Research Article
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Year 2004, Issue: 8, 0 - 0, 30.06.2015


Denetim, sistemlerin ve örgütlerin gelişmesi ve daha etkili işlemesi için kaçınılmaz alt sistemler haline gelmiştir. Denetim ilk zamanlarda daha çok teknik boyutlu iken, insan ilişkileri yaklaşımının etkisi ile insancıl boyutun eksikliği öne çıkarak önem kazanmıştır. Bunun sonucunda giderek karmaşıklaşan örgütsel yaşamlarda artık tek boyutlu değil, çok boyutlu denetim sistemleri ile güvenilir bir değerlendirmenin ve etkililiğin sağlanabileceği görülmeye başlanmıştır.

Okul öncesi dönem çocuğun gelişiminin hızlandığı yıllardır. Bu dönemde verilen eğitim çocuğun ileriki yıllarına yön verir. Doğumu izleyen ilk altı yılın insanın hayatındaki en önemli dönemlerden biri olduğu ve bu dönemdeki bakım ve eğitimin bireyin sonraki tüm yaşamını ve çevresiyle ilişkilerini önemli oranda belirlediği kanaati, günümüzde uzmanların büyük bir çoğunlukla kabul ettikleri görüş haline gelmiştir. Bu nedenle çocuğun bu ilk yıllarda beslenmesi ve bakımı kadar sevgi görmesi ne kadar önemli ise, uygun çevre koşulları içerisinde yaşaması ve içinde yaşadığı topluma uyum sağlayabilecek şekilde eğitilmesi de o derece önemlidir. İnsandaki potansiyelin en üst sınırlarına kadar geliştirilebilmesi ve yararlı kılınabilmesi ancak ona erken çocukluk yıllarında sağlanacak zengin uyaranlarla dolu eğitim çevresiyle mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle yaşamın ilk yıllarındaki eğitimin çocuğun içinde bulunduğu fiziksel ve sosyal çevrenin onun gelişiminde çok önemli rolü vardır.

Günümüzde giderek sayıları hızla artan okul öncesi eğitim kurumlarının amaçları doğrultusunda başarıya ulaştırılabilmesi için çevrenin eğitim öğretime uygun bir biçimde düzenlenmesi, eğitim ortamının hazırlanması, eğitimden etkilenenlerle etkileyenlerin amaç birliği içerisinde olmaları gerekir. Sürekli değişen teknolojinin verilerinden sistemi geliştirmede yararlanılabilmesi ve uygulanabilmesi için iyi bir planlama ile etkili ve devamlı denetimi zorunlu kılar.

Bu makalenin amacı, Çok Boyutlu Denetsel Etkililik Modeli'ne göre Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumlarındaki denetsel etkililiğini algılama ve denetsel etkililiği ölçmek üzere Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumları Çok Boyutlu Denetsel Etkililik Modeli Ölçeği (OÇDEM) geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Ölçek iki ayrı bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci ölçek Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumları Çok Boyutlu Denetsel Etkililik Modeli Önem Testi (OÇDEMÖT)'dir. İkinci ölçek Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumları Çok Boyutlu Denetsel EtkililikModeli Uygulama Testi (OÇDEMET)'dir. 


  • ÇAKICI, Latif (1985). Eğitim Yönetiminde Denetleme ve Değerlendirme Sempozyumu (25-26 Nisan 1985. A.Ü.E.B.F. Yay. Yayın No. 147, Ankara.
  • BADİALİ, Bernard J. (2001). Educating Teachers for Leadership and Change. Teacher Education Yearbook-III Thousand Qaks, Corwin Press Ine.
  • CAN, Halil (1992). Organizasyon ve Yönetim. Ankara: Adım Yayıncılık
  • CARR, Letitia Chustz (1990). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions of Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from Educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Mentor Teachers and Peer Coaches. Ed.D. University of Georgia, Disst.Abst.Int., 51, ıo. April 1991.
  • DUKE, Barbara Roberts (1991). Importance of Twelve Dimentions of Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Departmans Chairs. Ed.D. University of Georgia, 1990,235 pp., Disst.Abst.Int., 51, 8, 1991.
  • DUNCAN, Robert B. (1972). Multiple Decision-Making Structures in Adapting to Environmental Uncertainity: The Impact on Organizational Effectiveness. Human Relatios, 26, 3.
  • GUERKE, Mary; LEUZİNGER, Laura (1991). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions of Effective Supervisury Practice Derived from educational Literature as Perceived by Teacher-Leaders and Coaches. Ed.D. University of Georgia, Disst.Abst.Int., 52, 8, 1992.
  • GUN, J.A.; HODAWAY, E.A. (1986). Perceptions of Effectivensss, Influence and Satisfaction of Senior High Schools Principals. Education Administration Quarterly, 22.2.1986.
  • HALL, Patricia Holmes (1992). A Descpiptive Study of the Supervisory Model Used in a Large Metropolitan School System: The Triad Support Teacher Model of Baltimore City, Maryland Ed.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Disst. Abst. Int., 52, 12.
  • HEİTMULLER, Patrica Jo (1991). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions of Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Assistant Principals. Ed.D., University of Georgia, Disst.Abst.Int., 52, 6. December 1991.
  • HENDRIX, William H.; MCNICHOLS, Carles W. (1984). Organizational Effectiveness as a Function of Managerial Style, Situational Environment and Effectiveness Criterion. The Journal of Experimental Education, Spring, 52, 3.
  • HOY, W.K.; FERGUSON, J. (1985). A Theoretical Framework and Exploration of Organizational Effectiveness of Schools. Education Administration Quarterly, Spring, 21,2.
  • HOY, W.K.; MISKEL, G.c. (1987). Educational Administration: Theory. Research and Practice, Third Edition, New York: Random Hause Ine.
  • KARSH, M.Durdu (1994). The Effectiveness ofSupervisory Activities of the First Level of Turkish Elementary Education. Ph.D., Middle East Technical University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • ---------- (1998). Yönetsel Etkililik. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniv. Yay., Yayın No. 6, Bolu.
  • LEEPER, RR (1969). Supervision: Emerging Profession. Washington D.C.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, NEA.
  • McAFEE, Arthur Lewis (1990). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions of Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from Educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Principals. Ed.D., Disst. Abst.Int. 51.8. February 1991.
  • MELVCCI, Rainer William (1990). Adaptive Style and Supervisory Effectiveness: A Survey of High School Supervisors and Teachers. Ed.D., Fordham University, Disst.Abst.Int., 51, ll, May 1991.
  • OKTAY, Ayla (1994). İstanbul'daki Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumları ile ilgili Bir Durum Tespit Çalışması. M.Ü. Eğitim Fak. Dergisi, Sayı: 6, İstanbuL.
  • ---------- (2002). Yaşamın Sihirli Yılları. 4. Baskı, İstanbul: Epsilon Yayınları.
  • OLlVA, Peter F. (1989). Supervision for Todays Schools. NewYork and London: Longman Ine.
  • PAJAK, Edward (1982). Organization Development: Implications for Supervision. Planning and changing, Vol 12,4.
  • ---------- (1990). Identification of Dimensions of Supervisory Practice in Education: Reviewing the Literature. Boston: Annual Meeting of the American Eduational Research Association, 16,20.
  • ---------- (1997). Approachesto Clinical Supervision Alternatives for Improving Instruction. Christopher-Gordon Publishers, Ine. Norwood MA.
  • ---------- (2001). Clinical Supervision in a Standards-Based EnvironmentOpportunities and Challenges. Journal of Teacher Education, 52, 3.
  • PATTERSON, Frederick William (1990). A Study of the Perceptions of Teachers, Principals and Supervisors About the Present Practice and the Ideal Practice of Instructional Supervision in the Public Scholls of Tennessee. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (12).
  • QUIN, R.E.; Rohnbaugh, J. (1983). A Special Model of Effectiveness Criteria Towards a Competing Values Approach to organizational Analysis. Management Science, 26.3. 983.
  • SMITH, Rebecca Grimes (1990). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from Educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Distirict-Level Supervisors. Ed.D., University of Georgia.
  • STEERS, R.M. (1977). Problems in the Measurrnent of Organizational Effectiveness, Administrative. Science Quarterly, Vol. 20.
  • TOSTENSON, Hannah de Soto (1991). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions of Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from Educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Superintendents. Ed.D. University of Georgia, Disst.Abst.Int., 52, 6, December 1991.
  • Şubat 2003


Year 2004, Issue: 8, 0 - 0, 30.06.2015


Supervision becomes a group of sub-systems for the development and effective operation of the systems and institutions.Previously, supervision was made in technical dimensions but afterwards, by the effect of human relations approach, humanity dimension gains importance.As, the organizations become more complex, instead of single-dimensional, mu1ti-dimensional supervision systems are being used because it's seen that multidimensional systems maintain a reliable and effective evaluation. 'Early childhood ages are the years when a child's development is faster.The education which is given to a child in this period heavily affects his\her coming years.Most of todays specialists say that, first six years of a human being is one of the most important periods in his\her life, and education and care in this period determine the relations with the environment and affect his\her whole life.Because of this, living in proper environment conditions and being educated adoptable to the society are as important as the nutrition and care of a baby in his\her first years.The development of the potential of a human being up do its upper limits is only possible by maintaining an enriched education environment to him\her in the Early childhood years.Because of this, the early childhood education and the physical & social environment have great importance in a child's development. Today, the number of preschool education institutions are increasing day by day.In order for them to be successful acoording to theirpurposes; 

  • they have to prepare theproper education facilities,
  • the environment shouldbe prepared suitablyfor the education
  • and, the ones affeeting the edueation and the ones affeeted from the edueation should have the same purpose

A good planning, and effeetive and eontinuing supervision is guite important in order to develop the systems and applieations, by using the tehenology.

The purpose of this artiele is developing a "measure of multidimensional supervision effeetiveness model in the presehool edueation institutions", in order to measure the supervisory effeetiveness in the presehool edueation institutions, according to the Multidimensional Supervisory Effeetiveness ModeL.The measure has two parts.

First one is the "Presehool Edueation Institutions MultiDimensional Supervisory Effeetiveness Model Importanee Test" and the second one is the "Presehool Edueation Institutions MultiDimensional Supervisory Effeetiveness Model Applieation Test"


  • ÇAKICI, Latif (1985). Eğitim Yönetiminde Denetleme ve Değerlendirme Sempozyumu (25-26 Nisan 1985. A.Ü.E.B.F. Yay. Yayın No. 147, Ankara.
  • BADİALİ, Bernard J. (2001). Educating Teachers for Leadership and Change. Teacher Education Yearbook-III Thousand Qaks, Corwin Press Ine.
  • CAN, Halil (1992). Organizasyon ve Yönetim. Ankara: Adım Yayıncılık
  • CARR, Letitia Chustz (1990). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions of Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from Educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Mentor Teachers and Peer Coaches. Ed.D. University of Georgia, Disst.Abst.Int., 51, ıo. April 1991.
  • DUKE, Barbara Roberts (1991). Importance of Twelve Dimentions of Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Departmans Chairs. Ed.D. University of Georgia, 1990,235 pp., Disst.Abst.Int., 51, 8, 1991.
  • DUNCAN, Robert B. (1972). Multiple Decision-Making Structures in Adapting to Environmental Uncertainity: The Impact on Organizational Effectiveness. Human Relatios, 26, 3.
  • GUERKE, Mary; LEUZİNGER, Laura (1991). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions of Effective Supervisury Practice Derived from educational Literature as Perceived by Teacher-Leaders and Coaches. Ed.D. University of Georgia, Disst.Abst.Int., 52, 8, 1992.
  • GUN, J.A.; HODAWAY, E.A. (1986). Perceptions of Effectivensss, Influence and Satisfaction of Senior High Schools Principals. Education Administration Quarterly, 22.2.1986.
  • HALL, Patricia Holmes (1992). A Descpiptive Study of the Supervisory Model Used in a Large Metropolitan School System: The Triad Support Teacher Model of Baltimore City, Maryland Ed.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Disst. Abst. Int., 52, 12.
  • HEİTMULLER, Patrica Jo (1991). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions of Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Assistant Principals. Ed.D., University of Georgia, Disst.Abst.Int., 52, 6. December 1991.
  • HENDRIX, William H.; MCNICHOLS, Carles W. (1984). Organizational Effectiveness as a Function of Managerial Style, Situational Environment and Effectiveness Criterion. The Journal of Experimental Education, Spring, 52, 3.
  • HOY, W.K.; FERGUSON, J. (1985). A Theoretical Framework and Exploration of Organizational Effectiveness of Schools. Education Administration Quarterly, Spring, 21,2.
  • HOY, W.K.; MISKEL, G.c. (1987). Educational Administration: Theory. Research and Practice, Third Edition, New York: Random Hause Ine.
  • KARSH, M.Durdu (1994). The Effectiveness ofSupervisory Activities of the First Level of Turkish Elementary Education. Ph.D., Middle East Technical University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • ---------- (1998). Yönetsel Etkililik. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniv. Yay., Yayın No. 6, Bolu.
  • LEEPER, RR (1969). Supervision: Emerging Profession. Washington D.C.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, NEA.
  • McAFEE, Arthur Lewis (1990). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions of Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from Educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Principals. Ed.D., Disst. Abst.Int. 51.8. February 1991.
  • MELVCCI, Rainer William (1990). Adaptive Style and Supervisory Effectiveness: A Survey of High School Supervisors and Teachers. Ed.D., Fordham University, Disst.Abst.Int., 51, ll, May 1991.
  • OKTAY, Ayla (1994). İstanbul'daki Okul Öncesi Eğitim Kurumları ile ilgili Bir Durum Tespit Çalışması. M.Ü. Eğitim Fak. Dergisi, Sayı: 6, İstanbuL.
  • ---------- (2002). Yaşamın Sihirli Yılları. 4. Baskı, İstanbul: Epsilon Yayınları.
  • OLlVA, Peter F. (1989). Supervision for Todays Schools. NewYork and London: Longman Ine.
  • PAJAK, Edward (1982). Organization Development: Implications for Supervision. Planning and changing, Vol 12,4.
  • ---------- (1990). Identification of Dimensions of Supervisory Practice in Education: Reviewing the Literature. Boston: Annual Meeting of the American Eduational Research Association, 16,20.
  • ---------- (1997). Approachesto Clinical Supervision Alternatives for Improving Instruction. Christopher-Gordon Publishers, Ine. Norwood MA.
  • ---------- (2001). Clinical Supervision in a Standards-Based EnvironmentOpportunities and Challenges. Journal of Teacher Education, 52, 3.
  • PATTERSON, Frederick William (1990). A Study of the Perceptions of Teachers, Principals and Supervisors About the Present Practice and the Ideal Practice of Instructional Supervision in the Public Scholls of Tennessee. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52 (12).
  • QUIN, R.E.; Rohnbaugh, J. (1983). A Special Model of Effectiveness Criteria Towards a Competing Values Approach to organizational Analysis. Management Science, 26.3. 983.
  • SMITH, Rebecca Grimes (1990). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from Educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Distirict-Level Supervisors. Ed.D., University of Georgia.
  • STEERS, R.M. (1977). Problems in the Measurrnent of Organizational Effectiveness, Administrative. Science Quarterly, Vol. 20.
  • TOSTENSON, Hannah de Soto (1991). The Importance of Twelve Dimensions of Effective Supervisory Practice Derived from Educational Literature as Perceived by Selected Superintendents. Ed.D. University of Georgia, Disst.Abst.Int., 52, 6, December 1991.
  • Şubat 2003
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Turan Çakır

Publication Date June 30, 2015
Submission Date October 12, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2004 Issue: 8
