Aıııiıklmıı. J.( (l990) A factor analyticallv derived measure ol coping the coping CV Cd O JC) . O7 2 (:7 U ' » Lı .. C ’ .S 9 l— 'l/ . ); [(]ng ' 1066 6‘3 (l 71111122 '3' 27621222 LIN/i130 iLH I)" İ'ZC ) :. , ( ( V . _ _ * , . . ._ , . .
Ch mg, E. (,. (l9)8). HopL, pıoble—solvıng ability, 211141 copmg ııı & college student popıılaîıoıı: some. implications for theory and practice. Journal of Clinical
Psyıîhoı’og, 54, 953—952. " ' ' ' Cuff)“; Lİ. A., Snyder, C. R... Cook, D. L., Ruby. B. C., Rohm, M.. ( l997l. “Role ol hope ııı acadenııc and spot“ achievement“. Journal (yhani-arıcılığı and Social Psvclw/ogy/ 73 ' 257 126.7. ' ' ' ' ııı “ Zuıillıı, S l., Nem, .A. M. ('l990) Dex elopıııenıî 241142 pı'eliı'ııenzııv evaluation ol A llıaemsocial probır ııı solving; iııveııtoı'”y , P.Syclıologzcal Assemble/12. A ..Tozmıal 13.743012511231125; arıcı Clinical Psychology, 2, 156-163.
D’Zuı'lilııî '2'. J.. Slıeedy, C. F. (2992). “Relation between social pı'obleın—Solvinq eıbılğıy and subsequent level of psychological Stress in college students”?
Journal 0f.”51‘.3‘01‘1(zlz’lyandSocz'al P.13.‘cl'zology, 61, 841—846. V h-ııılieı'. N. S., Parker. (ll. D. A. (2990). "Multidimensioııal Assessment of coping zı filmci" evaluation" . Journal of Personalzl) and Social j’wc‘lzolomz 58' ("; 4-4354 ı . ....» -., ".1 . '. ' '1 ' ‘
(Jan»tlıınp, .l (... Uhlemmm, M R (2992'). “Effects of the pı'oble'ı'n-Solvine approach' ın ethics ıralııimng” Professional Psychology 23 38—42. " , S.., 2304324}, J., Morel}, D. (3006). Relaı'ııfe levels ol' hope an cl’ıhcııı ) . .. _. . ı. ' ılL—laııonşlıırp Wıth .ıcaııenııc 3.4142 psyolıologıcal ınclıcaloi's among 24420253551145. '
Journal o;.îıocıu and Clinical Psychologıf 25 166-278 ' ,, _. . . Hagen, .K. A... Myers, B. J., Mackintosh, V. H. (2005). Hope, soci'ııl sııppoıı and belıavıoı'al problems in zıt—risk children ' American. ' Journal O'”
Mnfaya,l.., AsunrŞelf, K. .K., Schreiber, JİB. (120053}. “Streaks anclcoping
'st'ategies among Zimbabwean adulesccnts’”. Jrz'fish Joz,.z1"rza{~af Educational .P.:;'}»’Cr7?(?/()g}/. 75, 66l —-67l . Needles, D. J .,.Abr21mson, L.Y.(1990). “Positixie life events, aîributional style, and ' .hopc'fulness testing a model of recovery'from' depression? Jozmm/ of
Abnormal Psychology, 9 9, 156—165, New, A. W., Partly}. G. (1989). "Social problein—solxi'ing therapy for unipolar depression an initial dismantling investigation”. JOZIFİ'ZUİ (),/'Cbm'ul/ing and .
“Clinical Psychology, 57, 408-413. Petersen, *S. J. Gerhardt, M.W.,7Rude, J. C. (2006). Hope. learning goals, and task performancefersaımliljv and Individual Difjîarence, 40; lO99——l l ()9.
Snyder, C. R., Cheavens, $., Sympson, S.C. (1997). “Hope an individual motive ibr social commerce”. Group Dyna/7mm: Thea/1v. Research, and Practice, , 107-118”. buydu“, C. R., Harris, C., Andeğâou, J. R., Holleran, S A, IrvinŞ l' M , . ,» ,. . . . ..ı, ı' .
Aıııiıklmıı. J.( (l990) A factor analyticallv derived measure ol coping the coping CV Cd O JC) . O7 2 (:7 U ' » Lı .. C ’ .S 9 l— 'l/ . ); [(]ng ' 1066 6‘3 (l 71111122 '3' 27621222 LIN/i130 iLH I)" İ'ZC ) :. , ( ( V . _ _ * , . . ._ , . .
Ch mg, E. (,. (l9)8). HopL, pıoble—solvıng ability, 211141 copmg ııı & college student popıılaîıoıı: some. implications for theory and practice. Journal of Clinical
Psyıîhoı’og, 54, 953—952. " ' ' ' Cuff)“; Lİ. A., Snyder, C. R... Cook, D. L., Ruby. B. C., Rohm, M.. ( l997l. “Role ol hope ııı acadenııc and spot“ achievement“. Journal (yhani-arıcılığı and Social Psvclw/ogy/ 73 ' 257 126.7. ' ' ' ' ııı “ Zuıillıı, S l., Nem, .A. M. ('l990) Dex elopıııenıî 241142 pı'eliı'ııenzııv evaluation ol A llıaemsocial probır ııı solving; iııveııtoı'”y , P.Syclıologzcal Assemble/12. A ..Tozmıal 13.743012511231125; arıcı Clinical Psychology, 2, 156-163.
D’Zuı'lilııî '2'. J.. Slıeedy, C. F. (2992). “Relation between social pı'obleın—Solvinq eıbılğıy and subsequent level of psychological Stress in college students”?
Journal 0f.”51‘.3‘01‘1(zlz’lyandSocz'al P.13.‘cl'zology, 61, 841—846. V h-ııılieı'. N. S., Parker. (ll. D. A. (2990). "Multidimensioııal Assessment of coping zı filmci" evaluation" . Journal of Personalzl) and Social j’wc‘lzolomz 58' ("; 4-4354 ı . ....» -., ".1 . '. ' '1 ' ‘
(Jan»tlıınp, .l (... Uhlemmm, M R (2992'). “Effects of the pı'oble'ı'n-Solvine approach' ın ethics ıralııimng” Professional Psychology 23 38—42. " , S.., 2304324}, J., Morel}, D. (3006). Relaı'ııfe levels ol' hope an cl’ıhcııı ) . .. _. . ı. ' ılL—laııonşlıırp Wıth .ıcaııenııc 3.4142 psyolıologıcal ınclıcaloi's among 24420253551145. '
Journal o;.îıocıu and Clinical Psychologıf 25 166-278 ' ,, _. . . Hagen, .K. A... Myers, B. J., Mackintosh, V. H. (2005). Hope, soci'ııl sııppoıı and belıavıoı'al problems in zıt—risk children ' American. ' Journal O'”
Mnfaya,l.., AsunrŞelf, K. .K., Schreiber, JİB. (120053}. “Streaks anclcoping
'st'ategies among Zimbabwean adulesccnts’”. Jrz'fish Joz,.z1"rza{~af Educational .P.:;'}»’Cr7?(?/()g}/. 75, 66l —-67l . Needles, D. J .,.Abr21mson, L.Y.(1990). “Positixie life events, aîributional style, and ' .hopc'fulness testing a model of recovery'from' depression? Jozmm/ of
Abnormal Psychology, 9 9, 156—165, New, A. W., Partly}. G. (1989). "Social problein—solxi'ing therapy for unipolar depression an initial dismantling investigation”. JOZIFİ'ZUİ (),/'Cbm'ul/ing and .
“Clinical Psychology, 57, 408-413. Petersen, *S. J. Gerhardt, M.W.,7Rude, J. C. (2006). Hope. learning goals, and task performancefersaımliljv and Individual Difjîarence, 40; lO99——l l ()9.
Snyder, C. R., Cheavens, $., Sympson, S.C. (1997). “Hope an individual motive ibr social commerce”. Group Dyna/7mm: Thea/1v. Research, and Practice, , 107-118”. buydu“, C. R., Harris, C., Andeğâou, J. R., Holleran, S A, IrvinŞ l' M , . ,» ,. . . . ..ı, ı' .