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Gebelerin oral glikoz tolerans testine ilişkin farkındalıkları ve medyanın test yaptırma tercihlerine etkisi

Year 2021, , 283 - 289, 01.12.2021


Giriş: Gestasyonel diyabet mellitus (GDM), maternal ve neonatal sağlığı tehdit eden ciddi bir problemdir. 24-28. gestasyonel haftalarda oral glukoz tolerans testi (OGTT) yaptırılması önerilmektedir. Son zamanlarda gebelerin GDM taramasına ilişkin algıları ve tercihleri medyada yer alan haberlerden etkilenebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada gebelerin GDM taramasına ilişkin farkındalıkları ve medyanın test yaptırma tercihlerine etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Tanımlayıcı bu araştırma, Haziran-Aralık 2017 tarihleri arasında Ankara’da bir eğitim araştırma hastanenin gebe polikliniğine gebeliğinin ilk 28 gestasyonel haftalarında başvuran toplam 111 gebe ile yapılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında, araştırmacılar tarafından oluşturulan “Veri Toplama Formu” kullanılmıştır. Araştırma verileri SPSS 22.00 ile analiz edilmiştir. Tanımlayıcı istatistikler için sayı, yüzde ve ortalama+standart sapma kullanılmıştır.
Bulgu: Araştırmaya katılan gebelerin yaş ortalaması 29.72 (±5.78)’dir ve %45,9’unun ilk gebeliğidir. Katılımcıların %87.4’ü OGTT’ni bildiğini, %87.2’si önceki gebeliğinde OGTT yaptırdığını ifade etmiştir. Önceki gebelikte OGTT yaptırmadığını belirten gebeler (%12.7) “gerek görmedim, istemedim, zararlı olduğunu düşündüğüm için yaptırmadım” şeklinde gerekçelerini belirtmiştir. Gebelerin %64’ü OGGT‘ne ilişkin bilgi aldığını ve bilgi kaynaklarının en fazla doktor (%34.2), internet (%26.1) ve hemşire (%13.5) olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Gebelerin %35.1’i televizyon programları sağlık ile ilgili kararlarımı etkiler veya biraz etkiler şeklinde ifade etmiştir. Gebelerin %40.5’i OGTT gerekli olduğunu, %65.8’i OGTT’nin diyabet hastalığının belirlenmesinde kullanıldığını belirtmiştir. Gebelerin % 7.2’si OGTT’nin bebeğine ve %5.4’ü kendisine zarar verebileceğini belirtmiştir. Gebelerin %40.5’i ise medyada OGTT’ye ilişkin yer alan haberlerin kafasını karıştırdığını ve %27’si mevcut gebeliklerinde OGTT yaptırmayacağını belirtmiştir.
Sonuç: Gebelerin OGTT’ne ilişkin bilgi ve farkındalık durumlarının yeterli düzeyde olmadığı, medyanın OGTT yaptırma karar ve tercihleri etkisinin olduğu belirlenmiştir.

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Project Number



  • 1. Aksu H, Yurtsev E. (2009). Pregnancy, Diabetes Mellitus and Nursing Care. Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Dergisi, ss, 50-58.
  • 2. Özkaya MO, Köse, SA. (2014). Gestational Diabetes: Current Status. Perinatoloji Dergisi, 22(2), s, 105-109.
  • 3. Uyanıkoğlu H, İncebıyık A, Karakaş Yiğit E. (2016). Is the 50-gram Oral Glucose Tolarence Test (OGTT) Essential for the Screening of Gestational Diabetes? Anadolu Klin, Ocak;21(1), s, 60-63.
  • 4. Bakıner O, Bozkırlı E, Serinsöz H, Sarıtürk Ç, Ertörer E. (2013). Assessment of Prenatal and Perinatal Characteristics of Pregnants with Gestationel Diabetes Mellitus Who Have Postnatal Glucose Abnormalities. Cukurova Medical Journal, 38 (4), p, 617-626.
  • 5. Ryswyk EV, Middleton P, Shute E, Hague W, Crowthe C. (2015). Women's Views and Knowledge Regarding Healthcare Seeking for Gestational Diabetes in the Postpartum Period: A Systematic Review of Qualitative/Survey Studies. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 110(2), pp, 109-122.
  • 6. Kartal A, Özsoy SA. (2014). Effect of Planned Diabetes Education on Health Beliefs and Metabolic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, s, 1-15.
  • 7. ACOG (2001). Practice Bulletin. Clinical management guidelines for obstetrician-gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol, 98(3), pp, 525-38.
  • 8. Tseng KH. (2006). Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2006. Diabetes Care, 29(11), pp, 2563-64.
  • 9. Yeşilçınar İ, Güvenç G. (2019). Adaptation of the Decisional Conflict Scale and Sure Tool into Turkish Society. HEAD, 16(2), s, 87-95.
  • 10. Potur DC, Yiğit F, Çıtak NB. (2009). Qualitative Review of Pregnant Approach to Fetal Health Evaluation Tests. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi, 2(3), pp, 80-92.
  • 11. Türkyılmaz E, Keleştemur E, Karataş İE, Öcal FD, Yavuz AFA. (2016). Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women. Ankara Med J, 16(2), pp, 191-9.
  • 12. Desdicioğlu R, Yıldırım M, Süleymanova İ, Atalay İ, Özcan M, Yavuz AF. (2017). Factors Affecting the Approach of Pregnant Women to Antenatal Tests. Ankara Med J, (1), pp, 57‐64.
  • 13. Islam B, Islam F, Nyeem MAB, Mannan A, Neaz A. (2017). Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Among Obese Pregnant Women Coming for Antenatal Checkup at a Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 5(5), pp, 179-189.
  • 14. Bakır N, Şentürk S. (2020). Knowledge, Opinions and Attitudes About Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Pregnant Women. ESTÜDAM Halk Sağlığı Dergisi, 5(2).
  • 15. Özceylan G., Toprak D. (2020). Effects of Controversial Statements on Social Media Regarding the Oral Glucose Tolerance Testing on Pregnant Women in Turkey. AIMS Public Health, 7(1), pp, 20-28.
  • 16. Başbuğ A, Kaya AE, Sönmez CI, Yıldırım E. (2018). An İmportant Problem in Gestational Diabetes Screening: Why Do Pregnant Women Refuse to Have Oral Glucose Tolerance Test? Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 10(2), pp, 144-148.
  • 17. Koyucu Genç R. (2018). Pregnant Women’s Attitudes Towards Glucose Tolerance Test in the Context of Gestational Diabetes Risk Factors. Sağlık ve Toplum, 28(2), s, 65-72.
  • 18. Yaprak M, Gümüştakım RŞ, Tok A, Doğaner A. (2019). Determination of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Awareness in Pregnancy. Ankara Med J, (3), pp, 635-47.
  • 19. Destegül E, Gençdal S. (2020). Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Pregnant Women and Factors Affecting Their Decisions. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal. June, 42(2), pp, 224-229.
  • 20. Turan Z, Toker E. (2020). Investigation of Factors Affecting the Approach of Pregnant Women to Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), pp, 174-181.
  • 21. Demircan KD, Demircan V, Pekkolay Z, Çelepkolu T. (2020). Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Screening: Education is a Must for Everyone. Acta Medica Nicomedia, 3(1).
  • 22. Yıldırım T, Göçmen Y, Ozan ZT, Börekçi E, Turan E, Aral Y. (2019). The Effect of Hyperglycemic Peak Induced by Oral Glucose Tolerance Test on the Oxidant and Antioxidant Levels. Turk J Med Sci, 49, pp, 1742-47.
  • 23. TC. Sağlık Bakanlığı. (2014). Riskli Gebelikler Yönetim Rehberi. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın No: 926. Ankara, Türkiye.
  • 24. Karasu Y. (2018). What Happened to the Glucose Loading Test? The Impact of Media on Public Health. Ankara Eğt. Arş. Hast. Derg, 51(1), pp, 54-58.

Awareness of pregnant women about glucose tolerance test and the effect of media on test preferences

Year 2021, , 283 - 289, 01.12.2021


Introduction: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a serious problem that threatens maternal and neonatal health. It is recommended to have an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) at 24-28 weeks of gestation. Recently, perceptions and preferences of pregnant women about GDM screening may be affected by the news in the media. In this study, it was aimed to determine the awareness of pregnant women about GDM screening and the effect of the media on their test preferences.
Material and Method: This descriptive study was conducted with a total of 111 pregnant women who applied to the pregnancy outpatient clinic of an education and research hospital in Ankara between June and December 2017 and who were admitted in the first 28 weeks of gestation. “Data Collection Form” created by the researchers was used to collect the data. Research data were analyzed by SPSS 22.00. Number, percentage and mean+standard deviation were used for descriptive statistics.
Finding: The average age of pregnant women participating in the study is 29.72 (± 5.78) and 45.9% of them are their first pregnancy. 38.7% of the participants stated that they have diabetes mellitus diagnosed in their family. 12.6% of the participants stated that they do not know OGTT. They were asked whether they had OGTT before and 12.7% stated that they did not do it with statements such as "I did not see it, I did not want it and I did not do it because I thought it was harmful". 64% of all participants stated that they received information about this test and 34.2% stated that the source of information was doctor, 26.1% internet and 13.5% nurse. 38.7% of the pregnant women stated that they watch TV for 1-2 hours a day, and 28.8% for 2-4 hours. Participants stated that TV programs can affect their health-related decisions, albeit a little. Pregnant women were asked about their decision to have OGTT, 17.1% of them stated that they would not have OGTT.
Conclusion: It was determined that the knowledge and awareness of pregnant women about OGTT was not at the desired level, and the media affected their decision-making a little.

Project Number



  • 1. Aksu H, Yurtsev E. (2009). Pregnancy, Diabetes Mellitus and Nursing Care. Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Dergisi, ss, 50-58.
  • 2. Özkaya MO, Köse, SA. (2014). Gestational Diabetes: Current Status. Perinatoloji Dergisi, 22(2), s, 105-109.
  • 3. Uyanıkoğlu H, İncebıyık A, Karakaş Yiğit E. (2016). Is the 50-gram Oral Glucose Tolarence Test (OGTT) Essential for the Screening of Gestational Diabetes? Anadolu Klin, Ocak;21(1), s, 60-63.
  • 4. Bakıner O, Bozkırlı E, Serinsöz H, Sarıtürk Ç, Ertörer E. (2013). Assessment of Prenatal and Perinatal Characteristics of Pregnants with Gestationel Diabetes Mellitus Who Have Postnatal Glucose Abnormalities. Cukurova Medical Journal, 38 (4), p, 617-626.
  • 5. Ryswyk EV, Middleton P, Shute E, Hague W, Crowthe C. (2015). Women's Views and Knowledge Regarding Healthcare Seeking for Gestational Diabetes in the Postpartum Period: A Systematic Review of Qualitative/Survey Studies. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 110(2), pp, 109-122.
  • 6. Kartal A, Özsoy SA. (2014). Effect of Planned Diabetes Education on Health Beliefs and Metabolic Control in Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, s, 1-15.
  • 7. ACOG (2001). Practice Bulletin. Clinical management guidelines for obstetrician-gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol, 98(3), pp, 525-38.
  • 8. Tseng KH. (2006). Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2006. Diabetes Care, 29(11), pp, 2563-64.
  • 9. Yeşilçınar İ, Güvenç G. (2019). Adaptation of the Decisional Conflict Scale and Sure Tool into Turkish Society. HEAD, 16(2), s, 87-95.
  • 10. Potur DC, Yiğit F, Çıtak NB. (2009). Qualitative Review of Pregnant Approach to Fetal Health Evaluation Tests. Maltepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Dergisi, 2(3), pp, 80-92.
  • 11. Türkyılmaz E, Keleştemur E, Karataş İE, Öcal FD, Yavuz AFA. (2016). Knowledge Level, Attitude and Behaviours About Glucose Challenge Test Among Turkish Pregnant Women. Ankara Med J, 16(2), pp, 191-9.
  • 12. Desdicioğlu R, Yıldırım M, Süleymanova İ, Atalay İ, Özcan M, Yavuz AF. (2017). Factors Affecting the Approach of Pregnant Women to Antenatal Tests. Ankara Med J, (1), pp, 57‐64.
  • 13. Islam B, Islam F, Nyeem MAB, Mannan A, Neaz A. (2017). Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Among Obese Pregnant Women Coming for Antenatal Checkup at a Tertiary Care Hospital. International Journal of Chemical Studies, 5(5), pp, 179-189.
  • 14. Bakır N, Şentürk S. (2020). Knowledge, Opinions and Attitudes About Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Pregnant Women. ESTÜDAM Halk Sağlığı Dergisi, 5(2).
  • 15. Özceylan G., Toprak D. (2020). Effects of Controversial Statements on Social Media Regarding the Oral Glucose Tolerance Testing on Pregnant Women in Turkey. AIMS Public Health, 7(1), pp, 20-28.
  • 16. Başbuğ A, Kaya AE, Sönmez CI, Yıldırım E. (2018). An İmportant Problem in Gestational Diabetes Screening: Why Do Pregnant Women Refuse to Have Oral Glucose Tolerance Test? Konuralp Tıp Dergisi, 10(2), pp, 144-148.
  • 17. Koyucu Genç R. (2018). Pregnant Women’s Attitudes Towards Glucose Tolerance Test in the Context of Gestational Diabetes Risk Factors. Sağlık ve Toplum, 28(2), s, 65-72.
  • 18. Yaprak M, Gümüştakım RŞ, Tok A, Doğaner A. (2019). Determination of Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Awareness in Pregnancy. Ankara Med J, (3), pp, 635-47.
  • 19. Destegül E, Gençdal S. (2020). Oral Glucose Tolerance Test in Pregnant Women and Factors Affecting Their Decisions. Cumhuriyet Medical Journal. June, 42(2), pp, 224-229.
  • 20. Turan Z, Toker E. (2020). Investigation of Factors Affecting the Approach of Pregnant Women to Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), pp, 174-181.
  • 21. Demircan KD, Demircan V, Pekkolay Z, Çelepkolu T. (2020). Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Screening: Education is a Must for Everyone. Acta Medica Nicomedia, 3(1).
  • 22. Yıldırım T, Göçmen Y, Ozan ZT, Börekçi E, Turan E, Aral Y. (2019). The Effect of Hyperglycemic Peak Induced by Oral Glucose Tolerance Test on the Oxidant and Antioxidant Levels. Turk J Med Sci, 49, pp, 1742-47.
  • 23. TC. Sağlık Bakanlığı. (2014). Riskli Gebelikler Yönetim Rehberi. Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın No: 926. Ankara, Türkiye.
  • 24. Karasu Y. (2018). What Happened to the Glucose Loading Test? The Impact of Media on Public Health. Ankara Eğt. Arş. Hast. Derg, 51(1), pp, 54-58.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Gamze Acavut 0000-0001-5493-128X

İlknur Yeşilçınar 0000-0003-2864-4935

Meltem Uğurlu 0000-0002-9183-219X

Kazım Emre Karaşahin 0000-0002-4624-4874

Project Number yok
Publication Date December 1, 2021
Acceptance Date May 3, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Acavut, G., Yeşilçınar, İ., Uğurlu, M., Karaşahin, K. E. (2021). Gebelerin oral glikoz tolerans testine ilişkin farkındalıkları ve medyanın test yaptırma tercihlerine etkisi. Sağlık Akademisyenleri Dergisi, 8(4), 283-289.
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