ATALAY İ. (1998) National Geography, Inkilap Publication and Trade A. Company, Istanbul
ATALAY İ. (1998) Soil Geography, Ege University Press, Izmir
ATALAY İ. (2001) General Physical Geography, Ege University Press, 5. Issue, Izmir
BOULDING, K. (1956). The image: Knowledge in Life And Society. Aim Arbor:
University of Michigan Press. CHAMPEAU, R., MONROE, M., & ENGLESON, D. C. (1988). Environmental education action in Wisconsin. In L. D. Mann, E. J. McCrea, & A. Q. Medina (Eds),
Excellence in Environmental Education: Gaining momentum for the challenge ahead (pp. 211-218). DU SHANE, J. (1980). Experiential Education, Environmental Education, General
Education: Putting it All Together, Journal of Environmental. Education, 11 (2) p.24— ERINÇ S. (1984). Geo Ecology and Environmental Degeneration, University of
Istanbul, Marine and Geography Institute Pres, No: l, Istanbul HAWKINS, G. (1985). The Development of Conceptual Framework With
Reference to Learning in The Environment. Environmental education and information, 4 (4), Oct.—Dec. (p.252-263). ~ IES (1990). Lighting Handbook, Application Volume, IES, New York
ILGAR R. (1994). Ecology of Dardanelles Shore and Troy Area, Master Thesis,
University of Istanbul, Marine and Management Institute, Istanbul ILGAR, R. (2000). Geographical View Dardanelles and Nearby Place, Doctorate
Thesis, University of Istanbul, Marine and Management Institute, Istanbul ' KELEŞ R. and HAMAMCI C. (1989). Ecology, Imge Publication, Ankara
KHAN S. I. (1994) Bridge Between Music and Human&World, Aritan Press, Istanbul
MCINNIS, N., & ALBRECHT, D. (1975). What Makes Education Environmental,
Louisville, KY: Data Courier, Inc.,NY,USA THOMAS P. AND GARY W.E. (1996). Resident Perceptions of Nearby Electric
Transmission Line, Priestly Assosiates, Berkeley, Cornell Universty, NY. TOSUN M. (1992). Approach Psychological Human and Environment, I. H. V.
Press No. 3, Symposium Bulletin Human and Environment, p.61, Istanbul
ATALAY İ. (1998) National Geography, Inkilap Publication and Trade A. Company, Istanbul
ATALAY İ. (1998) Soil Geography, Ege University Press, Izmir
ATALAY İ. (2001) General Physical Geography, Ege University Press, 5. Issue, Izmir
BOULDING, K. (1956). The image: Knowledge in Life And Society. Aim Arbor:
University of Michigan Press. CHAMPEAU, R., MONROE, M., & ENGLESON, D. C. (1988). Environmental education action in Wisconsin. In L. D. Mann, E. J. McCrea, & A. Q. Medina (Eds),
Excellence in Environmental Education: Gaining momentum for the challenge ahead (pp. 211-218). DU SHANE, J. (1980). Experiential Education, Environmental Education, General
Education: Putting it All Together, Journal of Environmental. Education, 11 (2) p.24— ERINÇ S. (1984). Geo Ecology and Environmental Degeneration, University of
Istanbul, Marine and Geography Institute Pres, No: l, Istanbul HAWKINS, G. (1985). The Development of Conceptual Framework With
Reference to Learning in The Environment. Environmental education and information, 4 (4), Oct.—Dec. (p.252-263). ~ IES (1990). Lighting Handbook, Application Volume, IES, New York
ILGAR R. (1994). Ecology of Dardanelles Shore and Troy Area, Master Thesis,
University of Istanbul, Marine and Management Institute, Istanbul ILGAR, R. (2000). Geographical View Dardanelles and Nearby Place, Doctorate
Thesis, University of Istanbul, Marine and Management Institute, Istanbul ' KELEŞ R. and HAMAMCI C. (1989). Ecology, Imge Publication, Ankara
KHAN S. I. (1994) Bridge Between Music and Human&World, Aritan Press, Istanbul
MCINNIS, N., & ALBRECHT, D. (1975). What Makes Education Environmental,
Louisville, KY: Data Courier, Inc.,NY,USA THOMAS P. AND GARY W.E. (1996). Resident Perceptions of Nearby Electric
Transmission Line, Priestly Assosiates, Berkeley, Cornell Universty, NY. TOSUN M. (1992). Approach Psychological Human and Environment, I. H. V.
Press No. 3, Symposium Bulletin Human and Environment, p.61, Istanbul