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İnsanlığın Trajedisi: Christopher Marlow’un Malta Yahudisi Oyununa Yeniden Bakış

Year 2024, , 841 - 853, 25.06.2024


Christopher Marlowe’un Malta Yahudisi adlı oyunu, Elizabeth döneminde, ortaçağın ahlaki oyunlarından daha gelişmiş ve olgun bir tiyatroya geçişin önemli örneklerinden birisidir. Marlowe’un oyunda yarattığı başkahraman ve ele alıp işlediği temalar, o dönemin tiyatro anlayışına katkıda bulunan farklı bir yaklaşımın etmenleri olarak ortaya çıkarlar. Oyun, Katolik İspanya ve Müslüman Osmanlı İmparatorlukları ile Malta'daki iç dinamikleri oluşturan Katolik yönetim ve Yahudi tüccar sınıfı arasındaki ekonomik, siyasi ve askeri egemenlik mücadelesinin arka planında geçer. Dini çatışmalar ve bağnazlık, farklı dini toplulukları temsil eden hemen hemen tüm karakterler tarafından işlenen entrikalar, ihanetler ve intikam planları, sadece bireyleri değil, tüm toplumu etkileyen etnik önyargılar, açgözlülük ve ahlaki yozlaşma gibi temalar oyunun ana fikrini oluşturan temel etmenler olarak ortaya çıkar. Her ne kadar oyunun tam adı Maltalı Zengin Yahudinin Trajedisi olsa da oyun, bir çok eleştirmene göre içindeki baskın fars özelliklerinden dolayı Antik Yunan ya da Elizabeth dönemi trajedileriyle aynı konumda değerlendirilemez. Ancak günümüzün modern okuru için Malta Yahudisi, başkahraman Barabas'ın değilse de, maddi çıkar ve siyasi güç peşinde koşan ve bunları elde etmek uğruna sömürü, hırsızlık ve cinayeti de içeren her türlü alçaklığı yapan ve bu bağlamda trajik kahramanın düşüşü ve yok oluşunu toplumsal olarak deneyimleyen insanlığın hicivsel trajedisi olarak yorumlanabilir.


  • Babb, Howard S. (1957). “Policy in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta”. ELH, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 85-94. Retrieved from
  • Bartels, Emily C. (1990). “Malta, the Jew, and the Fictions of Difference: Colonialist Discourse inMarlowe’s The Jew of Malta”. English Literary Renaissance, vol. 20, no.1, pp. 1-16.
  • Boston, Murray. (1988). Macmillan History of Literature: Sixteenth-Century English Literature. gen.ed. A. Norman Jeffares, London: Macmillan.
  • Craik, T.W. (1989). Introduction. The Jew of Malta. by Christopher Marlowe New York: W WNorton, pp. vii-xviii.
  • Dessen, Allan C. (1974). “The Elizabethan Stage Jew and Christian Example: Gerontus, Barabas,and Shylock.” Modern Language Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 231-245.
  • Eliot, T. S. (1932). Selected Essays. London: Faber and Faber.
  • Goldberg, Dena. (1992). “Sacrifice in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta.” Studies in English Literature,1500-1900, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 233-245.
  • Herman, Judi. (2015). Review: The Jew of Malta – Bracingly amoral violence on the island of Malta, Retrieved from
  • Machiavelli, Niccolo. (1987). The Prince. Trans. George Bull, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • Marlowe, Christopher. (1989). The Jew of Malta, edited by T.W. Craik, New York: W W Norton.
  • Nicholl, Charles. (2015). Review: “The Jew of Malta – antisemitic or a satire on antisemitism?”The Guardian 27 March. Retrieved from
  • stage-rsc-swan-theatre
  • Ribner, Irving. (1963). ed., The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe. New York: The Odysses Press.
  • Sanders, Wilbur. (1968). The Dramatist and the Received Idea: Studies in the Plays of Marlowe and Shakespeare. Cambridge: The University Press.

The Tragedy of Humanity: Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta Revisited

Year 2024, , 841 - 853, 25.06.2024


Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta is a significant example of the transition from Morality Plays to a period of more developed and mature drama in the Elizabethan period. The themes that Marlowe handles and the protagonist he presents in the play emerge as aspects of a distinctive approach to dramatic representation and the concept of drama of that time. The play is set against the background of the struggle for economic, political, and military dominance between the Catholic Spain and Moslem Ottoman Empires and the Catholic administration and Jewish mercantile class in Malta. Religious conflicts and bigotry, intrigues, betrayals, and revenge plans committed by almost all characters representing different religious communities, ethnic prejudices that affect not only individuals but also the whole society, greed, and moral corruption emerge as the basic themes. Although the full title of the play was Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta, the play could not gain the status of a tragedy in the Aristotelian or Elizabethan sense of the word for many critics due to its dominant farcical characteristics. For a modern reader, however, The Jew of Malta can be considered as a satirical tragedy, the tragedy not of the protagonist Barabas, but of humanity that craves material benefits and political power, and for the sake of achieving these, commits all kinds of villanies including exploitation, theft, and murder, and as a result, socially experiences the fall of the tragic hero.


  • Babb, Howard S. (1957). “Policy in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta”. ELH, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 85-94. Retrieved from
  • Bartels, Emily C. (1990). “Malta, the Jew, and the Fictions of Difference: Colonialist Discourse inMarlowe’s The Jew of Malta”. English Literary Renaissance, vol. 20, no.1, pp. 1-16.
  • Boston, Murray. (1988). Macmillan History of Literature: Sixteenth-Century English Literature. gen.ed. A. Norman Jeffares, London: Macmillan.
  • Craik, T.W. (1989). Introduction. The Jew of Malta. by Christopher Marlowe New York: W WNorton, pp. vii-xviii.
  • Dessen, Allan C. (1974). “The Elizabethan Stage Jew and Christian Example: Gerontus, Barabas,and Shylock.” Modern Language Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 231-245.
  • Eliot, T. S. (1932). Selected Essays. London: Faber and Faber.
  • Goldberg, Dena. (1992). “Sacrifice in Marlowe's The Jew of Malta.” Studies in English Literature,1500-1900, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 233-245.
  • Herman, Judi. (2015). Review: The Jew of Malta – Bracingly amoral violence on the island of Malta, Retrieved from
  • Machiavelli, Niccolo. (1987). The Prince. Trans. George Bull, Harmondsworth: Penguin.
  • Marlowe, Christopher. (1989). The Jew of Malta, edited by T.W. Craik, New York: W W Norton.
  • Nicholl, Charles. (2015). Review: “The Jew of Malta – antisemitic or a satire on antisemitism?”The Guardian 27 March. Retrieved from
  • stage-rsc-swan-theatre
  • Ribner, Irving. (1963). ed., The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe. New York: The Odysses Press.
  • Sanders, Wilbur. (1968). The Dramatist and the Received Idea: Studies in the Plays of Marlowe and Shakespeare. Cambridge: The University Press.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects British and Irish Language, Literature and Culture
Journal Section World languages, cultures and litertures

Ali Özkan Çakırlar This is me 0000-0002-3049-4772

Publication Date June 25, 2024
Submission Date April 3, 2024
Acceptance Date June 20, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Çakırlar, A. Ö. (2024). The Tragedy of Humanity: Christopher Marlowe’s The Jew of Malta Revisited. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(40), 841-853.