Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 204 - 212, 30.07.2018


çevre kalitesi, perakende satış mağazalarında tüketicilerin satın alma kararını
etkileyen önemli bir pazarlama faktörüdür. Kuyumcu mağazalarında değerli
ürünlerin alışverişinin yapılması, tüketicilerin finansal ve sosyal risk
algılarını etkilemektedir. Bu kapsamda araştırmanın amacı kuyumcu mağazalarında
fiziksel çevre kalitesinin finansal ve sosyal risk algısı üzerindeki etkisini
belirlemektir. Araştırma kuyumcu mağazalarından alışveriş yapan 287 kişi
üzerinde kolayda örnekleme yoluyla internet ortamında gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Araştırmanın verileri e- anket yoluyla elde edilmiştir. Verilere güvenirlik,
geçerlik ve normal dağılım testleri uygulanmış ve hipotezler yapısal eşitlik
modeli ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre fiziksel çevre
kalitesi finansal risk algısını pozitif yönde etkilerken, sosyal risk algısını
negatif yönde etkilemektedir. Araştırmanın sonunda bulgular yorumlanmış ve


  • Ali, F. & Amin, M. (2014) ‘The Influence of Physical Environment on Emotions, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions in Chinese Resort Hotel Industry’, J. Global Business Advancement, 7( 3):249–266.
  • Baker, J., Berry, L. L., & Parasuraman, A. (1988). “The Marketing İmpact of Branch Facility Design”,Journal of Retail Banking, 10: 33-42.
  • Baker, J. & Cameron, M. (1996). “The Effects of the Service Environment on Affect and Consumer Perceptions of Waiting Time: An Integrative Review and Research Propositions”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24(2):338-49.
  • Baker, J., Grewal, D., &. Parasuraman, A. (1994). “The İnfluence of Store Environment on Quality İnferences and Store İmage”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22: 328-339.
  • Bitner, M. J. (1992). “Servicescapes: The İmpact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees”, Journal of Marketing, 56: 57-71.
  • Carmen, P. C. (2007). “Perceived Risk on Goods and Service Purchases”. EsicMarket, 129:183-199.
  • Chang, H.H. & Chen, S.W.(2008). "The Impact of Online Store Environment Cues on Purchase Intention: Trust and Perceived Risk as a Mediator", Online Information Review, 32 (6):818- 841.
  • Chen, T. Y. & Chang, H.S. (2005). "Reducing Consumers' Perceived Risk Through Banking Service Quality Cues in Taiwan,” Journal of Business and Psychology, 19(4): 521-540.
  • Cunningham, L. F. , Gerlach, J.H., Harper, M. D. & Young, C.E. (2005). "Perceived Risk and the Consumer Buying Process: İnternet Airline Reservations", International Journal of Service Industry Management, 16 (4):357-372.
  • DOĞAKA, Doğu Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı,
  • Erdoğan,E., & Aksoy, R. (2013). “ Hizmetlerde Tüketicilerce Algılanan Riskin Algılanan Kalite Üzerindeki Etkisi, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(2):121-150.
  • Featherman M. S. & Pavlou, P.A. (2003). “Predicting E-Services Adoption: a Perceived Risk Facets Perspective”, Int J Hum Comput Study .59(4):451–74.
  • Fidell ,S. & Tabachnick, B. (2013). “Aircraft Noise-Induced Awakenings are More Reasonably Predicted from Relative than from Absolute Sound Exposure Levels”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134: 3645.
  • Garretson, J. A. & Clow, K.E. (1999). "The İnfluence of Coupon Face Value on Service Quality Expectations, Risk Perceptions and Purchase İntentions in the Dental İndustry", Journal of Services Marketing, 13(1): 59-72. https: //
  • Gürbüz, S. & Şahin, F. (2017).“Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri”, Seçkin Yayıncılık: Ankara.
  • Han, H.S., & Ryu, K. (2009). “The Roles of the Physical Environment, Price Perception, and Customer Satisfaction in Determining Customer Loyalty in The Family Restaurant Industry”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 33(4): 487-510.
  • Hightower Jr, R., Brady, M. K. & Baker, T. L. (2002). “Investigating the Role of the Physical Environment in Hedonic Service Consumption: an Exploratory Study of Sporting Events”, Journal of Business Research, 55(9) :697-707.
  • Jacoby, J. & Kaplan, L.B. (1972). “The Components of Perceived Risk)”, in Venkatesan, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research, College Park, MD, 382-93.
  • Koernig, S. K. (2003). “E‐Scapes: The Electronic Physical Environment and Service Tangibility”, Psychology & Marketing, 20(2): 151-167.
  • Koç, E. (2017). “Hizmet Pazarlaması ve Yönetimi: Global ve Yerel Yaklaşım”. İstanbul: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Koçoğlu, C. M. (2016). “Risk Algısının Yeniden Satın Alma Davranışı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Havayolu Sektöründe Bir Araştırma”, Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 57:246-163.Kotler, P. (1973).“Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool”, Journal of Retailing, 49(4): 48-64.
  • Laroche, M., McDogall, G.H.G., Bergeron, J. & Yang, Z. (2005). "Exploring How Intangibility Affects Perceived Risk", Journal of Service Research, 6 (4) :373-389.
  • Lee, M.C. (2009). “Factors influencing the Adoption of İnternet Banking: An integration of TAM and TPB with Perceived Risk and Perceived Benefit”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8 :130–141.
  • Mitchell, V. W. (1999). "Consumer Perceived Risk: Conceptualisations and Models", European Journal of Marketing, 33 (1/2):163-195.
  • Mitchell, V. W., & Greatorex, M. (1993). “Risk Perception and Reduction in The Purchase of Consumer Services”,The Services Industries Journal, 13:179-200.
  • Murray, K. B. (1991). “A Test of Services Marketing Theory: Consumer İnformation Acquisition Activities”, Journal of Marketing, 55: 10-25.
  • Snoj, B., Korda, A. P., Mumel, D. (2004). "The Relationships Among Perceived Quality, Perceived Risk and Perceived Product Value", Journal of Product & Brand Management, (13) 3:156-167.
  • Stone, R. N. & Grønhaug, K. (1993). "Perceived Risk: Further Considerations for the Marketing Discipline",EuropeanJournalofMarketing,27(3):39-50.
  • Sweeney, J.C., Hausknecht, D. & Soutar, G.N. (1999). “The Role of Perceived Risk in the Quality-Value Relationship: a Study in a Retail Environment'', Journal of Retailing, 75(1): 77-105.
  • Tsaur, SH., Luoh, HF. & Syue, SS. (2015). “Positive Emotions and Behavioral Intentions of Customers in Full-Service Restaurants: Does aesthetic labor matter?”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51: 115-126.
  • Turley, L. W. ve Milliman, R.E. (2000). “Atmospheric Effects on Shopping Behavior: A Review of the Experimental Evidence”, Journal of Business Research, 49: 193-211,
  • Wu, P. C S., Yeh, G. YY. & Hsiao,C.R. (2011). “The Effect of Store Image and Service Quality on Brand Image and Purchase Intention for Private Label Brands”, Australasian Marketing Journal, 19(1): 30–39.

The Influence of Physical Environment Quality on Risk Perception in Jewelery Stores

Year 2018, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 204 - 212, 30.07.2018


physical environment quality is an important marketing factor affecting
consumers' purchasing decisions in retail outlets. The exchange of valuable
products in jewelery stores affects consumers' financial and social risk perceptions.
In this context, the aim of the research is to determine the effect of physical
environment quality on financial and social risk perception in jewelery stores.
The research was carried out by sampling on 287 people who shop at jewelery
stores on the internet. Survey data were obtained through e-survey.
Reliability, validity and normal distribution tests were applied to the datas,
and the hypotheses were analyzed by the structural equation model. According to
the results of the research, physical environment quality affects the financial
risk perception in the positive direction and affects the social risk
perception in the negative direction. At the end of the study, findings were
interpreted and discussed.


  • Ali, F. & Amin, M. (2014) ‘The Influence of Physical Environment on Emotions, Customer Satisfaction and Behavioural Intentions in Chinese Resort Hotel Industry’, J. Global Business Advancement, 7( 3):249–266.
  • Baker, J., Berry, L. L., & Parasuraman, A. (1988). “The Marketing İmpact of Branch Facility Design”,Journal of Retail Banking, 10: 33-42.
  • Baker, J. & Cameron, M. (1996). “The Effects of the Service Environment on Affect and Consumer Perceptions of Waiting Time: An Integrative Review and Research Propositions”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 24(2):338-49.
  • Baker, J., Grewal, D., &. Parasuraman, A. (1994). “The İnfluence of Store Environment on Quality İnferences and Store İmage”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22: 328-339.
  • Bitner, M. J. (1992). “Servicescapes: The İmpact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees”, Journal of Marketing, 56: 57-71.
  • Carmen, P. C. (2007). “Perceived Risk on Goods and Service Purchases”. EsicMarket, 129:183-199.
  • Chang, H.H. & Chen, S.W.(2008). "The Impact of Online Store Environment Cues on Purchase Intention: Trust and Perceived Risk as a Mediator", Online Information Review, 32 (6):818- 841.
  • Chen, T. Y. & Chang, H.S. (2005). "Reducing Consumers' Perceived Risk Through Banking Service Quality Cues in Taiwan,” Journal of Business and Psychology, 19(4): 521-540.
  • Cunningham, L. F. , Gerlach, J.H., Harper, M. D. & Young, C.E. (2005). "Perceived Risk and the Consumer Buying Process: İnternet Airline Reservations", International Journal of Service Industry Management, 16 (4):357-372.
  • DOĞAKA, Doğu Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı,
  • Erdoğan,E., & Aksoy, R. (2013). “ Hizmetlerde Tüketicilerce Algılanan Riskin Algılanan Kalite Üzerindeki Etkisi, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 9(2):121-150.
  • Featherman M. S. & Pavlou, P.A. (2003). “Predicting E-Services Adoption: a Perceived Risk Facets Perspective”, Int J Hum Comput Study .59(4):451–74.
  • Fidell ,S. & Tabachnick, B. (2013). “Aircraft Noise-Induced Awakenings are More Reasonably Predicted from Relative than from Absolute Sound Exposure Levels”, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134: 3645.
  • Garretson, J. A. & Clow, K.E. (1999). "The İnfluence of Coupon Face Value on Service Quality Expectations, Risk Perceptions and Purchase İntentions in the Dental İndustry", Journal of Services Marketing, 13(1): 59-72. https: //
  • Gürbüz, S. & Şahin, F. (2017).“Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri”, Seçkin Yayıncılık: Ankara.
  • Han, H.S., & Ryu, K. (2009). “The Roles of the Physical Environment, Price Perception, and Customer Satisfaction in Determining Customer Loyalty in The Family Restaurant Industry”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 33(4): 487-510.
  • Hightower Jr, R., Brady, M. K. & Baker, T. L. (2002). “Investigating the Role of the Physical Environment in Hedonic Service Consumption: an Exploratory Study of Sporting Events”, Journal of Business Research, 55(9) :697-707.
  • Jacoby, J. & Kaplan, L.B. (1972). “The Components of Perceived Risk)”, in Venkatesan, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research, College Park, MD, 382-93.
  • Koernig, S. K. (2003). “E‐Scapes: The Electronic Physical Environment and Service Tangibility”, Psychology & Marketing, 20(2): 151-167.
  • Koç, E. (2017). “Hizmet Pazarlaması ve Yönetimi: Global ve Yerel Yaklaşım”. İstanbul: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Koçoğlu, C. M. (2016). “Risk Algısının Yeniden Satın Alma Davranışı Üzerindeki Etkisi: Havayolu Sektöründe Bir Araştırma”, Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 57:246-163.Kotler, P. (1973).“Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool”, Journal of Retailing, 49(4): 48-64.
  • Laroche, M., McDogall, G.H.G., Bergeron, J. & Yang, Z. (2005). "Exploring How Intangibility Affects Perceived Risk", Journal of Service Research, 6 (4) :373-389.
  • Lee, M.C. (2009). “Factors influencing the Adoption of İnternet Banking: An integration of TAM and TPB with Perceived Risk and Perceived Benefit”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 8 :130–141.
  • Mitchell, V. W. (1999). "Consumer Perceived Risk: Conceptualisations and Models", European Journal of Marketing, 33 (1/2):163-195.
  • Mitchell, V. W., & Greatorex, M. (1993). “Risk Perception and Reduction in The Purchase of Consumer Services”,The Services Industries Journal, 13:179-200.
  • Murray, K. B. (1991). “A Test of Services Marketing Theory: Consumer İnformation Acquisition Activities”, Journal of Marketing, 55: 10-25.
  • Snoj, B., Korda, A. P., Mumel, D. (2004). "The Relationships Among Perceived Quality, Perceived Risk and Perceived Product Value", Journal of Product & Brand Management, (13) 3:156-167.
  • Stone, R. N. & Grønhaug, K. (1993). "Perceived Risk: Further Considerations for the Marketing Discipline",EuropeanJournalofMarketing,27(3):39-50.
  • Sweeney, J.C., Hausknecht, D. & Soutar, G.N. (1999). “The Role of Perceived Risk in the Quality-Value Relationship: a Study in a Retail Environment'', Journal of Retailing, 75(1): 77-105.
  • Tsaur, SH., Luoh, HF. & Syue, SS. (2015). “Positive Emotions and Behavioral Intentions of Customers in Full-Service Restaurants: Does aesthetic labor matter?”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 51: 115-126.
  • Turley, L. W. ve Milliman, R.E. (2000). “Atmospheric Effects on Shopping Behavior: A Review of the Experimental Evidence”, Journal of Business Research, 49: 193-211,
  • Wu, P. C S., Yeh, G. YY. & Hsiao,C.R. (2011). “The Effect of Store Image and Service Quality on Brand Image and Purchase Intention for Private Label Brands”, Australasian Marketing Journal, 19(1): 30–39.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Erdoğan Korkmaz 0000-0001-5292-9266

Publication Date July 30, 2018
Submission Date June 28, 2018
Acceptance Date July 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Korkmaz, E. (2018). The Influence of Physical Environment Quality on Risk Perception in Jewelery Stores. R&S - Research Studies Anatolia Journal, 1(2), 204-212.
R&S - Research Studies Anatolia Journal