The book titled “Diaries of Sociology” was penned by Dr. Necdet Subaşı and published under the authority of Mahya Press in 2018. Its first edition was published in 2018 and it consists of 41 different articles that have been scripted through the years by Subaşı. In other words, all of the articles placed in this book were presented as collected works. Basically, it is seen that the author evaluates certain issues that societies, face at our present. The articles were written between 2007-2017, and they discuss several issues concerning the concept of family, the nature of religious groups, the relationship between politics and religion, and figures of the religious leader. As the author played a significant role as a moderator during the workshops about Alevi Studies, his writings, on these topics, are very valuable. Having written that religion and language have an influence on the formation of identity as much as each other, Subaşı underlined the importance and role of religion and language in the protection of their Turkish identity for those Turks who lived in a “diaspora”. In this book, he also makes some assertations regarding the position of the role of religion in Turkish modernization in the manner of religion and politics. Additionally, in the last chapter of his book, the exploitation of faith by a terrorist organization during the coup attempt in 2016 is mentioned. Then the weakness of the men working under the service of Religious affairs or departments of Theology who are supposed to sense the danger earlier and warn society was highlighted. Thus, it is necessary to remind at this point that a genuine work of Necdet Subaşı titled "Sosyoloji Günlükleri" contributed academic environment primarily related to the field of Sociology of Religion as it reveals the relations between religion and society in the sense of a sociological perspective.