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المرأة المأزومة وجوديا في روايات نوال السعداوي

Year 2020, , 504 - 520, 21.10.2020


تناولت هذه الدراسة مسألة المرأة المأزومة وجوديا في روايات نوال السعداوي. وقد انطلقت الدراسة من ثلاثة تساؤلات هي: ما هي الوجودية؟ وما صلة الوجودية بقضايا المرأة؟ وما هي النماذج التي قدمتها نوال السعداوي في رواياتها للنساء المأزمومات وجوديا. وللإجابة على هذه التساؤلات اعتمدت الورقة البحثية منهج النقد الثقافي، وقسمت الدراسة إلى مبحثين رئيسيين: الأول الوجودية ويقدم تعريفا عامّا بالوجودية وأبرز أعلامها ومفاهيمها ويناقش أيضا صلة الوجودية بقضايا المرأة. والثاني: الشخصيات المأزومة وجوديا في روايات نوال السعداوي، ويتضمن دراسة شخصيتين في عملين روائيين. وقد خلصت الدراسة إلى أن الوجودية فلسفة تتلخص بأن وجود الإنسان سابق لماهيته، وأن هذه الفلسفة ذات ارتباط وثيق بقضايا المرأة؛ كونها تعاني من أزمة وجودية سببها أن حياتها بكل تفصيلاتها ليست من صنعها بل من صنع الرجل. وقد تناولت نوال السعداوي هذه المسألة في روايتين: "امرأتان في امرأة" وقدمت فيها نموذجا إيجابيا للمرأة التي تتخلص من أزمتها الوجودية، ورواية "الغائب" ومثلت نموذجا للمرأة التي تفشل في الانفصال عن القوالب النمطية وتؤثر البقاء فيها.


  • Al- Ghathami, Abdullah. (1997). Almar’ah wa’l- Lughah. 2nd Ed.. Beirut: Almarkiz Ath- Thaqafî Al- ʿArabî.
  • Copleston, F.. (1948) Existentialism. Philosophy. Vol. 23/84, 19-37. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Derrida,Jacques. (2005). The Politics of Friendship. Trans. G. Collins. 2nd Ed.. London & New York: Verso.
  • Heangliff, Arnold B.. (1982). Maws’at Al- Mustalah An- Naqdî. Trans. Abdul Wahid Luluaa. 2nd Ed.. Baghdad: Dâr Ar- Rashîd.
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1972).Al- Unthâ hiya Al- Asl. Beirut: Arab Institute for Research & Publishing.
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1975). ‘Imra’tân fi ‘Imra’ah. Beirut: Dâr Al- Âdâb..............
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1986). Dirâsât ʿan Ar- Rajul wa’l- Mar’ah fi’l- Mujtamaʿ Al- ʿArabî. Beirut: Arab Institute for Research & Publishing.
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1987). Al- Gha’ib. 4th Ed.. Beirut: Dâr Al- Âdâb.................
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1991). Ar- Rajul wa’l- Jins.4th Ed.. W. Place: Dar Al- Maarif.
  • Flynn, Thomas. (2006). Existentialism - A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Khatibi, Abdelkebir. (W. date). An-Naqdu’l- Muzdawaj. Trans: Adunis & others. Beirut: Dâr Al-ʿAwdah.
  • Kolmar,Wendy K.. Bartkowski, Frances, (2009). Annathariyya An- Niswiyya. Trans. Imad Ibrahim. Jordan: Al- Ahliya.
  • Kristeva, Julia. (1982). The Power of Horror. Trans. Roddy Lion. New York: Colombia University.
  • Lowrie, Walter. (1969). Kierkegaard's attack upon "Christendom". Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Macquarie, John. (1972). Existentialism. New York: Penguin Books....................
  • Marino, Gordon. (2004). Basic Writings of Existentialism. New York. Modern Library.
  • Rich, Adreienne. (1976). Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and İnstitution. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Solomon, Robert C.. (1974). Existentialism. New York: McGraw-Hill...................
  • Tarabichi, George. (1984). Unthâ Did Al- Unûtha: Dirâsât fî Adab Nawal As- Saʿdâwî fî Daw’ At- Tahlîl An- Nafsî. Beirut: Dâr At- Talîʿa.
  • Tarabichi, George. (1987). Al- Adab min Ad- Dâkhil. Beirut: Dâr At- Talîʿa.
  • Watts, Michael. (2003). Kierkegaard. London: Oneworld..................
  • Ziyadeh, May.(1982). Almu’allfât Al- Kâmilah. Ed. Salma Al- Haffar Al- Kuzbari. Beirut: Mu’ssat Nofal.

Nawal El-Saadawi romanlarında varoluşsal kadınların krizi

Year 2020, , 504 - 520, 21.10.2020


Bu çalışma Nawal Al-Saadawi romanlarında varoluşsal olarak yoksul kadınlar meselesini ele almaktadır. Çalışma üç sorudan başladı: Varoluşçuluk nedir? Varoluşçuluğun kadın meseleleriyle ilgisi nedir? Nawal Al-Saadawi, varoluşsal olarak yoksul kadınlar için romanlarında hangi modelleri sergilemiştir? Araştırmamız bu soruları cevaplamak için kültürel eleştiri yaklaşımını benimsemekte ve çalışmayı iki ana konuya ayırmaktadır. Birincisi varoluşçuluk ve varoluşçuluğun genel bir tanımını, en belirgin işaretleri ve kavramlarını sunarak varoluşçuluğun kadın meseleleriyle olan ilgisini tartışmak. İkincisi: Nawal Al-Saadawi'nin romanlarında varoluşsal olarak depresif kişilikler ile iki romanda iki karakterin incelenmesini içerir. Çalışma, varoluşçuluğun bir insanın varlığının kendisinden önce olduğu gerçeğine dayanan bir felsefe olduğu ve bu felsefenin kadın meseleleriyle yakından ilişkili olduğu, her detayda hayatının neden olduğu varoluşsal bir krizden muzdarip olduğu için, kendi yapımından değil aksine erekeğin yapımından kaynaklandığı sonucuna varmaktadır. Nawal Al-Saadawi bu konuyu iki romanda ele almaktadır. Varoluş krizinden kurtulan kadın için olumlu bir model sunduğu "Bir Kadında İki Kadın" romanı ile; kalıp yargılardan ayrılmayan ve hayatta kalmalarını etkileyemeyen kadınlar için bir örnek teşkil eden “Bulunmayan” romanıdır.


  • Al- Ghathami, Abdullah. (1997). Almar’ah wa’l- Lughah. 2nd Ed.. Beirut: Almarkiz Ath- Thaqafî Al- ʿArabî.
  • Copleston, F.. (1948) Existentialism. Philosophy. Vol. 23/84, 19-37. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Derrida,Jacques. (2005). The Politics of Friendship. Trans. G. Collins. 2nd Ed.. London & New York: Verso.
  • Heangliff, Arnold B.. (1982). Maws’at Al- Mustalah An- Naqdî. Trans. Abdul Wahid Luluaa. 2nd Ed.. Baghdad: Dâr Ar- Rashîd.
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1972).Al- Unthâ hiya Al- Asl. Beirut: Arab Institute for Research & Publishing.
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1975). ‘Imra’tân fi ‘Imra’ah. Beirut: Dâr Al- Âdâb..............
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1986). Dirâsât ʿan Ar- Rajul wa’l- Mar’ah fi’l- Mujtamaʿ Al- ʿArabî. Beirut: Arab Institute for Research & Publishing.
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1987). Al- Gha’ib. 4th Ed.. Beirut: Dâr Al- Âdâb.................
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1991). Ar- Rajul wa’l- Jins.4th Ed.. W. Place: Dar Al- Maarif.
  • Flynn, Thomas. (2006). Existentialism - A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Khatibi, Abdelkebir. (W. date). An-Naqdu’l- Muzdawaj. Trans: Adunis & others. Beirut: Dâr Al-ʿAwdah.
  • Kolmar,Wendy K.. Bartkowski, Frances, (2009). Annathariyya An- Niswiyya. Trans. Imad Ibrahim. Jordan: Al- Ahliya.
  • Kristeva, Julia. (1982). The Power of Horror. Trans. Roddy Lion. New York: Colombia University.
  • Lowrie, Walter. (1969). Kierkegaard's attack upon "Christendom". Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Macquarie, John. (1972). Existentialism. New York: Penguin Books....................
  • Marino, Gordon. (2004). Basic Writings of Existentialism. New York. Modern Library.
  • Rich, Adreienne. (1976). Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and İnstitution. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Solomon, Robert C.. (1974). Existentialism. New York: McGraw-Hill...................
  • Tarabichi, George. (1984). Unthâ Did Al- Unûtha: Dirâsât fî Adab Nawal As- Saʿdâwî fî Daw’ At- Tahlîl An- Nafsî. Beirut: Dâr At- Talîʿa.
  • Tarabichi, George. (1987). Al- Adab min Ad- Dâkhil. Beirut: Dâr At- Talîʿa.
  • Watts, Michael. (2003). Kierkegaard. London: Oneworld..................
  • Ziyadeh, May.(1982). Almu’allfât Al- Kâmilah. Ed. Salma Al- Haffar Al- Kuzbari. Beirut: Mu’ssat Nofal.

The existential angst woman in Nawal El-Saadawi’s Novels

Year 2020, , 504 - 520, 21.10.2020


This study tackles the issue of the existential angst woman in El-Saadawi's novels. This study was based on three questions: what is existentialism? What is the connection between existentialism and women issues? And what are the models that El-Saadawi's presents in her novels? To answer these inquiries, this study employed the cultural criticism. Also, the study was divided into two main axes: first, existentialism, and it provides a general definition to existentialism, its most prominent figures, its terms and it discusses the connections between existentialism and women issues. Second, the existential angst characters in the novels in which it includes a study for two characters from two novels. The study has found that existentialism is a philosophy believes that the existence of a human is an antecedent to its being, and this philosophy is deeply connected to women issues who usually suffer from this problem because all women's life and their details are not their choice, but men's choice and design. El-Saadawi tackled this issue in two novels: "Two Women in One Woman" in which it presents a positive model to a woman that could successfully find solutions to her existential angst problems. "The Absent " novel in which it represents a model for a woman who failed to disconnect from the stereotypes.


  • Al- Ghathami, Abdullah. (1997). Almar’ah wa’l- Lughah. 2nd Ed.. Beirut: Almarkiz Ath- Thaqafî Al- ʿArabî.
  • Copleston, F.. (1948) Existentialism. Philosophy. Vol. 23/84, 19-37. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Derrida,Jacques. (2005). The Politics of Friendship. Trans. G. Collins. 2nd Ed.. London & New York: Verso.
  • Heangliff, Arnold B.. (1982). Maws’at Al- Mustalah An- Naqdî. Trans. Abdul Wahid Luluaa. 2nd Ed.. Baghdad: Dâr Ar- Rashîd.
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1972).Al- Unthâ hiya Al- Asl. Beirut: Arab Institute for Research & Publishing.
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1975). ‘Imra’tân fi ‘Imra’ah. Beirut: Dâr Al- Âdâb..............
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1986). Dirâsât ʿan Ar- Rajul wa’l- Mar’ah fi’l- Mujtamaʿ Al- ʿArabî. Beirut: Arab Institute for Research & Publishing.
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1987). Al- Gha’ib. 4th Ed.. Beirut: Dâr Al- Âdâb.................
  • El- Saadawi, Nawal. (1991). Ar- Rajul wa’l- Jins.4th Ed.. W. Place: Dar Al- Maarif.
  • Flynn, Thomas. (2006). Existentialism - A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Khatibi, Abdelkebir. (W. date). An-Naqdu’l- Muzdawaj. Trans: Adunis & others. Beirut: Dâr Al-ʿAwdah.
  • Kolmar,Wendy K.. Bartkowski, Frances, (2009). Annathariyya An- Niswiyya. Trans. Imad Ibrahim. Jordan: Al- Ahliya.
  • Kristeva, Julia. (1982). The Power of Horror. Trans. Roddy Lion. New York: Colombia University.
  • Lowrie, Walter. (1969). Kierkegaard's attack upon "Christendom". Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • Macquarie, John. (1972). Existentialism. New York: Penguin Books....................
  • Marino, Gordon. (2004). Basic Writings of Existentialism. New York. Modern Library.
  • Rich, Adreienne. (1976). Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and İnstitution. New York: W. W. Norton.
  • Solomon, Robert C.. (1974). Existentialism. New York: McGraw-Hill...................
  • Tarabichi, George. (1984). Unthâ Did Al- Unûtha: Dirâsât fî Adab Nawal As- Saʿdâwî fî Daw’ At- Tahlîl An- Nafsî. Beirut: Dâr At- Talîʿa.
  • Tarabichi, George. (1987). Al- Adab min Ad- Dâkhil. Beirut: Dâr At- Talîʿa.
  • Watts, Michael. (2003). Kierkegaard. London: Oneworld..................
  • Ziyadeh, May.(1982). Almu’allfât Al- Kâmilah. Ed. Salma Al- Haffar Al- Kuzbari. Beirut: Mu’ssat Nofal.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Arabic
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section World languages, cultures and litertures

Malek Hassan Mahmoud Abdul Qader 0000-0001-6031-7702

Publication Date October 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Abdul Qader, M. H. M. (2020). المرأة المأزومة وجوديا في روايات نوال السعداوي. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(Ö7), 504-520.