Research Article
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Translating culture: Translation within the context of culture transfer

Year 2019, , 355 - 370, 21.12.2019


Translation is a tool to meet the need for communication from the moment human beings come into contact with another culture. It is not only the transfer of linguistic codes from one language to another. On the contrary, it is a phenomenon that pragmatic perceptions are conveyed by another actor called translator. It is possible with the regulatory power of culture that elements such as code, time, place, actor and subject come together and form a whole together which leads to a meaningful action. Culture is a notion regulating translation, but it is also regulated by translation. In the context of all this discussion, the present research has examined the main translation-oriented approaches on the subject and tried to draw a holistic framework with a wide search and transfer of resources. It seems that translation is not a transference between two languages but rather a transference of cultural assets between two languages within the framework of culture.


  • Adler, N.J.( 1997). International dimensions of organizational behavior. 3. baskı. Cincinnati, OH: Shout-Western College Publishing. Apter, E. (2006). The translation zone: a new comparative literature. Princeton University Press. Atkinson, D. ve Paul K. Matsuda (2013). Intercultural rhetoric: a conversation – the sequel. (Yay. haz.) Diane B. ve Gayle N. Critical and corpus-based approaches to ıntercultural rhetoric. University of Michigan Press. Atkinson, Dwight and Paul K. Matsuda (2013) ‘Intercultural Rhetoric: A Conversation – The Sequel’, in Diane Belcher and Gayle Nelson (eds) Critical and Corpus-based Approaches to Intercultural Rhetoric. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 227–42. Bachman-Medick, D. (2013). Kültür antropolojisi ve çeviri. (Yay. haz.) Yücel, F. Çeviribilim paradigmaları: çeviri seçkisi içinde. ÇNK. Bachmann-Medick, D. (2012). Culture as text: Reading and interpreting cultures. (Yay. haz.) Neumann, B. and Nünning, A. Travelling concepts for the study of culture içinde.Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 99-118. URL: Text%20Druckfassung.pdf Bachmann-Medick, D. (2017). Cultural Turns: A Matter of Management?. (Yay. haz.) Küpers, W. Sonnenburg, S. ve Zierold, M. Management – culture – interpretation: rethinking management perspectives and impacts of cultural turns and beyond içinde. Springer VS. DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-16983-1 Bassnett, S. (1980). Translation studies. London: Routledge. Bassnett, S. (2007). (Yay. haz.) P. Kuhiwczak ve K. Littau. A companion to translation studies içinde. Clevedon/Buffalo/Toronto: Multilingual Matters, 13-23.Piotr Kuhiwczak and Karin Littau Bassnett, S. and Lefevere, A. (1990). Translation, history and culture. London: Pinter. Bassnett, S. ve Lefevere, L. (1998). Constructing cultures: essays on literary translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Benjamin, W. (2008). Çevirmenin görevi. (Yay. haz.) Mehmet R. Çeviri seçkisi -2 içinde. (25-35). İstanbul:Sel. Benjamin, W. (1923). The task of the translator. Selected writings içinde (1913-1926). Vol.1 (253-263) The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (2002) Bermann, S. (2009). Working in the and zone: comparative literature and translation. Comparative literature içinde. 61(4):432-446. DOI: 10.1215/00104124-2009-025 Bhabba, H.K. (1992). Postcolonial criticism. (Yay. haz.) S. Greenblatt, G. Gunn. Redrawing the boundries: the transformation of English and American literary studies içinde.New York.437-465. Bhabba, H.K. (1994). The location of culture. London. Blackburn, S. (2009). What do we really know?... London: Quercus. Can, M. Zahid ve Gezer, G. (2018). Haber çevirilerinde yerlileştirme stratejileri olarak etnomerkezci eritme ve saldırgan sadakat. Tarih okulu dergisi (TOD) /Journal of history school (JOHS).11,38(2).1-37. DOI No: Canagarajah, S. (2013). Translingual practice: global Englishes and cosmopolitan relations. Abingdon: Routledge.240. Canagarajah, S. (2007) ‘Lingua Franca English, Multilingual Communities and Language Acquisition’, The Modern Language Journal 91, 923–39. Carrove, M. S. (2000).Towards a theory of translation pedagogy based on CAT tools for Catalan and English non-literary texts Universitat de Lleida. Departament d'Anglès i Lingüística Catford, J.C. (1965). A linguistic theory of translation: an essay in applied linguistics. Oxford University Press. Chesterman A., ve Williams J. (2002). The map: a beginner’s guide to doing research in translation studies. Manchester: St. Jerome. ISBN 1-900650-54-1 (pbk). Clifford, J. (1986). On ethnographic alegory. (Yay. haz.) J. Cifford ve G. E. Marcus. Writing culture içinde. London.Berkeley.98-121 Cook, G. (2003). Applied linguistics. USA: Oxford University Press. Chapter 6. Cronin, M. (2003). Translation and globalisation. Routledge. Davis, K. (1977). Human behavior at work. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Dizdar, D. (1999). Skopostheorie. Handbuchtranslation. Hrsg. Petter Schmitt. Stauffenburg. Tübingen. Dingwaney, A. ve Maier, C. (1995). Between languages and cultures: translation and cross-cultural texts. Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy & Culture. Gentzler, E. (2017). Translation and rewriting in the age of post- translation studies: new perspectives in translation and interpreting studies. Routledge. Fairclough, N., ve Wodak, R. (1997). Critical Discourse analysis. (Yay.haz.) Teun van Dijk. Discourse studies: a Multidisciplinary Introduction-2: discourse as social interaction., 258-284. Geerzt, C. (1983). From the native’s point of view: on the nature of anthropological understanding. Local knowledge: further essays in interpretive anthropology içinde.New York. 55-70. Gregory, R. (1989). Gregory Rabassa. Contemporary authors autobiography series içinde. 9:191. Detroit: Gale Research. Gutas, Dimitri (2003). Yunanca Düşünce Arapça Kültür. İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi. Harris, R. (1978) Communication and language: an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 24 February 1978. Oxford: Claren¬don Press. Hervey, S.G.J. ve I, Higgins. (). Thinking translation : a course in translation method, French-English. Taylor and Francis Routledge. Humboldt, Wilhelm F. von. (1988). On language: on the diversity of human language construction and its ınfluence on the mental development of the human species Peter Heath (Çev) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kade, Otto (1968). Zufall oder Gesetzmäßigkeit in der Übersetzung. Leipzig Keesing, R.M. (1985). Conventional metaphors and anthropological metaphysics: the problematic of cultural translation. Journal of anthropological research. 41:201-217 Kroeber, A. L., ve Kluckhohn, C. (1952). Culture: A critical review of concepts and definitions. New York: Vintage Books. Lakoff , G. ve Johnsen, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago Press. Lambert J., 2000, Cultural studies, the study of cultures and the question of language: facing / excluding the new millennium. Delabastita, D., L. D’hulst, L. ve R. Meylaerts, R. (Yay. haz.). Functional approaches to culture and translation içinde. 2006. Amsterdam/Philadelphia.163-171. Lefevere A. ( 1992). Translation: history, culture: as a source book. London–New York. Routledge. Levý, J. (2011). The art of translation. Zuzana J. ve Patrick C. (Yay. haz.) Amsterdam, Philadelfia: John Benjamins. Malinowiski, B. (1862): Sex, culture, and myth. London: Rubert Hart- Davis. Malinowski, B. (1935). Coral gardens and their magic-2: the language of magic and gardening: London. Mardin, Şerif (2011). Din ve İdeoloji. İstanbul: İletişim. Metge, J. ve Kinloch, P. (1978). Talking past each other: problems of cross-cultural communication.Wellington: Price Milburn. Motzkin, G. (1996). Memory and cultural translation. (Yay. haz.) Budick, S. ve Iser, W. The translatability of cultures: figurations of the space between. Stanford. 265-281. Munday, J. (2012). Introducing translation studies: theories and applications.London: Routledge. Nergaard, S. ve Arduini, S. (2011). Translation: a new paradigm. Translation: an interdisciplinary journal. the inaugural issue. 8-17. Newmark, P. (1988) A textbook of translation. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall. Newmark, P. (1988) Approaches to translation. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall. Nida E., Taber C.(1969). The theory and practice of translation. Leiden. Nida, E. A. (1964) Towards a science of translation, with special reference to principles and procedures involved in Bible translating. Leiden: Brill. Parlak, B. (2002). Popüler Kültür ve Çeviri., Erişim Tarihi: 20.09.2019.Çeviribilim. İstanbul Paul Vinay, P. ve Darbelnet, J. (1958). A methodology for translation. (Yay. haz.) L. Venuti. The translation studies reader içinde. 84–93. London: Routledge.2000. Pym, A. (2008).Translation and the philosophy of dialogueTranslation and the philosophy of dialogue (Arnaud Laygues). Neuphilologische Mitteilungen içinde. 109(1):106-110 Rabassa, G. (1989). No two snowflakes are alike: translator as metaphor. (Yay. haz.) J. Biguenetve R. Schulte. The Craft of Translation içinde.1–1. Chicago ve London: The University of Chicago Press. Reiß, K. ve Vermeer, H.J. (1984/2014) Towards a general theory of translational action: skopos theory explained. Translated from the German by Christiane Nord English reviewed by Marina Dudenhöfer First published 1984 by St. Jerome Publishing. Published 2014 by Routledge Renn , J. (2006). Indirect access: complex settings of communication and the translation of Governance. (Yay. haz.) A. Parada ve O. Díaz Fouces. Sociology of translation.Vigo: Universidade de Vigo.193 -210. Santoyo J.-C. (2010). Translation and cultural identity: competence and performance of the author-translator. (Yay. haz.) M. Muñoz-Calvo ve C. Buesa-Gomez. Translation and cultural identity: selected essays on translation and cross-cultural communication içinde. 13-32. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Sapir,E. (1956). Selected writings in language, culture and personality. Berkeley: University of California Press. Schäffner, C. (2007). Politics and Translation. (Yay. haz.) P. Kuhiwczak ve K. Littau. A companion to translation studies içinde. Clevedon/Buffalo/Toronto: Multilingual Matters, 134-147. Schleiermacher, F. (1813). On the different methods of translating. R. Schulte ve J. Biguenet (Yay. haz.) Theories of translation: an anthology of essays from Dryden to Derrida içinde. (36–54). The University of Cicago Press. 1992. Sidiropoulou, M. (2008). Cultural Encounters in Advertisement Translation. Journal of modern Greek studies, 26, 337–362. Sperper, D. (1993). Interpreting and explaining cultural representations. (Yay. haz.) G. Palson. Beyond boundries içinde. Oxford. 162-183. Spivak, G. Ch. (2000). The politics of translation. (Yay.haz.) L.Venuti. The translation studies reader içinde. London. New York: Routledge. Steiner, G. (1975). After Babel: aspects of language and translation. London. Stierstorfer, K. ve Gomille, M. (2008). Cultures of translation. Cambridge. Tayeb, Monir H. (1992). The global business environment: an introduction. London: Sage Publications. Tomlinson, J. (1999). Globalization and culture. Cambridge: Polity Press. Tylor, Edward B. (1871) Primitive culture: researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art, and custom. London: John Murray. Print. Tymockzko, M. ve Gentzler, E. (2002). Translation and power. University of Massachusetts Press. Tymoczko, M. (2007, 2010). Enlarging translation, empowering translators. London: Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-1900650663 Underhill, J. (2009) Humboldt, worldview and language. Edinburgh University Press. Valdés, C. (2011). An empirical approach to the reception and perception of television advertising. International journal of translation, 23(2), 94–104. Vardar, B. (1982). Dilbilimin temel kavram ve ilkeleri. Ankara: TDK. Venuti, L. (1998). The scandals of translation: towards an ethics of difference. London and New York: Routledge. Venuti, L. (1995). The translator invisibility: a history of translation. London - New York: Routledge. Williams, R. (1976). Keywords: a vocabulary of culture and society. New York: Oxford University Press. Williams, R. (1977). Culture and society: 1780-1950. Middlesex: Penguin Books. Wittgenstein, L. (1958). Philosophical investigations. Translated by G.E.M. Anscombe. New York: Macmillan.

Kültürü çevirmek: Kültür aktarımı kapsamında çeviri

Year 2019, , 355 - 370, 21.12.2019


Çeviri insanoğlunun başka bir kültürle temasa geçmeye başladığı andan itibaren, iletişim ihtiyacını görmeye yarayan bir araçtır. Ancak çeviri bir dilden başka bir dile yalnızca dilsel kodlarının aktarımı değil; bilakis kodların, belirli bir zaman, mekan, aktör ve konu gibi -en geniş manada bağlam kavramıyla açıklanabilecek- olguların birlikte teşekkül ettirdikleri anlamın yine çevirmen adı verilen bir başka aktör tarafından pragmatik bir biçimde algılanarak aktarılması hadisesidir. Tüm bu öğelerin bir araya gelmesi, buluşması, birlikte bir bütün oluşturması ve anlamlı bir icraatın ortaya çıkması kültürün düzenleyici gücüyle mümkündür. Kültür, çeviriyi düzenleyici bir nosyon olmakla beraber çeviri tarafından düzenlenen bir olgudur da. Tüm bu tartışma bağlamında mevcut araştırma konu hakkındaki temel çeviribilimsel yaklaşımları incelemiş, geniş bir kaynak taraması (yöntemiyle) ve aktarımıyla bütüncül bir çerçeve çizmeye çalışılmıştır. Öyle görülüyor ki çeviri iki dil arasındaki bir aktarımdan çok iki dil arasında kültürel varlıkların, yine kültürün çizmiş olduğu bir çerçeve kapsamında aktarımı hadisesidir.


  • Adler, N.J.( 1997). International dimensions of organizational behavior. 3. baskı. Cincinnati, OH: Shout-Western College Publishing. Apter, E. (2006). The translation zone: a new comparative literature. Princeton University Press. Atkinson, D. ve Paul K. Matsuda (2013). Intercultural rhetoric: a conversation – the sequel. (Yay. haz.) Diane B. ve Gayle N. Critical and corpus-based approaches to ıntercultural rhetoric. University of Michigan Press. Atkinson, Dwight and Paul K. Matsuda (2013) ‘Intercultural Rhetoric: A Conversation – The Sequel’, in Diane Belcher and Gayle Nelson (eds) Critical and Corpus-based Approaches to Intercultural Rhetoric. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 227–42. Bachman-Medick, D. (2013). Kültür antropolojisi ve çeviri. (Yay. haz.) Yücel, F. Çeviribilim paradigmaları: çeviri seçkisi içinde. ÇNK. Bachmann-Medick, D. (2012). Culture as text: Reading and interpreting cultures. (Yay. haz.) Neumann, B. and Nünning, A. Travelling concepts for the study of culture içinde.Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 99-118. URL: Text%20Druckfassung.pdf Bachmann-Medick, D. (2017). Cultural Turns: A Matter of Management?. (Yay. haz.) Küpers, W. Sonnenburg, S. ve Zierold, M. Management – culture – interpretation: rethinking management perspectives and impacts of cultural turns and beyond içinde. Springer VS. DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-16983-1 Bassnett, S. (1980). Translation studies. London: Routledge. Bassnett, S. (2007). (Yay. haz.) P. Kuhiwczak ve K. Littau. A companion to translation studies içinde. Clevedon/Buffalo/Toronto: Multilingual Matters, 13-23.Piotr Kuhiwczak and Karin Littau Bassnett, S. and Lefevere, A. (1990). Translation, history and culture. London: Pinter. Bassnett, S. ve Lefevere, L. (1998). Constructing cultures: essays on literary translation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Benjamin, W. (2008). Çevirmenin görevi. (Yay. haz.) Mehmet R. Çeviri seçkisi -2 içinde. (25-35). İstanbul:Sel. Benjamin, W. (1923). The task of the translator. Selected writings içinde (1913-1926). Vol.1 (253-263) The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press (2002) Bermann, S. (2009). Working in the and zone: comparative literature and translation. Comparative literature içinde. 61(4):432-446. DOI: 10.1215/00104124-2009-025 Bhabba, H.K. (1992). Postcolonial criticism. (Yay. haz.) S. Greenblatt, G. Gunn. Redrawing the boundries: the transformation of English and American literary studies içinde.New York.437-465. Bhabba, H.K. (1994). The location of culture. London. Blackburn, S. (2009). What do we really know?... London: Quercus. Can, M. Zahid ve Gezer, G. (2018). Haber çevirilerinde yerlileştirme stratejileri olarak etnomerkezci eritme ve saldırgan sadakat. Tarih okulu dergisi (TOD) /Journal of history school (JOHS).11,38(2).1-37. DOI No: Canagarajah, S. (2013). Translingual practice: global Englishes and cosmopolitan relations. Abingdon: Routledge.240. Canagarajah, S. (2007) ‘Lingua Franca English, Multilingual Communities and Language Acquisition’, The Modern Language Journal 91, 923–39. Carrove, M. S. (2000).Towards a theory of translation pedagogy based on CAT tools for Catalan and English non-literary texts Universitat de Lleida. Departament d'Anglès i Lingüística Catford, J.C. (1965). A linguistic theory of translation: an essay in applied linguistics. Oxford University Press. Chesterman A., ve Williams J. (2002). The map: a beginner’s guide to doing research in translation studies. Manchester: St. Jerome. ISBN 1-900650-54-1 (pbk). Clifford, J. (1986). On ethnographic alegory. (Yay. haz.) J. Cifford ve G. E. Marcus. Writing culture içinde. London.Berkeley.98-121 Cook, G. (2003). Applied linguistics. USA: Oxford University Press. Chapter 6. Cronin, M. (2003). Translation and globalisation. Routledge. Davis, K. (1977). Human behavior at work. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. Dizdar, D. (1999). Skopostheorie. Handbuchtranslation. Hrsg. Petter Schmitt. Stauffenburg. Tübingen. Dingwaney, A. ve Maier, C. (1995). Between languages and cultures: translation and cross-cultural texts. Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy & Culture. Gentzler, E. (2017). Translation and rewriting in the age of post- translation studies: new perspectives in translation and interpreting studies. Routledge. Fairclough, N., ve Wodak, R. (1997). Critical Discourse analysis. (Yay.haz.) Teun van Dijk. Discourse studies: a Multidisciplinary Introduction-2: discourse as social interaction., 258-284. Geerzt, C. (1983). From the native’s point of view: on the nature of anthropological understanding. Local knowledge: further essays in interpretive anthropology içinde.New York. 55-70. Gregory, R. (1989). Gregory Rabassa. Contemporary authors autobiography series içinde. 9:191. Detroit: Gale Research. Gutas, Dimitri (2003). Yunanca Düşünce Arapça Kültür. İstanbul: Kitap Yayınevi. Harris, R. (1978) Communication and language: an inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 24 February 1978. Oxford: Claren¬don Press. Hervey, S.G.J. ve I, Higgins. (). Thinking translation : a course in translation method, French-English. Taylor and Francis Routledge. Humboldt, Wilhelm F. von. (1988). On language: on the diversity of human language construction and its ınfluence on the mental development of the human species Peter Heath (Çev) . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kade, Otto (1968). Zufall oder Gesetzmäßigkeit in der Übersetzung. Leipzig Keesing, R.M. (1985). Conventional metaphors and anthropological metaphysics: the problematic of cultural translation. Journal of anthropological research. 41:201-217 Kroeber, A. L., ve Kluckhohn, C. (1952). Culture: A critical review of concepts and definitions. New York: Vintage Books. Lakoff , G. ve Johnsen, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by. Chicago Press. Lambert J., 2000, Cultural studies, the study of cultures and the question of language: facing / excluding the new millennium. Delabastita, D., L. D’hulst, L. ve R. Meylaerts, R. (Yay. haz.). Functional approaches to culture and translation içinde. 2006. Amsterdam/Philadelphia.163-171. Lefevere A. ( 1992). Translation: history, culture: as a source book. London–New York. Routledge. Levý, J. (2011). The art of translation. Zuzana J. ve Patrick C. (Yay. haz.) Amsterdam, Philadelfia: John Benjamins. Malinowiski, B. (1862): Sex, culture, and myth. London: Rubert Hart- Davis. Malinowski, B. (1935). Coral gardens and their magic-2: the language of magic and gardening: London. Mardin, Şerif (2011). Din ve İdeoloji. İstanbul: İletişim. Metge, J. ve Kinloch, P. (1978). Talking past each other: problems of cross-cultural communication.Wellington: Price Milburn. Motzkin, G. (1996). Memory and cultural translation. (Yay. haz.) Budick, S. ve Iser, W. The translatability of cultures: figurations of the space between. Stanford. 265-281. Munday, J. (2012). Introducing translation studies: theories and applications.London: Routledge. Nergaard, S. ve Arduini, S. (2011). Translation: a new paradigm. Translation: an interdisciplinary journal. the inaugural issue. 8-17. Newmark, P. (1988) A textbook of translation. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall. Newmark, P. (1988) Approaches to translation. Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall. Nida E., Taber C.(1969). The theory and practice of translation. Leiden. Nida, E. A. (1964) Towards a science of translation, with special reference to principles and procedures involved in Bible translating. Leiden: Brill. Parlak, B. (2002). Popüler Kültür ve Çeviri., Erişim Tarihi: 20.09.2019.Çeviribilim. İstanbul Paul Vinay, P. ve Darbelnet, J. (1958). A methodology for translation. (Yay. haz.) L. Venuti. The translation studies reader içinde. 84–93. London: Routledge.2000. Pym, A. (2008).Translation and the philosophy of dialogueTranslation and the philosophy of dialogue (Arnaud Laygues). Neuphilologische Mitteilungen içinde. 109(1):106-110 Rabassa, G. (1989). No two snowflakes are alike: translator as metaphor. (Yay. haz.) J. Biguenetve R. Schulte. The Craft of Translation içinde.1–1. Chicago ve London: The University of Chicago Press. Reiß, K. ve Vermeer, H.J. (1984/2014) Towards a general theory of translational action: skopos theory explained. Translated from the German by Christiane Nord English reviewed by Marina Dudenhöfer First published 1984 by St. Jerome Publishing. Published 2014 by Routledge Renn , J. (2006). Indirect access: complex settings of communication and the translation of Governance. (Yay. haz.) A. Parada ve O. Díaz Fouces. Sociology of translation.Vigo: Universidade de Vigo.193 -210. Santoyo J.-C. (2010). Translation and cultural identity: competence and performance of the author-translator. (Yay. haz.) M. Muñoz-Calvo ve C. Buesa-Gomez. Translation and cultural identity: selected essays on translation and cross-cultural communication içinde. 13-32. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Sapir,E. (1956). Selected writings in language, culture and personality. Berkeley: University of California Press. Schäffner, C. (2007). Politics and Translation. (Yay. haz.) P. Kuhiwczak ve K. Littau. A companion to translation studies içinde. Clevedon/Buffalo/Toronto: Multilingual Matters, 134-147. Schleiermacher, F. (1813). On the different methods of translating. R. Schulte ve J. Biguenet (Yay. haz.) Theories of translation: an anthology of essays from Dryden to Derrida içinde. (36–54). The University of Cicago Press. 1992. Sidiropoulou, M. (2008). Cultural Encounters in Advertisement Translation. Journal of modern Greek studies, 26, 337–362. Sperper, D. (1993). Interpreting and explaining cultural representations. (Yay. haz.) G. Palson. Beyond boundries içinde. Oxford. 162-183. Spivak, G. Ch. (2000). The politics of translation. (Yay.haz.) L.Venuti. The translation studies reader içinde. London. New York: Routledge. Steiner, G. (1975). After Babel: aspects of language and translation. London. Stierstorfer, K. ve Gomille, M. (2008). Cultures of translation. Cambridge. Tayeb, Monir H. (1992). The global business environment: an introduction. London: Sage Publications. Tomlinson, J. (1999). Globalization and culture. Cambridge: Polity Press. Tylor, Edward B. (1871) Primitive culture: researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art, and custom. London: John Murray. Print. Tymockzko, M. ve Gentzler, E. (2002). Translation and power. University of Massachusetts Press. Tymoczko, M. (2007, 2010). Enlarging translation, empowering translators. London: Routledge. ISBN-13: 978-1900650663 Underhill, J. (2009) Humboldt, worldview and language. Edinburgh University Press. Valdés, C. (2011). An empirical approach to the reception and perception of television advertising. International journal of translation, 23(2), 94–104. Vardar, B. (1982). Dilbilimin temel kavram ve ilkeleri. Ankara: TDK. Venuti, L. (1998). The scandals of translation: towards an ethics of difference. London and New York: Routledge. Venuti, L. (1995). The translator invisibility: a history of translation. London - New York: Routledge. Williams, R. (1976). Keywords: a vocabulary of culture and society. New York: Oxford University Press. Williams, R. (1977). Culture and society: 1780-1950. Middlesex: Penguin Books. Wittgenstein, L. (1958). Philosophical investigations. Translated by G.E.M. Anscombe. New York: Macmillan.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Turkish language, culture and literature

Gökmen Gezer 0000-0003-2224-8034

Muhammed Zahit Can 0000-0003-4765-3693

Publication Date December 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Gezer, G., & Can, M. Z. (2019). Kültürü çevirmek: Kültür aktarımı kapsamında çeviri. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(17), 355-370.