Research Article
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Year 2009, Issue: 17, 183 - 204, 09.05.2013


Sanayileşmeyle birlikte tüketilen doğal kaynakların aşırı derecede kullanımı birçok
tehlikeye zemin hazırlamakta ve geri dönüşümü zor olan doğal kaynakların
tükenmesine ve sonuç olarak doğal dengenin bozulmasına neden olmaktadır.
Teknolojik gelişmelerin çevrenin ve ekosistemin doğal dengesini, işleyişini ve
yapısını değiştirdiği yadsınamaz bir gerçektir. Bu gelişmeler birçok çevresel
problemlerini de beraberinde getirmektedir. Geleceğimizi tehdit eden çevre
problemlerinin özellikle çocuklara erken yaşlarda verilmesi ve böylece çevre
duyarlılığı, çevreyi koruma, çevre dostu etkinliklerde bulunma gibi davranışlarla
donatılması gerekir ki bu da ancak çevre eğitimiyle gerçekleşir. Gelecek nesillere
uluslar arası boyutlara ulaşan küresel çevresel problemleri ile mücadele
edebilecekleri bilgi ve becerileri kazandırmak için başta öğretmenler olmak üzere,
işitsel ve görsel medya ile ebeveynlere büyük görevler düşmektedir.
Bu araştırmada, günümüzün önemli bir çevre problemi olan “Hava Kirliliği” ile ilgili
ilköğretim ikinci kademe öğrencilerinin bilgi düzeylerinin tespit edilmesi ve bilgi
düzeylerinin öğrencilerin sosyo-ekonomik profillerine göre farklılık gösterip
göstermediğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • ALP, E. , ERTEPINAR, H. , TEKKAYA, C. , & YILMAZ, A. (2006). A Statistical Analysis of Children’s Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes in Turkey. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 15(3), 210–223.
  • BAHAR, M. (2000). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Çevre Eğitimi Konularındaki Ön Bilgi Düzeyi, Kavram Yanılgıları. V. Uluslararası Ekoloji ve Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumunda Poster Çalışması, TUBİTAK, Ankara.
  • BERBER, Ş. (1990). Sosyo-Ekonomik Faktörlerin ve Ana-Baba Tutumlarının Okul Başarısına Etkisi Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • BOZKURT, O & CANSÜNGÜ (KORAY), Ö. (2002). İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Çevre Eğitiminde Sera Etkisi İle İlgili Kavram Yanılgıları. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 23: 67–73.
  • BOYES, E. , CHUCKRAN, D. , & STANİSSTREET, M. (1993). How Do High School Students Perceive Global Climatic Change: What Are its Manifestations? What Are its Origins? What Corrective Action Can Be Taken? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2, 541–557.
  • BOYES E. , CHAMBERS M. , & STANİSSTREET M. (1995). Trainee Primary Teachers’ Ideas about the Ozone Layer. Environmental Education Research, 1, 133–145.
  • BRODY M. J. (1991). Understanding of Pollution among 4th, 8th, and 11th Grade Students. Journal of Environmental Education, 22(2), 24–33.
  • CORDERO, C. E. (2001). Misconceptions in Australian Students’ Understanding of Ozone Depletion. Melbourne Studies in Education, 41, 85–97.
  • DANIEL, B. , STANISSTREET, M. , & BOYES, E. (2004). How Can We Best Reduce Misconceptions, International Journal of Environmental Studies, 61(2), 211–222. School Students’ Ideas and
  • DARÇIN, E. S, ORHAN, A. T. , BOZKURT, O & YAMAN, S (2005). Sekizinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Ozon Tabakası Hakkındaki Algılama Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. Sayı 10 (Ekim). 106-116.
  • DASKOLIA, M. , FLOGAITIS, E. , & PAPAGEORGIOU, E. (2006). Kindergarten Teachers’ Conceptual Framework on the Ozone Layer Depletion. Exploring the Associative Meanings of a Global Environmental Issue, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15(2), 168–178.
  • DOVE, J. (1996). Student Teacher Understanding Of the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Layer Depletion and Acid Rain. Environmental Education Research, 2(1), 89–100.
  • GAMBRO, J. S. & SWİTZKY, H. N. (1994). A National Survey of Environmental Knowledge in High School Students: Levels of Knowledge and Related Variables. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA April 4–8, 1994).
  • GRODZINSKA-JURCZAK, M. , STEPSKA, A. , NIESZPOREK, K. , & BRYDA, G. (2006). Perception of Environmental Problems among Pre-school Children in Poland, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 15(1), 62–76.
  • GROVES F. , & PUGH A. (1999). Elementary Pre-Service Teacher Perceptions of the Greenhouse Effect. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 8(1), 75-81.
  • İŞYAR, N. (1999). İlköğretim (3. 4. 5. Sınıf) Öğrencilerin Olumlu Çevresel Tutumların Yaş ve Sosyo- Ekonomik Düzeye Göre Değerlendirilmesi Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Bursa.
  • KHALID, T. (2001). Pre-Service Teachers’ Misconceptions Regarding Three Environmental Issues. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 6, 102–120.
  • KHALID, T. (2003). Pre-Service High School Teachers’ Perceptions of Three Environmental Phenomena. Environmental Education Research, 9(1), 35-50.
  • KIRIMHAN, S. (2006). Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü, Çevre Yönetimi Dizisi No:3, Ofset Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • LEIGHTON, J. P. , & BISANZ, G. L. (2003). Children’s And Adults’ Knowledge and Models of Reasoning about the Ozone Layer and Its Depletion. International Journal of Science Education. 25(1), 117–139.
  • LITTLEDYKE, M. (2004). Primary Children’s Views on Science and Environmental Issues: Examples of Environmental Cognitive and Moral Development. Environmental Education Research, 10(2), 217- 235.
  • MAKKI, M. H. , ABD-EL-KHALIC, F. , & BOUJAOUDE, S. (2003). Lebanese Secondary School Students’ Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes, Environmental Education Research, 9(1), 21- 33.
  • MICHAIL, S. , STAMOU, G. A. , & STAMOU, G. P. (2007). Greek Primary School Teachers’ Understanding of Current Environmental Issues: An Exploration of Their Environmental Knowledge and Images of Nature. Science Education, 91(2), 244–259.
  • MYERS, G. , BOYES, E. , & STANISSTREET, M. (2004). School Students’ Ideas about Air Pollution: Knowledge and Attitudes. Research in Science & Technological Education, 22(2), 133–152.
  • ÖSTERLİND, K. (2005). Concept Formation in Environmental Education: 14- Year Olds’ Work on The İntensified Greenhouse Effect and The Depletion of The Ozone Layer. International Journal of Science Education, 27(8), 891–908.
  • PALMER, J. A. (1993). From Santa Claus to Sustainability: Emergent Understanding of Concepts and Issues in Environmental Science. International Journal of Science Education, 15(5), 487–95.
  • PALMER, J. A. (1995). Environmental Thinking in the Early Years: Understanding and Misunderstanding of Concepts Related To Waste Management. Environmental Education Research, 1(1), 35–45.
  • PAPADIMITRIOU, V. (2004). Prospective Primary Teachers’ Understanding of Climate Change, Greenhouse Effect, and Ozone Layer Depletion. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 13(2), 299–307.
  • PEKEL, F. Ö. (2005). High School Students’ and Trainee Science Teachers’ Perceptions of Ozone Layer Depletion. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 1(7), 12–21.
  • PEKEL, F. Ö. , & ÖZAY, E. (2005). Turkish High School Students’ Perceptions of Ozone Layer Depletion. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 4, 115–123.
  • PUI-MING YEUNG, S. , BOYES, E. , & STANISSTREET, M. (2004). Air Pollution: The Knowledge and Attitudes of Secondary School Students in Hong Kong. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 13(1), 21–37.
  • RIECHARD, D. & PETERSON, S. (1998). Perception of Environmental Risk Related to Gender, Community Socioeconomic Setting, Age, and Locus of Control. Journal of Environmental Education, 30 (1), 11–19.
  • SORAN, H. , MORGIL, İ. , YÜCEL, S. , ATAV, E. & IŞIK, S. (2000). Biyoloji Öğrencilerinin Çevre Konularına Olan İlgilerinin Araştırılması ve Kimya Öğrencileri ile Karşılaştırılması, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18, 128–139.
  • ŞAMA, E. (2003). Öğretmen Adaylarının Çevre Sorunlarına Yönelik Tutumları. G. Ü. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 99–110.
  • THORNBER, J. , STANISSTREET, M. , & BOYES, E. (1999). School Students’ Ideas about Air Pollution: Hindrance or Help for Learning? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 8(1), 67–73.
  • TOSUNOGLU, C. (1993) A Study on the Dimensions and Determinants of Environmental Attitudes. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
  • TUNCER, G. , ERTEPINAR, H. , TEKKAYA, C. & SUNGUR S. (2005). Environmental Attitudes of Young People in Turkey: Effects of School Type and Gender. Environmental Education Research, 11(2), 215–33.
  • TÜRKÜM, S. (1998). Çağdaş Toplumda Çevre Sorunları ve Çevre Bilinci. Çağdaş Yaşam Çağdaş İnsan. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi İlköğretim Öğretmenliği Lisans Tamamlama Programı, 165–181.
  • YILMAZ, A. , MORGIL, İ. , AKTUĞ, P. , & GÖBEKLI, İ. (2002). Ortaöğretim ve Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Çevre, Çevre Kavramları ve Sorunları Konusundaki Bilgileri ve Öneriler, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 22, 156–162.
  • YILMAZ, M. , SİPAHİOĞLU, Ş. , & YILDIZ, K. (2005). Çevre Bilimi. Gündüz Yayınevi, Ankara.


Year 2009, Issue: 17, 183 - 204, 09.05.2013


Excessive usage of natural resources which are extinguished via industrialization prepares dangers and causes the extinction of these resources that are very hard to recycle. So the natural balance is damaged. It is clear that, technological developments change the balance, mechanism and structure of the nature and ecosystem. Environmental problems which are threatening our future should be taught to the children at early ages. They should be armed with behaviors like environment consciousness; environment protection and do environment-friendly
activities and these are possible only with environmental education. In order to make the future generations to gain knowledge and skills to deal with international level global environmental problems; parents; visual and audial media and especially teachers have huge responsibilities. In this study, we aimed to determine the knowledge level of 2 nd year primary school teachers about a very important environmental problem of today, ”air pollution”. We also intended to define whether the knowledge level of students varies with respect to their socio-economic profiles


  • ALP, E. , ERTEPINAR, H. , TEKKAYA, C. , & YILMAZ, A. (2006). A Statistical Analysis of Children’s Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes in Turkey. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 15(3), 210–223.
  • BAHAR, M. (2000). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Çevre Eğitimi Konularındaki Ön Bilgi Düzeyi, Kavram Yanılgıları. V. Uluslararası Ekoloji ve Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumunda Poster Çalışması, TUBİTAK, Ankara.
  • BERBER, Ş. (1990). Sosyo-Ekonomik Faktörlerin ve Ana-Baba Tutumlarının Okul Başarısına Etkisi Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • BOZKURT, O & CANSÜNGÜ (KORAY), Ö. (2002). İlköğretim Öğrencilerinin Çevre Eğitiminde Sera Etkisi İle İlgili Kavram Yanılgıları. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 23: 67–73.
  • BOYES, E. , CHUCKRAN, D. , & STANİSSTREET, M. (1993). How Do High School Students Perceive Global Climatic Change: What Are its Manifestations? What Are its Origins? What Corrective Action Can Be Taken? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2, 541–557.
  • BOYES E. , CHAMBERS M. , & STANİSSTREET M. (1995). Trainee Primary Teachers’ Ideas about the Ozone Layer. Environmental Education Research, 1, 133–145.
  • BRODY M. J. (1991). Understanding of Pollution among 4th, 8th, and 11th Grade Students. Journal of Environmental Education, 22(2), 24–33.
  • CORDERO, C. E. (2001). Misconceptions in Australian Students’ Understanding of Ozone Depletion. Melbourne Studies in Education, 41, 85–97.
  • DANIEL, B. , STANISSTREET, M. , & BOYES, E. (2004). How Can We Best Reduce Misconceptions, International Journal of Environmental Studies, 61(2), 211–222. School Students’ Ideas and
  • DARÇIN, E. S, ORHAN, A. T. , BOZKURT, O & YAMAN, S (2005). Sekizinci Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Ozon Tabakası Hakkındaki Algılama Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi. Sayı 10 (Ekim). 106-116.
  • DASKOLIA, M. , FLOGAITIS, E. , & PAPAGEORGIOU, E. (2006). Kindergarten Teachers’ Conceptual Framework on the Ozone Layer Depletion. Exploring the Associative Meanings of a Global Environmental Issue, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15(2), 168–178.
  • DOVE, J. (1996). Student Teacher Understanding Of the Greenhouse Effect, Ozone Layer Depletion and Acid Rain. Environmental Education Research, 2(1), 89–100.
  • GAMBRO, J. S. & SWİTZKY, H. N. (1994). A National Survey of Environmental Knowledge in High School Students: Levels of Knowledge and Related Variables. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA April 4–8, 1994).
  • GRODZINSKA-JURCZAK, M. , STEPSKA, A. , NIESZPOREK, K. , & BRYDA, G. (2006). Perception of Environmental Problems among Pre-school Children in Poland, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 15(1), 62–76.
  • GROVES F. , & PUGH A. (1999). Elementary Pre-Service Teacher Perceptions of the Greenhouse Effect. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 8(1), 75-81.
  • İŞYAR, N. (1999). İlköğretim (3. 4. 5. Sınıf) Öğrencilerin Olumlu Çevresel Tutumların Yaş ve Sosyo- Ekonomik Düzeye Göre Değerlendirilmesi Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Bursa.
  • KHALID, T. (2001). Pre-Service Teachers’ Misconceptions Regarding Three Environmental Issues. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 6, 102–120.
  • KHALID, T. (2003). Pre-Service High School Teachers’ Perceptions of Three Environmental Phenomena. Environmental Education Research, 9(1), 35-50.
  • KIRIMHAN, S. (2006). Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü, Çevre Yönetimi Dizisi No:3, Ofset Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • LEIGHTON, J. P. , & BISANZ, G. L. (2003). Children’s And Adults’ Knowledge and Models of Reasoning about the Ozone Layer and Its Depletion. International Journal of Science Education. 25(1), 117–139.
  • LITTLEDYKE, M. (2004). Primary Children’s Views on Science and Environmental Issues: Examples of Environmental Cognitive and Moral Development. Environmental Education Research, 10(2), 217- 235.
  • MAKKI, M. H. , ABD-EL-KHALIC, F. , & BOUJAOUDE, S. (2003). Lebanese Secondary School Students’ Environmental Knowledge and Attitudes, Environmental Education Research, 9(1), 21- 33.
  • MICHAIL, S. , STAMOU, G. A. , & STAMOU, G. P. (2007). Greek Primary School Teachers’ Understanding of Current Environmental Issues: An Exploration of Their Environmental Knowledge and Images of Nature. Science Education, 91(2), 244–259.
  • MYERS, G. , BOYES, E. , & STANISSTREET, M. (2004). School Students’ Ideas about Air Pollution: Knowledge and Attitudes. Research in Science & Technological Education, 22(2), 133–152.
  • ÖSTERLİND, K. (2005). Concept Formation in Environmental Education: 14- Year Olds’ Work on The İntensified Greenhouse Effect and The Depletion of The Ozone Layer. International Journal of Science Education, 27(8), 891–908.
  • PALMER, J. A. (1993). From Santa Claus to Sustainability: Emergent Understanding of Concepts and Issues in Environmental Science. International Journal of Science Education, 15(5), 487–95.
  • PALMER, J. A. (1995). Environmental Thinking in the Early Years: Understanding and Misunderstanding of Concepts Related To Waste Management. Environmental Education Research, 1(1), 35–45.
  • PAPADIMITRIOU, V. (2004). Prospective Primary Teachers’ Understanding of Climate Change, Greenhouse Effect, and Ozone Layer Depletion. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 13(2), 299–307.
  • PEKEL, F. Ö. (2005). High School Students’ and Trainee Science Teachers’ Perceptions of Ozone Layer Depletion. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 1(7), 12–21.
  • PEKEL, F. Ö. , & ÖZAY, E. (2005). Turkish High School Students’ Perceptions of Ozone Layer Depletion. Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 4, 115–123.
  • PUI-MING YEUNG, S. , BOYES, E. , & STANISSTREET, M. (2004). Air Pollution: The Knowledge and Attitudes of Secondary School Students in Hong Kong. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 13(1), 21–37.
  • RIECHARD, D. & PETERSON, S. (1998). Perception of Environmental Risk Related to Gender, Community Socioeconomic Setting, Age, and Locus of Control. Journal of Environmental Education, 30 (1), 11–19.
  • SORAN, H. , MORGIL, İ. , YÜCEL, S. , ATAV, E. & IŞIK, S. (2000). Biyoloji Öğrencilerinin Çevre Konularına Olan İlgilerinin Araştırılması ve Kimya Öğrencileri ile Karşılaştırılması, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 18, 128–139.
  • ŞAMA, E. (2003). Öğretmen Adaylarının Çevre Sorunlarına Yönelik Tutumları. G. Ü. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 23(2), 99–110.
  • THORNBER, J. , STANISSTREET, M. , & BOYES, E. (1999). School Students’ Ideas about Air Pollution: Hindrance or Help for Learning? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 8(1), 67–73.
  • TOSUNOGLU, C. (1993) A Study on the Dimensions and Determinants of Environmental Attitudes. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Middle East Technical University, Turkey.
  • TUNCER, G. , ERTEPINAR, H. , TEKKAYA, C. & SUNGUR S. (2005). Environmental Attitudes of Young People in Turkey: Effects of School Type and Gender. Environmental Education Research, 11(2), 215–33.
  • TÜRKÜM, S. (1998). Çağdaş Toplumda Çevre Sorunları ve Çevre Bilinci. Çağdaş Yaşam Çağdaş İnsan. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi İlköğretim Öğretmenliği Lisans Tamamlama Programı, 165–181.
  • YILMAZ, A. , MORGIL, İ. , AKTUĞ, P. , & GÖBEKLI, İ. (2002). Ortaöğretim ve Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Çevre, Çevre Kavramları ve Sorunları Konusundaki Bilgileri ve Öneriler, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 22, 156–162.
  • YILMAZ, M. , SİPAHİOĞLU, Ş. , & YILDIZ, K. (2005). Çevre Bilimi. Gündüz Yayınevi, Ankara.
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Emine Darçın This is me

Ayşe Çıbık This is me

Publication Date May 9, 2013
Submission Date January 30, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2009 Issue: 17
