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Year 2006, Issue: 11, 117 - 127, 08.04.2014


  • Aıııiıklmıı. J.( (l990) A factor analyticallv derived measure ol coping the coping CV Cd O JC) . O7 2 (:7 U ' » Lı .. C ’ .S 9 l— 'l/ . ); [(]ng ' 1066 6‘3 (l 71111122 '3' 27621222 LIN/i130 iLH I)" İ'ZC ) :. , ( ( V . _ _ * , . . ._ , . .
  • Ch mg, E. (,. (l9)8). HopL, pıoble—solvıng ability, 211141 copmg ııı & college student popıılaîıoıı: some. implications for theory and practice. Journal of Clinical
  • Psyıîhoı’og, 54, 953—952. " ' ' ' Cuff)“; Lİ. A., Snyder, C. R... Cook, D. L., Ruby. B. C., Rohm, M.. ( l997l. “Role ol hope ııı acadenııc and spot“ achievement“. Journal (yhani-arıcılığı and Social Psvclw/ogy/ 73 ' 257 126.7. ' ' ' ' ııı “ Zuıillıı, S l., Nem, .A. M. ('l990) Dex elopıııenıî 241142 pı'eliı'ııenzııv evaluation ol A llıaemsocial probır ııı solving; iııveııtoı'”y , P.Syclıologzcal Assemble/12. A ..Tozmıal 13.743012511231125; arıcı Clinical Psychology, 2, 156-163.
  • D’Zuı'lilııî '2'. J.. Slıeedy, C. F. (2992). “Relation between social pı'obleın—Solvinq eıbılğıy and subsequent level of psychological Stress in college students”?
  • Journal 0f.”51‘.3‘01‘1(zlz’lyandSocz'al P.13.‘cl'zology, 61, 841—846. V h-ııılieı'. N. S., Parker. (ll. D. A. (2990). "Multidimensioııal Assessment of coping zı filmci" evaluation" . Journal of Personalzl) and Social j’wc‘lzolomz 58' ("; 4-4354 ı . ....» -., ".1 . '. ' '1 ' ‘
  • (Jan»tlıınp, .l (... Uhlemmm, M R (2992'). “Effects of the pı'oble'ı'n-Solvine approach' ın ethics ıralııimng” Professional Psychology 23 38—42. " , S.., 2304324}, J., Morel}, D. (3006). Relaı'ııfe levels ol' hope an cl’ıhcııı ) . .. _. . ı. ' ılL—laııonşlıırp Wıth .ıcaııenııc 3.4142 psyolıologıcal ınclıcaloi's among 24420253551145. '
  • Journal o;.îıocıu and Clinical Psychologıf 25 166-278 ' ,, _. . . Hagen, .K. A... Myers, B. J., Mackintosh, V. H. (2005). Hope, soci'ııl sııppoıı and belıavıoı'al problems in zıt—risk children ' American. ' Journal O'”
  • Mnfaya,l.., AsunrŞelf, K. .K., Schreiber, JİB. (120053}. “Streaks anclcoping
  • 'st'ategies among Zimbabwean adulesccnts’”. Jrz'fish Joz,.z1"rza{~af Educational .P.:;'}»’Cr7?(?/()g}/. 75, 66l —-67l . Needles, D. J .,.Abr21mson, L.Y.(1990). “Positixie life events, aîributional style, and ' .hopc'fulness testing a model of recovery'from' depression? Jozmm/ of
  • Abnormal Psychology, 9 9, 156—165, New, A. W., Partly}. G. (1989). "Social problein—solxi'ing therapy for unipolar depression an initial dismantling investigation”. JOZIFİ'ZUİ (),/'Cbm'ul/ing and .
  • “Clinical Psychology, 57, 408-413. Petersen, *S. J. Gerhardt, M.W.,7Rude, J. C. (2006). Hope. learning goals, and task performancefersaımliljv and Individual Difjîarence, 40; lO99——l l ()9.
  • Snyder, C. R., Cheavens, $., Sympson, S.C. (1997). “Hope an individual motive ibr social commerce”. Group Dyna/7mm: Thea/1v. Research, and Practice, , 107-118”. buydu“, C. R., Harris, C., Andeğâou, J. R., Holleran, S A, IrvinŞ l' M , . ,» ,. . . . ..ı, ı' .
Year 2006, Issue: 11, 117 - 127, 08.04.2014


  • Aıııiıklmıı. J.( (l990) A factor analyticallv derived measure ol coping the coping CV Cd O JC) . O7 2 (:7 U ' » Lı .. C ’ .S 9 l— 'l/ . ); [(]ng ' 1066 6‘3 (l 71111122 '3' 27621222 LIN/i130 iLH I)" İ'ZC ) :. , ( ( V . _ _ * , . . ._ , . .
  • Ch mg, E. (,. (l9)8). HopL, pıoble—solvıng ability, 211141 copmg ııı & college student popıılaîıoıı: some. implications for theory and practice. Journal of Clinical
  • Psyıîhoı’og, 54, 953—952. " ' ' ' Cuff)“; Lİ. A., Snyder, C. R... Cook, D. L., Ruby. B. C., Rohm, M.. ( l997l. “Role ol hope ııı acadenııc and spot“ achievement“. Journal (yhani-arıcılığı and Social Psvclw/ogy/ 73 ' 257 126.7. ' ' ' ' ııı “ Zuıillıı, S l., Nem, .A. M. ('l990) Dex elopıııenıî 241142 pı'eliı'ııenzııv evaluation ol A llıaemsocial probır ııı solving; iııveııtoı'”y , P.Syclıologzcal Assemble/12. A ..Tozmıal 13.743012511231125; arıcı Clinical Psychology, 2, 156-163.
  • D’Zuı'lilııî '2'. J.. Slıeedy, C. F. (2992). “Relation between social pı'obleın—Solvinq eıbılğıy and subsequent level of psychological Stress in college students”?
  • Journal 0f.”51‘.3‘01‘1(zlz’lyandSocz'al P.13.‘cl'zology, 61, 841—846. V h-ııılieı'. N. S., Parker. (ll. D. A. (2990). "Multidimensioııal Assessment of coping zı filmci" evaluation" . Journal of Personalzl) and Social j’wc‘lzolomz 58' ("; 4-4354 ı . ....» -., ".1 . '. ' '1 ' ‘
  • (Jan»tlıınp, .l (... Uhlemmm, M R (2992'). “Effects of the pı'oble'ı'n-Solvine approach' ın ethics ıralııimng” Professional Psychology 23 38—42. " , S.., 2304324}, J., Morel}, D. (3006). Relaı'ııfe levels ol' hope an cl’ıhcııı ) . .. _. . ı. ' ılL—laııonşlıırp Wıth .ıcaııenııc 3.4142 psyolıologıcal ınclıcaloi's among 24420253551145. '
  • Journal o;.îıocıu and Clinical Psychologıf 25 166-278 ' ,, _. . . Hagen, .K. A... Myers, B. J., Mackintosh, V. H. (2005). Hope, soci'ııl sııppoıı and belıavıoı'al problems in zıt—risk children ' American. ' Journal O'”
  • Mnfaya,l.., AsunrŞelf, K. .K., Schreiber, JİB. (120053}. “Streaks anclcoping
  • 'st'ategies among Zimbabwean adulesccnts’”. Jrz'fish Joz,.z1"rza{~af Educational .P.:;'}»’Cr7?(?/()g}/. 75, 66l —-67l . Needles, D. J .,.Abr21mson, L.Y.(1990). “Positixie life events, aîributional style, and ' .hopc'fulness testing a model of recovery'from' depression? Jozmm/ of
  • Abnormal Psychology, 9 9, 156—165, New, A. W., Partly}. G. (1989). "Social problein—solxi'ing therapy for unipolar depression an initial dismantling investigation”. JOZIFİ'ZUİ (),/'Cbm'ul/ing and .
  • “Clinical Psychology, 57, 408-413. Petersen, *S. J. Gerhardt, M.W.,7Rude, J. C. (2006). Hope. learning goals, and task performancefersaımliljv and Individual Difjîarence, 40; lO99——l l ()9.
  • Snyder, C. R., Cheavens, $., Sympson, S.C. (1997). “Hope an individual motive ibr social commerce”. Group Dyna/7mm: Thea/1v. Research, and Practice, , 107-118”. buydu“, C. R., Harris, C., Andeğâou, J. R., Holleran, S A, IrvinŞ l' M , . ,» ,. . . . ..ı, ı' .
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Hikmet Yazıcı This is me

Publication Date April 8, 2014
Submission Date April 8, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2006 Issue: 11
