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Cam Tavan Gölgesindeki Kraliçe Arılar: Kadınların Kariyer İlerlemelerinde Karşılaştıkları Engeller ve Etkili Liderlik

Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 163 - 175, 01.08.2015


Günümüzde iş hayatında üst düzey yöneticilik pozisyonunda bulunan kadın sayısı erkeklere oranla çok azdır. Bu çalışmada, özellikle yurt dışı kaynaklardan yararlanmak suretiyle kadın üst düzey yönetici sayısının çok düşük olması altında yatan nedenlerle ilişkilendirilen birçok etkenden yalnızca ‘kraliçe arı sendromu’ ve ‘cam tavan sendromu’ üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu çalışmaya göre, bu iki sendromdan ilki ile kadınların üst düzey yöneticilik pozisyonunda erkeklere oranla çok az bir paya sahip olması arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu değerlendirilmemiş iken ikincisi arasında anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu çıkarımında bulunulmuştur. Ayrıca bu çalışmayla, bu iki sendrom da göz önünde tutulmak suretiyle ‘liderlik’ bağlamında kadınların üst düzey yönetici olmalarının önündeki engelleri kaldırmada ne tür motive ve teşvik edici unsurların yararlı olabileceği hususu değerlendirilmiştir.


  • Alcorn, B. (19 Haziran 1995). ‘Commitments Cinderella and the Glass Ceiling’ Los Angeles Times (pre-1997 Fulltext) (Los Angeles, Kaliforniya), s.3.
  • Belle, R.R., Townsend, B. & Mattis, M. (Şubat 1998).‘Gender gap in the executive suite: CEOs and Female executives report on breaking the glass ceiling’ The Academy of Management Executive, , ss. 28-42.
  • Bickford, N. (11 Ekim 2011). ‘Queen bees - an evolving species or an office myth?’.
  • Claus, A., Callahan V. & Sandlin J. (18 Jun 2013). ‘Culture and leadership: women in nonprofit and for-profit leadershippositions within the European Union’, Human Resource Development International, published online.
  • Conger, J. A. (Summer 1999). “Charismatic and transformational leadership in organizations: An insider's perspective on these developing streams of research.” Leadership Quarterly.
  • Dreher, G. F. (Mayıs 2003). ‘Breaking the glass ceiling: The effects of sex ratios and work-life programs on female leadership at the top’ Human Relations.
  • George, P. (Ekim 2002). ‘Out with the "in crowd" the negative power of queen bees’ Leadership for Student Activities NASC Edition, s.16.
  • Grant Thornton International Business Report, (2013). ‘Women in senior management: Setting the stage for growth’.
  • Hacıfazlıoğlu, Ö. (Güz/Autumn 2010). ‘Yükseköğretimde Lider Olarak Göreve Uyum Sağlama Süreci: Türkiye ve Amerika’dan Kadın Liderlerin Deneyimleri’, Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri/Educational Sciences: Theory&Practice, ss.2221-2273.
  • Hurt, J. (18 Ocak 1995). ‘Glass ceiling cracking – slowly’ Milwaukee Journal (Milwaukee, Wis), s.10.
  • Ibarra, H., Ely, R. & Kolb, D. (September 2013). ‘Spotlight on Women in Leadership, Women Rising: The Unseen Barriers,’ Harward Business Review.
  • McCarthy, Siobhain A. (2001). ‘Portals in the Glass Ceiling: The Role of Surreptitious Knowledge in the Leadership Advancement of High Potential Middle Management Women,’ A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Education University of California, Los Angeles.
  • Mukherji, S. (Ocak-Mart 2010). ‘The Perception of 'Glass Ceiling' in Indian Organizations: An Exploratory Study’ South Asian Journal of Management, ss. 23-42.
  • Kirwan-Taylor, H. (2013). ‘Suffering from ... Queen bee syndrome?’ Management Today, Nisan, s.14.
  • Koçel, T. (2013). ‘İşletme Yöneticiliği’, Beta Yayınları 14. Baskı.
  • Kolade, Obamiro J. & Kehinde, O. (Ocak 2013). ‘Glass Ceiling and Women Career Advancement: Evidence from Nigerian Construction Industry’ Iranian Journal of Management Studies, ss.79-99.
  • Rajan, T. V. (16 Ekim 2002). ‘The queen bee syndrome’ The Scientist, s.9.
  • Reardon, Kathleen Kelley (Text Copyright 2014) ‘They don’t get it, do they? Communication in the workplace_ Closing the gap between women and men’.
  • Temel, A., Yakın, M. ve Misci, S. (2006). ‘Örgütsel Cinsiyetlerin Örgütsel Davranışsal Yansıması’, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, Cilt:13 Sayı:1,.
  • Yousry, M. (İlkbahar 2006). ‘The Glass Ceiling - Isn't Glass’, Business Renaissance Quarterly, ss. 93-111.
  • Ziegler, M., (25 Ağustos 2003). ‘Picture Brightens for Women in Government’ Federal Times.

Queen Bee in Glass Ceiling Shade: Obstacles Encountered By Women's Career Advancement And Effective Leadership

Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 163 - 175, 01.08.2015


Nowadays the number of women in senior management positions in business compared to men
is very small. In this study, especially benefited from foreign sources, the underlying cause of several factors related
to the low number of senior women managers in business associated with only the 'queen bee syndrome' and 'glass
ceiling syndrome' are evaluated. According to this study, the first of these two syndromes with women in senior
management positions than men to have a very small share is not considered a significant relationship; on the other
hand, the second is concluded that a significant relationship. In addition, these two syndromes to be kept in mind in
the context of 'leadership' what kind of factors motivating and encouraging women to be senior managers could be
useful in removing the barriers that prevent are evaluated.


  • Alcorn, B. (19 Haziran 1995). ‘Commitments Cinderella and the Glass Ceiling’ Los Angeles Times (pre-1997 Fulltext) (Los Angeles, Kaliforniya), s.3.
  • Belle, R.R., Townsend, B. & Mattis, M. (Şubat 1998).‘Gender gap in the executive suite: CEOs and Female executives report on breaking the glass ceiling’ The Academy of Management Executive, , ss. 28-42.
  • Bickford, N. (11 Ekim 2011). ‘Queen bees - an evolving species or an office myth?’.
  • Claus, A., Callahan V. & Sandlin J. (18 Jun 2013). ‘Culture and leadership: women in nonprofit and for-profit leadershippositions within the European Union’, Human Resource Development International, published online.
  • Conger, J. A. (Summer 1999). “Charismatic and transformational leadership in organizations: An insider's perspective on these developing streams of research.” Leadership Quarterly.
  • Dreher, G. F. (Mayıs 2003). ‘Breaking the glass ceiling: The effects of sex ratios and work-life programs on female leadership at the top’ Human Relations.
  • George, P. (Ekim 2002). ‘Out with the "in crowd" the negative power of queen bees’ Leadership for Student Activities NASC Edition, s.16.
  • Grant Thornton International Business Report, (2013). ‘Women in senior management: Setting the stage for growth’.
  • Hacıfazlıoğlu, Ö. (Güz/Autumn 2010). ‘Yükseköğretimde Lider Olarak Göreve Uyum Sağlama Süreci: Türkiye ve Amerika’dan Kadın Liderlerin Deneyimleri’, Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri/Educational Sciences: Theory&Practice, ss.2221-2273.
  • Hurt, J. (18 Ocak 1995). ‘Glass ceiling cracking – slowly’ Milwaukee Journal (Milwaukee, Wis), s.10.
  • Ibarra, H., Ely, R. & Kolb, D. (September 2013). ‘Spotlight on Women in Leadership, Women Rising: The Unseen Barriers,’ Harward Business Review.
  • McCarthy, Siobhain A. (2001). ‘Portals in the Glass Ceiling: The Role of Surreptitious Knowledge in the Leadership Advancement of High Potential Middle Management Women,’ A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Education University of California, Los Angeles.
  • Mukherji, S. (Ocak-Mart 2010). ‘The Perception of 'Glass Ceiling' in Indian Organizations: An Exploratory Study’ South Asian Journal of Management, ss. 23-42.
  • Kirwan-Taylor, H. (2013). ‘Suffering from ... Queen bee syndrome?’ Management Today, Nisan, s.14.
  • Koçel, T. (2013). ‘İşletme Yöneticiliği’, Beta Yayınları 14. Baskı.
  • Kolade, Obamiro J. & Kehinde, O. (Ocak 2013). ‘Glass Ceiling and Women Career Advancement: Evidence from Nigerian Construction Industry’ Iranian Journal of Management Studies, ss.79-99.
  • Rajan, T. V. (16 Ekim 2002). ‘The queen bee syndrome’ The Scientist, s.9.
  • Reardon, Kathleen Kelley (Text Copyright 2014) ‘They don’t get it, do they? Communication in the workplace_ Closing the gap between women and men’.
  • Temel, A., Yakın, M. ve Misci, S. (2006). ‘Örgütsel Cinsiyetlerin Örgütsel Davranışsal Yansıması’, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi, Cilt:13 Sayı:1,.
  • Yousry, M. (İlkbahar 2006). ‘The Glass Ceiling - Isn't Glass’, Business Renaissance Quarterly, ss. 93-111.
  • Ziegler, M., (25 Ağustos 2003). ‘Picture Brightens for Women in Government’ Federal Times.
There are 21 citations in total.


Other ID JA35ST78RR
Journal Section Research Articles

Olcay Er This is me

Orhan Adıgüzel This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2015
Submission Date August 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


ISNAD Er, Olcay - Adıgüzel, Orhan. “Cam Tavan Gölgesindeki Kraliçe Arılar: Kadınların Kariyer İlerlemelerinde Karşılaştıkları Engeller Ve Etkili Liderlik”. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 1/2 (August 2015), 163-175.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University Journal of Social Sciences © 2015 is licensed with Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NonDerivative 4.0 (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0)