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Thrombocytopenia was an Indicator of Severity of Disease in Critically Ill Patients

Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 28 - 35, 03.01.2025


Aim: Thrombocytopenia is frequently encountered in critically ill patients. The study aimed to determine the frequency of thrombocytopenia, and the relationship between thrombocytopenia and morbidity and mortality in patients admitted to the tertiary medical intensive care unit (ICU).
Material and Methods: This retrospective study included 681 patients admitted to the ICU between March 2018 and February 2020. Hospitalization diagnosis, comorbidities, admission laboratory tests, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II and sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) scores, organ support therapies and mortality were recorded. Thrombocytopenia was defined as a platelet count of <150x103/μl.
Results: Thrombocytopenia was diagnosed in 167 (24.5%) patients on admission to the ICU. Thrombocytopenic patients had higher leucocyte counts, and C-reactive protein, creatinine and lactate levels, but lower albumin and hemoglobin levels (p<0,001, p=0,030, p=0004, p=0,037, p<0,001, p<0,001, respectively). Thrombocytopenic patients had significantly elevated APACHE II and SOFA scores compared to nonthrombocytopenic patients (p=0.002, p<0.001, respectively). It was determined that erythrocyte, thrombocyte and fresh frozen plasma transfusion rates were significantly higher in thrombocytopenic patients (p=0,030, p<0,001, p<0,001, respectively). Vasopressor infusion was significantly more required by thrombocytopenic patients during ICU stay (p=0.006). ICU and hospital mortality rates were significantly higher in thrombocytopenic patients (p=0.017, p=0.024, respectively). The presence of thrombocytopenia was not found to be a mortality predictor in the logistic regression analysis. Age, APACHE II score, SOFA score and lactate level were determined to be mortality predictors.
Conclusion: The presence of thrombocytopenia represents the severity of disease in critically ill patients. Thrombocytopenic patients requires more organ support therapies and have high mortality rates.


  • Ali N, Auerbach HE. New-onset acute thrombocytopenia in hospitalized patients: Pathophysiology and diagnostic approach. J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2017; 7(3): 157-67.
  • Hui P, Cook DJ, Lim W, Fraser GA, Arnold DM. The frequency and clinical significance of thrombocytopenia complicating critical illness. A systemic review. CHEST. 2011; 139(2): 271-8.
  • Strauss R, Wehler M, Mehler K, Kreutzer D, Koebnick C, Hahn EG. Thrombocytopenia in patients in the medical intensive care unit: Bleeding prevalence, transfusion requirements, and outcome. Crit Care Med. 2002; 30: 1765-71.
  • Hanes SD, Quarles DA, Boucher BA. Insidence and risk factors of thrombocytopenia in critically ill trauma patients. Ann Pharmacother. 1997; 31(3): 285-9.
  • Péju E, Fouqué G, Charpentier J, Vigneron C, Jozwiak M, Cariou A, et al. Clinical significance of thrombocytopenia in patients with septic shock: An observational retrospective study. J Crit Care. 2023; 76: 154293.
  • Vanderschueren S, De Weerdt A, Malbrain M, Vankersschaever D, Frans E, Wilmer A, et al. Thrombocytopenia and prognosis in intensive care. Crit Care Med. 2000; 28(6): 1871-6.
  • Crowther MA, Cook DJ, Meade MO, Griffith LE, Guyatt GH, Arnold DM, et al. Thrombocytopenia in mediacal-surgical critically ill patients: Prevalence, incidence, and risk factors. J Crit Care. 2005; 20(4): 348-53.
  • Venkata C, Kashyap R, Farmer JC, Afessa B. Thrombocytopenia in adult patients with sepsis: Incidence, risk factors, and its association with clinical outcome. J Intensive Care. 2013; 1(1): 9.
  • Thiolliere F, Serre-Sapin AF, Reignier J, Benedit M, Constantin JM, Lebert C, et al. Epidemiology and outcome of thrombocytopenic patients in the intensive care unit: Results of a prospective multicenter study. Intensive Care Med. 2013; 39(8): 1460-8.
  • Jiang X, Zhang W, Ma X, Cheng X. Risk of hospital mortality in critically ill patients with transient and persistent thrombocytopenia. A retrospective study. SHOCK. 2022; 58(6): 471-5.
  • Zhou H, Li Z, Liang H, Yan Z. Thrombocytopenia and platelet count recovery in patients with sepsi-3: A retrospective observational study. Platelets. 2022; 33(4): 612-20.
  • Schupp T, Weidner K, Rusnak J, Jawhar S, Forner J, Dulatahu F, et al. Diagnostic and prognostic role of platelets in patients with sepsis and septic shock. Platelets. 2023; 34(1): 2131753.
  • Moreau D, Timsit JF, Vesin A, Garrouste-Orgeas M, de Lassence A, Zahar JR, et al. Platelet count decline. An early prognostic marker in critically ill patients with prolonged ICU stays. CHEST. 2007; 131: 1735-41.
  • Timsit JF, Fosse JP, Troché G, De Lassence A, Alberti C, Garrouste-Orgeas M, et al. Accuracy of a composite score using daily SAPSS II and LOD scores for predicting hospital mortality in ICU patients hospitalized for more than 72 hours. Intensive Care Med. 2001; 27: 1012-21.
  • Anthon CT, Péne F, Perner A, Azoulay A, Puxty K, Van de Louw A, et al. Thrombocytopenia and platelet transfusions in ICU patients: An international inception cohort study (PLOT-ICU) Intensive Care Med. 2023; 49: 1327-38.
  • Zhou D, Li Z, Wu L, Shi G, Zhou J. Thrombocytopenia and platelet course on hospital mortality in neurological intensive care unit: A retrospective observational study from large database. BMC Neurology. 2020; 20: 220.
  • Haas SA, Lange T, Petzoldt M, Fuhrmann V, Metschke M, Kluge S. Severe hyperlactemia, lactate clearance and mortality in unselected critically ill patients. Intensive Care Med. 2016; 42(2): 202-10.
  • Nielsson MS, Christiansen CF, Johansen MB, Rasmussen BS, Tønnesen E, Nørgaard M. Mortality in elderly ICU patients: A cohort study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2014; 58(1): 9-26.

Kritik Hastalarda Trombositopeni Varlığı Hastalık Ciddiyetinin Bir Göstergesidir

Year 2025, Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 28 - 35, 03.01.2025


Amaç: Kritik hastalarda trombositopeni sık görülmektedir. Çalışmamızda üçüncü basamak medikal yoğun bakım ünitesine (YBÜ) yatırılan hastalarda, yatış esnasındaki trombositopeni sıklığı ve trombositopeni varlığının morbidite ve mortalite ile olan ilişkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Mart 2018 ve Şubat 2020 tarihleri arasında YBÜ’ye yatırılan 681 hasta geriye dönük incelendi. Vakaların yatış tanıları, komorbiditeleri, yatış günü bakılan laboratuvar tetkikleri, APACHE II (acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II) ve SOFA (sequential organ failure assessment) skorları, uygulanan organ destek tedavileri ve mortalite oranları kaydedildi. Trombositopeni kriteri için trombosit sayısı <150 x 103/μl alındı.
Bulgular: Hastaların 167’sinde (%24,5) yatış günü trombositopeni tespit edildi. Trombositopenik hastalarda YBÜ yatış günü bakılan beyaz kan hücre, C-reaktif protein, kreatinin ve laktat değerleri istatiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek saptanırken, albümin ve hemoglobin değerleri istatiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde düşük bulundu (sırasıyla p<0,001, p=0,030, p=0004, p=0,037, p<0,001, p<0,001). Trombositopenik hastaların APACHE II ve SOFA skorları istatiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu görüldü (sırasıyla p=0,002, p < 0,001). Eritrosit, taze donmuş plazma ve trombosit transfüzyon oranlarının trombositopenik hastalarda daha fazla olduğu belirlendi (sırasıyla p=0,030, p<0,001, p<0,001). Trombositopenik hastalara YBÜ yatış süresince daha fazla vazopresör desteği verildiği ve yoğun bakım ile hastane mortalite oranlarının istatiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek olduğu görüldü (sırasıyla p=0,006, p=0,017, p=0,024,). Bu verilere rağmen lojistik regresyon analizinde trombositopeni mortalite prediktörü olarak saptanmadı. Yaş, APACHE II skoru, SOFA skoru ve yatış laktat düzeyi birer mortalite prediktörü olarak bulundu.
Sonuç: Kritik hastalarda trombositopeni varlığı hastalık ciddiyetini göstermektedir. Trombositopenik hastalara uygulan organ destek tedavi oranları trombositopenik olmayanlara kıyasla daha fazladır ve bu hastaların mortalite oranları yüksektir.

Ethical Statement

Etik onayı Düzce Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi etik kurulundan 03.06.2024 tarih ve 2024/102 sayılı kararı ile alınmıştır.

Supporting Institution





  • Ali N, Auerbach HE. New-onset acute thrombocytopenia in hospitalized patients: Pathophysiology and diagnostic approach. J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2017; 7(3): 157-67.
  • Hui P, Cook DJ, Lim W, Fraser GA, Arnold DM. The frequency and clinical significance of thrombocytopenia complicating critical illness. A systemic review. CHEST. 2011; 139(2): 271-8.
  • Strauss R, Wehler M, Mehler K, Kreutzer D, Koebnick C, Hahn EG. Thrombocytopenia in patients in the medical intensive care unit: Bleeding prevalence, transfusion requirements, and outcome. Crit Care Med. 2002; 30: 1765-71.
  • Hanes SD, Quarles DA, Boucher BA. Insidence and risk factors of thrombocytopenia in critically ill trauma patients. Ann Pharmacother. 1997; 31(3): 285-9.
  • Péju E, Fouqué G, Charpentier J, Vigneron C, Jozwiak M, Cariou A, et al. Clinical significance of thrombocytopenia in patients with septic shock: An observational retrospective study. J Crit Care. 2023; 76: 154293.
  • Vanderschueren S, De Weerdt A, Malbrain M, Vankersschaever D, Frans E, Wilmer A, et al. Thrombocytopenia and prognosis in intensive care. Crit Care Med. 2000; 28(6): 1871-6.
  • Crowther MA, Cook DJ, Meade MO, Griffith LE, Guyatt GH, Arnold DM, et al. Thrombocytopenia in mediacal-surgical critically ill patients: Prevalence, incidence, and risk factors. J Crit Care. 2005; 20(4): 348-53.
  • Venkata C, Kashyap R, Farmer JC, Afessa B. Thrombocytopenia in adult patients with sepsis: Incidence, risk factors, and its association with clinical outcome. J Intensive Care. 2013; 1(1): 9.
  • Thiolliere F, Serre-Sapin AF, Reignier J, Benedit M, Constantin JM, Lebert C, et al. Epidemiology and outcome of thrombocytopenic patients in the intensive care unit: Results of a prospective multicenter study. Intensive Care Med. 2013; 39(8): 1460-8.
  • Jiang X, Zhang W, Ma X, Cheng X. Risk of hospital mortality in critically ill patients with transient and persistent thrombocytopenia. A retrospective study. SHOCK. 2022; 58(6): 471-5.
  • Zhou H, Li Z, Liang H, Yan Z. Thrombocytopenia and platelet count recovery in patients with sepsi-3: A retrospective observational study. Platelets. 2022; 33(4): 612-20.
  • Schupp T, Weidner K, Rusnak J, Jawhar S, Forner J, Dulatahu F, et al. Diagnostic and prognostic role of platelets in patients with sepsis and septic shock. Platelets. 2023; 34(1): 2131753.
  • Moreau D, Timsit JF, Vesin A, Garrouste-Orgeas M, de Lassence A, Zahar JR, et al. Platelet count decline. An early prognostic marker in critically ill patients with prolonged ICU stays. CHEST. 2007; 131: 1735-41.
  • Timsit JF, Fosse JP, Troché G, De Lassence A, Alberti C, Garrouste-Orgeas M, et al. Accuracy of a composite score using daily SAPSS II and LOD scores for predicting hospital mortality in ICU patients hospitalized for more than 72 hours. Intensive Care Med. 2001; 27: 1012-21.
  • Anthon CT, Péne F, Perner A, Azoulay A, Puxty K, Van de Louw A, et al. Thrombocytopenia and platelet transfusions in ICU patients: An international inception cohort study (PLOT-ICU) Intensive Care Med. 2023; 49: 1327-38.
  • Zhou D, Li Z, Wu L, Shi G, Zhou J. Thrombocytopenia and platelet course on hospital mortality in neurological intensive care unit: A retrospective observational study from large database. BMC Neurology. 2020; 20: 220.
  • Haas SA, Lange T, Petzoldt M, Fuhrmann V, Metschke M, Kluge S. Severe hyperlactemia, lactate clearance and mortality in unselected critically ill patients. Intensive Care Med. 2016; 42(2): 202-10.
  • Nielsson MS, Christiansen CF, Johansen MB, Rasmussen BS, Tønnesen E, Nørgaard M. Mortality in elderly ICU patients: A cohort study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2014; 58(1): 9-26.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Türkay Akbaş 0000-0002-2150-6866

Publication Date January 3, 2025
Submission Date June 10, 2024
Acceptance Date October 10, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 15 Issue: 1


Vancouver Akbaş T. Kritik Hastalarda Trombositopeni Varlığı Hastalık Ciddiyetinin Bir Göstergesidir. VHS. 2025;15(1):28-35.