The purpose of this research is to investigate the result of Katugampola kinetic fractional equations containing the first kind of generalized Bessel's function. This paper considers the manifold generality of the first kind generalized Bessel's function in form of the solution of Katugampola kinetic fractional equations. The $\tau$ Laplace transform technique is used to obtain the result. In addition, a graphical representation is included for viewing the behavior of the gained solutions.
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[22] G. Mittag-Leffler, Sur la representation analytique d’une branche uniforme d’une fonction monogene, Acta Math. 29(1) (1905) 101-181.
[23] S. Rashid, Z. Hammouch, H. Kalsoom, R. Ashraf, Y.M. Chu, New investigation on the generalized K-fractional integral operators, Front.
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Mittal, E., Sharma, D., & Prohit, S. D. (2022). Katugampola kinetic fractional equation with its solution. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, 5(3), 325-336.
Mittal E, Sharma D, Prohit SD. Katugampola kinetic fractional equation with its solution. RNA. September 2022;5(3):325-336. doi:10.53006/rna.1061458
Mittal, Ekta, Diksha Sharma, and Sunil Dutt Prohit. “Katugampola Kinetic Fractional Equation With Its Solution”. Results in Nonlinear Analysis 5, no. 3 (September 2022): 325-36.
Mittal E, Sharma D, Prohit SD (September 1, 2022) Katugampola kinetic fractional equation with its solution. Results in Nonlinear Analysis 5 3 325–336.
E. Mittal, D. Sharma, and S. D. Prohit, “Katugampola kinetic fractional equation with its solution”, RNA, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 325–336, 2022, doi: 10.53006/rna.1061458.
Mittal, Ekta et al. “Katugampola Kinetic Fractional Equation With Its Solution”. Results in Nonlinear Analysis 5/3 (September 2022), 325-336.
Mittal E, Sharma D, Prohit SD. Katugampola kinetic fractional equation with its solution. RNA. 2022;5:325–336.
Mittal, Ekta et al. “Katugampola Kinetic Fractional Equation With Its Solution”. Results in Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 5, no. 3, 2022, pp. 325-36, doi:10.53006/rna.1061458.
Mittal E, Sharma D, Prohit SD. Katugampola kinetic fractional equation with its solution. RNA. 2022;5(3):325-36.