5), 735-760.
  • Julien, H. and Michels, D. (2000). Source selection among information seekers:
  • Ideals and realities. Canadian Journal of Library and Information Science, 25(1), 1- Kahlert, J. (2001). Service industry for teachers? Using the Internet to plan lessons.
  • European Journal of Education, 36(2), 189-193. Kirby, P.C. and Bogotch, I. (1996). Information utilization of beginning principals in school restructuring. Journal of Educational Administration, 34(2), 5-23.
  • Krikelas, J. (1983). Information-seeking behavior: Patterns and concepts. Drexel
  • Library Quarterly, 19(2), 5-20. Kuhlthau, C.C. (2004). Seeking meaning: A process approach to library and information services.2nd ed. Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Lan, C. and Chang, Y. (2002). The advanced study of information behaviour of biology teachers in junior high school. Journal of Library and Information Science (USA/Taiwan), 28(2), 39-48.
  • Landrum, T.J., Cook, B.G., Tankersley, M. and Fitzgerald, S. (2002). Teacher perceptions of the trustworthiness, usability and accessibility of information from different sources. Remedial and Special Education, 23(1), 42-48.
  • Leckie, G.J., Pettigrew, K.E. and Sylvain, C. (1996). Modelling the information- seeking of professionals: A general model derived from research on engineers, health care professionals and lawyers. Library Quarterly, 66(2), 161-193.
  • Lefoka, J.P. and Sebatane, E.M. (2003). Initial primary teacher education in
  • Lesotho: Multi-site teacher education research project Country Report Two. Sussex: University of Sussex Institute of Education. Lundh, M. (2005). Information-seeking and teachers: A study of high school teachers in the transition from education to occupational practice. Master’s thesis,
  • University College of Borås, Borås. Retrieved from
  • Mardis, M.A. (2009). Classroom information needs: Search analysis from a digital library for educators. D-LIB Magazine, 15(1/2). Retrieved from
  • Mckenzie, P.J. (2003). A model of information practices in accounts of everyday- life information-seeking. Journal of Documentation, 59(1), 19-40.
  • Merchant, L. and Hepworth, M. (2002). Information literacy of teachers and pupils in secondary schools. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 34(2), 81
  • Moloi, F., Morobe, N. and Urwick, J. (2008). Free but inaccessible primary education: A critique of the pedagogy of English and mathematics in Lesotho.
  • International Journal of Educational Development, 28(5), 612-621. Mundt, M., Stockert, K. and Yellesetty, L. (2006). The information behaviour of teachers., accessed 28 May 2008. Retrieved from last
  • Namey, E., Guest, G., Thairu, L. and Johnson, L. (2008). Data reduction techniques for large qualitative data sets. In: G. Guest & K.M. Macqueen, (eds.). Handbook for team-based qualitative research. New York: Altamira Press. Pp. 137-159.
  • Nikalanta, S. and Scamell, R. (1990). The effect of information sources and communication channels on the diffusion of innovation in a data base development environment. Management Science, 36(1), 24-40.
  • Noh, T., Kang, S. and Scharmann, L.C. (2004). Perceived needs of Korean science teachers majoring in chemical education and their preferences for online and on-site training. International Journal of Science Education, 26(10), 1269-1289.
  • Nyabanyaba, T. (2009). Factors influencing access and retention in secondary schooling for orphaned and vulnerable children and young people: Case studies from high HIV and AIDS prevalence contexts in Lesotho. London: Institute of Education,
  • University of London. Retrieved from Nwokedi, V.C. and Adah, J. (2009). Information needs of post-primary school teachers in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. Information Technologist, 6(2), NP.
  • Passey, D. (2006). Technology enhancing learning: Analysing uses of information and communication technologies by primary and secondary pupils with learning frameworks. Curriculum Journal, 17(2), 139-166.
  • Pattuelli, M.C. (2008). Teachers’ perspectives and contextual dimensions to guide the design of N.C. history learning objects and ontology. Information Processing and Management, 44(2), 635-646.
  • Perrault, A.M. (2007). An exploratory study of biology teachers’ online information- seeking practices. School Library Media Research, 10. Retrieved from me10/contents.cfm.
  • Prabha, C., Connaway, L.S., Olszewski, L. and Jenkins, L.R. (2007). What is enough? Satisficing information needs. Journal of Documentation, 63(1), 74-89.
  • Rakumako, A. and Laugksch, R. (2010). Demographic profile and perceived INSET needs of secondary Mathematics teachers in Limpopo province. South African
  • Journal of Education, 30(1), 139-152. Sànchez, G. and Valcàrcel, M.V. (1999). Science teachers’ views and practices in planning for teaching. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(4), 493-513.
  • Shanmugam, A. (1999). Information-seeking behaviour of trainee teachers in selected teacher training colleges in Malaysia. Malaysia Journal of Library and Information Science, 4(1), 1-26.
  • Shulman, L.S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform.
  • Harvard Educational Review, 57(1), 1-22. Snyman, M. and Heyns, D. (2004). Die inligtingbehoeftes van Afrikaans T1- onderwysers. Mousaion, 22(2), 211-229.
  • Spink, A. and Cole, C. (2006). Human information behaviour: İntegrating diverse approaches and information use. Journal of the American Society for Information
  • Science and Technology, 57(1) 25-35. Struwig, F.W. and Stead, G.B. (2001). Planning, designing and reporting research.
  • Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman. Tanni, M. Sormunen, E. and Syvänen, A. (2008). Prospective history teachers’ information behaviour in lesson planning. Information Research, 13(4). Retrieved from
  • Tucker, M. and Napier, T.L. (2002). Preferred sources and channels of soil and water conservation information among farmers in three Midwestern US watersheds.
  • Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 92(2-3), 297-313. Uibu, K. and Kikas, E. (2008). The roles of a primary school teacher in the information society. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 52(5), 459-480.
  • White, A.C., Ye, Y. and Guccione, M. (2009). Study abroad students: Designing library services to meet their needs. Journal of Library Administration, 49(1/2), 187
  • Williams, D. and Coles, L. (2007a). Evidence-based practice in teaching: An information perspective. Journal of Documentation, 63(6), 812-835.
  • Williams, D. and Coles, L. (2007b). Teachers’ approaches to finding and using research evidence: An information literacy perspective. Educational Research, 49(2), 206.
  • Wilson, T.D. (1999). Models in information behaviour research. Journal of Documentation, 55(3), 249-270.
  • Wilson, T.D. (2000). Human information behaviour. Informing Science, 3(2), 49-56.
  • Wilson, T.D. (2006). Revisiting user studies and information needs. Journal of Documentation, 62(6), 680-684.
  • Wu, M., Chen, S. and Hseih, M. (2005). A study of elementary school teachers’ searching behaviour for instructional resources on the Internet. Journal of
  • Educational Media and Library Sciences, 42(4), 481-498.

An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho

Year 2012, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 192 - 218, 01.06.2012



  • Allen, T.J. (1977). Managing the flow of technology. Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Babbie, E.R. and Mouton, J. 2001. The practice of social research. SA ed. Cape
  • Town: Oxford University Press. Baker, L.M. (2004). The information needs of female police officers involved in undercover prostitution work. Information Research, 10(1). Retrieved from
  • Bates, M.J. (2006). Fundamental forms of information. Journal of the American
  • Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(8), 1033-1045.
  • Bell, J. (2010). Doing your research project: A guide for first-time researchers in education and social science. 3rd ed. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Bitso, C.M.L. (2011). The information needs and information-seeking patterns of secondary level geography teachers in Lesotho: Implications for information service
  • (Doctoral dissertation, University of Pretoria, 2011). Retrieved from
  • Bitso, C. and Fourie, I. (2012). An investigation of information-seeking behaviour of geography teachers for information service intervention: The case of Lesotho. In
  • Proceedings of the Information Seeking In-Context Conference, Keio University, Tokyo, September 4-7, 2012.
  • Bitso, C. M.L.and Fourie, I. (2011). Information-seeking behaviour of in-service secondary level geography teachers in Lesotho. Mousaion, 29(2), 173-194.
  • Borgman, C.L., Smart, L.J., Millwood, K.A., Finley, J.R., Champeny, L, Gilliland, A.J. and Leazer, G.H. (2005). Comparing faculty information-seeking in teaching and research: Implications for the design of digital libraries. Journal of the American
  • Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(6), 636-657. Burke, M.E. (2007). Cultural issues, organizational hierarchy and information fulfilment: An exploration of relationships. Library Review, 56(8), 678-693.
  • Byström, K. and Hansen, P. (2005). Conceptual framework for tasks in information studies. Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, (10), 1050-1061.
  • Byström, K. and Järvelin, K. (1995). Task complexity affects information-seeking and use. Information Processing and Management, 31(2), 191-213.
  • Case, D.O. (2007). Looking for information: A survey of research on information seeking, needs, and behaviour. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Conroy, G. Parker, S. and Davies, S. (2000). The European information needs of secondary school teachers in Scotland: Recent developments in the provision of information to schools and colleges. ASLIB Proceedings, 52(7), 254-263.
  • De la Vega, A. and Puente, R.T. (2010). Availability and use of printed, audio-visual and electronic information by high school teachers of communication and social sciences in public educational institutions in Peru. Libri, 60(4), 306-320.
  • Deaney, R. and Hennessy, S. (2007). Sustainability, evolution and dissemination of information and communication technology-supported classroom practice. Research
  • Papers in Education, 22(1), 65 -94. Dias Gasque, K.C.G. and de Souza Costa, S.M. (2003). The elementary and secondary school teachers’ information-seeking behaviour on behalf of their own continuing education. Ciência da Informacão, 32(3), 54-61.
  • Fidel, R. and Pejtersen, A.M. (2004). From information behaviour research to the design of information systems: The cognitive work analysis framework. Information
  • Research, 10(1). Retrieved from Fisher, K.E. and Julien, H. (2009). Information behavior.In: B. Cronin (ed.) Annual
  • Review of Information Science and Technology. Vol.43 (pp. 1-73). Medford, NJ: Information Today. Fisher, K.E., Durrance, J.C. and Hinton, M.B. (2004). Information grounds and the use of need-based services by immigrants in Queens, New York: Acontext-based, outcome evaluation approach. Journal of the American Society of Information
  • Science and Technology, 55(8), 754-766. Foster, A. (2004). A nonlinear model of information-seeking behaviour. Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 55(3), 228-237.
  • Foster, A. and Ford, N. (2003). Serendipity and information-seeking: An empirical study. Journal of Documentation, 59(3), 321-340.
  • Foster, J. (2006). Collaborative information-seeking and retrieval. In: B. Cronin
  • (ed.) Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Vol. 40 (pp. 329- ). Medford, NJ: Information Today. Fourie, I. (2006). How LIS professionals can use alerting services. Oxford: Chandos Publishing.
  • Gray, D.E. 2009. Doing research in the real world. 2nd ed. London: Sage Publications.
  • Hargittai, E. and Hinnant, A. (2006). Toward a social framework for information- seeking. In: A.Spink and C. Cole (eds.) New Directions in Human Information
  • Behaviour (pp. 55-70). Netherlands: Springer. Heinström, J. (2005). Fast surfing, broad scanning and deep diving: The influence of personality and study approach on students’ information-seeking behaviour. Journal of Documentation, 61(2), 228-247.
  • Hepworth, M. (2007). Knowledge of information behaviour and its relevance to the design of people-centred information products and services. Journal of Documentation, 63(1), 33-56.
  • Hyldegård, J. (2006). Collaborative information behaviour – exploring Kuhlthau’s
  • Information Search Process Model in a group-based educational setting. Information Processing and Management, 42(1), 276-298. Ingwersen, P. (1999). Cognitive information retrieval. In: M.E Williams (ed.)
  • Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Vol. 34 (pp. 3-52). Medford, NJ: Information Today, Inc. Ingwersen, P. and Järvelin, K. (2005). The turn: İntegration of information seeking and retrieval in context. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • Johnson, J.D. (1997). Cancer-related information seeking. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
  • Johnson, J.D. (2003). On contexts of information-seeking. Information Processing and Management, 39(5), 735-760.
  • Julien, H. and Michels, D. (2000). Source selection among information seekers:
  • Ideals and realities. Canadian Journal of Library and Information Science, 25(1), 1- Kahlert, J. (2001). Service industry for teachers? Using the Internet to plan lessons.
  • European Journal of Education, 36(2), 189-193. Kirby, P.C. and Bogotch, I. (1996). Information utilization of beginning principals in school restructuring. Journal of Educational Administration, 34(2), 5-23.
  • Krikelas, J. (1983). Information-seeking behavior: Patterns and concepts. Drexel
  • Library Quarterly, 19(2), 5-20. Kuhlthau, C.C. (2004). Seeking meaning: A process approach to library and information services.2nd ed. Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited.
  • Lan, C. and Chang, Y. (2002). The advanced study of information behaviour of biology teachers in junior high school. Journal of Library and Information Science (USA/Taiwan), 28(2), 39-48.
  • Landrum, T.J., Cook, B.G., Tankersley, M. and Fitzgerald, S. (2002). Teacher perceptions of the trustworthiness, usability and accessibility of information from different sources. Remedial and Special Education, 23(1), 42-48.
  • Leckie, G.J., Pettigrew, K.E. and Sylvain, C. (1996). Modelling the information- seeking of professionals: A general model derived from research on engineers, health care professionals and lawyers. Library Quarterly, 66(2), 161-193.
  • Lefoka, J.P. and Sebatane, E.M. (2003). Initial primary teacher education in
  • Lesotho: Multi-site teacher education research project Country Report Two. Sussex: University of Sussex Institute of Education. Lundh, M. (2005). Information-seeking and teachers: A study of high school teachers in the transition from education to occupational practice. Master’s thesis,
  • University College of Borås, Borås. Retrieved from
  • Mardis, M.A. (2009). Classroom information needs: Search analysis from a digital library for educators. D-LIB Magazine, 15(1/2). Retrieved from
  • Mckenzie, P.J. (2003). A model of information practices in accounts of everyday- life information-seeking. Journal of Documentation, 59(1), 19-40.
  • Merchant, L. and Hepworth, M. (2002). Information literacy of teachers and pupils in secondary schools. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 34(2), 81
  • Moloi, F., Morobe, N. and Urwick, J. (2008). Free but inaccessible primary education: A critique of the pedagogy of English and mathematics in Lesotho.
  • International Journal of Educational Development, 28(5), 612-621. Mundt, M., Stockert, K. and Yellesetty, L. (2006). The information behaviour of teachers., accessed 28 May 2008. Retrieved from last
  • Namey, E., Guest, G., Thairu, L. and Johnson, L. (2008). Data reduction techniques for large qualitative data sets. In: G. Guest & K.M. Macqueen, (eds.). Handbook for team-based qualitative research. New York: Altamira Press. Pp. 137-159.
  • Nikalanta, S. and Scamell, R. (1990). The effect of information sources and communication channels on the diffusion of innovation in a data base development environment. Management Science, 36(1), 24-40.
  • Noh, T., Kang, S. and Scharmann, L.C. (2004). Perceived needs of Korean science teachers majoring in chemical education and their preferences for online and on-site training. International Journal of Science Education, 26(10), 1269-1289.
  • Nyabanyaba, T. (2009). Factors influencing access and retention in secondary schooling for orphaned and vulnerable children and young people: Case studies from high HIV and AIDS prevalence contexts in Lesotho. London: Institute of Education,
  • University of London. Retrieved from Nwokedi, V.C. and Adah, J. (2009). Information needs of post-primary school teachers in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. Information Technologist, 6(2), NP.
  • Passey, D. (2006). Technology enhancing learning: Analysing uses of information and communication technologies by primary and secondary pupils with learning frameworks. Curriculum Journal, 17(2), 139-166.
  • Pattuelli, M.C. (2008). Teachers’ perspectives and contextual dimensions to guide the design of N.C. history learning objects and ontology. Information Processing and Management, 44(2), 635-646.
  • Perrault, A.M. (2007). An exploratory study of biology teachers’ online information- seeking practices. School Library Media Research, 10. Retrieved from me10/contents.cfm.
  • Prabha, C., Connaway, L.S., Olszewski, L. and Jenkins, L.R. (2007). What is enough? Satisficing information needs. Journal of Documentation, 63(1), 74-89.
  • Rakumako, A. and Laugksch, R. (2010). Demographic profile and perceived INSET needs of secondary Mathematics teachers in Limpopo province. South African
  • Journal of Education, 30(1), 139-152. Sànchez, G. and Valcàrcel, M.V. (1999). Science teachers’ views and practices in planning for teaching. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(4), 493-513.
  • Shanmugam, A. (1999). Information-seeking behaviour of trainee teachers in selected teacher training colleges in Malaysia. Malaysia Journal of Library and Information Science, 4(1), 1-26.
  • Shulman, L.S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform.
  • Harvard Educational Review, 57(1), 1-22. Snyman, M. and Heyns, D. (2004). Die inligtingbehoeftes van Afrikaans T1- onderwysers. Mousaion, 22(2), 211-229.
  • Spink, A. and Cole, C. (2006). Human information behaviour: İntegrating diverse approaches and information use. Journal of the American Society for Information
  • Science and Technology, 57(1) 25-35. Struwig, F.W. and Stead, G.B. (2001). Planning, designing and reporting research.
  • Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman. Tanni, M. Sormunen, E. and Syvänen, A. (2008). Prospective history teachers’ information behaviour in lesson planning. Information Research, 13(4). Retrieved from
  • Tucker, M. and Napier, T.L. (2002). Preferred sources and channels of soil and water conservation information among farmers in three Midwestern US watersheds.
  • Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 92(2-3), 297-313. Uibu, K. and Kikas, E. (2008). The roles of a primary school teacher in the information society. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 52(5), 459-480.
  • White, A.C., Ye, Y. and Guccione, M. (2009). Study abroad students: Designing library services to meet their needs. Journal of Library Administration, 49(1/2), 187
  • Williams, D. and Coles, L. (2007a). Evidence-based practice in teaching: An information perspective. Journal of Documentation, 63(6), 812-835.
  • Williams, D. and Coles, L. (2007b). Teachers’ approaches to finding and using research evidence: An information literacy perspective. Educational Research, 49(2), 206.
  • Wilson, T.D. (1999). Models in information behaviour research. Journal of Documentation, 55(3), 249-270.
  • Wilson, T.D. (2000). Human information behaviour. Informing Science, 3(2), 49-56.
  • Wilson, T.D. (2006). Revisiting user studies and information needs. Journal of Documentation, 62(6), 680-684.
  • Wu, M., Chen, S. and Hseih, M. (2005). A study of elementary school teachers’ searching behaviour for instructional resources on the Internet. Journal of
  • Educational Media and Library Sciences, 42(4), 481-498.
There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Constance Bıtso This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Submission Date July 5, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Bıtso, C. (2012). An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho. Review of International Geographical Education Online, 2(2), 192-218.
AMA Bıtso C. An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho. Review of International Geographical Education Online. June 2012;2(2):192-218.
Chicago Bıtso, Constance. “An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 2, no. 2 (June 2012): 192-218.
EndNote Bıtso C (June 1, 2012) An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho. Review of International Geographical Education Online 2 2 192–218.
IEEE C. Bıtso, “An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho”, Review of International Geographical Education Online, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 192–218, 2012.
ISNAD Bıtso, Constance. “An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho”. Review of International Geographical Education Online 2/2 (June 2012), 192-218.
JAMA Bıtso C. An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2012;2:192–218.
MLA Bıtso, Constance. “An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho”. Review of International Geographical Education Online, vol. 2, no. 2, 2012, pp. 192-18.
Vancouver Bıtso C. An Analysis of the Information Behaviour of Geography Teachers in a Developing African Country–Lesotho. Review of International Geographical Education Online. 2012;2(2):192-218.