On a sum form functional equation emerging from statistics and its applications
Year 2021,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 65 - 76, 30.06.2021
Dhiraj Singh
Shveta Grover
In this paper, we obtain the general solutions of a sum form functional equation arising from the expected value of a discrete random variable. The significance of its general solutions in reference to entropies emerging from information theory and diversity index has been discussed.
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- [20] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, On a sum form functional equation related to entropies of type (α,β), Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 6(2) (2013), 13 pages.
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- [22] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, Some functional equations and their corresponding sum forms, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 12(24) (2016), 89-106.
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- [24] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, On an equation related to nonadditive entropies in information theory, Mathematics for Applications, 6(1) (2017), 31-41.
- [25] E.C. Pielou, Ecological Diversity, Wiley, New York, 1975.
- [26] C.R. Rao, Diversity and dissimilarity coefficients: A unified approach, Theoretical Population Biology, 21 (1982), 24-43.
- [27] C.E. Shannon, A mathematical theory of communication, Bell System Technical Journal, 27 (1948), 379-423; 623-656.
- [28] D.K. Singh and P. Dass, On a functional equation related to some entropies in information theory, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 21(3) (2018), 713-726.
- [29] D.K. Singh and S. Grover, On the stability of a sum form functional equation related to nonadditive entropies, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 23(4) (2021), 328-340.
- [30] H. Tuomisto, A diversity of beta diversities: straightening up a concept gone awry. Part 1. Defining beta diversity as a function of alpha and gamma diversity, Ecography, 33(1) (2010), 2-22.
Year 2021,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 65 - 76, 30.06.2021
Dhiraj Singh
Shveta Grover
- [1] J. Aczél, Lectures on Functional Equations and Their Applications, Academic Press New York and London, 1966.
- [2] M. Behara and P. Nath, Information and entropy of countable measurable partitions I, Kybernetika, 10 (1974), 491-503.
- [3] Z. Daróczy and L. Losonczi, Über die Erweiterung der auf einer Punktmenge additiven Funktionen, Publicationes Mathematicae (Debrecen), 14 (1967), 239-245.
- [4] C. Gini, Variabilitá e Mutabilitá, Studi Economicoaguridici della facotta di Giurisprudenza dell, Universite di Cagliari III, Parte II, 1912.
- [5] J. Havrda and F. Charvát, Quantification method of classification processes. Concept of structural α-entropy, Kybernetika, 3 (1967), 30-35.
- [6] M.O. Hill, Diversity and evenness: A unifying notation and its consequences, Ecology, 54(2) (1973), 427-432.
- [7] L. Jost, Entropy and diversity, Oikos, 113(2) (2006), 363-375.
- [8] Pl. Kannappan, An application of a differential equation in information theory, Glasnik Matematicki, 14(34) (1979), 269-274.
- [9] Pl. Kannappan, On a generalization of sum form functional equation III, Demonstratio Mathematica, 13 (1980), 749-754.
- [10] I. Kocsis, On the stability of a sum form functional equation of multiplicative type, Acta Acad. Paed. Agriensis, Sectio Mathematicae, 28 (2001), 43-53.
- [11] R.C. Lewontin, The apportionment of human diversity, Evolutionary Biology, 6 (1972), 381-398.
- [12] R.J. Light and B.H. Margolin, An analysis of variance for categorical data, J. Amer. Stat. Asso., 66 (1971), 534-544.
- [13] L. Losonczi and Gy. Maksa, The general solution of a functional equation of information theory, Glasnik Matematicki, 16(36) (1981), 261-268.
- [14] L. Losonczi and Gy. Maksa, On some functional equations of the information theory, Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica, 39(1-3) (1982), 73-82.
- [15] B.H. Margolin and R.J. Light, An analysis of variance for categorical data, II: small sample comparisons with chi square and other competitors, J. Amer. Stat. Asso., 69 (1974), 755-764.
- [16] A.M. Mood, F.A. Graybill and D.C. Boes, Introduction to the Theory of Statistics, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1974.
- [17] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, On a multiplicative type sum form functional equation and its role in information theory, Applications of Mathematics, 51(5) (2006), 495-516.
- [18] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, A sum form functional equation related to various entropies in information theory, Glasnik Matematicki, 43(63) (2008), 159-178.
- [19] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, On a sum form functional equation related to entropies and some moments of a discrete random variable, Demonstratio Mathematica, 42(1) (2009), 83-96.
- [20] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, On a sum form functional equation related to entropies of type (α,β), Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 6(2) (2013), 13 pages.
- [21] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, On a functional equation arising in statistics, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, 39(2) (2015), 141-148.
- [22] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, Some functional equations and their corresponding sum forms, Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics, 12(24) (2016), 89-106.
- [23] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, On a sum form functional equation containing five unknown mappings, Aequationes Mathematicae, 90 (2016), 1087-1101.
- [24] P. Nath and D.K. Singh, On an equation related to nonadditive entropies in information theory, Mathematics for Applications, 6(1) (2017), 31-41.
- [25] E.C. Pielou, Ecological Diversity, Wiley, New York, 1975.
- [26] C.R. Rao, Diversity and dissimilarity coefficients: A unified approach, Theoretical Population Biology, 21 (1982), 24-43.
- [27] C.E. Shannon, A mathematical theory of communication, Bell System Technical Journal, 27 (1948), 379-423; 623-656.
- [28] D.K. Singh and P. Dass, On a functional equation related to some entropies in information theory, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography, 21(3) (2018), 713-726.
- [29] D.K. Singh and S. Grover, On the stability of a sum form functional equation related to nonadditive entropies, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 23(4) (2021), 328-340.
- [30] H. Tuomisto, A diversity of beta diversities: straightening up a concept gone awry. Part 1. Defining beta diversity as a function of alpha and gamma diversity, Ecography, 33(1) (2010), 2-22.