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Kıyamet sonrası zombiler dünyasını uyarlamak: Aşk ve Gurur + Zombiler (2016)

Year 2020, Issue: Ö8, 498 - 510, 21.11.2020


Çeşitli medya araçlarında artan sayıdaki zombi anlatıları, yirmi birinci yüzyılın başlarında, özellikle Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde, zombie türünün yeniden canlandığını göstermektedir. Bu anlatılar sadece hayatta kalma mücadelesini değil, aynı zamanda Seth Grahame-Smith'in 2009 zombi karma romanı Aşk ve Gurur ve Zombiler’de olduğu gibi küresel zombi salgınının sonuçlarını da ele almaktadır. Austen'in 1813 romanının olay örgüsüne sıkı sıkıya bağlı kalarak Grahame-Smith, 19. yüzyılın başlarında beş Bennet kız kardeşin dövüş sanatlarında başarılı savaşçılar ve Fitzwilliam Darcy'nin üstün Oryantal dövüş becerilerine sahip bir zombie avcısı olduğu İngiltere'yi, ölümsüzlerin vebasının tehdit ettiği bir yere dönüştürmektedir. Jane Austen’ın kanonik eseri Aşk ve Gurur’un (1813) hem edebi hem de film olarak yeniden yazımlarının/uyarlamalarının hâlâ geniş ve coşkulu izleyiciler bulduğu açıktır: Grahame-Smith’in kitabı, dünya çapında 700.000'den fazla kopya satarak hemen New York Times en çok satanlar listesine girmiş ve film hakları Hollywood tarafından hızla satın alınmıştır. Kıyamet sonrası Aşk ve Gurur + Zombiler’in (2016) senaryosunu da yazan yönetmen Burr Steers, film uyarlamasına bir önsöz ve de son bir zombi saldırısı ekler ve yine de bu makalenin öne sürdüğü gibi, romanın tema, karakter gelişimi, üslup ve ton gibi biçimsel öğeler ile birlikte hikâyenin özünü başarıyla korumaktadır.


  • Aiossa, E. (2018). The Subversive Zombie: Social Protest and Gender in Undead Cinema and Television. McFarland & Co Inc.
  • Baker, K. (2013). The Zombies Are Coming!: The Realities of the Zombie Apocalypse in American Culture. Rosetta Books. ISBN 9781625391179.
  • Bakhtin, M. M. (1981). The Dialogic Imagination, trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist, ed. Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Bakhtin, M. M. (1986). Speech Genres and Other Late Essays, trans. Vern W. McGee, ed. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Bishop, K. W. (2010). American Zombie Gothic: The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of the Walking Dead in Popular Culture. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co.
  • Carroll, N. (1990). The Philosophy of Horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New York, NY.: Routledge.
  • Casey-Williams, E., Smith, E. C. (2017). Twice Dead: Gender, Class, and Crisis in Pride and Prejudice + Zombies (2016) in eds. Ashley Szanter and Cristina Artenie, Monsters and Monstrosity in 21st Century Film and Television, Universitas Press.
  • Fojas, C. (2017). Zombies, Migrants, and Queers: Race and Crisis Capitalism in Pop Culture.Urbana; Chicago; Springfield: University of Illinois Press. Retrieved August 19, 2020. Fromü
  • Grahame-Smith, S. (April 8, 2009). It’s... Darcy of the Dead. BBC News. By Tim Masters. Retrieved July 10, 2020. From
  • Grahame-Smith, S. (April 2, 2009). Pride and Prejudice, Now with Zombies! By Lev Grossman. Retrieved July 13, 2020. From,8599,1889075,00.html. Hermansson, C. (May 2015). Flogging Fidelity: In Defense of the (Un)Dead Horse. Adaptation Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 147–160. doi:10.1093/adaptation/apv014.
  • Lanzendörfer, T. (2018). Books of the Dead: Reading the Zombie in Contemporary Literature. Jackson, MS.: University Press of Mississippi. Accessed 16 Aug. 2020.
  • Lloyd, I., Clarke, P. (2019). Gardening for the Zombie Apocalypse. London: Head of Zeus.
  • Mulvey-Roberts, M. (Summer 2014). Mashing up Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and the Limits of Adaptation. The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies 13, pp. 17-38.
  • Mogk, M. (2011). Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Zombies. New York: Gallery Books.
  • Nelson, C. (December 2013). Jane Austen … Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem, Adaptation, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 338–354.
  • Nelson, C. (February 3, 2016). Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: it’s the Jane Austen horror show. Retrieved July 15, 2020. From
  • Steers, B. (January 12, 2016). Burr Steers on the Stages of Becoming Undead in ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.’ By Perri Nemiroff. Retrieved June 12, 2020. From
  • Park-Fuller, L. M. (1986) VOICES: Bakhtin's Heteroglossia and Polyphony, and the Performance of Narrative Literature. Literature in Performance 7, pp. 1-12. Retrieved June 8, 2020. From
  • Smith, B., Kim, Y., Rowson, M. (April 5, 2016). Pride and Prejudice + Zombies (2016). By Will Perkins. Retrieved August, 20 2020. From
  • Platts, T. K. (2013). Locating Zombies in the Sociology of Popular Culture. Sociology Compass 7, pp. 547–560, 10.1111/soc4.12053.
  • Pride and Prejudice + Zombies (2016) Production Notes. Retrieved May 25, 2020. From
  • Pride and Prejudice + Zombies. (2016). Retrieved August 15, 2020. From
  • Riter, A. V. (2017). The Evolution of Mashup Literature: Identifying the Genre through Jane Austen’s Novels. MA Thesis, De Montfort University.
  • Stam, R. (2005). Introduction: The Theory and Practice of Adaptation, in Robert Stam and Alessandra Raengo (eds), Literature and Film: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Film Adaptation Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Stratton, J. (2011). Zombie Trouble: Zombie Texts, Bare Life and Displaced People. European Journal of Cultural Studies 14.3, pp. 265–81.
  • Whittaker, R. (Feb 4, 2016). Adapting Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Austin Chronicle. Retrieved May 20, 2020. From
  • Wilson, L. (2014). The Art of Eating through the Zombie Apocalypse: A Cookbook and Culinary Survival Guide. Dallas: Smart Pop. Ben Bella Books.

Adapting a post-apocalyptic world of zombies: Pride and Prejudice + Zombies (2016)

Year 2020, Issue: Ö8, 498 - 510, 21.11.2020


The growing number of zombie narratives across diverse media indicate a revival of the zombie genre in the early twenty-first century, in particular in the United States. These narratives deal with not only the fight for survival but also with the consequences of the global zombie outbreak as in Seth Grahame-Smith’s 2009 zombie mash-up novel, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Adhering closely to the plot of Austen’s 1813 novel, Grahame-Smith nevertheless transforms early 19th-century England into a place menaced by a plague of the undead where the five Bennet sisters are accomplished martial arts warriors and Fitzwilliam Darcy is a monster-hunter possessing superior Oriental fighting skills. It is clear that both literary and filmic rewritings of Jane Austen’s canonical work, Pride and Prejudice (1813) still find large and enthusiastic audiences: Grahame-Smith’s book immediately became a New York Times bestseller, with more than 700,000 copies sold worldwide while the film rights were quickly acquired by Hollywood. Director Burr Steers, who also wrote the screenplay of the post-apocalyptic Pride and Prejudice + Zombies (2016), inserts a prologue and a final zombie attack into the narrative and yet, as this paper argues, successfully preserves the essence of the story as well as the formal elements of theme, characterization, style, and tone from the Graham-Smith novel.


  • Aiossa, E. (2018). The Subversive Zombie: Social Protest and Gender in Undead Cinema and Television. McFarland & Co Inc.
  • Baker, K. (2013). The Zombies Are Coming!: The Realities of the Zombie Apocalypse in American Culture. Rosetta Books. ISBN 9781625391179.
  • Bakhtin, M. M. (1981). The Dialogic Imagination, trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist, ed. Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Bakhtin, M. M. (1986). Speech Genres and Other Late Essays, trans. Vern W. McGee, ed. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Bishop, K. W. (2010). American Zombie Gothic: The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of the Walking Dead in Popular Culture. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland & Co.
  • Carroll, N. (1990). The Philosophy of Horror, or, Paradoxes of the Heart. New York, NY.: Routledge.
  • Casey-Williams, E., Smith, E. C. (2017). Twice Dead: Gender, Class, and Crisis in Pride and Prejudice + Zombies (2016) in eds. Ashley Szanter and Cristina Artenie, Monsters and Monstrosity in 21st Century Film and Television, Universitas Press.
  • Fojas, C. (2017). Zombies, Migrants, and Queers: Race and Crisis Capitalism in Pop Culture.Urbana; Chicago; Springfield: University of Illinois Press. Retrieved August 19, 2020. Fromü
  • Grahame-Smith, S. (April 8, 2009). It’s... Darcy of the Dead. BBC News. By Tim Masters. Retrieved July 10, 2020. From
  • Grahame-Smith, S. (April 2, 2009). Pride and Prejudice, Now with Zombies! By Lev Grossman. Retrieved July 13, 2020. From,8599,1889075,00.html. Hermansson, C. (May 2015). Flogging Fidelity: In Defense of the (Un)Dead Horse. Adaptation Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 147–160. doi:10.1093/adaptation/apv014.
  • Lanzendörfer, T. (2018). Books of the Dead: Reading the Zombie in Contemporary Literature. Jackson, MS.: University Press of Mississippi. Accessed 16 Aug. 2020.
  • Lloyd, I., Clarke, P. (2019). Gardening for the Zombie Apocalypse. London: Head of Zeus.
  • Mulvey-Roberts, M. (Summer 2014). Mashing up Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and the Limits of Adaptation. The Irish Journal of Gothic and Horror Studies 13, pp. 17-38.
  • Mogk, M. (2011). Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Zombies. New York: Gallery Books.
  • Nelson, C. (December 2013). Jane Austen … Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem, Adaptation, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp. 338–354.
  • Nelson, C. (February 3, 2016). Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: it’s the Jane Austen horror show. Retrieved July 15, 2020. From
  • Steers, B. (January 12, 2016). Burr Steers on the Stages of Becoming Undead in ‘Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.’ By Perri Nemiroff. Retrieved June 12, 2020. From
  • Park-Fuller, L. M. (1986) VOICES: Bakhtin's Heteroglossia and Polyphony, and the Performance of Narrative Literature. Literature in Performance 7, pp. 1-12. Retrieved June 8, 2020. From
  • Smith, B., Kim, Y., Rowson, M. (April 5, 2016). Pride and Prejudice + Zombies (2016). By Will Perkins. Retrieved August, 20 2020. From
  • Platts, T. K. (2013). Locating Zombies in the Sociology of Popular Culture. Sociology Compass 7, pp. 547–560, 10.1111/soc4.12053.
  • Pride and Prejudice + Zombies (2016) Production Notes. Retrieved May 25, 2020. From
  • Pride and Prejudice + Zombies. (2016). Retrieved August 15, 2020. From
  • Riter, A. V. (2017). The Evolution of Mashup Literature: Identifying the Genre through Jane Austen’s Novels. MA Thesis, De Montfort University.
  • Stam, R. (2005). Introduction: The Theory and Practice of Adaptation, in Robert Stam and Alessandra Raengo (eds), Literature and Film: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Film Adaptation Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Stratton, J. (2011). Zombie Trouble: Zombie Texts, Bare Life and Displaced People. European Journal of Cultural Studies 14.3, pp. 265–81.
  • Whittaker, R. (Feb 4, 2016). Adapting Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Austin Chronicle. Retrieved May 20, 2020. From
  • Wilson, L. (2014). The Art of Eating through the Zombie Apocalypse: A Cookbook and Culinary Survival Guide. Dallas: Smart Pop. Ben Bella Books.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section World languages, cultures and litertures

Olgahan Bakşi Yalçın 0000-0002-5527-9200

Publication Date November 21, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Issue: Ö8


APA Bakşi Yalçın, O. (2020). Adapting a post-apocalyptic world of zombies: Pride and Prejudice + Zombies (2016). RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(Ö8), 498-510.