Research Article
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Year 2023, , 423 - 431, 23.07.2023



  • Chang, C. (2015). The study of nomads in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Ecology of Pastoralism, 17-40.
  • Creel, H. G. (1965). The role of the horse in Chinese history. The American Historical Review, 70(3), 647-672.
  • Ferber, M. (1999). A dictionary of literary symbols (p. 57). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hiltner, K. (2017). What Else Is Pastoral? Renaissance Literature and the Environment. Cornell University Press.
  • Hirschfelder, A., & Molin, P. (2019). Encyclopedia of Native American Religions. Infobase Holdings, Inc.
  • Karataev M. (1967). History of Kazakh literature. - A.: Science, - 289 p. [Қаратаев M. (1967). Қазақ әдебиетінің тарихы. – А.: Ғылым, – 289 б.]
  • Kenzhebaev, B. (1973). Problems of the history of Kazakh literature. Almaty: Science, 170. [Кенжебаев, Б. (1973). Қазақ әдебиеті тарихының мәселелері. Алматы: Ғылым, 170.]
  • Kelimbetov N. (1986). Literature of ancient times. - A.: School. - 52 p. [Келімбетов Н. (1986). Ежелгі дәуір әдебиеті. – А.: Мектеп. – 52 б.]
  • Makulbek, A. B., & Dzazylova, A. M. (2019). THE SEVEN CORNERS OF THE GREAT FIELD are the main axis of my national cosmology. Kazakhstan, (1), 124-127. [Мақұлбек, А. Б., & Джазылова, А. М. (2019). ҰЛЫ ДАЛАНЫҢ ЖЕТІ ҚЫРЫ–ҰЛТТЫҚ ДҮНИЕТАНЫМНЫҢ НЕГІЗГІ ДІҢГЕГІ. Qazaqtaný, (1), 124-127.]
  • Smanov, B., Abdimomynov, E., & Kuttybaev, Sh. (2020). GENESIS AND EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENT PATHS OF KAZAKH POETRY (from ancient times to the 20th century). Vestnik Series "Philological Sciences", 4(4 (74)), 306-313. [Сманов, Б., Абдимомынов, E., & Куттыбаев, Ш. (2020). ҚАЗАҚ ПОЭЗИЯСЫНЫҢ ГЕНЕЗИСІ МЕН ЭВОЛЮЦИЯЛЫҚ ДАМУ ЖОЛДАРЫ (көне дәуірден ХХ ғасырға дейін). Вестник Серия «Филологические науки», 4(4 (74)), 306-313.]
  • Shynar A. (1998). Stallion horses in the epic. // Star. - No. 10 – p. 174. [Шынар А. (1998). Эпостағы арғымақ аттар. // Жұлдыз. - №10 – 174 б. ]

The Image of the Horse in Kazakh Poetry

Year 2023, , 423 - 431, 23.07.2023


The horse was always highly important for Kazakh society, especially considering that Kazakhs have followed a nomadic lifestyle for thousands of years. This article discusses how the image and symbolism of the horse in Kazakh poetry have developed from the XIX century to the present, comparing it with the historical processes of this period. The influence of voluntary and involuntary changes, complex transformations, and tragedies in the cultural-historical and social-political life of the Kazakh nation in recent centuries on the depiction of the horse in poetry is assessed. To evaluate the change in symbolic values assigned to the horse in Kazakh poetry, this study employed the method of intertextual analysis and cultural-historical contextualization. In this article, the development path of the horse from a symbol of beauty and gallant, nobility and companionship to a metaphor of solid character and freedom is described and explained with fragments of Kazakh poetry. In addition, the study examines the variety of vocabulary, artistic tools, similes, and epithets in the Kazakh’s nomadic inheritance to describe the horse. The description of the horse in world poetry and its features and similarities in Kazakh poetry are compared. We posit that this research holds practical significance, with potential applications in literary and cultural studies. By enhancing comprehension of the literary and cultural landscape of Central Asia, our findings contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these respective fields.


  • Chang, C. (2015). The study of nomads in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Ecology of Pastoralism, 17-40.
  • Creel, H. G. (1965). The role of the horse in Chinese history. The American Historical Review, 70(3), 647-672.
  • Ferber, M. (1999). A dictionary of literary symbols (p. 57). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hiltner, K. (2017). What Else Is Pastoral? Renaissance Literature and the Environment. Cornell University Press.
  • Hirschfelder, A., & Molin, P. (2019). Encyclopedia of Native American Religions. Infobase Holdings, Inc.
  • Karataev M. (1967). History of Kazakh literature. - A.: Science, - 289 p. [Қаратаев M. (1967). Қазақ әдебиетінің тарихы. – А.: Ғылым, – 289 б.]
  • Kenzhebaev, B. (1973). Problems of the history of Kazakh literature. Almaty: Science, 170. [Кенжебаев, Б. (1973). Қазақ әдебиеті тарихының мәселелері. Алматы: Ғылым, 170.]
  • Kelimbetov N. (1986). Literature of ancient times. - A.: School. - 52 p. [Келімбетов Н. (1986). Ежелгі дәуір әдебиеті. – А.: Мектеп. – 52 б.]
  • Makulbek, A. B., & Dzazylova, A. M. (2019). THE SEVEN CORNERS OF THE GREAT FIELD are the main axis of my national cosmology. Kazakhstan, (1), 124-127. [Мақұлбек, А. Б., & Джазылова, А. М. (2019). ҰЛЫ ДАЛАНЫҢ ЖЕТІ ҚЫРЫ–ҰЛТТЫҚ ДҮНИЕТАНЫМНЫҢ НЕГІЗГІ ДІҢГЕГІ. Qazaqtaný, (1), 124-127.]
  • Smanov, B., Abdimomynov, E., & Kuttybaev, Sh. (2020). GENESIS AND EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENT PATHS OF KAZAKH POETRY (from ancient times to the 20th century). Vestnik Series "Philological Sciences", 4(4 (74)), 306-313. [Сманов, Б., Абдимомынов, E., & Куттыбаев, Ш. (2020). ҚАЗАҚ ПОЭЗИЯСЫНЫҢ ГЕНЕЗИСІ МЕН ЭВОЛЮЦИЯЛЫҚ ДАМУ ЖОЛДАРЫ (көне дәуірден ХХ ғасырға дейін). Вестник Серия «Филологические науки», 4(4 (74)), 306-313.]
  • Shynar A. (1998). Stallion horses in the epic. // Star. - No. 10 – p. 174. [Шынар А. (1998). Эпостағы арғымақ аттар. // Жұлдыз. - №10 – 174 б. ]
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Modern Turkic Languages and Literatures (Other)
Journal Section Turkish language, culture and literature

Gülnaz Tokşılıkova This is me 0000-0002-4116-5042

Abdulkarim Abdul Rakhmanuly This is me 0000-0002-1143-4272

Publication Date July 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Tokşılıkova, G., & Abdul Rakhmanuly, A. (2023). The Image of the Horse in Kazakh Poetry. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(Ö12), 423-431.