Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 21 Issue: 39, 1 - 27, 15.06.2019


İngiltere'de ilk ve ortaöğretim okullarında okutulan zorunlu derslerden biri olan din eğitimi, muafiyet hakkı da olan bir derstir. İsteyen aileler herhangi bir sebep sunmaksızın çocuklarını din eğitimi dersinin tamamından ya da bir kısmından muaf tutabilmektedirler. Ancak bu muafiyet hakkı son dönemlerde tartışılır hale gelmiştir. Ülkemizde de tartışmalı konulardan olan muafiyet hakkının, farklı ülkelerde hangi açılardan tartışıldığını görebilmek için bu makalede İngiltere'deki ilgili tartışmalar ele alınıp değerlendirilecektir. Bu amaçla İngiltere’de son dönemde muafiyet hak-kının kaldırılmasını talep edenlerin beyanları, bu konudaki haberler ve din eğitimi hakkında yazılan raporlar incelenmiştir. Yapılan araştırma göstermektedir ki kimi gruplar muafiyet hakkının hemen kaldırılmasını isterken, bir kısmı ise bazı reformların ardından muafiyet hakkının kaldırılmasını istemektedirler. Ancak istenen reformların nasıl ve hangi doğrultuda olacağı konusunda herhangi bir mutabakat bulunmamaktadır. Bunun yanında, İngiltere din eğitimi hakkında son yıllarda ya-zılan en kapsamlı rapor olan Din Eğitimi Komisyonu raporu muafiyet hakkının korunmasını talep etmiştir. Makale İngiltere'deki muafiyet hakkı tartışmalarının bağlamını ve muafiyet hakkını kaldırmanın pratik, politik ve insan hakları bağlamında mümkün olup olmadığını inceleyerek son bulmaktadır.


  • Adams, Richard. “Senior Ofsted Official Backs Headteacher over Hijab Ban for Under Eights”. Erişim: 28.02.2019 feb/01/ofsted-chief-backs-headteacher-over-hijab-ban-for-under-eights.
  • Arthur, James - Holdsworth, Michael. “The European Court of Human Rights, Secular Education and Public Schooling”. British Journal of Educational Studies 60/2 (2012): 129-149.
  • BBC. “National Association of Head Teachers joins TUC”. Erişim: 20.02.2019
  • Bertini, I.M. Freedom of Religion and State Neutrality in the Educaitonal Environment: A Path through the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. Doktora Tezi, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2014.
  • Bingham, John. “Sunday Schools and Bell Ringing Groups Could Face ‘Radicalisation’ Inspections”. Erişim: 28.02.2019 12046557/Sunday-schools-and-bell-ringing-groups-could-face-radicalisation-inspections.html.
  • British Humanist Association. “Our Education Policy”. Erişim: 10.10.2018
  • British Humanist Association. “Religion in Schools: A Guide for Non-Religious Parents and Young People in England and Wales”. Erişim: 06.11.2018
  • Chadwick, Priscilla. Shifting Alliances: Church and State in English Education. London: Cassell, 1997.
  • Clarke, Charles - Woodhead, Linda. “A New Settlement Revised: Religion and Belief in Schools”. Erişim: 28.11.2018 2018/07/Clarke-Woodhead-A-New-Settlement-Revised.pdf.
  • Clarke, Charles - Woodhead, Linda. “A New Settlement: Religion and Belief in Schools”. Erişim: 26.11.2018 2015/06/A-New-Settlement-for-Religion-and-Belief-in-schools.pdf.
  • Clarke, Peter. Report into allegations concerning Birmingham schools arising from the ‘Trojan Horse’ letter. London: The Stationery Office, 2014.
  • Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life. Living with Difference: Community, Diversity and the Common Good. Cambridge: The Woolf Institute, 2015.
  • Commission on Religious Education. “Interim Report: Religious Education for All”. Erişim: 03.11.2018 2017/09/Commission-on-Religious-Education-Interim-Report-2017.pdf.
  • Commission on Religious Education. “Religion and Worldviews: The Way Forward A National Plan for RE”. Erişim: 26.11.2018 wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Final-Report-of-the-Commission-on-RE.pdf.
  • Cooling, Trevor. “Commission on Religious Education”. Erişim: 21.02.2019 2016.
  • Cumper, Peter. “Religious Education in Europe in the Twenty-First Century”. Law, Religious Freedoms and Education in Europe. Ed. M. Hunter-Henin. 207-227. Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.
  • Cush, Denise. “Policy and Implementation: Local, Regional, National, International, Global”. British Journal of Religious Education 38/3 (2016): 224-228.
  • DCSF. Religious Education in English Schools: Non-Statutory Guidance 2010. Nottingham: Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2010.
  • DfE. “Promoting Fundemental British Values as part of SMSC in Schools: Depertmental Advice for Maintained Schools”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • Dinham, Adam - Shaw, Martha. “RE for REal: The Future of Teaching and Learning about Religion and Belief”. Erişim: 31.10.2018 documents-by-section/departments/research-centres-and-units/research-units/faiths-and-civil-society/REforREal-web-b.pdf.
  • ECtHR. “Case Of Folgerø And Others v. Norway (Application no. 15472/02)”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • ECtHR. “Case of Hasan and Eylem Zengin v. Turkey (Application no. 1448/04)”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • ECtHR. “Case of Mansur Yalçın and Others v. Turkey (Application no. 21163/11)”. Erişim: 26.11.2018 aspx?i=003-4868983-5948734.
  • Espinoza, Javier. “Head Teachers Argue Parents Should Be Stripped of Right to Take Children Out of Religious Education”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • Evans, Carolyn. “Religious Education in Public Schools: An International Human Rights Perspective”. Human Rights Law Review 8/3 (2008): 449-473.
  • Guest, Mathew - Olson, Elizabeth - Wolffe, John. “Christianity: Loss of Monopoly”. Religion and Change in Modern Britain. Ed. Linda Woodhead - Rebecca Catto. 57-78. Abingdon: Routledge, 2012.
  • Hannafin, Sarah. “Children Shouldn’t Be Able to Skip RE”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • Hendek, Abdurrahman. A Comparative Study of Religious Education Policy in Turkey and England. Doktora Tezi, University of Oxford, 2018.
  • HM Government. “Revised Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales”. Erişim: 10.11.2018 system/uploads/attachment_data/file/445977/3799_Revised_Prevent_Duty_Guidance__England_Wales_V2-Interactive.pdf.
  • Holloway, Derek. “Not just an optional extra –RE that prepares children for life in the 21st Century”. Erişim: 05.11.2018
  • Hull, John Martin. “Editorial: Religious Education and the National Curriculum”. British Journal of Religious Education 18/3 (1996): 130-132.
  • Jackson, Robert. “Religious Education in England: The Story to 2013”. Pedagogiek 33/2 (2013): 119-135.
  • Kaymakcan, Recep. Günümüz İngiltere'sinde Din Eğitimi. İstanbul: DEM, 2004.
  • Long, Robert. “Religious Education in Schools (England)”. Erişim: 31.10.2018
  • Long, Robert - Bolton, Paul. “Faith Schools in England: FAQs”. Erişim: 25.02.2019
  • Louden, Lois M. R. “The Conscience Clause in Religious Education and Collective Worship: Conscientious Objection or Curriculum Choice?”. British Journal of Religious Education 26/3 (2004): 273-284.
  • Lundie, David. “Religious Education and the Right of Withdrawal”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • Mabud, Shaikh Abdul. “A Muslim Response to the Education Reform Act 1998”. British Journal of Religious Education 14/2 (1992): 74-98.
  • Mawhinney, Alison v.dğr. Opting Out of Religious Education: The Views of Young People from Minority Belief Backgrounds Belfast: Queen’s University Belfast, 2010.
  • Moballeghi, Nargess. “The Prevent Strategy: From Violent International Terrorism to Local Religious Conservatism”. Erişim: 11.10.2018
  • Muslim Council of Britain. Towards Greater Understanding: Meeting the Needs of Muslim Pupils in State Schools. London: Muslim Council of Britain, 2007.
  • National Association of Head Teachers. “Parents Should Not Have the Right to Remove Children from Religious Education, Say School Leaders”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • National Association of Head Teachers. “School Leaders Respond to Recommended Changes to Religious Education”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • National Association of Teachers of Religious Education. “Extended NATRE Response to the Commission Report”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • National Association of Teachers of Religious Education - National Association of Head Teachers. “Guidance: Dealing with Withdrawal from RE”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • National Secular Society. “Pupils Should Have the Same Entitlement to Religion and Belief Education - NSS tells RE Commission”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • National Secular Society. “Religious Education”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • National Secular Society. “Religious Education Must be Reformed before Ending Parental Opt-out”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • Office for National Statistics. “Religion in England and Wales 2011”. Erişim: 25.02.2019
  • Ofsted. Religious Education: Realising the Potential. Manchester: Ofsted, 2013.
  • Parliament, U.K. School Standards and Framework Act 1998 Chapter 31. London: The Stationery Office, 1998.
  • Relaño, Eugenia. “Educational Pluralism and Freedom of Religion: Recent Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights”. British Journal of Religious Education 32/1 (2010): 19-29.
  • Religious Education Council of England and Wales. “Our Members”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • Religious Education Council of England and Wales. “REC Reaction to the Government Response to the Commission on RE”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • Richardson, James T. “Update on Jehovah’s Witness cases before the European Court of Human Rights: implications of a surprising partnership”. Religion, State and Society 45/3-4 (2017): 232-248.
  • Richardson, Norman v.dğr. “Opting Out or Opting In? Conscience Clauses, Minority Belief Communities and the Possibility of Inclusive Religious Education in Northern Ireland”.
  • British Journal of Religious Education 35/3 (2013): 236-250.
  • Smalley, Paul. “Withdrawal from RE and Collective Worship in one English LA”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • Smart, Ninian. “What is truth in RE?”. Learning for Living 10/1 (1970): 13-15.
  • Thomson, Abdallah. “What the Tory Government Calls “Integration” is Muslim Disintegration”. Erişim: 28.02.2019
  • U.K. Parliament. Education Reform Act 1988 Chapter 40. London: The Stationery Office, 1988.
  • U.K. Parliament. Elementary Education Act 1870 Chapter 75. London: The Stationery Office, 1870.
  • Watson, Brenda. “Secularism, Schools and Religious Education”. Inspiring Faith in Schools: Studies in Religious Education. Ed. M. C. Felderhof - P. Thompson - D. Torevell. 3-15. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.
  • Whittaker, Freddie. “Heads Back CofE Call to Ban Parents Withdrawing Children from RE”. Erişim: 06.11.2018
  • Zaki, Yaqub. “The Teaching of Islam in Schools: A Muslim Viewpoint”. British Journal of Religious Education 5/1 (1982): 33-38.

Debates Over Right to Withdraw from Religious Education in England

Year 2019, Volume: 21 Issue: 39, 1 - 27, 15.06.2019


Religious education which is among mandatory subjects in primary and secondary schools in England has also the right of withdrawal. Parents can withdraw their children from religious education wholly or partially without giving a reason. However, this right has recently become a matter of debate. As the right of withdrawal is a contentious issue in Turkey, the article explores the debates in England to see how these debates are taken place in other countries. Reports and news about these debates and recent reports on religious education were analysed. It is found that although some demand the removal immediately, the majority expects some reforms in religious education before the removal. However, there is no consensus on how and to what end religious education should be reformed. Moreover, Religious Education Commission report which is the most extensive report on religious education in recent years opted for the preservation of the right of withdrawal. The article considers the context within which these debates occur in England and whether it is possible to abolish the right of withdrawal from practical, political and human rights' point of view.


  • Adams, Richard. “Senior Ofsted Official Backs Headteacher over Hijab Ban for Under Eights”. Erişim: 28.02.2019 feb/01/ofsted-chief-backs-headteacher-over-hijab-ban-for-under-eights.
  • Arthur, James - Holdsworth, Michael. “The European Court of Human Rights, Secular Education and Public Schooling”. British Journal of Educational Studies 60/2 (2012): 129-149.
  • BBC. “National Association of Head Teachers joins TUC”. Erişim: 20.02.2019
  • Bertini, I.M. Freedom of Religion and State Neutrality in the Educaitonal Environment: A Path through the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. Doktora Tezi, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2014.
  • Bingham, John. “Sunday Schools and Bell Ringing Groups Could Face ‘Radicalisation’ Inspections”. Erişim: 28.02.2019 12046557/Sunday-schools-and-bell-ringing-groups-could-face-radicalisation-inspections.html.
  • British Humanist Association. “Our Education Policy”. Erişim: 10.10.2018
  • British Humanist Association. “Religion in Schools: A Guide for Non-Religious Parents and Young People in England and Wales”. Erişim: 06.11.2018
  • Chadwick, Priscilla. Shifting Alliances: Church and State in English Education. London: Cassell, 1997.
  • Clarke, Charles - Woodhead, Linda. “A New Settlement Revised: Religion and Belief in Schools”. Erişim: 28.11.2018 2018/07/Clarke-Woodhead-A-New-Settlement-Revised.pdf.
  • Clarke, Charles - Woodhead, Linda. “A New Settlement: Religion and Belief in Schools”. Erişim: 26.11.2018 2015/06/A-New-Settlement-for-Religion-and-Belief-in-schools.pdf.
  • Clarke, Peter. Report into allegations concerning Birmingham schools arising from the ‘Trojan Horse’ letter. London: The Stationery Office, 2014.
  • Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life. Living with Difference: Community, Diversity and the Common Good. Cambridge: The Woolf Institute, 2015.
  • Commission on Religious Education. “Interim Report: Religious Education for All”. Erişim: 03.11.2018 2017/09/Commission-on-Religious-Education-Interim-Report-2017.pdf.
  • Commission on Religious Education. “Religion and Worldviews: The Way Forward A National Plan for RE”. Erişim: 26.11.2018 wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Final-Report-of-the-Commission-on-RE.pdf.
  • Cooling, Trevor. “Commission on Religious Education”. Erişim: 21.02.2019 2016.
  • Cumper, Peter. “Religious Education in Europe in the Twenty-First Century”. Law, Religious Freedoms and Education in Europe. Ed. M. Hunter-Henin. 207-227. Farnham: Ashgate, 2011.
  • Cush, Denise. “Policy and Implementation: Local, Regional, National, International, Global”. British Journal of Religious Education 38/3 (2016): 224-228.
  • DCSF. Religious Education in English Schools: Non-Statutory Guidance 2010. Nottingham: Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2010.
  • DfE. “Promoting Fundemental British Values as part of SMSC in Schools: Depertmental Advice for Maintained Schools”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • Dinham, Adam - Shaw, Martha. “RE for REal: The Future of Teaching and Learning about Religion and Belief”. Erişim: 31.10.2018 documents-by-section/departments/research-centres-and-units/research-units/faiths-and-civil-society/REforREal-web-b.pdf.
  • ECtHR. “Case Of Folgerø And Others v. Norway (Application no. 15472/02)”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • ECtHR. “Case of Hasan and Eylem Zengin v. Turkey (Application no. 1448/04)”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • ECtHR. “Case of Mansur Yalçın and Others v. Turkey (Application no. 21163/11)”. Erişim: 26.11.2018 aspx?i=003-4868983-5948734.
  • Espinoza, Javier. “Head Teachers Argue Parents Should Be Stripped of Right to Take Children Out of Religious Education”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • Evans, Carolyn. “Religious Education in Public Schools: An International Human Rights Perspective”. Human Rights Law Review 8/3 (2008): 449-473.
  • Guest, Mathew - Olson, Elizabeth - Wolffe, John. “Christianity: Loss of Monopoly”. Religion and Change in Modern Britain. Ed. Linda Woodhead - Rebecca Catto. 57-78. Abingdon: Routledge, 2012.
  • Hannafin, Sarah. “Children Shouldn’t Be Able to Skip RE”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • Hendek, Abdurrahman. A Comparative Study of Religious Education Policy in Turkey and England. Doktora Tezi, University of Oxford, 2018.
  • HM Government. “Revised Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales”. Erişim: 10.11.2018 system/uploads/attachment_data/file/445977/3799_Revised_Prevent_Duty_Guidance__England_Wales_V2-Interactive.pdf.
  • Holloway, Derek. “Not just an optional extra –RE that prepares children for life in the 21st Century”. Erişim: 05.11.2018
  • Hull, John Martin. “Editorial: Religious Education and the National Curriculum”. British Journal of Religious Education 18/3 (1996): 130-132.
  • Jackson, Robert. “Religious Education in England: The Story to 2013”. Pedagogiek 33/2 (2013): 119-135.
  • Kaymakcan, Recep. Günümüz İngiltere'sinde Din Eğitimi. İstanbul: DEM, 2004.
  • Long, Robert. “Religious Education in Schools (England)”. Erişim: 31.10.2018
  • Long, Robert - Bolton, Paul. “Faith Schools in England: FAQs”. Erişim: 25.02.2019
  • Louden, Lois M. R. “The Conscience Clause in Religious Education and Collective Worship: Conscientious Objection or Curriculum Choice?”. British Journal of Religious Education 26/3 (2004): 273-284.
  • Lundie, David. “Religious Education and the Right of Withdrawal”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • Mabud, Shaikh Abdul. “A Muslim Response to the Education Reform Act 1998”. British Journal of Religious Education 14/2 (1992): 74-98.
  • Mawhinney, Alison v.dğr. Opting Out of Religious Education: The Views of Young People from Minority Belief Backgrounds Belfast: Queen’s University Belfast, 2010.
  • Moballeghi, Nargess. “The Prevent Strategy: From Violent International Terrorism to Local Religious Conservatism”. Erişim: 11.10.2018
  • Muslim Council of Britain. Towards Greater Understanding: Meeting the Needs of Muslim Pupils in State Schools. London: Muslim Council of Britain, 2007.
  • National Association of Head Teachers. “Parents Should Not Have the Right to Remove Children from Religious Education, Say School Leaders”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • National Association of Head Teachers. “School Leaders Respond to Recommended Changes to Religious Education”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • National Association of Teachers of Religious Education. “Extended NATRE Response to the Commission Report”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • National Association of Teachers of Religious Education - National Association of Head Teachers. “Guidance: Dealing with Withdrawal from RE”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • National Secular Society. “Pupils Should Have the Same Entitlement to Religion and Belief Education - NSS tells RE Commission”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • National Secular Society. “Religious Education”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • National Secular Society. “Religious Education Must be Reformed before Ending Parental Opt-out”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • Office for National Statistics. “Religion in England and Wales 2011”. Erişim: 25.02.2019
  • Ofsted. Religious Education: Realising the Potential. Manchester: Ofsted, 2013.
  • Parliament, U.K. School Standards and Framework Act 1998 Chapter 31. London: The Stationery Office, 1998.
  • Relaño, Eugenia. “Educational Pluralism and Freedom of Religion: Recent Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights”. British Journal of Religious Education 32/1 (2010): 19-29.
  • Religious Education Council of England and Wales. “Our Members”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • Religious Education Council of England and Wales. “REC Reaction to the Government Response to the Commission on RE”. Erişim: 21.02.2019
  • Richardson, James T. “Update on Jehovah’s Witness cases before the European Court of Human Rights: implications of a surprising partnership”. Religion, State and Society 45/3-4 (2017): 232-248.
  • Richardson, Norman v.dğr. “Opting Out or Opting In? Conscience Clauses, Minority Belief Communities and the Possibility of Inclusive Religious Education in Northern Ireland”.
  • British Journal of Religious Education 35/3 (2013): 236-250.
  • Smalley, Paul. “Withdrawal from RE and Collective Worship in one English LA”. Erişim: 26.11.2018
  • Smart, Ninian. “What is truth in RE?”. Learning for Living 10/1 (1970): 13-15.
  • Thomson, Abdallah. “What the Tory Government Calls “Integration” is Muslim Disintegration”. Erişim: 28.02.2019
  • U.K. Parliament. Education Reform Act 1988 Chapter 40. London: The Stationery Office, 1988.
  • U.K. Parliament. Elementary Education Act 1870 Chapter 75. London: The Stationery Office, 1870.
  • Watson, Brenda. “Secularism, Schools and Religious Education”. Inspiring Faith in Schools: Studies in Religious Education. Ed. M. C. Felderhof - P. Thompson - D. Torevell. 3-15. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.
  • Whittaker, Freddie. “Heads Back CofE Call to Ban Parents Withdrawing Children from RE”. Erişim: 06.11.2018
  • Zaki, Yaqub. “The Teaching of Islam in Schools: A Muslim Viewpoint”. British Journal of Religious Education 5/1 (1982): 33-38.
There are 65 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Abdurrahman Hendek 0000-0003-2832-3445

Publication Date June 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 21 Issue: 39


ISNAD Hendek, Abdurrahman. “İNGİLTERE’DE DİN EĞİTİMİNDEN MUAFİYET TARTIŞMALARI”. Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 21/39 (June 2019), 1-27.

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