ANDERSSON, B., WALLIN, A., Students’ Understanding of Greenhouse Eject, the Societal Consequences of Reducing CO; Emissions and the Problem of Ozon. Layer Depletion. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, vol 37(10), 1096—1111.
BOYES, E., STANISSTREET, M., Students’ Perceptions of Global Warming. International. Environmental. Studies, vol 42, 287—300. 1992
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BOYES, E., STANISSTREET, M., The Ideas of Secondary School Children Concerning Ozone Layer Damage. Global Environmental Change. vol 4 (4) . 311- 1994
BOYES, E., CHANIBERS, W., ST ANISSTREET, M., Trainee Primary Teachers Ideas About Ozone Layer. Environmental Education Research. vol 1, 133-145. 1995
BOYES, E., STANISSTREET, M., The Ideas ofGreek High School Students About the "Ozone Layer. Environmental Education. 725—733. 1999
BRADLEY, C.J., WALICZEK, T.M., ZAJICEK, J.M., Relationship Between Environmental Knowledge and Environmental Attitude of High School Students. Journal of Eııvironmental Education. vol 30(3), 17—21. 1999
BRONWEN, D., STANISSTEET, M., BOYES, E., How Can We Best Reduce Global Warming? School Students’ Ideas and Msconceptions. International Journal of. Environmental Studies. vol. 61(2), 211—222. 2004
CORDERO, E C., [Misconceptions in Australian Students' Understanding of Ozone Depletion. Melbourne Studies in Education. vol 41, 85—97. 2001
DOVE, J., Student Teacher Understanding of the Greenhouse Eşect, Ozone Layer Depletion and Acid Rain. Environmental Education Research. vol 2, 239—100. 1996
DRIVER, R., GUESNE, E., TIBERGHIEN, A., Children’s Ideas and the Learning of Science, Children’s Ideas in Science. Philadelphia: PA, Open University Press. EAGLES, P.F., DEMARE, R., Factors Influencing Children’s Environmental Attitudes. The Journal of Environmental Education. vol 30(4), 33—37. 1999
GAMBRO, J.S., SWITZKY, H.N., Variables Associated With American High School Students’ Knowledge of Environmental Issues Related to Energy and Pollution. The Journal of Environmental Education. vol. 30(2), pp. 15—22. 1999
GROVES, F.H., PUGH, A.F., Elementary Pre—service Teacher Perceptions of The Greenhouse Effect Journal of Science Education and Technology. vol 8(1), 75—81. GROVES, F.H., PUGH, A.F., Cognitive Illusions as Hindrances to Learning Complex Environmental Issues. Journal of Science Education and Technology. vol , no. 4. 2002
HOBSON, A., Ozone and Interdisciplinary Science T eaching—Learning to Address the Things That Count _Most. Journal of College Science Teaching. September/October, 33—37. 1993
MALGORZATA, G.J., BARTOIEWICZ, A.,TWARDOWSKA, A., Evaluating the Impact of a School Waste Education Programme Upon Students’, Parents" and Teachers’ Environmental Knowladge, Attitudes and Behaviour. International. Research in Geographical and Environmental Education. vol 12(2). 2003
KHALID, T., The Study of Pre-Service Teachers’ Alternative Conceptions Regarding Three Ecological Issues. Paper Presented at The Annual Meeting of The National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Boston, Massachussetts. KUHLEMEIER, H., VAN DENBERGH, H., LAGERWEIJ, N ., Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in Dutch Secondary Education. The Journal of Environmental Education. vol. 302, 4—14. 1999
MAHAKKI, M. H., ABD—EL—KHALICK, F., BOUJAOUDE, S., Lebanese Secondary School Students' Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes. Environmental Education Research. vol 9(1). 2003
PEKEL F., ÖZAY E., Turkish High School Students’ Perceptions of Ozone Layer Depletion. Applied Environmental Education and Communication. vol 4, 115-123.
ANDERSSON, B., WALLIN, A., Students’ Understanding of Greenhouse Eject, the Societal Consequences of Reducing CO; Emissions and the Problem of Ozon. Layer Depletion. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, vol 37(10), 1096—1111.
BOYES, E., STANISSTREET, M., Students’ Perceptions of Global Warming. International. Environmental. Studies, vol 42, 287—300. 1992
BOYES, E., STANISSTREET, M., The ’Greenhouse Eşect’: Children’s Perceptions of Causes, Consequences and Cures. International Journal of Science Education. vol , 53 1-552. 1993
BOYES, E., STANISSTREET, M., The Ideas of Secondary School Children Concerning Ozone Layer Damage. Global Environmental Change. vol 4 (4) . 311- 1994
BOYES, E., CHANIBERS, W., ST ANISSTREET, M., Trainee Primary Teachers Ideas About Ozone Layer. Environmental Education Research. vol 1, 133-145. 1995
BOYES, E., STANISSTREET, M., The Ideas ofGreek High School Students About the "Ozone Layer. Environmental Education. 725—733. 1999
BRADLEY, C.J., WALICZEK, T.M., ZAJICEK, J.M., Relationship Between Environmental Knowledge and Environmental Attitude of High School Students. Journal of Eııvironmental Education. vol 30(3), 17—21. 1999
BRONWEN, D., STANISSTEET, M., BOYES, E., How Can We Best Reduce Global Warming? School Students’ Ideas and Msconceptions. International Journal of. Environmental Studies. vol. 61(2), 211—222. 2004
CORDERO, E C., [Misconceptions in Australian Students' Understanding of Ozone Depletion. Melbourne Studies in Education. vol 41, 85—97. 2001
DOVE, J., Student Teacher Understanding of the Greenhouse Eşect, Ozone Layer Depletion and Acid Rain. Environmental Education Research. vol 2, 239—100. 1996
DRIVER, R., GUESNE, E., TIBERGHIEN, A., Children’s Ideas and the Learning of Science, Children’s Ideas in Science. Philadelphia: PA, Open University Press. EAGLES, P.F., DEMARE, R., Factors Influencing Children’s Environmental Attitudes. The Journal of Environmental Education. vol 30(4), 33—37. 1999
GAMBRO, J.S., SWITZKY, H.N., Variables Associated With American High School Students’ Knowledge of Environmental Issues Related to Energy and Pollution. The Journal of Environmental Education. vol. 30(2), pp. 15—22. 1999
GROVES, F.H., PUGH, A.F., Elementary Pre—service Teacher Perceptions of The Greenhouse Effect Journal of Science Education and Technology. vol 8(1), 75—81. GROVES, F.H., PUGH, A.F., Cognitive Illusions as Hindrances to Learning Complex Environmental Issues. Journal of Science Education and Technology. vol , no. 4. 2002
HOBSON, A., Ozone and Interdisciplinary Science T eaching—Learning to Address the Things That Count _Most. Journal of College Science Teaching. September/October, 33—37. 1993
MALGORZATA, G.J., BARTOIEWICZ, A.,TWARDOWSKA, A., Evaluating the Impact of a School Waste Education Programme Upon Students’, Parents" and Teachers’ Environmental Knowladge, Attitudes and Behaviour. International. Research in Geographical and Environmental Education. vol 12(2). 2003
KHALID, T., The Study of Pre-Service Teachers’ Alternative Conceptions Regarding Three Ecological Issues. Paper Presented at The Annual Meeting of The National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Boston, Massachussetts. KUHLEMEIER, H., VAN DENBERGH, H., LAGERWEIJ, N ., Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in Dutch Secondary Education. The Journal of Environmental Education. vol. 302, 4—14. 1999
MAHAKKI, M. H., ABD—EL—KHALICK, F., BOUJAOUDE, S., Lebanese Secondary School Students' Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes. Environmental Education Research. vol 9(1). 2003
PEKEL F., ÖZAY E., Turkish High School Students’ Perceptions of Ozone Layer Depletion. Applied Environmental Education and Communication. vol 4, 115-123.